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以北京站区至北京南站区段铁路环境噪声为例进行测试分析。测量结果表明,鸣笛噪声对环境污染最为突出,比列车在高速(90km/h)运行所产生噪声还高10dBA。而警告性鸣笛每天总次数为495次,占总鸣笛的60%,使噪声值增加9.5 ̄16dBA。采取城市市区铁路封闭措施,既可降低鸣笛噪声9.5 ̄16dBA,又可方便和保障居民安全,对我国高速化铁路建设是十分必要的。  相似文献   

钟振茂 《安装》2023,(3):62-65
很多燃气电站建设在城市区域或城市周边,离噪声敏感区域较近,排放的噪声对周边环境的影响较大。本文以某新建城市燃气电站的噪声治理为例,分析了各区域噪声源情况,通过噪声预测和噪声治理措施,使各厂界昼夜间噪声均达标,可为类似城市燃气电站噪声治理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

降低铁路噪声措施的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国铁路客货列车提速后,铁路噪声问题将会日趋严重,根据铁路的提速现状,结合国外尤其是日本铁路的先进经验,针对不同声源对声源分离测量技术,声源防治措施,声屏障及其设计以及受声点-住宅的隔声降噪工程方法做较详细的评述。  相似文献   

货运调车场减速顶噪声及治理的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铁路货物运输枢纽的调车场中,驼峰调车是主要的调车手段,为提高生产效率和确保安全,沿驼峰下滑道布置的减速器(减速闸,减速顶)的噪声是调车场噪声的主要声源之一,本文通过对昆明东站铁路降噪工程的观测试验项目,探讨了减速顶噪声的特性及治理措施。  相似文献   

一、引言噪声是一种环境污染源,有害于人类的健康,在近几十年来随着工业和交通运输发展,整治噪声污染源越来越具有重要意义。据有关资料报道在城市中噪声强度每年都在增加,其中大城市中增加量均在周B以上,目前世界上有ZI%地区和30%居民受到超过正常要求的噪声作用(也就是在60dB以上)按照有关专家预测:如不采取有效措施,那末到2010年将有28%地区和40%居民受到超过60dB以上噪声影响。限制噪声可以采取从两方面着手,一方面直接在噪声源进行消声,另一方面在城市建设方案上需考虑防噪声措施。从城市建设上考虑防噪声措施主要是…  相似文献   

列车噪声及其控制   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
铁路列车沿轨道运行形成流动噪声源。列车噪声可分为车内噪声和车外噪声;车内噪声对旅客和司乘人员形成干扰,列车向外界辐射噪声是影响城市市区和铁路沿线居民聚集区环境声质量的重要因素之一。这种影响和干扰的程度取决于当地线路每昼夜列车通过次数、列车运行速度、列车类型及其牵引吨位、线路等  相似文献   

浅谈区域噪声质量评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一、前言环境影响评价的概念首先由美国于1969年提出,随后瑞典,澳大利亚,法国,新西兰,加拿大等国陆续推行,环境影响评价内容包括:大气、地面水,地下水,土壤,噪声,振动,恶臭,电波干扰,生态以及人群健康等,其中噪声评价是个不可缺少的内容之一,区域噪声评价是内容较广泛的噪声评价,其中包括工厂装置噪声,交通噪声,建筑施工噪声,社会生活噪声等,其中交通噪声又可分为道路交通噪声,铁路噪声,飞机噪声,另外还有正常,非正常的放空噪声。就对环境影响而言,长期的,持久性的和短期的,突发性的噪声,本区域噪声主要为工厂…  相似文献   

高速化列车的轮轨噪声研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
列车速度是影响轮轨噪声大小的主要因素之一,由于轮轨噪声对车速的信赖性,其声级将随着列车不断高速化会愈来愈大,目前已有许多文献对轮机轨噪声进行研究并提出一些措施,然而对于轮轨噪声,由车轮振动产生的辐射噪声是主要的,还是由钢轨辐射是主要的等,还有一些不明的地方,目前提出的降噪措施很多,然而采取何种措施对降低轮轨噪声更有利,更具有“实用性”和“经济性”也不十分清楚,本文通过轮轨噪声的理论分析和实验数据分  相似文献   

铁路噪声预测模型的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从基本概念出发推导铁路噪声影响预测模型,简化了预测工作量,拓展了比例预测法的应用范围。  相似文献   

长春市道路交通噪声污染现状及其控制对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前言道路交通噪声系指机动车辆在交通干线上运行时所发出的噪声,由于道路交通噪声强度高,影响范围广,已成为城市中主要的噪声源。也是噪声控制中难度最大的,要想使城市道路交通噪声得到有效控制,必须以城市的合理规划建设和交通管理为主,以噪声防治措施为辅。一、长春市城区道路交通状况概述长春市是吉林省的经济、交通、科技和文化中心。京哈铁路在此穿越。市区南高北低,交通以人民广场为中心呈圆形状,向四面八方辐射。大部分道路为棋盘型,部分为放射型,个别为弯曲、坡度大、斜横交错而狭窄的街道,这部分街道主要位于老城区。对…  相似文献   

W. C. Ng  K. L. Mak  M. K. Li 《工程优选》2013,45(11):1039-1054
In a land-scarce container terminal, congestions in the terminal yard due to highly concentrated workload often lead to unsatisfactory terminal productivity. Currently, yard planners use their experience to design a yard template for determining the storage locations of export containers to be loaded onto vessels deployed to services with a cyclical calling pattern. This article studies the problem of designing a yard template that balances the workload in an export yard. The template design problem is formulated as an integer program. It is found that the computational time required to optimally solve realistic sizes of the template design problem is unacceptably long. This article proposes a simpler integer program as an approximate model. On the basis of the analysis on the approximate model, a heuristic is developed to solve the template design problem. Results of computational experiments show that the heuristic can find effective solutions for the template design problem.  相似文献   

