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The alpha5 beta1 integrin is a cell surface receptor for fibronectin implicated in several cellular activities including cell proliferation, differentiation, and migration. The primary site at which the alpha5 beta1 integrin interacts with fibronectin is the RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) amino acid sequence. In general, the sites on the integrin alpha subunits involved in ligand binding are not well characterized. Based on previous cross-linking studies, sequence alignment, predicted conformation, and intron-exon boundaries, we identified a 144-residue region (positions 223-367) on the alpha5 subunit as a putative binding region and divided it into four subdomains named domains I, II, III, and IV. Chimeric receptors were prepared in which sequences on the alpha5 subunit were exchanged with the corresponding sequences on the alpha6 subunit, which is specific for laminin and does not bind via an RGD sequence. The mutated human alpha5 integrin gene was transfected into CHO B2 cells, which are deficient in alpha5 expression. Only chimeras of domain III or IV express on the cell surface. Both of these chimeras decreased the adhesion, spreading, focal adhesion assembly, and migration on fibronectin. The adhesion of the chimeric receptors to fibronectin remained sensitive to the RGD peptide, and antibodies that inhibit interaction with the fibronectin synergy site and RGD loop remain inhibitory for the chimeras, indicating that our chimeras do not inhibit binding to either the RGD or synergy sites. Finally, the affinity of soluble fibronectin to cells via the alpha5 beta1 receptor decreased only about 3-fold. This decrease is substantially less than the observed effects on migration and spreading, which were not altered by changes in substrate concentration. Thus, the alteration in binding sites does not easily account for the changes in cell spreading and focal adhesion assembly. The tyrosine phosphorylation and focal adhesion assembly that are seen when cells expressing the wild type alpha5 receptor adhere to fibronectin were inhibited in cells expressing the chimeric receptors. Therefore, our results suggest that the chimeras of these domains likely interrupt alpha5-mediated conformational signaling.  相似文献   

Cerebellar granule cells express six GABAA receptor subunits abundantly (alpha1, alpha6, beta2, beta3, gamma2, and delta) and assemble various pentameric receptor subtypes with unknown subunit compositions; however, the rules guiding receptor subunit assembly are unclear. Here, removal of intact alpha6 protein from cerebellar granule cells allowed perturbations in other subunit levels to be studied. Exon 8 of the mouse alpha6 subunit gene was disrupted by homologous recombination. In alpha6 -/- granule cells, the delta subunit was selectively degraded as seen by immunoprecipitation, immunocytochemistry, and immunoblot analysis with delta subunit-specific antibodies. The delta subunit mRNA was present at wild-type levels in the mutant granule cells, indicating a post-translational loss of the delta subunit. These results provide genetic evidence for a specific association between the alpha6 and delta subunits. Because in alpha6 -/- neurons the remaining alpha1, beta2/3, and gamma2 subunits cannot rescue the delta subunit, certain potential subunit combinations may not be found in wild-type cells.  相似文献   

Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN 1) is inherited as an autosomal dominant disorder, characterized by hyperplasia and neoplasia in several endocrine organs. The MEN 1 gene, which is most probably a tumor suppressor gene, has been localized to a 900-kb region on chromosome 11q13. The human phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C beta 3 (PLC beta 3) gene, which is located within this region, was considered to be a good candidate for the MEN 1 gene. In this study, the structure and expression of the PLC beta 3 gene in MEN 1 patients were investigated in more detail, to determine its potential role in MEN 1 tumorigenesis. Southern blot analysis, using blood and tumor DNA from affected persons from seven different MEN 1 families, did not reveal structural abnormalities in the PLC beta 3 gene. To detect possible point mutations, or other small structural aberrations, direct sequencing of PLC beta 3 cDNAs from two affected persons from two different MEN 1 families was performed, but no MEN 1-specific abnormalities were revealed. Several common nucleotide sequence polymorphisms were detected in these cDNAs, proving that both alleles of the PLC beta 3 gene were expressed and analyzed. In conclusion, these results exclude the PLC beta 3 gene as a candidate gene for MEN 1.  相似文献   

We describe the structural and functional features of the human alpha3 nicotinic receptor subunit promoter. A 0.35-kb region immediately upstream of the start codon was identified that when transfected in human neuroblastoma cells was able to drive the expression of the luciferase reporter gene with a strength comparable to that of the well-characterized simian virus 40 promoter/enhancer. This region displayed the features of a multistart-site, GC-rich, TATA-less, and CAAT-less promoter, containing many overlapping Sp1 and AP-2 putative binding sites. Further dissections of the 0.35-kb fragment revealed that its 3' region, specifying the 5' UT of the mRNA, plays a relevant positive effect in determining the strength of the promoter. This region contains putative cis-acting elements for AP-2, nuclear factor-kappaB, and the recently described multiple-start site element downstream-1. By mutation analysis, we showed that these sites are functional and when combined increase the promoter activity by 4-fold. The 0.35-kb promoter was found to be under the negative control of upstream sequences that include a modern Alu repeat. The alpha3 Alu repeat works as a composite region, containing both positive and negative elements that control the activity of the downstream promoter. Finally, we investigated the tissue-specific activity of the human alpha3 gene 5' regulatory sequences, showing that they are able to drive the expression of the reporter gene preferentially in neuronal cells.  相似文献   

