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陈非力 《节能》1997,(7):44-47
以绿色照明工程为契机促进日光照明技术的研究开发及推广应用中国科学院广州能源研究所陈非力1前言1992年美国首先提出“绿色照明”计划,它指的是发展和推进高效照明,节约和控制照明用电特别是控制峰荷用电,形成高效、舒适、减少环境污染的照明系统。根据专家分析...  相似文献   

低碳照明(节能照明)是当今世界照明产业发展的主旋律,大力发展价廉物美、能被千家万户接受的LED照明是时代的必然要求。然而,在迅猛发展起来的成千上万的LED照明企业中,产品鱼龙混杂,使消费者真伪难辨。因而,正确理解LED通用照明的要素,有利于LED照明产业可持续发展。由于LED照明与传统的照明技术有很大的不同,文章从LED照明的技术特点出发,解释了通用照明基本性能要求的含义,供从事LED节能照明的相关人员及希望对LED照明产品有理性了解的广大消费者参考。  相似文献   

光纤照明作为一种新兴的照明方式,在广告照明、装饰照明、水下照明、局部照明工程的应用中具有其它传统照明方式无法比拟的优势.近几年来,在国外得到了广泛应用.在国内,目前还只被部分专业人士所了解.  相似文献   

结合汽轮机厂的照明情况,说明机械制造企业照明节电必须与实际环境相结合,选用合适的照明灯具,阐述照明节电的方法、措施和效果,并举证照明节能案例。  相似文献   

一、实施“绿色照明工程”的背景绿色照明工程是通过使用高效节能照明器具,实现照明节电,保护环境,改善照明条件和发展生产的一项跨世纪工程,是电器照明、能源环保工作者贯彻党的十四届五中全会关于“在现代化建设中,必须把实现可持续发展作为一个重大战略”的重大举措。美国、日本、英国、法国和其他欧洲经济发达国家都有照明节电计划,亚太地区甚至许多发展中国家也在实施绿色照明工程。二、实施“绿色照明工程”可节约大量电力,并改善环境。在我国现阶段,照明用电约占发电总量的10%以上,多属峰荷电能,节电潜力很大,并且现实可…  相似文献   

许旺发  张旭 《节能》2005,(3):36-38
在商业建筑中 ,照明能耗约占到建筑总能耗的 1/3,照明节能是商业建筑节能的重要环节。本文分析了商业照明环境与消费行为的关系 ,指出营造一个良好的照明环境能促使消费行为的完成 ,但同时还应该重视照明系统的节能功能 ;分析了照明节能的四个途径 :光源的合理选择、自然光的合理利用、空间照度的合理设计和照明系统的合理控制与管理  相似文献   

从降低照明负荷谈绿色照明的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、绿色照明的渊源《绿色照明》是一种高效、安全、经济、舒适的现代化照明系统。最近几年,引起国内外的普遍重视。欧美发达国家纷纷拨巨款支持本国实施《绿色照明》。我国政府对实施绿色照明亦十分重视,全国节电办公室分别于1990年10月和1993年《月在武汉和北京召开了两次全国照明节电会议,向全国推荐了一批绿色照明节电产品和节电措施,为我国实施绿色照明创造了条件。1993年11月,国家经贸委组织有关专家到山东省烟台、威海、蓬莱、龙口等地的电力部门和生产厂家调查了解照明节电的有关情况,并正式起草了在中国实施绿色照明工程的基…  相似文献   

一、公众照明节电意识明显增强 在中国绿色照明工程起动初期,为了解居民用户对"绿色照明"及高效照明产品的认识和接受程度,以此制定相关宣传和市场策略,项目办公室委托清华大学能源培训中心,开展了"消费者照明节电意识调查".  相似文献   

公共建筑自然采光的意义不仅在于节省照明能耗,减少碳排放,而且为室内的视觉作业提供舒适、健康的光环境,是良好的室内环境质量不可缺少的重要组成部分。文章介绍了新型自然采光技术——管道式日光照明装置,在与灯光照明、传统天窗采光和光纤集光照明等的比较中说明管道式日光照明装置的技术原理、结构功能和应用。  相似文献   

从光导照明(管道式日光照明)技术的原理和组成结构出发,分析了光导照明各项技术的发展,介绍了光导照明在国内外的应用现状,并由此探讨了光导照明的优缺点以及适合使用的场合.  相似文献   

王囡  富永涛 《节能》2010,29(8):66-68
对焦炉集气管内衬脱落、烧红、烧坏等存在的问题进行分析,提出对集气管内衬进行更换的改造方案,并确立了用莫来石等多种材料进行复合使用的改造方法。改造取得了良好的效果,使焦炉能够恢复正常生产。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to present organizational models for optimizing the reduction of crop residue generated by the sugarcane culture. The first model consisted of the selection of varieties of sugarcane to be planted meeting the mill requirements and, at the same time, to minimize the quantity of residue produced. The second model discussed the use of residue to produce energy. This is related to the selection of variety and quantity to be planted, in order to meet the requirements of the mill, to reduce the quantity of residue, and to maximize as much as possible the energy production. The use of linear programming was proposed. The two models presented similar results in this study, and both may be used to define the varieties and areas to be cultivated.  相似文献   

Most developing countries include rural electrification programs in their efforts to improve social conditions. There are, however, several obstacles to the evaluation of such programs and therefore of their social, economic, environmental and energy impacts on the target population, particularly on impoverished communities located in remote areas. Evaluation of the efficacy of public policies aimed at rural electrification in South Africa, China, India and Brazil enables such actions to be quantified and re-considered so as to bolster the sustainability of their planning and implementation and also so as to enable comprehension of the significance of access to electricity in relation to other aspects of the drive to improve living standards. The provision of electric energy amounts to more than access to a public service and should be considered an essential right, in a context of social equity and justice, which permits social integration and the access to other equally essential services.  相似文献   

