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董利 《家庭电子》1998,(11):17-17
本文将人们生活中离不开的常用电池,按种类将其特点以及有关识别和正确使用的知识介绍给广大读者,以期对您有所帮助。一、普通锌锰电池普通锌锰电池的标称电压为1.5V,家用规格型号有R20(1号)、R14(2号)、R6(5号)、R03(7号)等四种。这种电池价格最低,但使用寿命短且不可充电。它适用于小电流和间歇放电的设备,如手电筒、门铃、万用表、收音机等,这种电池极易漏液。因此在长时间不用电器时,应将电池从电器中取出,以免漏液腐蚀用电器。如果一旦发生漏液,应将电池用塑料袋包好,而且最好深埋以免  相似文献   

二次电池的特性和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代明中,二次电池已走入千家万户,是我们生活中不可缺少的物品。在现在市场上,主要的二次电池是铅酸电池、镉镍电池、氢镍电池和锂离子电池,本就这些电池的发生、发展、性能、生产和应用作一简要的综述。  相似文献   

汤志成 《电子世界》2003,(3):21-21,23
<正> 数码相机所采用的电源很广泛,它可以使用AA型(5号)或者AAA(7号)碱性电池、镍镉电池、镍氢电池、一次性锂电池、可充电锂电池和专用AC转换电源。  相似文献   

许可 《家庭电子》2003,(1):11-11
不少消费者在选购笔记本电脑时,往往只注重产品的价格、重量、外观和配置,很少关心笔记本电脑所使用的电池,而对于这种移动工具,整体性能的高低与电池的优劣密不可分。一、电池的材料和优缺点1.材料与产地目前,笔记本电脑使用的电池主要有三种:(1)镍镉电池;(2)镍氢电池:(3)锂电池。  相似文献   

<正> 小型收音机通常包括袖珍型和便携型两大类,是目前收音机中社会拥有量最大的种类。这类收音机大都采用于电池作电源。怎样给它们配上合适耐用的电池?这个问题看似简单,微不足道,其实不然。在上一篇《德生收音机耗电大吗》文中,我们曾提到:以相对于便携机耗电量要小不少的袖珍机德生R818为例,收听时开中等音量,每天收听2小时,2节普通5号电池能用5~6天。其费用2元左右,使用一个月为10~12元,那么一年左右的费用就相当于一台R818,相当可观。若使用的是档次一般的袖珍收音机,其价格仅30~60元,那电池费  相似文献   

本系统以PIC16F873单片机和LTC4002锂电池充电芯片为核心,针对不同电池的特性,采用不同的充电方式,可以对目前广泛使用的锂电池和镍镉电池充电,同时具有实时显示充电及放电电流、电池电压、容量统计和电池特性等功能,实现了符合铁道部所有相关规范的列车尾部保护装置的充电系统。  相似文献   

锂离子电池的特点与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
锂离子电池是一种新型的电池,在视频领域中得到了广泛应用。文章介绍了锂离子电池与镍镉、镍氢电池相比的诸多优点及其在应用中需注意的问题。  相似文献   

SnSx (x = 1, 2) compounds are composed of earth‐abundant elements and are nontoxic and low‐cost materials that have received increasing attention as energy materials over the past decades, owing to their huge potential in batteries. Generally, SnSx materials have excellent chemical stability and high theoretical capacity and reversibility due to their unique 2D‐layered structure and semiconductor properties. As a promising matrix material for storing different alkali metal ions through alloying/dealloying reactions, SnSx compounds have broad electrochemical prospects in batteries. Herein, the structural properties of SnSx materials and their advantages as electrode materials are discussed. Furthermore, detailed accounts of various synthesis methods and applications of SnSx materials in lithium‐ion batteries, sodium‐ion batteries, and other new rechargeable batteries are emphasized. Ultimately, the challenges and opportunities for future research on SnSx compounds are discussed based on the available academic knowledge, including recent scientific advances.  相似文献   

