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目的 随着Web2.0技术的进步,以用户生成内容为中心的社交网站蓬勃发展,也使得基于图像标签的图像检索技术越来越重要。但是,由于用户标注时的随意性和个性化,导致用户提交的图像标签不够完备,降低了图像检索的准确性。方法 针对这一问题,提出一种正则化的非负矩阵分解方法来丰富图像欠完备的标签,提高图像标签的完备性。利用非负矩阵分解的方法将原始的标签-图像矩阵投影到潜在的低秩空间里消除噪声,同时利用图像的类内视觉离散度作为正则化项提高消除噪声、丰富标签的效果。结果 利用从社交网站Flickr上下载的大量社交图像进行对比实验,验证了本文方法对丰富图像标签的有效性。通过对比目前流行的优化算法,本文算法获得较高的性能提升,算法平均准确度提高了12.3%。结论 将图像类内视觉离散度作为正则化项的非负矩阵分解算法,能较好地丰富社交图像的标签,解决网络图像标签的欠完备问题。  相似文献   

传统图像标注方法中人工选取特征费时费力,传统标签传播算法忽视语义近邻,导致视觉相似而语义不相似,影响标注效果.针对上述问题,文中提出融合深度特征和语义邻域的自动图像标注方法.首先构建基于深度卷积神经网络的统一、自适应深度特征提取框架,然后对训练集划分语义组并建立待标注图像的邻域图像集,最后根据视觉距离计算邻域图像各标签的贡献值并排序得到标注关键词.在基准数据集上实验表明,相比传统人工综合特征,文中提出的深度特征维数更低,效果更好.文中方法改善传统视觉近邻标注方法中的视觉相似而语义不相似的问题,有效提升准确率和准确预测的标签总数.  相似文献   

Nowadays, due to the rapid growth of digital technologies, huge volumes of image data are created and shared on social media sites. User-provided tags attached to each social image are widely recognized as a bridge to fill the semantic gap between low-level image features and high-level concepts. Hence, a combination of images along with their corresponding tags is useful for intelligent retrieval systems, those are designed to gain high-level understanding from images and facilitate semantic search. However, user-provided tags in practice are usually incomplete and noisy, which may degrade the retrieval performance. To tackle this problem, we present a novel retrieval framework that automatically associates the visual content with textual tags and enables effective image search. To this end, we first propose a probabilistic topic model learned on social images to discover latent topics from the co-occurrence of tags and image features. Moreover, our topic model is built by exploiting the expert knowledge about the correlation between tags with visual contents and the relationship among image features that is formulated in terms of spatial location and color distribution. The discovered topics then help to predict missing tags of an unseen image as well as the ones partially labeled in the database. These predicted tags can greatly facilitate the reliable measure of semantic similarity between the query and database images. Therefore, we further present a scoring scheme to estimate the similarity by fusing textual tags and visual representation. Extensive experiments conducted on three benchmark datasets show that our topic model provides the accurate annotation against the noise and incompleteness of tags. Using our generalized scoring scheme, which is particularly advantageous to many types of queries, the proposed approach also outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in terms of retrieval accuracy.  相似文献   

