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Mohammad Mesbah Ebrahim Soroush Mohammad Roham Shohreh Shahsavari 《Petroleum Science and Technology》2017,35(15):1588-1594
In this study, the semi-clathrate hydrate dissociation pressure for the CO2+N2, CO2+H2, CO2+CH4, and pure CO2 systems in the presence of different concentrations of TBAB aqueous solutions is predicted using a strong machine learning technique of multi-layer perceptron neural network (MLP-NN). The developed model, with an overall correlation coefficient (R2) of 0.9961 and mean square error (MSE) of 5.96E?02, presented an excellent accuracy in prognosticating experimental data. A complete statistical evaluation performed to promise the strength and generality of the multi-layer perceptron artificial neural network (MLP-ANN). In addition, the applicability of the proposed network and quality of experimental data was assessed through the Leverage approach. 相似文献
Kashish Dhir 《Petroleum Science and Technology》2013,31(21):1733-1740
AbstractIt is important to comprehend the relationship between temperature and pressure at which different sizes of hydrates with a particular distribution. When hydrate particles are formed at unsteady state condition, the moment and the spreadness of the distribution of the formation of the hydrate particles is changed with time. The change of distribution of hydrate particle is one of the important parameter for the secondary nucleation rate of gas hydrate. In this study, a model is developed and proposed to predict the particle size distribution of carbon dioxide gas hydrate at its equilibrium condition. The distribution model may be useful for further understanding of the nucleation mechanism and its rate of gas hydrate formation. 相似文献
Javad Sayyad Amin Behnam Hosseini Nia Saeed Rafiee Nahid Kheilnezhad 《Petroleum Science and Technology》2017,35(11):1070-1077
Gas or clathrate hydrates are an important issue when they form in the oil and gas pipelines. Since the determination of the hydrate formation temperature and pressure is very difficult experimentally for every gas system and it is impossible in terms of cost and time approximately, mathematical models can be useful tools to overcome these difficulties. In this study, k-nearest neighbor model was used to predict the equilibrium conditions of hydrate formation in absorption and separation of carbon dioxide from flue gas mixture, containing carbon dioxide and nitrogen. At the training phase, temperature and composition data of nitrogen and carbon dioxide in the flue gas mixture at equilibrium conditions and the equilibrium pressures of hydrate formation were used as input and output, respectively. The error percentage less than 0.38% indicates the high accuracy of the proposed model. In this study, 80%, 85%, and 90% of the training data are examined for three numbers of nearest. For three numbers of used nearest (k = 1, k = 2 and k = 3), the value of k = 1 leads to the lowest error; so, it is selected as the best nearest in the presented model. 相似文献
复合添加剂对二氧化碳水合物生成条件影响的实验研究及动力学模型建立 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
基于水合物法储存分离二氧化碳具有较广阔的应用前景,通过实验研究了复合添加剂对二氧化碳水合物生成条件的影响,选用十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)和十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)以及两者的混合溶液作为实验用溶液,研究发现当采用浓度为265mg/L的SDS和SDBS质量比为1:1的复合添加剂溶液时,二氧化碳水合物的相平衡点最低,最易生成,此时的溶液体系能很好的促进水合物生成,而且比单一的SDS溶液或者SDBS溶液体系下水合物的生成条件都有所降低。建立了考虑复合添加剂促进作用的新型水合物生成动力学模型。 相似文献
