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The majority of advances in occupant protection systems for motor vehicle occupants have focused on occupants seated in the front row of the vehicle. Recent studies suggest that these systems have resulted in lower injury risk for front row occupants as compared to those in the second row. However, these findings are not universal. In addition, some of these findings result from analyses that compare groups of front and second row occupants exposed to dissimilar crash conditions, raising questions regarding whether they might reflect differences in the crash rather than the front and second row restraint systems. The current study examines factors associated with injury risk for pairs of right front seat and second row occupants in frontal crashes in the United States using paired data analysis techniques. These data indicate that the occupant seated in the front row frequently experiences the more severe injury in the pair, however there were no significant differences in the rate of occurrence of these events and events where the more severe injury occurs in the second row occupant of the pair. A logistic regression indicated that the likelihood of the more severe injury occurring in the second row seated occupant of the pair increased as crash severity increased, consistent with data from anatomic test dummy (ATD) tests. It also indicated that the second row occupant was more likely to have the more severe injury in the pair if that occupant was the older occupant of the pair. These findings suggest that occupant protection systems which focus on providing protection specifically for injuries experienced by older occupants in the second row in higher severity crash conditions might provide the greatest benefit.  相似文献   

Injury analysis following a vehicle crash is one of the most important research areas. However, most injury analyses have focused on one-dimensional injury variables, such as the AIS (Abbreviated Injury Scale) or the IIS (Injury Impairment Scale), at a time in relation to various traffic accident factors. However, these studies cannot reflect the various injury phenomena that appear simultaneously. In this paper, we apply quantification method II to the NASS (National Automotive Sampling System) CDS (Crashworthiness Data System) to find the relationship between the categorical injury phenomena, such as the injury scale, injury position, and injury type, and the various traffic accident condition factors, such as speed, collision direction, vehicle type, and seat position. Our empirical analysis indicated the importance of safety devices, such as restraint equipment and airbags. In addition, we found that narrow impact, ejection, air bag deployment, and higher speed are associated with more severe than minor injury to the thigh, ankle, and leg in terms of dislocation, abrasion, or laceration.  相似文献   



Pulmonary contusion (PC) is a leading injury in blunt chest trauma and is most commonly caused by motor vehicle crashes (MVC). To improve understanding of the relationship between insult and outcome, this study relates PC severity to crash, occupant, and injury parameters in MVCs.


Twenty-nine subjects with PC were selected from the Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network (CIREN) database, which contains detailed crash and medical information on MVC occupants. Computed tomography scans of these subjects were segmented using a semi-automated protocol to quantify the volumetric percentage of injured tissue in each lung. Techniques were used to quantify the geometry and location of PC, as well as the location of rib fractures. Injury extent including percent PC volume and the number of rib fractures was analyzed and its relation to crash and occupant characteristics was explored.


Frontal and near-side crashes composed 72% of the dataset and the near-side door was the component most often associated with PC causation. The number of rib fractures increased with age and fracture patterns varied with crash type. In near-side crashes, occupant weight and BMI were positively correlated with percent PC volume and the number of rib fractures, and the impact severity was positively correlated with percent PC volume in the lung nearest the impact.


This study quantified PC morphology in 29 MVC occupants and examined the relationship between injury severity and crash and occupant parameters to better characterize the mechanism of injury. The results of this study may contribute to the prevention, mitigation, and treatment of PC.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to determine occupant, vehicle, and crash characteristics predicting serious injury during rollover crashes. We compared 27 case occupants with serious or greater severity injuries with 606 control occupants without injury or with only minor or moderate injury. Odds ratios (OR) for individual variables and logistic regression were used to identify predictive variables for serious injury associated with rollovers. Cases more often had thorax, spine, or head injury compared to controls that more often had extremity injuries. Intrusion (especially roof rail or B-pillar intrusion) at the occupant's position, the vehicle interior side and roof as sources of injury, and improper safety belt use were significantly associated with serious injury. Even when safety belt use or proper use was controlled for, occupants with greater magnitude of intrusion at their seat position were about 10 times more likely to receive serious injury. Although prevention of rollover crashes is the ultimate goal, it is important to develop safer vehicles and safety systems to better protect occupants who are involved in rollover crashes. This also requires improvement in data collection systems documenting these types of crashes.  相似文献   

