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In this study, a new slip-line field model and its associated hodograph for orthogonal cutting with a rounded-edge worn cutting tool are developed using Dewhurst and Collins's matrix technique. The new model considers the existence of dead metal zone in front of the rounded-edge worn cutting tool. The ploughing force and friction force occurred due to flank wear land, chip up-curl radius, chip thickness, primary shear zone thickness and length of bottom side of the dead metal zone are obtained by solving the model depending on the experimental resultant force data. The effects of flank wear rate, cutting edge radius, uncut chip thickness, cutting speed and rake angle on these outputs are specified. 相似文献
硬岩掘进机盘型滚刀回转破岩仿真研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
硬岩掘进机上盘形滚刀在实际破岩过程中既随刀盘公转,又绕自身轴线自转,是一个复杂的运动过程。滚刀在破岩过程中受到的作用力的计算是进行刀盘设计和推进系统设计的重要依据。针对硬岩掘进机盘型滚刀破岩过程分析和计算的复杂性,应用ABAQUS软件中多体动力学原理建立滚刀组合回转破岩的有限元模型,模型中采用无限元网格施加无反射边界条件,消除模型大小对仿真结果的影响。通过分析计算滚刀破岩中所受的作用力,研究了滚刀回转破岩的刀间距及相位差。仿真结果表明,对于所选用的岩石类型,其最优刀间距为60mm,此时滚刀受到的滚动力最小,破岩质量最大,破岩比能最小;相邻滚刀的最佳相位差为120°,破岩质量最大,比能最小。研究为硬岩掘进机上刀盘刀具的布局研究奠定了基础。 相似文献
球头铣刀切削力模型的研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
综合评述了国内外对球头铣刀切削力模型的研究成果及发展动态,重点介绍了球头铣刀铣削力的经验系数建模、理论建模和自动化加工铣削力建模方法。 相似文献
利用实体建模软件UG建立了减速器行星齿轮传动系统的虚拟样机,并利用UG与动力学仿真分析软件ADAMS,将虚拟样机导入到ADAMS中建立仿真模型。齿轮啮合中轮齿间除了滚动接触外还存在相应的滑动接触,使轮齿间具有较大的摩擦了,针对传统赫兹理论形成的齿面接触力计算没有考虑齿间摩擦,将摩擦系数引入计算,得到了齿轮之间的接触力曲线变化。应用UG NX的"高级仿真"模块,建立行星轮有限元模型,通过解算器NX NASTRAN对有限元模型进行分析求解,得到行星轮在接触力作用下应变和应力分布情况,再根据设计要求对零件参数进行优化,使行星轮的结构既满足设计要求,又达到体积小和成本低。 相似文献
热后硬孔攻丝螺纹变形量小、尺寸稳定、强度高.该工艺方法对刀具强度要求较高,使用普通高速钢丝锥和螺纹铣刀加工时,普通高速钢丝锥无法承受热后硬孔攻丝所产生的大扭矩而频繁折断,报废率较高,同时螺纹铣刀成本高,不适合大批量生产.针对热后硬孔攻丝工艺复杂、成本高的问题,专门设计了硬孔攻丝用高性能先端丝锥,解决硬孔攻丝难题,并与其... 相似文献
在室内切削实验基础上基于有限元二次开发建立了异形齿切削及全钻头破碎非均质花岗岩的三维数值仿真模型,研究了12种形状聚晶金刚石复合片(PDC)齿切削非均质岩石过程中的切向力、法向力、岩屑、破岩比功,并研究了齿形对全尺寸钻头破岩效率的影响。研究结果表明:锥形齿的切向力最小,破岩比功最高,对应的锥形齿钻头的进尺也最小;三平面齿的法向力和切向力均为最大;破岩比功最低的齿为双曲面齿;进尺最大的全钻头齿形为更易吃入岩石的鞍形齿、双曲面齿以及斧形齿。 相似文献
通过采用一种新型的试验装置,可重现在了较大的切削速度范围内(从15~100m/s),正交切削下的切削过程.该试验设备可以记录在正交切削下的切削过程中法线方向上和切线方向上的作用力数值.从而在很大的切削速度范围内,可以对刀具和切屑之间的摩擦力进行分析.给出了切削力的分力变化和摩擦系数变化的情况.此外,通过可以使用一台高速摄影机,记录了高速加工中,切屑的形成过程的图像. 相似文献
镗削加工的质量主要取决于镗后孔表面残留下的进给印痕,它受镗刀块上刀片的径向和轴向摆差、以及镗刀块与孔中心线间的错位量的影响。首先找出切削层面积及刀刃与切屑接触长度,然后分别乘相应系数,然后考虑镗刀块上每一刀片的安装错位所引起的径向和轴向摆差,导致切削负荷的不规则分布,以及镗刀块的轴线与孔轴线错位量导致切削力不平衡引起的振动,进而影响孔的质量。在此基础上建立了镗削加工的力学模型,可有效计算和解决上述问题,有助于提高镗削加工的质量。 相似文献
The cutting force prediction is essential to optimize the process parameters of machining such as feed rate optimization, etc. Due to the significant influences of the runout effect on cutting force variation in milling process, it is necessary to incorporate the cutter runout parameters into the prediction model of cutting forces. However, the determination of cutter runout parameters is still a challenge task until now. In this paper, cutting process geometry models, such as uncut chip thickness and pitch angle, are established based on the true trajectory of the cutting edge considering the cutter runout effect. A