Gas hydrate can be inhibited by using hydrate inhibitors, such as thermodynamic inhibitors (e.g., methanol and salts) and kinetic inhibitors (KHIs; polymer based). The study of kinetic hydrate inhibitors is paid growing attention in recent years because of its low dosage and environment friendly features, but its application is restricted at high sub-cooling conditions. In this study, the combination of kinetic hydrate inhibitor (polyvinylcaprolactam based) and thermodynamic inhibitors (methanol and NaCl) was investigated in terms of the synergetic effect of the two types of hydrate inhibitors and the effects of pressure and sub-cooling time on the kinetic inhibition effect. The results show that the combined system has a good synergetic effect, which can make the KHIs to stand at higher sub-cooling conditions. The performance of polyvinylcaprolactam and methanol is better than that of polyvinylcaprolactam and NaCl, and the combined system can be also greatly affected by high pressure and long sub-cooling time. 相似文献
Exploitation of methane in the hydrate by use of carbon dioxide in the presence of sodium chloride 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The replacement process of CH4 from CH4 hydrate formed in NaCl solution by using pressurized CO2 was investigated with a self-designed device at temperatures of 271.05,273.15 and 275.05 K and a constant pressure of 3.30 MPa.The mass fraction of the NaCl solution was either 0.5 wt% or 1.0 wt%.The effects of temperature and concentration of NaCl solution on the replacement process were investigated.Experimental results showed that high temperature was favorable to the replacement reaction but high NaCl concentration had a negative effect on the replacement process.Based on the experimental data,kinetic models of CH4 hydrate decomposition and CO2 hydrate formation in NaCl solution were established.The calculated activation energies suggested that both CH4 hydrate decomposition and CO2 hydrate formation are dominated by diffusion in the hydrate phase. 相似文献
Separation of the(C1 C2)hydrocarbon system is of importance in natural gas processing and ethylene production.However it is the bottleneck because of its high refrigeration energy consumption, and needs to be urgently addressed.The technology of separating gas mixtures by forming hydrate could be used to separate(C 1 C 2 )gas mixtures at around 0°C and has attracted increasing attention worldwide.In this paper,investigation of vapor-hydrate two-phase equilibrium was carried out for(C 1 C 2 )systems with and without tetrahydrofuran(THF).The compositions of vapor and hydrate phases under phase equilibrium were studied with model algorithm when structure I and structure II hydrates coexisted for the(methane ethane)system.The average deviation between the modeled and actual mole fractions of ethane in hydrate and vapor phases was 0.55%,and that of ethylene was 5.7%when THF was not added.The average deviation of the mole fraction of ethane in vapor phase was 11.46%and ethylene was 7.38%when THF was added.The test results showed that the proposed algorithm is practicable. 相似文献
天然气水合物热力学抑制剂作用机制及优化设计 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
基于2种典型天然气水合物生成预测理论模型,结合水合物热力学抑制剂评价实验数据以及水活度测试结果,分析了水合物热力学抑制剂影响天然气水合物生成条件的作用机制,建立了水合物生成温度降低值与水活度的关系式。结果表明,水合物热力学抑制剂降低水合物生成温度,或提高水合物生成压力的作用机制是降低溶液的水活度,其抑制水合物生成效果随水活度的降低线性增加。通过模拟深水钻井环境,对 典型的水合物热力学抑制剂氯化钠,以及钻井液常用的有机盐甲酸钠进行了水活度测试以及水合物抑制效果评价实验,探讨了可降低钻井液水活度的有机盐加重剂Weigh作为水合物抑制剂的可能性。结果表明,加入氯化钠或甲酸钠降低水活度至0.84,钻井液可在1 500 m水深条件下循环16 h无水合物生成 ;Weigh可大幅降低溶液水活度,水合物抑制效果优于氯化钠、甲酸钠以及由氯化钠和乙二醇组成的复合抑制剂。针对深水钻完井作业中遇到的必须使用低密度钻井液或完井液的情况,初步优化设计了低密度水合物抑制剂,可保证钻井液和完井液在低密度条件下(1.05~1.07 g/cm3)有效抑制水合物生成。 相似文献
