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P2P系统是一种分布式系统,降低系统负载对提高P2P系统的扩展性具有重要意义.目前结构化P2P协议主要利用缓存方法解决查询热点问题,这些缓存方法对数据缓存后的收益无法预测,是一种较盲目的缓存,往往导致系统负载加重.本文提出一种结构化P2P协议中的缓存计算模型,该模型以降低系统负载为目标,节点采用一种文件访问统计方法跟踪查询本地文件的消息途经邻居节点的历史次数,根据历史统计记录预测缓存该文件到邻居节点可能减少的查询负载,然后与缓存后可能产生的更新开销对比,进而确定是否缓存文件到相应的邻居节点.实验表明,该缓存计算模型可以有效降低系统负载.  相似文献   

针对非结构化P2P系统搜索效率低的问题,提出了一种基于K叉带权搜索树的P2P搜索模型P2ST.模型构建了服务于搜索的k叉带权树,节点按查询命中率大小在树中由上至下排列,命中率大且稳定的节点处于树的上层,搜索时可由此确定消息扩散的方向.采用缓存上层节点、建立搜索结果和发起节点索引、过热资源复制、为叶节点添加远程邻居等方法进一步提高搜索效率和平衡负载.分析和仿真结果表明,提出的模型能大量减少无效消息,具有较高的搜索效率,且维护搜索树的开销较小.  相似文献   

罗绪成  耿技  刘峤 《计算机应用》2006,26(11):2578-2582
研究了非结构化P2P系统的数据管理和相应的资源查询算法。提出了基于资源广告的非结构化P2P系统,即RAP2P。设计了一种类似谣言传播机制的资源信息广告算法AdGossip来传播共享资源广告,并且通过共享资源广告缓存限制机制来保证局部区域缓存空间对共享资源节点的最大覆盖率。分析和模拟结果表明,在获得100%查询命中率的条件下,RAP2P的资源定位消息开销约为泛洪查询的25%,查询的时延为泛洪查询的30%~50%,并且远远低于k-random walks。  相似文献   

侯浦 《软件》2012,33(12)
传统的缓存替换算法缺乏对视频点播系统的针对性,不能有效的重用缓存数据,影响缓存查询命中率.为此,本文针对视频点播系统用户VCR操作的特点,提出了一种基于缓存数据块关联规则的P2P视频点播系统客户端缓存替换算法.此算法根据视频点播用户的VCR操作特征,在每个节点记录用户的播放历史,并利用P2P网络的优势,在节点间互换播放记录.节点从自身收集到的播放记录中提取出视频数据块之间的关联规则,根据关联规则更新数据块的流行度.缓存区被填满后流行度低的数据块就会被流行度较高的数据块替换.实验结果表明,与传统缓存替换算法相比,本算法能够提高缓存查询命中率,减轻服务器的负载.  相似文献   

结构化P2P上的高效多属性区间查询   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
海沫 《计算机工程》2010,36(6):58-60
在结构化P2P上的多属性区间查询中,查询算法所需的跳数和消息数依赖于节点个数和被查询的区间大小,属性值改变时会产生大量的消息。针对这些问题,提出结构化P2P上基于节点动态分组(PDG)的多属性区间查询机制。仿真结果表明,PDG中解析每个查询所需的跳数和消息数与被查询的区间大小和节点个数无关,更新属性值所产生的消息数减少,并且节点分组的维护开销较低。  相似文献   

基于Kleinberg小世界模型设计一个结构化P2P网络文本检索协议。P2P网络由一些相互连接节点类构成,根据节点文本相似程度实现复杂查询。通过预先设定节点类参数,可以动态地调整节点类大小来平衡网络负载。节点类之间存在一些长程连接,缩短了查询路由步数。实验结果表明,随着网络规模的扩大,搜索开销呈对数平方曲线增长,维护开销呈线性增长,选择合适的节点类内部节点的数量,可以使得总开销最小。  相似文献   

罗绪成  刘峤 《计算机应用》2007,27(8):1831-1834
根据非结构化P2P系统中资源分布的特点,提出一种基于复本网络的非结构化P2P系统,即RNP2P。通过查询反馈、主动探测和反向探测三种方式协调复本节点之间的相互感知,构建数据结构存储每种资源的其他复本节点信息,针对每种资源均构成一个复本网络。基于这种复本管理机制,RNP2P平均能够以命中3~5个复本的消息开销获得100%的命中率,其他查询方法均可以和RNP2P有效结合。模拟结果表明RNP2P的查询性能远远高于其他查询方案。当采用k-随机游走进行查询,RNP2P的消息开销为普通非结构化P2P中k-随机游走查询的5%,并且远远低于泛洪查询,RNP2P的查询时延也相应降低。  相似文献   

