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新沟镇地处县城边境,用电比较早,高低压线路及用户室内用电设备,大部分是在七十年代架设和安装的,线路老化,设备陈下,造成线损大电价高每千瓦达1.20元。1998年开展农网建设改造工程,他们创办第三产业,为农户提供“一条龙”优质服务,购置加工机械就地加工器材,统一配套室内电器材料,杜绝事故隐患,既方便了用户,提高工程进度和安全系数,又增加了三产收入,真可谓是一举多得。1998年以前,该站没有电器产品销售门市,也没有机械加工设备,用户需要架线及安装用电设备,都是由用户自行采购,结果造成有些用户为了贪便宜,在小商…  相似文献   

在全国上下迎接香港回归,迎接党的十五大召开前夕,一九九七年五月六日是广安公司成立十周年大喜日子。春暖花开,风和日丽,我们召开庆典大会,开了一个高兴大会,团结大会,出席会议的:有国家劳动部锅炉局江才寿局长、陈亦惠局长。有上海市劳动局锅炉处孙永安处长,钟立和副处长,周华科长。有徐汇区劳动局老局长蒋校成同志,有华东建筑设计院,第九设计院,轻工设计院,上海市能源研究会,徐汇区政协,上海市电力工业局,上海市计划用电办公室,宝钢设计研究院,新民晚报,上海徐汇房地产股份公司,上海工业锅炉厂等三十九位代表。到会…  相似文献   

赞美太阳神姚彭生你洒向大地万丈光芒你是众神之神,你是众神之神,有了你,地球上才有风云变幻,有了你,才有生命发祥、万物生长,有了你,地球上才有能源矿藏,有了你,地球上才有绿色植物,有了你,才有粮食增产,丰收在望,有了你,地球上才有热源光亮。啊,太阳神啊...  相似文献   

从近期我国建设燃机电厂的技术,经济,适用条件出发,概述燃机电厂设计原则的建议,包括燃机,汽轮机,余热锅炉的选择,主厂房布置,电气系统设计,控制方式与水平,燃料选择等。  相似文献   

工厂化大型养猪场发展迅速,废水集中,对环境压力很大。由于浓度高,固液辊杂,水量大,温度低,处理难度大,必须研究出造价低,运行成本低,处理效果优,效益高的技术。  相似文献   

淮北矿业(集团)公司坐落在安徽省淮北市,是以煤炭生产经营为主,集电力,化工,建筑建材,医药,机械制造,农林养殖,商贸旅游为一体,多种经营,综合发展的大型企业集团,其前身是淮北矿务局,始建于1958年,  相似文献   

集中供暖好处多台安县农业局台安县供暖公司汤华林,李云成,李继元,杨秀梅,娄兴春,房淑敏,薄树一台安县位于辽河平原中部,属暖温带半湿润季风气候,四季分明,年平均气温为8.2℃,冬季需取暖,最冷的1月份平均气温-10.8℃80年代,台安镇内有锅炉94台,...  相似文献   

刘和 《江西能源》1997,(3):12-14
我厂是1981年投产的棉纺单纱厂,有33000纱锭,5000线锭,2套精梳,年产量5000吨;为增加企业后劲,1995年投资4600万元,上马了牛仔布织造染整生产线,年生产能力为574万m牛仔布。年耗标煤2100吨,年用电量在1200万kw·h左右,现有2200余名职工的中二型棉纺织企业,历年来被评为江西省节约能源先进单位称号。1996年是不平凡的一年,在这一年里,由于国内外因素的影响以及纱价难以到位,企业负担沉重,纺织行业遇到了前所未有的困难,面对困难,我厂在上级部门的正确领导、支持和帮助下,全厂职工团结一心,奋发进取,学邯钢,降成本,抓管…  相似文献   

为贯彻落实《国务院关于促进煤炭工业健康发展的若干意见》(国发[2005]18号),严格产业准入,转变发展方式,推动产业结构优化升级,提高生产力水平,保障安全生产,提高资源利用率,加强环境保护,促进煤炭工业健康发展,结合相关法律法规,国家发展和改革委员会制定了《煤炭产业政策》,经国务院批准,予以发布。  相似文献   