This work presents the applicability of a unified model to predict the CO2-rich gas and pure CO2 hydrate formation conditions in aqueous solutions containing glycerol, methanol, ethylene glycol, electrolytes and their mixtures. A water activity model is introduced that combines the effect of the soluble gases, an alcohol and electrolytes. Then this model is used together with the model of Holder et al. [Holder, G.D., Corbin, G., Papadopoulos, K.D., 1980. Thermodynamic and molecular properties of gas hydrates from mixtures containing methane, argon and krypton. Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam. 19 (3) 282] to predict CO2-rich gas and CO2 hydrate formation conditions. The predictions are in excellent agreement with experimental data. 相似文献
以糠醇为碳源,模板法两次浸渍制备多孔炭,采用XRD、SEM、FTIR、N_2吸附-脱附等方法对其进行表征,利用磁悬浮天平测量了CH_4,N_2,CO_2的吸附等温线,并对吸附等温数据进行Langmuir拟合,由Henry常数预测多孔炭对混合体系的平衡选择性。表征结果显示,多孔炭孔分布较窄,具有丰富的孔结构,在一定程度上复制了分子筛的孔道结构,且表面呈现一定的极性,有利于CH_4,N_2,CO_2的吸附和分离。实验结果表明,CH_4,N_2,CO_2的平衡吸附量大小的顺序为:CO_2>CH_4>N_2,Langmuir模型拟合相关系数均大于0.993,拟合效果较好,可用Langmuir理论解释气体在多孔炭孔结构及表面的吸附行为,制备的多孔炭适用于烟道气中CO_2的吸附与分离及煤层气等非常规天然气的提纯,但对垃圾填埋气的分离效果不显著。 相似文献
在高压搅拌釜中,研究了顺式对位环己二甲酸(顺HTP)钠盐在水溶液中异构化成反HTP钠盐,在220~280℃的化学平衡和在80~220℃的反应动力学。结果表明,这一反应是放热的一级可逆反应。其化学平衡常数与温度的关系为:1nK= -0.7472;反应热为:ΔH0=-8.492(kJ/mol);反应速率常数为:k=3.510×10(11)exp( )(h(-1));活化能为:E=110.0(kJ/mol)。 相似文献
天然气水合物抑制剂研究与应用进展 总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6
天然气开采及储运过程中,天然气水合物常常造成管道、阀门和设备等的堵塞,虽然防治天然气水合物的工业方法很多,但是最有效的方法还是添加化学抑制剂。为此,介绍了防治天然气水合物所采用的物理和化学等工业方法、天然气水合物抑制剂的最新研究现状、作用机理及应用范围,比较了几种天然气水合物抑制剂的优缺点,明确了天然气水合物抑制剂的选择原则:以技术和经济因素为基础,通过工业实践寻求一种抑制效果好、用量小、环境友好、操作简单、便于储存运输、成本低廉的天然气水合物抑制剂;列举了国内外工业现场试验的成功案例,指出了天然气水合物抑制剂的发展趋势是低剂量天然气水合物抑制剂和复合型天然气水合物抑制剂将逐渐替代热力学天然气水合物抑制剂,其中低剂量天然气水合物抑制剂需要不断改进自身的缺点才能更具有竞争力。 相似文献
Hamed Hashemi Saeideh Babaee Kaniki Tumba Paramespri Naidoo 《Petroleum Science and Technology》2019,37(5):506-512
The kinetics of hydrate formation of the hydrocarbons acetylene, ethylene, propane, and propylene were investigated using a fully stirred batch reactor. In relation to hydrate formation, a kinetic model was used to determine the induction time, the rate of hydrate formation, the apparent hydration rate constant, water-to-hydrate conversion associated with hydrate growth as well the storage capacity. This was done for all gases investigated in this study. Experiments were performed in the temperature and pressure ranges of (273.7–280.0) K and (0.5–4.12) MPa, respectively. Furthermore, the effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) on the gas hydrate formation rate was examined. A substantial growth in the hydrate nucleation rate was observed in the presence of SDS. 相似文献
Javad Sayyad Amin Behrooz Abbasi Souraki Saeed Rafiee 《Petroleum Science and Technology》2016,34(2):153-161
In this study estimation of hydrate formation conditions to separate carbon dioxide (CO2) from fuel gas mixture (CO2+H2) was investigated in the presence of promoters such as tetra-n-butylammonium bromide (TBAB), tetra-n-butylammonium fluoride (TBAF), and tetra-n-butyl ammonium nitrate (TBANO3). The emission of CO2 from the combustion of fuels has been considered as the dominant contributor to global warming and environmental problems. Separation of CO2 from fuel gas can be an effective factor to prevent many of environmental impacts. Gas hydrate process is a novel method to separate and storage some gasses. In this communication, a feed-forward artificial neural network algorithm has been developed. To develop this algorithm, the experimental data reported in the literature for hydrate formation conditions in the fuel gas system with different concentrations of promoters in aqueous phase have been used. Finally, experimental data compared with estimated data and with calculation of efficiency coefficient, mean squared error, and mean absolute error show that the experimental data and predicted data are in acceptable agreement which demonstrate the reliability of this algorithm as a predictive tool. 相似文献