We describe the criteria for the selection of the input transistor of the very front-end for the detector, an array of 988 macro bolometers. Each of such macro bolometer is composed of a crystal of TeO2, having a mass of 750 g, to which a thermistor is glued. Due to the very large mass of the crystals, the detector response time is very slow and limited to a few Hz. The quoted characteristic for the CUORE (Cryogenic Underground Observatory on Rare Events) detectors make it attractive a solution based on a complete room temperature operated front-end. The very important requirements of such a solution are a very small parallel and low frequency series noise. We worked to the selection of a Si JFET having a gate area and pinch-off voltage that fulfils the CUORE requirements. The selected JFET has an input gate current of less than 60 fA at 40°C (the expected operating temperature at regime). The noise at 1 Hz is about 3 nV/ at the operating point of I DS of 0.5 mA and V DS of 0.5 V, selected for having small power dissipation. Thanks to the quoted results the limit in the energy resolution given by the preamplifier is about 10 times better than that presently achievable by the crystals tested and candidate for CUORE. The wafer from which the semi-custom JFET has been cut was previously probed. All the production consisting of 1200 JFETs pairs is already available.   相似文献   

本文阐述了一种能在生产现场条件较差的情况下测定其机电产品噪声值的较为理想的方法,即用测量机电产品表面的振动量来确定空气噪声辐射,从而比较精确地测定其机电产品的噪声值。本文同时还介绍了通过对几种机电产品振动特性的研究,得出实际的辐射效率曲线,并研制成的相应的测量仪器。  相似文献   

This paper studies a double-load crane scheduling problem (DLCSP) in steel slab yards. A slab yard stores slabs in stacks. To prepare for use in production, some slabs need to be moved from one place to another. These movement tasks are performed by a double-load crane which can hold up to two slabs simultaneously. Given a set of tasks and possibly precedence relationships among them, the scheduling problem is to allocate the tasks to double-load operations and determine the schedule for the crane to perform the tasks so as to minimise the makespan. The problem is first formulated as a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model with variables representing the order of tasks. Based on properties of the problem, it is then reformulated from a crane operation perspective. Computational experiments are carried out on practical data collected from a steel company. The results show that both models can solve practical sized problems optimally, with the second model being more efficient.  相似文献   

分析了电梯噪声产生的原因,提出了电梯噪声测试方法,进一步提出了控制电梯噪声措施以及具体实施的方法.实践表明这些措施和方法对降低电梯噪声对周边环境影响效果明显,为进一步研究电梯噪声问题奠定了基础.  相似文献   

高架道路声屏障的设计与实效   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
近十年来上海在城市高架道路两侧建造了30多公里的声屏障,但对于它们的降噪实效则缺乏了解和总结。根据我们的一些噪声测量结果和主观反应调查来看,其中存在问题不少,而且大部分声屏障所起作用极为有限。因此,作者认为有些基本设计概念需要澄清,同进对一些有效措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

详细分析了道路声屏障工程中常出现的声屏障底部漏声问题,并结合道路噪声特性,提出了一种专门用于解决这一问题的护栏声屏体技术。实例验证表明护栏声屏体使原有的道路声屏障的降噪量提高了3~4dB,能很好地解决道路声屏障底部安装缝隙的漏声问题,提高声屏障的整体降噪效果,同时也提升了道路声屏障的整体视觉效果。  相似文献   

This article examines the yard allocation problem for outbound containers, with consideration of uncertainty factors, mainly including the arrival and operation time of calling vessels. Based on the time buffer inserting method, a bi-objective model is constructed to minimize the total operational cost and to maximize the robustness of fighting against the uncertainty. Due to the NP-hardness of the constructed model, a two-stage heuristic is developed to solve the problem. In the first stage, initial solutions are obtained by a greedy algorithm that looks n-steps ahead with the uncertainty factors set as their respective expected values; in the second stage, based on the solutions obtained in the first stage and with consideration of uncertainty factors, a neighbourhood search heuristic is employed to generate robust solutions that can fight better against the fluctuation of uncertainty factors. Finally, extensive numerical experiments are conducted to test the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

为解决原子磁力仪检测光强残余噪声问题,提出了检测光强噪声数字补偿方法。首先根据原子自 旋进动检测基本理论,通过光弹调制器和锁相放大器进行线偏光的光旋角检测,利用噪声衰减器对检测光功率 进行正弦调制拟合得到补偿系数,然后使用光弹调制器调制频率的二倍频信号对一倍频信号进行后处理修正, 实现检测光强噪声压制。得到补偿系数后可将用于幅度调制的硬件甚至前级稳光强装置移除,仅利用数字补偿 技术即可实现光强噪声抑制。搭建基于K?Rb?21Ne气室的磁力仪实验装置,在无自旋交换弛豫态(Spin?Exchange Relaxation?Free, SERF)下开展检测光强噪声补偿实验, 结果显示光旋角检测信号的噪声被压制了 13. 2 dB@3 Hz。应用此噪声补偿方法,避免了不同光路所引入的非共模噪声,并在前级稳光强的基础上实现了 二次稳光强。此补偿方法可进行补偿系数的定期校准,减小系统状态改变及不稳定性带来的影响,对于提升原 子磁力仪灵敏度具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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