Linking hospital discharge and police traffic crash records has been used to provide information on causes and outcomes for hospitalised traffic crash cases. Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable to injury in a traffic crash, but no published linkage studies have reported in detail on this road user group. The present study examined motorcycle traffic crash injury cases in New Zealand in 2000–2004 by probabilistically linking national hospital discharge records with police traffic crash reports. Injury cases had to have spent at least one night in hospital before being discharged and were defined as serious or moderate based on their International Classification of Disease Injury Severity Scores (ICISS). Despite a robust linkage process, only 46% of cases could be linked to a police record; 60% of the serious injuries and 41% of the moderate. The low linkage was most likely due to under-reporting of crashes to or by the police. While moderate injury cases were expected to be under-reported, the level of under-reporting of cases with serious threat-to-life injuries is concerning. To assess whether the linked dataset could provide valid information on the crash circumstances and injury outcomes of hospitalised motorcycle crash cases, the characteristics of the linked and unlinked hospital discharge cases were compared using chi-square tests and multivariate logistic regression. Serious injury cases were less likely to be linked if only one vehicle was involved, or the injured riders and passengers were younger than 20 years or spent less than one week in hospital. For moderate injury cases, there were also differences in linkage by injured body region and crash month. While these discrepancies need to taken into consideration when interpreting results, the linked hospital-police dataset has the potential to provide insights into motorcycle crash circumstances and outcomes not otherwise obtainable.  相似文献   

This paper considers pre-impact vehicle maneuvers and analyzes the resulting driver motion from their comfort seating position. Part I of this work consists of analyzing the driver behavior during a crash. The study is conducted using the LAMIH driving simulator and involves 76 participants. The emergency situation is created by a truck emerging from behind a tractor on the opposite side of the road and tearing along the participant. The driver positioning throughout the simulation is recorded via five video cameras allowing view of the front scene, the driver face, feet and pedals, hands on the steering wheel and global lateral view. Data related to braking force, seat pressure, muscular activity for major groups of muscles and actions on the steering wheel are also collected.The typical response to this type of emergency event is to brace rearward into the seat and to straighten the arms against the steering wheel, or, to swerve to attempt to avoid the impacting vehicle. While turning the steering wheel, the forearm can be directly positioned on the airbag module at time of crash which represents a potential injurious situation.These positions are used in Part II to determine scenario of positions for numerical simulation of a frontal collision.  相似文献   

为提高矿用救生舱的碰撞安全性,设计一种泡沫铝填充矿用救生舱。利用ANSYS Workbench的参数优化模块,以舱体的加速度、变形及吸能大小为优化目标,对舱体的结构参数和泡沫铝的材料性能参数进行优化。对优化后的泡沫铝救生舱的碰撞安全性进行分析,结果表明泡沫铝救生舱在质量和最大等效应力均有所降低的前提下,泡沫铝救生舱碰撞时的最大变形和最大加速度得到显著降低并且舱体吸收的能量得到大幅提升,证明泡沫铝填充救生舱具有更佳的碰撞性能可以提高其安全性。  相似文献   

A comprehensive analysis is performed to evaluate the effect of weight, height and body mass index (BMI) of occupants on side impact injuries at different body regions. The accident dataset for this study is based on the National Automotive Sampling System-Crashworthiness Data System (NASS-CDS) for accident year 2000–08. The mean BMI values for driver and front passenger are estimated from all types of crashes using NASS database, which clearly indicates that mean BMI has been increasing over the years in the USA. To study the effect of BMI in side impact injuries, BMI was split into three groups namely (1) thin (BMI < 21), (2) normal (BMI 24–27), (3) obese (BMI > 30). For more clear identification of the effect of BMI in side impact injuries, a minimum gap of three BMI is set in between each adjacent BMI groups. Car model years from MY1995–1999 to MY2000–2008 are chosen in order to identify the degree of influence of older and newer generation of cars in side impact injuries. Impact locations particularly side-front (F), side-center (P) and side-distributed (Y) are chosen for this analysis. Direction of force (DOF) considered for both near side and far side occupants are 8 o’clock, 9 o’clock, 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock, 3 o’clock and 4 o’clock respectively. Age <60 years is also one of the constraints imposed on data selection to minimize the effect of bone strength on the occurrence of occupant injuries. AIS2+ and AIS3+ injury risk in all body regions have been plotted for the selected three BMI groups of occupant, delta-V 0–60 kmph, two sets (old and new) of car model years. The analysis is carried with three approaches: (a) injury risk percentage based on simple graphical method with respect to a single variable, (b) injury distribution method where the injuries are marked on the respective anatomical locations and (c) logistic regression, a statistical method, considers all the related variables together. Lower extremity injury risk appears to be high for thin BMI group. It is found that BMI does not have much influence on head injuries but it is influenced more by the height of the occupant. Results of logistic analysis suggest that BMI, height and weight may have significant contribution towards side impact injuries across different body regions.  相似文献   

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