基于词袋模型的图像表示方法的有效性主要受限于局部特征的量化误差。文中提出一种基于多视觉码本的图像表示方法,通过综合考虑码本构建和编码方法这两个方面的因素加以改进。具体包括:1)多视觉码本构建,以迭代方式构建多个紧凑且具有互补性的视觉码本;2)图像表示,首先针对多码本的情况,依次从各码本中选择相应的视觉单词并采用线性回归估计编码系数,然后结合图像的空间金字塔结构形成最终的图像表示。在一些标准测试集合的图像分类结果验证文中方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Image classification is to assign a category of an image and image annotation is to describe individual components of an image by using some annotation terms. These two learning tasks are strongly related. The main contribution of this paper is to propose a new discriminative and sparse topic model (DSTM) for image classification and annotation by combining visual, annotation and label information from a set of training images. The essential features of DSTM different from existing approaches are that (i) the label information is enforced in the generation of both visual words and annotation terms such that each generative latent topic corresponds to a category; (ii) the zero-mean Laplace distribution is employed to give a sparse representation of images in visual words and annotation terms such that relevant words and terms are associated with latent topics. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method provides the discrimination ability in classification and annotation, and its performance is better than the other testing methods (sLDA-ann, abc-corr-LDA, SupDocNADE, SAGE and MedSTC) for LabelMe, UIUC, NUS-WIDE and PascalVOC07 images.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel method based on Spectral Regression (SR) for efficient scene recognition. First, a new SR approach, called Extended Spectral Regression (ESR), is proposed to perform manifold learning on a huge number of data samples. Then, an efficient Bag-of-Words (BOW) based method is developed which employs ESR to encapsulate local visual features with their semantic, spatial, scale, and orientation information for scene recognition. In many applications, such as image classification and multimedia analysis, there are a huge number of low-level feature samples in a training set. It prohibits direct application of SR to perform manifold learning on such dataset. In ESR, we first group the samples into tiny clusters, and then devise an approach to reduce the size of the similarity matrix for graph learning. In this way, the subspace learning on graph Laplacian for a vast dataset is computationally feasible on a personal computer. In the ESR-based scene recognition, we first propose an enhanced low-level feature representation which combines the scale, orientation, spatial position, and local appearance of a local feature. Then, ESR is applied to embed enhanced low-level image features. The ESR-based feature embedding not only generates a low dimension feature representation but also integrates various aspects of low-level features into the compact representation. The bag-of-words is then generated from the embedded features for image classification. The comparative experiments on open benchmark datasets for scene recognition demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms baseline approaches. It is suitable for real-time applications on mobile platforms, e.g. tablets and smart phones.  相似文献   

Represented by Flickr and Picasa, online photo albums allow users to tag images, hoping to make it more convenient as well as efficient to organize and retrieve image resources. Recently, automatic tag recommendation system has become a hot research field considering the increasing request that high-quality tags be provided. In this thesis, a new method for tag recommendation system is proposed. Unlike the traditional one which only depends on frequency information or visual feature similarity while neglecting the relation between visual content and the semantic meaning contained in tags thus leading to unsatisfactory recommendations, the new method can find out a latent subspace shared by visual features and tag contents using matrix factorization. As for an untagged image, recommendations can be made when its visual features are projected into the latent subspace and the relevance level it has with others tags is figured out. This new method has been proved efficient after being tested on NUS-WIDE data set with more satisfactory results.  相似文献   

针对高分辨率遥感影像场景的分类,受人类视觉系统从场景中提取汇总统计信息用于场景感知的启发,提出场景汇总统计特征提取方法。该方法提取场景的平均方向信息和视觉杂乱度,利用Gabor滤波器统计场景的平均方向信息,并基于视觉拥堵进行场景的杂乱度度量,然后将两者组合在一起,形成基于汇总统计特征的复杂场景描述。在21类遥感数据集上的实验表明,当训练样本和测试样本各为50幅时,该方法的分类精度比Gist方法高6.5%,比词包模型(BOW)方法高3.22%,且计算简单,同时与Gist相比,不需要人工干预。  相似文献   

目的 稀疏编码是图像特征表示的有效方法,但不足之处是编码不稳定,即相似的特征可能会被编码成不同的码字。且在现有的图像分类方法中,图像特征表示和图像分类是相互独立的过程,提取的图像特征并没有有效保留图像特征之间的语义联系。针对这两个问题,提出非负局部Laplacian稀疏编码和上下文信息的图像分类算法。方法 图像特征表示包含两个阶段,第一阶段利用非负局部的Laplacian稀疏编码方法对局部特征进行编码,并通过最大值融合得到原始的图像表示,从而有效改善编码的不稳定性;第二阶段在所有图像特征表示中随机选择部分图像生成基于上下文信息的联合空间,并通过分类器将图像映射到这些空间中,将映射后的特征表示作为最终的图像表示,使得图像特征之间的上下文信息更多地被保留。结果 在4个公共的图像数据集Corel-10、Scene-15、Caltech-101以及Caltech-256上进行仿真实验,并和目前与稀疏编码相关的算法进行实验对比,分类准确率提高了约3%~18%。结论 本文提出的非负局部Laplacian稀疏编码和上下文信息的图像分类算法,改善了编码的不稳定性并保留了特征之间的相互依赖性。实验结果表明,该算法与现有算法相比的分类效果更好。另外,该方法也适用于图像分割、标注以及检索等计算机视觉领域的应用。  相似文献   