To tackle the issue of inferior cycle stability and rate capability for MnO anode materials in lithium ion batteries, a facile strategy is explored to prepare a hybrid material consisting of MnO nanocrystals grown on conductive graphene nanosheets. The prepared MnO/graphene hybrid anode exhibits a reversible capacity as high as 2014.1 mAh g?1 after 150 discharge/charge cycles at 200 mA g?1, excellent rate capability (625.8 mAh g?1 at 3000 mA g?1), and superior cyclability (843.3 mAh g?1 even after 400 discharge/charge cycles at 2000 mA g?1 with only 0.01% capacity loss per cycle). The results suggest that the reconstruction of the MnO/graphene electrodes is intrinsic due to conversion reactions. A long‐term stable nanoarchitecture of graphene‐supported ultrafine manganese oxide nanoparticles is formed upon cycling, which yields a long‐life anode material for lithium ion batteries. The lithiation and delithiation behavior suggests that the further oxidation of Mn(II ) to Mn(IV ) and the interfacial lithium storage upon cycling contribute to the enhanced specific capacity. The excellent rate capability benefits from the presence of conductive graphene and a short transportation length for both lithium ions and electrons. Moreover, the as‐formed hybrid nanostructure of MnO on graphene may help achieve faster kinetics of conversion reactions.  相似文献   

Reversible nanostructured electrode materials are at the center of research relating to rechargeable lithium batteries, which require high power, high capacity, and high safety. The higher capacities and higher rate capabilities for the nanostructured electrode materials than for the bulk counterparts can be attributed to the higher surface area, which reduces the overpotential and allows faster reaction kinetics at the electrode surface. These electrochemical enhancements can lead to versatile potential applications of the batteries and can provide breakthroughs for the currently limited power suppliers of mobile electronics. This Feature Article describes recent research advances on nanostructured cathode and anode materials, such as metals, metal oxides, metal phosphides and LiCoO2, LiNi1–xMxO2 with zero‐, one‐, two‐, and three‐dimensional morphologies.  相似文献   

Electrode-electrolyte reactivity (EER) and particle cracking (PC) are considered two main causes of capacity fade in high-nickel layered oxide cathodes in lithium-based batteries. However, whether EER or PC is more critical remains debatable. Herein, the fundamental correlation between EER and PC is systematically investigated with LiNiO2 (LNO), the ultimate cobalt-free lithium layered oxide cathode. Specifically, EER is found more critical than secondary particle cracking (SPC) in determining the cycling stability of LNO; EER leads to primary particle cracking, but mitigates SPC due to the inhibition of H2-H3 phase transformation. Two surface degradation pathways are identified for cycled LNO under low and high EERs. A common blocking surface reconstruction layer (SRL) containing electrochemically-inactive Ni3O4 spinel and NiO rock-salt phases is formed on LNO in an electrolyte with a high EER; in contrast, an electrochemically-active SRL featuring regions of electron- and lithium-ion-conductive LiNi2O4 spinel phase is formed on LNO in an electrolyte with a low EER. These findings unveil the intrinsic degradation pathways of LNO cathode and are foreseen to provide new insights into the development of lithium-based batteries with a minimized EER and a maximized service life.  相似文献   

针对新型锂离子电池正极材料Li Ni0.5Mn1.5O4,采用SEM、EDS等手段进行分析,确定了导致电池性能不同的原因。同时,证明了扫描电镜和能谱仪能够应用于新材料的分析中。  相似文献   

Concerning the safety aspects of Li+ ion batteries, an epoxy-reinforced thin ceramic film (ERTCF) is prepared by firing and sintering a slurry-casted composite powder film. The ERTCF is composed of Li+ ion conduction channels and is made of high amounts of sintered ceramic Li1+xTi2-xAlx(PO4)3 (LATP) and epoxy polymer with enhanced mechanical properties for solid-state batteries. The 2D and 3D characterizations are conducted not only for showing continuous Li+ ion channels thorough LATP ceramic channels with over 10−4 S cm−1 of ionic conductivity but also to investigate small amounts of epoxy polymer with enhanced mechanical properties. Solid-state Li+ ion cells are fabricated using the ERTCF and they show initial charge–discharge capacities of 139/133 mAh g−1. Furthermore, the scope of the ERTCF is expanded to high-voltage (>8 V) solid-state Li+ ion batteries through a bipolar stacked cell design. Hence, it is expected that the present investigation will significantly contribute in the preparation of the next generation reinforced thin ceramic film electrolytes for high-voltage solid-state batteries.  相似文献   