在温度为4℃、压力为20MPa条件下,利用水合物综合模拟实验系统,对用于南海深水钻井的油基钻井液体系进行了抑制水合物生成的评价实验。结果表明,由于天然气在油相中的溶解度远高于在水中的溶解度,油基钻井液又是分散的乳化液,使得油基钻井液中水合物形成的诱导时间比水基钻井液中少。因此含水的油基钻井液体系在深水环境下(高压和低温)很容易生成天然气水合物,含水量越高,生成的量越大。所以在钻井作业过程中,要适当降低泥浆中水的含量,增加泥浆密度,防止地层水和气大量进入井内随油基钻井液一起循环。高浓度乙二醇能较好地抑制油基钻井液中水合物的形成。为了达到最佳抑制效果,可在钻井液中配合加入适量聚合醇与无机盐。 相似文献
A. Djavidnia A. A. Izadpanah M. V. Sefti F. Varaminian 《Petroleum Science and Technology》2013,31(19):2013-2021
Equilibrium data for the novel formation of hydrates of carbon dioxide and mixtures of carbon dioxide and methane in 20 wt% aqueous methanol solution were measured by the constant-volume method. For CO2, these data were taken at the temperature and pressure ranges of 264.7–270.7 K and 1,470–3,160 kPa, respectively. For mixtures of carbon dioxide and methane, these data were taken at the temperature and pressure ranges of 262.9–273.7 K and 1,370–5,100 kPa, respectively. The data obtained for CO2 in 20 wt% aqueous methanol solution were in disagreement with previously published data, but there was good agreement between our data and the predictions of thermodynamic models. The Peng-Robinson equation of state (PR EOS) coupled with the Wong-Sandler (WS) mixing rule was used to obtain the fugacities of the components in the gas and aqueous liquid phases. The PR EOS was then coupled with van der Waals-Platteeuw (vdW-P) hydrate model and applied to predict hydrate-formation conditions in the system containing methanol. The model predictions demonstrated good agreement with the experimental data. 相似文献
低剂量天然气水合物抑制剂对渤海M油气田原油破乳脱水的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过室内实验研究了包括3种动力学抑制剂与3种阻聚剂在内的6种低剂量天然气水合物抑制剂对渤海M油气田原油破乳脱水的影响,结果表明:当加注质量浓度为10~50 g/L时,3种动力学抑制剂ISP501、HY-2和HY-3对该油气田原油破乳脱水基本没有影响,仅使油水界面变差,但同时使用破乳剂AP-10能明显改善油水界面;3种阻聚剂HY-4、HY-5和HY-6对该油气田原油破乳脱水的影响程度与阻聚剂的分子结构类型有关,HY-4没有影响,HY-6有加重油水乳化的趋势,HY-5在水相产生大量絮状物,同时使用破乳剂AP-10作用也不大。动力学抑制剂ISP501和HY-3在渤海M油气田现场试验取得了较好的效果,原油处理合格,外排污水达标。 相似文献
Ma Qinglan Chen Guangjin Zhang Lingwei 《石油科学(英文版)》2008,5(4):359-366
Separation of the (C1 + C2) hydrocarbon system is of importance in natural gas processing and ethylene production. However it is the bottleneck because of its high refrigeration energy consumption, and needs to be urgently addressed. The technology of separating gas mixtures by forming hydrate could be used to separate (C1 + C2) gas mixtures at around 0 °C and has attracted increasing attention worldwide. In this paper, investigation of vapor-hydrate two-phase equilibrium was carried out for (C1 + C2) systems with and without tetrahydrofuran (THF). The compositions of vapor and hydrate phases under phase equilibrium were studied with model algorithm when structure I and structure II hydrates coexisted for the (methane + ethane) system. The average deviation between the modeled and actual mole fractions of ethane in hydrate and vapor phases was 0.55%, and that of ethylene was 5.7% when THF was not added. The average deviation of the mole fraction of ethane in vapor phase was 11.46% and ethylene was 7.38% when THF was added. The test results showed that the proposed algorithm is practicable. 相似文献