new algorithm is then presented to compute the cutter runout parameters for flat-end mill utilizing the sampled data of cutting forces and derived process geometry parameters. Further, three-axis and five-axis milling experiments were conducted on a machining centre, and resulting cutting forces were sampled by a three-component dynamometer. After computing the corresponding cutter runout parameters, cutter forces are simulated embracing the cutter runout parameters obtained from the proposed algorithm. The predicted cutting forces show good agreements with the sampled data both in magnitude and shape, which validates the feasibility and effectivity of the proposed new algorithm of determining cutter runout parameters and the new way to accurately predict cutting forces. The proposed method for computing the cutter runout parameters provides the significant references for the cutting force prediction in the cutting process. 相似文献
Prediction of dynamic cutting force and regenerative chatter stability in inserted cutters milling 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Currently, the modeling of cutting process mainly focuses on two aspects: one is the setup of the universal cutting force model that can be adapted to a broader cutting condition; the other is the setup of the exact cutting force model that can accurately reflect a true cutting process. However, there is little research on the prediction of chatter stablity in milling. Based on the generalized mathematical model of inserted cutters introduced by ENGIN, an improved geometrical, mechanical and dynamic model for the vast variety of inserted cutters widely used in engineering applications is presented, in which the average directional cutting force coefficients are obtained by means of a numerical approach, thus leading to an analytical determination of stability lobes diagram (SLD) on the axial depth of cut. A new kind of SLD on the radial depth of cut is also created to satisfy the special requirement of inserted cutter milling. The corresponding algorithms used for predicting cutting forces, vibrations, dimensional surface finish and stability lobes in inserted cutter milling under different cutting conditions are put forward. Thereafter, a dynamic simulation module of inserted cutter milling is implemented by using hybrid program of Matlab with Visual Basic. Verification tests are conducted on a vertical machine center for Aluminum alloy LC4 by using two different types of inserted cutters, and the effectiveness of the model and the algorithm is verified by the good agreement of simulation result with that of cutting tests under different cutting conditions. The proposed model can predict the cutting process accurately under a variety of cutting conditions, and a high efficient and chatter-free milling operation can be achieved by a cutting condition optimization in industry applications. 相似文献
通过用金刚石刀具对花岗岩、陶瓷、铸铁和钢等不同材料进行切削对比试验,对切削力信号和刀具振动信号的变化关系进行了相关分析。结果表明:材料性质不同,相关信号的周期性明显不同,切削力信号频谱的主峰分布也有所不同。 相似文献