针对在基于P2P的点播系统中,由于客户端缓存区没有得到高效的利用而影响流媒体点播系统的服务质量问题,提出了一种新的基于混合P2P的流媒体点播模型P2P_VOD,该模型将客户端缓存分为三个区,并详细阐述了客户端节点缓存区的缓存替换机制,综合考虑了数据块备份量的均衡性和节点VCR操作的命中率,使得节目数据块在各节点间缓存得到全局优化并有效缓解了服务器负载。通过仿真对比实验,验证了该模型在启动延迟和服务器负载方面的优越性。  相似文献   

胡玉琦  高吉敏 《计算机工程与设计》2011,32(6):1877-1879,1884
Chord是典型的结构化Peer-to-Peer(简称P2P)网络模型,具有结构简单且查找资源迅速等优点,但由于网络中的节点需要维护部分拓扑信息,当网络中一部分节点频繁地加入或者退出系统时会影响网络的稳定性,极大地增加系统的维护开销,同时网络中节点性能的差异也影响了整个系统的效率。针对上述存在的问题,提出了一种基于Chord的混合式网络模型,利用节点的性能差异形成节点簇,有效地提高了系统的稳定性,降低了维护代价并减少了平均跳数。最后通过仿真实验验证了该混合式网络模型的有效性。  相似文献   

首先从混合式P2P网络拓扑结构出发,结合DHT思想,提出了基于DHT的层次化P2P网络模型.其次根据在文档集巨大的情况下,用户提交的查询不可能"面面俱到",实际用来回答查询的文档仅仅是文档集中很小的一部分这一思想,在层次化P2P模型的超级节点中建立了分布式缓存,运用分布式索引与缓存技术,提出一种新的方法来解决多项查询问题.即由多项查询中的某个关键字key,根据hash函数定位到负责该key的超级节点,查询该节点上的分布式索引得到缓存具体存储位置,最终将结果返回给用户,如若缓存中没有所要查询的内容,则广播该查询,同时根据系统中的历史广播查询信息来计算某个待选缓存项的利益值,利益最大的待选项加入缓存.一般针对多项查询的泛洪算法往往会造成巨大的网络信息量,提出的方法牺牲了超级节点上一小部分的存储力,缓解了多项查询造成的网络拥挤现象.同时,基于DHT的层次化P2P模型也具有很好的稳定性,不会因为大量节点的动态加入或者退出而无法进行多项查询.  相似文献   

Coolstreaming is a mesh based peer-to-peer (P2P) video streaming system in which single video stream is decomposed into multiple sub-streams. A client-peer node retrieves the sub-streams from multiple parent-peer nodes, combining them into the original video stream. Each client-peer node has two buffers, a synchronization buffer and a cache buffer, and arriving data blocks are synchronized at the synchronization buffer and then forwarded to the cache buffer. In this buffering system, data-block synchronization is important to guarantee high video quality. In this paper, we consider the effect of churn on the performance of data-block synchronization scheme with which data blocks are simultaneously forwarded just after all the data blocks composing a macro data block arrive at the synchronization buffer. It is assumed that data blocks belonging to a sub-stream arrive at the client-peer node according to an interrupted Poisson process. The synchronization buffer is modeled as a multiple-buffer queueing system with homogeneous interrupted Poisson processes, and the mean forwarding interval is derived. Numerical examples show that the average forwarding interval increases as parent-peer nodes leave more frequently.  相似文献   

针对视频节目受欢迎程度不同的特性,提出一种P2P流媒体系统中的缓存替换算法,通过将系统中的全部视频片段分类,为其赋予不同的优先级,并周期性地更新该值,同时考虑视频片段被访问次数和最近被访问的情况,使得被替换出存储空间的片段更加合理。实验表明,该算法能提高缓存命中率及系统的启动延时,性能较优。  相似文献   

During recent years, the Internet has witnessed rapid advancement in peer-to-peer (P2P) media streaming. In these applications, an important issue has been the block scheduling problem, which deals with how each node requests the media data blocks from its neighbors. In most streaming systems, peers are likely to have heterogeneous upload/download bandwidths, leading to the fact that different peers probably perceive different streaming quality. Layered (or scalable) streaming in P2P networks has recently been proposed to address the heterogeneity of the network environment. In this paper, we propose a novel block scheduling scheme that is aimed to address the P2P layered video streaming. We define a soft priority function for each block to be requested by a node in accordance with the block’s significance for video playback. The priority function is unique in that it strikes good balance between different factors, which makes the priority of a block well represent the relative importance of the block over a wide variation of block size between different layers. The block scheduling problem is then transformed to an optimization problem that maximizes the priority sum of the delivered video blocks. We develop both centralized and distributed scheduling algorithms for the problem. Simulation of two popular scalability types has been conducted to evaluate the performance of the algorithms. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is effective in terms of bandwidth utilization and video quality.  相似文献   