中秋节傍晚,经过农网改造紧张施工阜宁县吴滩镇小街,随着电力调度合闸一声令下,灯火一片通明,男女老少欢声沸腾。原来小街虽然早已用上了电,但因线路质量差,配变容量小,电灯昏暗,电视模糊,用户怨声载道。吴滩供电所利用农网改造和拓宽道路为契机,将小街原有3.5公里电力线路全部折除,更换配变6台720KVA,面对时间紧、任务重,吴滩供电所知难而上,他们组织近3O人的施工队伍,分成四个施工点,在保证安全前提下,他们起早拖晚,日夜突击,总站领导施好瑜亲临施工现场指挥作业,协调供电局运输车辆,督查安全措施落实到位情况,…  相似文献   

Various methods to electrodeposit films of CuInSe(S)2 are discussed. Two basically different methods are treated separately: electrodeposition of the ternary CuInSe(S) systems and deposition of a CuIn alloy followed by annealing in an Se(S)-containing atmosphere.Electrodeposition of the ternary CuInSe(S) systems includes CuInS2 (and CuIn5S8) plated from a thiourea bath. Morphological, compositional and photoelectrochemical behaviour of these layers is discussed. Attempts to plate CuInSe2 from an SeO2-containing bath and CuInS2 from a non-aqueous sulphur-containing bath are also treated.Discussion of the second method, deposition of a CuIn alloy, concentrates on the alloy deposition step. Both co-deposition of copper and indium and sequential deposition of indium on copper are treated, with emphasis on the morphology of the layers.  相似文献   

Photocatalytic hydrogen production is a promising approach of sustainable economy, because a use of sunlight and water to produce a fuel will solve a problem of fossil fuels depletion. Metal sulfides are well known photocatalysts in water splitting process, but in absence of sacrificial electron donor they undergo a photocorrosion. In this paper we studied a possible strategy to protect the sulfide photocatalysts and to improve its photostability by a deposition of small amount of ruthenium oxide at surface of sulfides. Nanocrystalline zinc sulfide and copper sulfide were prepared in a hydrothermal way and have been functionalized by RuO2. As prepared photocatalysts showed good activity towards hydrogen formation. Modification of sulfides with ruthenium oxide had a few positive effects: it expanded a light absorption range by photocatalysts, enhanced the photocatalytic activity towards H2 formation, improved a photostability in comparison with neat ZnS and CuS as well as protected from the electronic and structural changes within semiconductors due to irradiation.  相似文献   

The direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide (DSH) from hydrogen and oxygen is an attractive production route due to its green nature. However, it faces multiple technical challenges, the biggest being the explosion risk of the flammable gas mixture. Herein we have used microreactors to perform the reaction in an inherently safer way which allows the hydrogen concentration to fall within the explosion limit range. For the first time, we have studied the flame propagation phenomena inside a microreactor to determine the optimum channel dimension for DSH. A mechanism of “fast synthesis and slow destruction” has been proposed via investigation on the influence of channel length and liquid flow rate. Besides, a variety of reaction parameters including gas flow rate, oxygen: hydrogen ratio, catalyst composition and gas pressure have been studied carefully. The successful employment of a microreactor in this case has indicated the potential of using microreactors to inhibit the explosion risks of hazardous processes.  相似文献   

Oxy-steam combustion is a potential new-generation option for CO2 capture and storage. The ignition and combustion characteristics of single coal and biomass particles were investigated in a flow tube reactor in O2/N2 and O2/H2O at various oxygen concentrations. The ignition and combustion processes were recorded using a CCD camera, and the two-color pyrometry was used to estimate the volatile flame temperature and char combustion temperature. In O2/N2 and O2/H2O, coal ignites heterogeneously at <O2> = 21–50%. In O2/N2, biomass ignites homogeneously at <O2> = 21–30%, while it ignites heterogeneously at <O2> = 40–50%. In O2/H2O, biomass ignites homogeneously at <O2> = 21–50%. With increasing oxygen concentration, the ignition delay time, volatile burnout time and char burnout time are decreased, and the volatile flame temperature and char combustion temperature are increased. At a certain oxygen concentration in both atmospheres, the ignition delay time, volatile burnout time and char burnout time of biomass are shorter than those of coal. Moreover, biomass has a higher volatile flame temperature but a lower char combustion temperature than coal. The ignition delay time, volatile burnout time and char burnout time in O2/H2O are lower than those in O2/N2 for coal and biomass. The presence of H2O can improve the combustion rates of coal and biomass. The volatile flame shows a lower temperature in O2/H2O than in O2/N2 at <O2> = 21–50%. The char combustion shows a lower temperature in O2/H2O than in O2/N2 at <O2> = 21–30%, while this behavior is switched at <O2> = 40–50%. The results contribute to the understanding of the ignition and combustion characteristics of coal and biomass in oxy-steam combustion.  相似文献   