提出一种社会网络图像标签排序算法。将SIFT特征、卷积神经网络特征以及视觉词袋模型相结合,从图像训练集中获取目标图像的视觉近邻图像集;令所有视觉近邻图像为目标图像的初始标签进行加权投票,通过对图像视觉相似度和标签语义相似度的线性融合,计算投票权值;利用目标图像及其视觉近邻图像的标签,构造标签图模型;利用加权投票结果在标签图上执行随机漫步,完成标签排序任务。实验结果验证了提出方法的有效性。  相似文献   

周铭柯  柯逍  杜明智 《软件学报》2017,28(7):1862-1880
自动图像标注是一个包含众多标签、多样特征的富有挑战性的研究问题,是新一代图像检索与图像理解的关键步骤.针对传统基于浅层机器学习标注算法标注效率低下、难以处理复杂分类任务的问题,本文提出了基于栈式自动编码器(SAE)的自动图像标注算法,提升了标注效率和标注效果.全文主要针对图像标注数据不平衡问题,提出两种解决思路:对于标注模型,我们提出一种增强训练中低频标签的平衡栈式自动编码器(B-SAE),较好地改善了中低频标签的标注效果.并在此模型基础上提出一种分组强化训练B-SAE子模型的鲁棒平衡栈式自动编码器算法(RB-SAE),提升了标注的稳定性,从而保证模型本身具有较强地处理不平衡数据的能力;对于标注过程,我们以未知图像作为出发点,首先构造未知图像的局部均衡数据集,并判定该图像的高低频属性来决定不同的标注过程,局部语义传播算法(SP)标注中低频图像,RB-SAE算法标注高频图像,形成属性判别的标注框架(ADA),保证了标注过程具有较强地应对不平衡数据的能力,从而提升整体图像标注效果.通过在三个公共数据集上进行实验验证,结果表明,本文方法在许多指标上相比以往方法均有较大提高.  相似文献   

This paper presents a unified annotation and retrieval framework, which integrates region annotation with image retrieval for performance reinforcement. To integrate semantic annotation with region-based image retrieval, visual and textual fusion is proposed for both soft matching and Bayesian probabilistic formulations. To address sample insufficiency and sample asymmetry in the annotation classifier training phase, we present a region-level multi-label image annotation scheme based on pair-wise coupling support vector machine (SVM) learning. In the retrieval phase, to achieve semantic-level region matching we present a novel retrieval scheme which differs from former work: the query example uploaded by users is automatically annotated online, and the user can judge its annotation quality. Based on the user’s judgment, two novel schemes are deployed for semantic retrieval: (1) if the user judges the photo to be well annotated, Semantically supervised Integrated Region Matching is adopted, which is a keyword-integrated soft region matching method; (2) If the user judges the photo to be poorly annotated, Keyword Integrated Bayesian Reasoning is adopted, which is a natural integration of a Visual Dictionary in online content-based search. In the relevance feedback phase, we conduct both visual and textual learning to capture the user’s retrieval target. Better annotation and retrieval performance than current methods were reported on both COREL 10,000 and Flickr web image database (25,000 images), which demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed framework.  相似文献   

一种融合语义距离的最近邻图像标注方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的基于最近邻的图像标注方法效果不佳,主要原因在于提取图像视觉特征时,损失了很多有价值的信息.提出了一种改进的最近邻分类模型.首先利用距离测度学习方法,引入图像的语义类别信息进行训练,生成新的语义距离;然后利用该距离对每一类图像进行聚类,生成多个类内的聚类中心;最后通过计算图像到各个聚类中心的语义距离来构建最近邻分类模型.在构建最近邻分类模型的整个过程中,都使用训练得到的语义距离来计算,这可以有效减少相同图像类内的变动和不同图像类之间的相似所造成的语义鸿沟.在ImageCLEF2012图像标注数据库上进行了实验,将本方法与传统分类模型和最新的方法进行了比较,验证了本方法的有效性.  相似文献   

稀疏约束图正则非负矩阵分解   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
姜伟  李宏  余霞国  杨炳儒 《计算机科学》2013,40(1):218-220,256
非负矩阵分解(NMF)是在矩阵非负约束下的一种局部特征提取算法。为了提高识别率,提出了稀疏约束图正则非负矩阵分解方法。该方法不仅考虑数据的几何信息,而且对系数矩阵进行稀疏约束,并将它们整合于单个目标函数中。构造了一个有效的乘积更新算法,并且在理论上证明了该算法的收敛性。在ORL和MIT-CBCL人脸数据库上的实验表明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