Interleukin 3 is a cytokine that stimulates proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic progenitor cells. Its receptor consists of two subunits, an interleukin 3-specific alpha subunit and a beta subunit shared by garanulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor and interleukin 5 receptors. In this paper, we determined the genomic structure of the alpha subunit of the human interleukin 3 receptor, which spans approximately 40 kb and has 12 exons. We found that the genomic structures of the alpha subunits of the human interleukin 3 and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor receptors are very similar. They possess a unique additional intron in the 'C domain', which is absent in the alpha subunit of the interleukin 5 receptor. These results suggest a shared evolutionary pathway of these two genes.  相似文献   

We recently reported that alpha 6 integrin mediates experimental metastasis in mice by functioning in the adhesion of tumor cells to the vascular endothelium. In the current study, we investigated the expression of human alpha 6 integrin in invasive breast carcinomas of 119 women. In 50% of the tumors alpha 6 integrin was expressed in the majority of the cells, and this expression was correlated with reduced survival time. By contrast, the 24% of patients with breast tumors devoid of alpha 6 integrin expression all survived. The tumors were also evaluated for clinical risk factors including histological grading and steroid receptor level. The combination of these factors with alpha 6 integrin expression was superior in predicting overall survival than considering the other factors alone. The correlation with decreased survival time was consistent, regardless of whether the tumors expressed the alpha 6 integrin A or B forms, which differ in their cytoplasmic domain. On the basis of this pilot study we consider alpha 6 integrin expression to be a novel prognostic marker for human breast cancer.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to create a model for predicting amnionitis and rapid delivery in preterm labor patients by use of amniotic fluid interleukin-6 and clinical parameters. STUDY DESIGN: Amniotic fluid was cultured and analyzed, and a clinical score (incorporating gestational age, amniotic fluid Gram stain, glucose, leukocyte esterase, and maternal serum C-reactive protein) was determined in 111 patients diagnosed with preterm labor. Statistical analysis involved t tests, chi2, logarithmic regression, and multivariate regression analysis (P < or = .05). RESULTS: The incidence of positive amniotic fluid cultures was 8.7% (9 of 103 patients). Patients with positive cultures of the amniotic fluid had a shorter delivery interval (4.8 +/- 7.5 vs 28.9 +/- 25.4 days, P < .001). Patients with elevated amniotic fluid interleukin-6 (> or = 7586 pg/ml) were more likely to have a positive amniotic fluid culture (relative risk = 8.8, 95% confidence interval = 1.6 to 47.4, P < .001) and to be delivered within 2 days (relative risk = 16.8, 95% confidence interval = 4.5 to 62.7, P < .001). Stepwise multivariate regression analysis yielded a model using interleukin-6, cervical dilatation, and gestational age (r2 = 0.63, P < .001) with a specificity of 100% for predicting delivery within 2 days of amniocentesis. CONCLUSIONS: A mathematical model using maternal amniotic fluid interleukin-6 seems to be a useful clinical tool for quantifying the interval to preterm birth for patients in preterm labor.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: With the introduction of prostate-specific antigen testing, the "Will Rogers phenomenon"--stage migration associated with more sensitive diagnostic and staging procedures--seemed likely to occur. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Yearly values of prostate-specific antigen from 1988 to 1995 were determined for whites (n = 34) and African-Americans (n = 321). Pretreatment levels were used as objective surrogates of tumor cell burden. Changes in clinical stage and pathological grade by calendar year also were determined. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant yearly decline in levels of prostate-specific antigen for African-Americans (12.2% per year). There was no significant decline among whites. Similar trends were seen on multivariate analysis that adjusted for stage and grade. There was clinical stage migration for whites and African-Americans. There was also a shift in tumor grade for both whites and African-Americans. DISCUSSION: Over the past decade, African-Americans have shown a decline in tumor cell burden at the time of diagnosis as reflected by a decline in mean levels of prostate-specific antigen. For whites and African-Americans, there has been a shift to early clinical stages. The Will Rogers phenomenon, as demonstrated in African-Americans by decline in prostate-specific antigen and in whites and African-Americans by clinical stage migration, indicates lead-time and length biases, resulting in a more favorable disease profile at diagnosis for both groups. The decline in prostate-specific antigen among African-Americans indicates that the initial higher tumor cell burden seen in the past was caused by socioeconomic factors rather than inherited differences, and is likely to be ameliorated with widespread prostate-specific-antigen screening.  相似文献   