One-second irradiance data from forty-five sensors spaced over a one-mile square section of land were analyzed to characterize the short-term (1-s to 1-min) variability of the solar resource in Northern Arizona. The geostatistical interpolation model known as kriging was applied to our data set to better understand the method's strengths and weaknesses in accurately predicting the variations in the irradiance over this relatively small section of land. Of particular interest was to investigate the ability of the kriging method to show the variation in solar irradiance over the section of land as compared to that measured by the sensors. When using data from all the sensors as input to the prediction method, kriging performed very well compared to the sensors. However, because it is unlikely to have a large number of sensors to characterize the variability at a prospective solar site, it was also of interest to investigate how many sensors are required as input to the kriging technique in order to generate a reliable prediction. Solar data from four characteristic periods (related to the four seasons) were analyzed, and different sensor configurations, consisting of subsets of the actual sensor array, were employed using the method to demonstrate the number of sensors required to correctly characterize the short-term irradiance variability at the site. Using four measurement stations as input to the kriging method was shown to reasonably represent the variability in the 1-s to 1-min timescales.  相似文献   

《Renewable Energy》2000,19(1-2):1-5
By means of the experiences and the researches recently developed that show an integrated approach to the problem, it is possible to draw a series of indications for an ecological management of the urban water cycle. However, it is crucial to remember that the task of the architect is also to experiment an integration between eco-technologies for the re-naturalisation of the cycle of water and the image of the building. It is possible, actually, to use technologies related to water, tailored to the local conditions, for a result that integrates functionality, aesthetics, environment sustainability and thermal comfort.  相似文献   

全面建设小康社会的能源保障问题   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
到2020年我国将建成小康社会,按照保守的估计人均能源消费量将达到2toe,全国将达到近30亿toe。综观国内能源资源条件,国内能源供应将面临潜在的总量短缺,尤其是石油、天然气供应将面临结构性短缺。为应对挑战需要采取以下对策:调整和优化能源结构,建立可持续能源保障体系;发展洁净煤技术,减少能源利用对环境的影响;优先发展水电,提高水电在能源消费结构中的比例;大力促进新能源和可再生能源的发展;给核能发电应有的地位,达到能源消费总量的1/10;坚持节能和提高能源利用效率;多元化利用国际油气资源,规避能源风险;建立以石油储备为主的能源战略储备体系,保障能源安全。  相似文献   

我们共同的目标:应对气候变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叙述了美国政府将要采取以可靠的科学作为行动依据、建立清洁能源经济推动技术进步、在美国国内采取必要的行动、建立更强大的全球合作关系、推动发展中国家合作伙伴的参与以及帮助最贫困、最易受到影响的发展中国家适应气候变化、努力向前推进世界能源体系转型等措施,实现应对全球气候变化的共同目标,介绍了美国在建设碳循环监测网络、开展极度冰川调查、开发利用风能和农村能源、提高燃油效率限制汽车尾气排放、实施隔热防寒援助项目、逐步取消对化石燃料的补贴、研制碳排放量追踪工具、推进减少氢氟碳化物、开发新型监测与观察手段、组织沿海气候变化课程的情况。  相似文献   

赵剑涛 《中外能源》2011,16(3):83-87
长庆石化1.40Mt/a催化裂化装置加工减压渣油后,生焦量大、再生器超温,加工量降低(最低时仅为110t/h),轻质油收率低,仅为54.58%,烧焦损失大(由8.6%增大到9.56%),分馏塔底油浆系统结焦严重。通过提高原料油预热温度(最高提至260℃)和反应温度(一段反应温度由505℃提至518℃,最高时达到525℃),来提高进料的雾化效果和反应剂油比,通过降低分馏塔底温度(不大于355℃),新增回炼油串塔底流程、提高分馏塔底油浆线路线速、提高油浆外甩量(不低于5%,最高达到10%)、降低分馏塔底液面(不大于60%)和停留时间,以减缓分馏塔底结焦。设备方面,通过再生系统增设内取热器,增加取热能力,再生器中部增加防焦蒸汽环管,加大阻垢剂用量(提高至30~35mg/L),油浆线路结焦得到缓解。提出仍需改进和采取的措施,包括:强化一段提升管,停用二段提升管,停止油浆回炼,回炼油改进一段提升管;进一步提高剂油比,以改善产品分布,提高加工量,降低干气、焦炭产率;通过渣油加氢预处理来降低残炭含量,增加芳烃饱和度,实现催化原料轻质化,提高裂解性能。  相似文献   

The interconnections between energy, agriculture and environment in rural India are analyzed in this paper using a systems perspective. Rural areas of developing countries use biomass for fuel, fodder, fertilizer and other purposes, and it is necessary to understand the fuel-fodder–fertilizer relationships for optimal biomass allocation. The allocation is explored using a linear programming model. First, the model is validated by simulating it using data for the year 1990–1991. The model is then applied for the year 2000, and several scenarios are generated to obtain answers to various policy questions. The results show that it is necessary to increase fertilizer consumption, to increase efficiencies of cooking stoves, to improve livestock feed, and/or to decrease population growth for maximizing the revenue generated in the rural system of India. It shows that when the prices of fertilizers increase, a large increase in kerosene requirements can be expected. It also points to the necessity to increase kerosene consumption to reduce emissions (due to non-commercial fuels) and soil fertility loss. For example, the carbon dioxide emissions associated with the scenarios range from 137.50 to 62.50 million tons (in carbon equivalent terms) for the high and low cases, respectively. Correspondingly, kerosene consumption ranges from 0.18 to 15.49 kilotons (kT).  相似文献   

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