在SCU-K算法的基础上,提出了基于流行度和将来访问次数的最小效用替换算法(SCU-PFUT)。此外算法还考虑了流媒体文件的字节有效性和文件块大小的因素,使得替换出内存的数据块更加合理。不但避免LRU和LFU算法中出现的媒体文件被连续替换的问题,相对于LRU、LFU和SCU-2,其在缓存命中率、字节命中率和空间利用率都得到了提升。  相似文献   

采用设置本地端缓冲服务器的方法提高流传榆质量.在开放型网络英语教学系统中应用流媒体提供QoS的管理功能,解决音视频流缓冲问题,并提供相应机制支持网络环境下的流媒体QoS。实验结果表明,流体系结构较好实现网络教学环境下的流媒体播放,保证音视频流的QoS。采用此流体系结构能较好地实现对流的管理和控制。从而保证多媒体课件的传输质量。  相似文献   

采用设置本地端缓冲服务器的方法提高流传输质量,在开放型网络英语教学系统中应用流媒体提供QoS的管理功能,解决音视频流缓冲问题,并提供相应机制支持网络环境下的流媒体QoS。实验结果表明,流体系结构较好实现网络教学环境下的流媒体播放,保证音视频流的QoS。采用此流体系结构能较好地实现对流的管理和控制,从而保证多媒体课件的传输质量。  相似文献   

彭墨青  谢建国 《计算机工程》2009,35(15):235-237
针对终端转发机制存在的延迟问题和传输率波动问题,提出一种应用层组播节点流媒体调度算法,通过采用组播节点的缓冲延迟和视频编码预测信息,减弱流视频的突发性高带宽需求,从而实现实时流率平滑传输,以提供稳定的流视频服务。仿真实验结果表明,该算法是有效可行的。  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a hybrid P2P video on-demand architecture that utilizes both the server and the peer resources for efficient transmission of popular videos. In our system architecture, each peer dedicates some cache space to store a particular segment of a video file as well as some of its upload bandwidth to serve the cached segment to other peers. Peers join the system and issue a streaming request to a control server. Control server directs the peers to streaming servers or to other peers who have the desired video segments. Control server also decides which peer should cache which video segment. Our main contribution in this paper is to determine the proper caching strategies at peers such that we minimize the average load on the streaming servers.   相似文献   

在目前的流式应用分发系统中,客户端通过流式加载的形式按需加载应用资源,因此客户端需要频繁访问远程服务器,从而导致服务器过载、流量消耗增加、应用启动缓慢等问题。针对上述问题,设计了流式应用分发系统的缓存及综合用户行为预测策略A-RBFS(Adaptive Recently Behavior Frequently Size)。该策略同时考虑用户使用行为、客户端状态和应用大小等因素,并根据客户端剩余存储空间大小调节缓存空间总大小。实验结果表明,在同等条件下,该缓存替换策略明显优于LRU和LFU缓存替换策略。  相似文献   


With the rapid growth of wireless communication technology, the availability of highly flexible and video-friendly mobile terminal platforms (such as smartphones and tablets), the emergence of major video content providers (like YouTube, Ustream, and PPTV, which provide a large catalog of attractive contents), Peer-to-Peer (P2P) live video streaming over the wireless and Internet is becoming more and more attractive to users. One of the main challenges is to provide a good quality of service though the dynamic behavior of the network. Traditionally, tree-based model uses a push method, that broadcaster transfers data to other users. This model has low start-up delay. However, there are two main problems in this method: if the bandwidth of an internal node is low, children nodes may lose data and when an internal node failure, other nodes can’t receive data until completing the recovery of the tree. On the other hand, mesh-based model uses a pull method, has low bandwidth of a neighbor node by pulling necessary data from a number of neighbor nodes. However, mesh-based model requires large buffers to support pull data from neighbor peers and there is an adjustment between minimum delay by sending pull request and overhead of whole system. So, both models have their own strengths and weaknesses. This paper proposes a new hybrid push-pull live P2P video streaming protocol called MobileCast that combines the benefits of pull and push mechanisms for live video delivery. We present new topology for P2P network with more stable and provide better video streaming quality. Our main goal is to minimize the network end-to-end delay, startup time, overhead, packet loss compared to the pure mesh networks, pure tree networks and provide a good quality of service though the dynamic behavior of the network.


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