Beta-adrenergic receptors (ARs) are expressed predominantly in adipose tissue, and beta3-selective agonists are effective anti-obesity drugs in rodents. Rodent and human beta3-ARs differ with respect to expression in white versus brown adipocytes as well as their ability to be stimulated by beta3-AR-selective agonists. Humans express beta3-AR mRNA abundantly in brown but not white adipocytes, while rodents express beta3-AR mRNA abundantly in both sites. To determine the basis for this difference, we have transgenically introduced 74 kilobases (kb) of human beta3-AR genomic sequence into gene knockout mice lacking beta3-ARs. Importantly, human beta3-AR mRNA was expressed only in brown adipose tissue (BAT) of transgenic mice, with little or no expression being detected in white adipose tissue (WAT), liver, stomach, small intestine, skeletal muscle, and heart. This pattern of expression differed from that observed in mice bearing a murine beta3-AR genomic transgene in which beta3-AR mRNA was expressed in both WAT and BAT, but not in other sites. Furthermore, we have transgenically introduced smaller human constructs containing -14.5 and -0.6 kb of upstream sequence into beta3-AR gene knockout mice. Both -14.5 and -0.6 kb constructs were expressed in BAT but not WAT. Thus, human but not murine cis-regulatory elements direct beta3-AR gene expression preferentially to brown adipocytes. Identification of responsible cis-regulatory element(s) and relevant trans-acting factor(s) should provide insight into mechanisms controlling human beta3-AR gene expression. In addition, the beta3-AR agonist, CGP-12177, stimulated oxygen consumption in mice expressing human but not murine beta3-ARs by 91% compared with only 49% in control beta3-AR gene knockout mice, demonstrating that the human beta3-AR can functionally couple with energy expenditure. These "humanized" mice should assist us in the development of drugs that may become effective anti-obesity agents in humans.  相似文献   

GABAA receptor alpha6 subunit gene expression marks cerebellar granule cell maturation. To study this process, we used the Deltaalpha6lacZ mouse line, which has a lacZ reporter inserted into the alpha6 gene. At early stages of postnatal cerebellar development, alpha6-lacZ expression is mosaic; expression starts at postnatal day 5 in lobules 9 and 10, and alpha6-lacZ is switched on inside-out, appearing first in the deepest postmigratory granule cells. We looked for factors regulating this expression in cell culture. Membrane depolarization correlates inversely with alpha6-lacZ expression: granule cells grown in 25 mM [K+]o for 11-15 d do not express the alpha6 gene, whereas cultures grown for the same period in 5 mM [K+]o do. This is influenced by a critical early period: culturing for >/=3 d in 25 mM [K+]o curtails the ability to induce the alpha6 gene on transfer to 5 mM [K+]o. If the cells start in 5 mM [K+]o, however, they still express the alpha6-lacZ gene in 25 mM [K+]o. In contrast to granule cells grown in 5 mM [K+]o, cells cultured in 25 mM [K+]o exhibit no action potentials, mEPSCs, or mIPSCs. In chronic 5 mM [K+]o, factors may therefore be released that induce alpha6. Blockade of ionotropic and metabotropic GABA and glutamate receptors or L-, N-, and P/Q-type Ca2+ channels did not prevent alpha6-lacZ expression, but inhibition of action potentials with tetrodotoxin blocked expression in a subpopulation of cells.  相似文献   

Phosphorylase kinase, a regulatory enzyme of glycogenolysis in skeletal muscle, is a hexadecameric oligomer containing four copies each of four distinct subunits: alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. By intramolecular zero-length crosslinking with transglutaminase, we have previously demonstrated that the regulatory alpha and beta subunits abut one another in the holoenzyme [Nadeau, O. W., and Carlson, G. M. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269, 29670-29676]. Selective partial proteolysis of the 138 kDa alpha subunit in holoenzyme that had been crosslinked by transglutaminase has revealed a high molecular weight conjugate corresponding to full-length beta subunit crosslinked to a 60 kDa N-terminal fragment of alpha (determined by SDS-PAGE, Western blotting and N-terminal sequencing). This conjugate was also observed when the enzyme was first activated by partial proteolysis of alpha and then crosslinked by transglutaminase. Both forms of the kinase, generated by either sequential crosslinking and proteolysis or the reverse, coeluted with non-crosslinked hexadecameric control enzyme in size exclusion chromatography, indicating that the crosslinking was intramolecular, i.e., within hexadecamers. This is the first demonstration of any intersubunit interaction involving the N-terminal domain of the alpha subunit and the first region of any subunit shown to interact with the beta subunit. The results are consistent with the predicted path of the polypeptide backbone of the alpha subunits within the holoenzyme and with the proposed location of the beta subunits.  相似文献   

Injury type and severity among front outboard occupants of passenger vehicles struck in the side by another passenger vehicle and recorded in the United States National Accident Sampling System Crashworthiness Data System were examined in relation to the location of impact, the angle of impact, occupant gender and age, seat belt use, the weight and body style of the side-impacted vehicle, and the weight and body style of the striking vehicle. Elderly occupants were three times as likely as younger occupants in similar crashes to be seriously injured. Serious injuries were also more likely for occupants seated on the struck side and occupants of lightweight passenger vehicles. After accounting for vehicle weight differences, struck-side occupants of cars were still much more likely to be seriously injured than struck-side occupants of light trucks. However, among occupants seated on the side of the vehicle opposite the impact, the likelihood of serious injury was higher for those seated in light trucks.  相似文献   

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