Moderate or Intense Low-oxygen Dilution (MILD) combustion of a syngas fuel under air-fuel, oxygen-enhanced, and oxy-fuel condition are numerically studied with using counterflow diffusion flame. Fuel composition, temperature of oxidant (Tox), and oxygen mole fraction (XO2) are selected as the main parameters. Fake species (FCO2) with the same CO2 physical properties is used for separation the physical and chemical effects of replacing CO2 with N2. According to the results, under the high preheating temperatures, the chemical effect of changing the oxidant composition from N2 to CO2 is the main reason of the changes in flame structure, ignition delay time (IDT) and heat release rate (HRR) while physical differences play a more prominent role in the low preheating temperature MILD combustion. In all XO2, the physical and chemical effects of replacing CO2 with N2 have almost the same role on the maximum flame temperature. The results of IDT expressed that chemical discrepancies of CO2 and N2 play a key role on IDT enhancement by increasing CO2 in the oxidant composition. The sensitivity analysis of CH2O for variations of Tox and XO2 shows that reactions R54, R56, R58, and R101 are the main responsible of lower HRR and higher IDT by moving from air-syngas to oxy-fuel MILD combustion.  相似文献   

介绍了QB 2、QB 2S型单元制动器的运用情况和存在的问题,提出了改进建议、措施及运用检修中的注意事项。  相似文献   

《Journal of power sources》2003,115(1):119-124
Insertion of lithium and sodium into phosphate (MoO2)2P2O7 was investigated electrochemically to determine the usefulness as a possible cathode for ion-transfer secondary batteries. Specific charges of up to 250 mA h g−1 were obtained for A/(MoO2)2P2O7 (A: Li, Na) cells with liquid organic electrolytes in the first reduction half-cycle at room temperature. Intercalation processes under constant current densities of 0.2 mA cm−2 were reversible within the range of composition 0.85<x<4.0 for lithium and 0.5<x<3.1 for sodium in Ax(MoO2)2P2O7 (A: Li, Na), respectively. Structural changes induced by lithium or sodium intercalation were followed by ex situ X-ray diffraction measurements, and the phase change from the crystal to the amorphous was observed in both cases.  相似文献   

Vapor pressures of the system HI/H2O/I2 and H2 were determined with a static phase equilibrium apparatus. The selected temperatures were between 120 and 300°C. The measured liquid mole fractions were limited to 0 ⩽ xHI/xH2O ⩽ 0.19. For low iodine and high hydrogen iodide contents a significant dissociation of HI into hydrogen and iodine was observed. The positions of the pseudo-azeotropes and the miscibility gap are expressed analytically.  相似文献   

A series of different amount ZrO2-promoted SiO2 supported Ni catalysts were prepared and used for methane autothermal reforming with CO2 and O2 [MATR] to synthesis gas in a fluidized bed reactor. Pulse-injected surface reactions and in situ XRD characterizations disclosed that CO2 dissociated exclusively at the boundary between Ni and ZrO2. O species derived from CO2 dissociation overflowed to metallic Ni and accelerated the activation of methane. Ni/5ZrO2–SiO2 catalyst with larger Ni–ZrO2 boundary exhibited the best activity and stability for MATR even at an extremely space velocity 90,000 h?1.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation with detailed chemistry has been carried out to clearly discriminate the thermal and chemical contributions of added diluents (H2O and CO2) to major flame structures and NO emission characteristics in H2/N2 counterflow diffusion flame. The pertinence of GRI, Miller–Bowman, and their recent modified mechanisms are estimated for the combined fuel of H2, CO2, and N2. A virtual species X, which displaces the individual CO2 and H2O in the fuel sides, is introduced to separate chemical effects from thermal effects. In the case of H2O addition the chain branching reaction, H + O2 → O + OH is considerably augmented in comparison with that in the case of CO2 addition. It is also seen that there exists a chemically super‐adiabatic effect in flame temperature due to the breakdown of H2O. The reaction path of CH2O→CH2OH→CH3 and the C1‐branch reactions become predominant due to the breakdown of CO2. In NO emission behaviour super‐equilibrium effects caused by the surplus chain carrier radicals due to the breakdown of added H2O are more superior to the enhanced effects of prompt NO with the breakdown of added CO2. Especially, it is noted that thermal NO emission is directly influenced by the chemical super‐equilibrium effects of chain carrier radicals in the case of H2O addition. As a result the overall NO emission in the case of the addition of H2O is higher than that in the case of CO2 addition. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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