The CLEF 2005 Automatic Medical Image Annotation Task   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, the automatic annotation task of the 2005 CLEF cross-language image retrieval campaign (ImageCLEF) is described. This paper focuses on the database used, the task setup, and the plans for further medical image annotation tasks in the context of ImageCLEF. Furthermore, a short summary of the results of 2005 is given. The automatic annotation task was added to ImageCLEF in 2005 and provides the first international evaluation of state-of-the-art methods for completely automatic annotation of medical images based on visual properties. The aim of this task is to explore and promote the use of automatic annotation techniques to allow for extracting semantic information from little-annotated medical images. A database of 10.000 images was established and annotated by experienced physicians resulting in 57 classes, each with at least 10 images. Detailed analysis is done regarding the (i) image representation, (ii) classification method, and (iii) learning method. Based on the strong participation of the 2005 campain, future benchmarks are planned.  相似文献   

This paper addresses automatic image annotation problem and its application to multi-modal image retrieval. The contribution of our work is three-fold. (1) We propose a probabilistic semantic model in which the visual features and the textual words are connected via a hidden layer which constitutes the semantic concepts to be discovered to explicitly exploit the synergy among the modalities. (2) The association of visual features and textual words is determined in a Bayesian framework such that the confidence of the association can be provided. (3) Extensive evaluation on a large-scale, visually and semantically diverse image collection crawled from Web is reported to evaluate the prototype system based on the model. In the proposed probabilistic model, a hidden concept layer which connects the visual feature and the word layer is discovered by fitting a generative model to the training image and annotation words through an Expectation-Maximization (EM) based iterative learning procedure. The evaluation of the prototype system on 17,000 images and 7736 automatically extracted annotation words from crawled Web pages for multi-modal image retrieval has indicated that the proposed semantic model and the developed Bayesian framework are superior to a state-of-the-art peer system in the literature.  相似文献   

自动图像标注是一项具有挑战性的工作,它对于图像分析理解和图像检索都有着重要的意义.在自动图像标注领域,通过对已标注图像集的学习,建立语义概念空间与视觉特征空间之间的关系模型,并用这个模型对未标注的图像集进行标注.由于低高级语义之间错综复杂的对应关系,使目前自动图像标注的精度仍然较低.而在场景约束条件下可以简化标注与视觉特征之间的映射关系,提高自动标注的可靠性.因此提出一种基于场景语义树的图像标注方法.首先对用于学习的标注图像进行自动的语义场景聚类,对每个场景语义类别生成视觉场景空间,然后对每个场景空间建立相应的语义树.对待标注图像,确定其语义类别后,通过相应的场景语义树,获得图像的最终标注.在Corel5K图像集上,获得了优于TM(translation model)、CMRM(cross media relevance model)、CRM(continous-space relevance model)、PLSA-GMM(概率潜在语义分析-高期混合模型)等模型的标注结果.  相似文献   

缩小图像低层视觉特征与高层语义之间的鸿沟,以提高图像语义自动标注的精度,是研究大规模图像数据管理的关键。提出一种融合多特征的深度学习图像自动标注方法,将图像视觉特征以不同权重组合成词包,根据输入输出变量优化深度信念网络,完成大规模图像数据语义自动标注。在通用Corel图像数据集上的实验表明,融合多特征的深度学习图像自动标注方法,考虑图像不同特征的影响,提高了图像自动标注的精度。  相似文献   

Supervised learning of semantic classes for image annotation and retrieval   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A probabilistic formulation for semantic image annotation and retrieval is proposed. Annotation and retrieval are posed as classification problems where each class is defined as the group of database images labeled with a common semantic label. It is shown that, by establishing this one-to-one correspondence between semantic labels and semantic classes, a minimum probability of error annotation and retrieval are feasible with algorithms that are 1) conceptually simple, 2) computationally efficient, and 3) do not require prior semantic segmentation of training images. In particular, images are represented as bags of localized feature vectors, a mixture density estimated for each image, and the mixtures associated with all images annotated with a common semantic label pooled into a density estimate for the corresponding semantic class. This pooling is justified by a multiple instance learning argument and performed efficiently with a hierarchical extension of expectation-maximization. The benefits of the supervised formulation over the more complex, and currently popular, joint modeling of semantic label and visual feature distributions are illustrated through theoretical arguments and extensive experiments. The supervised formulation is shown to achieve higher accuracy than various previously published methods at a fraction of their computational cost. Finally, the proposed method is shown to be fairly robust to parameter tuning  相似文献   

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