The emergence of nanomaterials in the past decades has greatly advanced modern energy storage devices. Nanomaterials can offer high capacity and fast kinetics yet are prone to rapid morphological evolution and degradation. As a result, they are often hybridized with a stable framework in order to gain stability and fully utilize its advantages. However, candidates for such framework materials are rather limited, with carbon, conductive polymers, and Ti‐based oxides being the only choices; note these are all inactive or intercalation compounds. Conventionally, alloying‐/conversion‐type electrodes, which are thought to be electrochemically unstable by themselves, have never been considered as framework materials. This concept is challenged. Successful application of conversion‐type MnO nanorod as a anode framework for high‐capacity Mo2C/MoOx nanoparticles has been demonstrated in sodium‐ion batteries. Surprisingly, it can stably deliver 110 mAh g?1 under extremely high rate of 8000 mA g?1 (≈70 C) over 40 000 cycles with no capacity decay. More generally, this is considered as a proof of concept and much more alloying‐/conversion‐type materials are expected to be explored for such applications.  相似文献   

Rechargeable all‐solid‐state batteries will play a key role in many autonomous devices. Planar solid‐state thin film batteries are rapidly emerging but reveal several drawbacks, such as a relatively low energy density and the use of highly reactive metallic lithium. In order to overcome these limitations a new 3D‐integrated all‐solid‐state battery concept with significantly increased surface area is presented. By depositing the active battery materials into high‐aspect ratio structures etched in, for example silicon, 3D‐integrated all‐solid‐state batteries are calculated to reach a much higher energy density. Additionally, by adopting novel high‐energy dense Li‐intercalation materials the use of metallic Lithium can be avoided. Sputtered Ta, TaN and TiN films have been investigated as potential Li‐diffusion barrier materials. TiN combines a very low response towards ionic Lithium and a high electronic conductivity. Additionally, thin film poly‐Si anodes have been electrochemically characterized with respect to their thermodynamic and kinetic Li‐intercalation properties and cycle life. The Butler‐Vollmer relationship was successfully applied, indicating favorable electrochemical charge transfer kinetics and solid‐state diffusion. Advantageously, these new Li‐intercalation anode materials were found to combine an extremely high energy density with fast rate capability, enabling future 3D‐integrated all‐solid‐state batteries.  相似文献   

Lithium ion batteries (LIBs) are one of the most potential energy storage devices among various rechargeable batteries due to their high energy/power density, long cycle life, and low self-discharge properties. However, current LIBs fail to meet the ever-increasing safety and fast charge/discharge demands. As one of the main components in LIBs, separator is of paramount importance for safety and rate performance of LIBs. Among the various separators, composite separators have been widely investigated for improving their thermal stability, mechanical strength, electrolyte uptake, and ionic conductivity. Herein, the challenges and limitations of commercial separators for LIBs are reviewed, and a systematic overview of the state-of-the-art research progress in composite separators is provided for safe and high rate LIBs. Various combination types of composite separators including blending, layer, core–shell, and grafting types are covered. In addition, models and simulations based on the various types of composite separators are discussed to comprehend the composite mechanism for robust performances. At the end, future directions and perspectives for further advances in composite separators are presented to boost safety and rate capacity of LIBs.  相似文献   

Electrolyte additives have been widely used to address critical issues in current metal (ion) battery technologies. While their functions as solid electrolyte interface forming agents are reasonably well-understood, their interactions in the liquid electrolyte environment remain rather elusive. This lack of knowledge represents a significant bottleneck that hinders the development of improved electrolyte systems. Here, the key role of additives in promoting cation (e.g., Li+) desolvation is unraveled. In particular, nitrate anions (NO3) are found to incorporate into the solvation shells, change the local environment of cations (e.g., Li+) as well as their coordination in the electrolytes. The combination of these effects leads to effective Li+ desolvation and enhanced battery performance. Remarkably, the inexpensive NaNO3 can successfully substitute the widely used LiNO3 offering superior long-term stability of Li+ (de-)intercalation at the graphite anode and suppressed polysulfide shuttle effect at the sulfur cathode, while enhancing the performance of lithium–sulfur full batteries (initial capacity of 1153 mAh g−1 at 0.25C) with Coulombic efficiency of ≈100% over 300 cycles. This work provides important new insights into the unexplored effects of additives and paves the way to developing improved electrolytes for electrochemical energy storage applications.  相似文献   

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