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This paper aims at developing a statistical model to envisage vibration amplitude in terms of geometrical parameters such as radial rake angle, nose radius of cutting tool and machining parameters such as cutting speed, cutting feed and axial depth of cut. Experiments were conducted through response surface methodology experimental design. The material chosen is Aluminum (Al 7075-T6) and the tool used was high speed steel end mill cutter with different tool geometry. Two channels piezoelectric accelerometers were used to measure the vibration amplitude. The second order mathematical model in terms of machining parameters was built up to predict the vibration amplitude and ANOVA was used to verify the competency of the model. Further investigation on the direct and interactive effect of the process parameter with vibration amplitude was carried out for the selection of process parameter so that the vibration amplitude was maintained at the minimum which ensures the stability of end milling process. The optimum values obtained from end milling process are Radial rake angle-12°, Nose radius-0.8 mm, Cutting speed-115 m/min, Cutting feed rate-0.04 mm/tooth, axial depth of cut-2.5 mm. The vibration amplitude exhibited negative relationship with radial rake angle and nose radius. The dominant factors on the vibration amplitude are feed rate and depth of cut. Thus it is envisaged that the predictive models in this study could produce values of the vibration amplitude close to the experimental readings with a 95% confidence interval.  相似文献   

为了寻找到优化域内的全局最优解,获得更准确的结构有限元模型,提出将多岛遗传算法(MIGA)应用到模型修正中,以响应面替代模型简化有限元计算分析,以有限元理论分析模态与结构实测模态残差为目标优化函数.在参数灵敏度分析的基础上,建立桥梁结构动力响应、单元弹性模量、密度以及截面面积的优化数学模型,采用MIGA作为优化策略,对桥梁结构进行了动力测试和模型修正.结果表明,模型修正效果良好,可真实反映结构的动力学特性,证明了该方法的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

东非黑黄檀是一种常用的红木家具材料 . 以雕铣东非黑黄檀的铣削力为研究对象,采用Box -Behnken响应面分析法设计实验, 研究了切削参数对铣削力的影响,并构建了铣削力的二阶响应回归模型. 试验结果表明:x和y方向的铣削分力,都随着模型中的轴向切深、径向切深、每转进给量的增大而增大.x方向分力随着主轴转速的升高而降低,y方向分力随着主轴转速的升高而升高. 构建的二阶响应模型对铣削分力预测得到的结果与实验结果基本一致,使用该二阶响应模型可以正确预测铣削分力的变化.  相似文献   

多目标优化在新车型总体轻量化设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

开发了一款跟原车型结构相似、整车尺寸加长加宽加高的新车型,将整车长度、整车高度、整车宽度及部分零件厚度作为设计变量,采用最优拉丁实验设计方法进行了样本数据设计,并且采用移动最小二乘响应面方法构建了白车身NVH、白车身关键区域强度及白车身质量等性能参数的多目标优化系统的近似模型,利用多目标遗传优化算法NSGA-Ⅱ(非支配解排序遗传算法)对近似模型进行优化。在满足白车身关键区域内强度、白车身NVH等约束性能的同时,追寻车内新增空间最大化,并实现了新车型的轻量化设计。 

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对传动系统扭转振动有限元模型应用LANCZOS迭代方法计算固有频率,用MATLAB调用NASTRAN进行迭代,在参数的整个设计空间范围内利用回归分析技术以显式的响应面模型逼近特征量与设计参数间复杂的隐式函数关系。选择较难确定或随时间变化的且对响应特征较为敏感的模型参数作为响应面输入参数,从输入参数的正态分布中抽取样本,利用响应面函数计算样本点的响应值,拟合出响应固有频率值的正态分布。根据工作转速给出传动系统工作频率的分布情况,从而根据可靠性分析方法计算出在模型参数不确定前提下系统不发生共振的可靠度。  相似文献   

As one of the bases of gradient-based optimization algorithms, sensitivity analysis is usually required to calculate the derivatives of the system response with respect to the machining parameters. The most widely used approaches for sensitivity analysis are based on time-consuming numerical methods, such as finite difference methods. This paper presents a semi-analytical method for calculation of the sensitivity of the stability boundary in milling. After transforming the delay-differential equation with time-periodic coefficients governing the dynamic milling process into the integral form, the Floquet transition matrix is constructed by using the numerical integration method. Then, the analytical expressions of derivatives of the Floquet transition matrix with respect to the machining parameters are obtained. Thereafter, the classical analytical expression of the sensitivity of matrix eigenvalues is employed to calculate the sensitivity of the stability lobe diagram. The two-degree-of-freedom milling example illustrates the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method. Compared with the existing methods, the unique merit of the proposed method is that it can be used for analytically computing the sensitivity of the stability boundary in milling, without employing any finite difference methods. Therefore, the high accuracy and high efficiency are both achieved. The proposed method can serve as an effective tool for machining parameter optimization and uncertainty analysis in high-speed milling.  相似文献   

针对硬岩掘进机(Tunnel boring machine,TBM)破岩掘进过程中强振动对推进液压缸动态特性的影响,建立了推进液压缸轴向基础振动下的动态响应数学模型,并试验验证了模型的正确性。仿真研究了不同基础振动参数下液压缸失效区域,液压缸无杆腔压力波动幅值与轴向基础振动幅值成线性正相关,且在固有频率处最大,超过固有频率继续增大至90 Hz时压力波动幅值可视为定值。应用响应曲面法对液压缸结构参数进行了优化,优化后的液压缸正常工作能承受的基础振动幅值-频率范围较优化前拓宽了45%。利用响应曲面法对液压缸进行结构参数优化可为TBM推进液压缸设计和选型提供理论依据。  相似文献   

This research work concerns the elaboration of a surface roughness model in the case of hard turning by exploiting the response surface methodology (RSM). The main input parameters of this model are the cutting parameters such as cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut and tool vibration in radial and in main cutting force directions. The machined material tested is the 42CrMo4 hardened steel by Al2O3/TiC mixed ceramic cutting tool under different conditions. The model is able to predict surface roughness of Ra and Rt using an experimental data when machining steels. The combined effects of cutting parameters and tool vibration on surface roughness were investigated while employing the analysis of variance (ANOVA). The quadratic model of RSM associated with response optimization technique and composite desirability was used to find optimum values of cutting parameters and tool vibration with respect to announced objectives which are the prediction of surface roughness. The adequacy of the model was verified when plotting the residuals values. The results indicate that the feed rate is the dominant factor affecting the surface roughness, whereas vibrations on both pre-cited directions have a low effect on it. Moreover, a good agreement was observed between the predicted and the experimental surface roughness. Optimal cutting condition and tool vibrations leading to the minimum surface roughness were highlighted.  相似文献   

往复压缩机管道振动的测试分析及处理   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
通过对现场工作的压缩机管道振动的测试,利用频谱特征求得压缩机管线异常振动处的频谱。通过对模态参数的测试及处理分析了压缩机管道振动的原因,找出振源,并提出合理的处理方法,解决了压缩机管道系统振动问题。  相似文献   

针对超声电机定子设计过程存在的定子设计模态与干扰模态分离不彻底、定子振动幅度小、定子振动时局部内应力较大等问题,提出了基于响应面模型的电机定子设计优化方法。首先,通过选取合适的定子设计尺寸作为变量,拉丁超立方抽样方法在设计空间内选取样本点;其次,对各样本点的组合得到的定子尺寸结构进行有限元分析,得到定子的模态和谐响应值从而建立定子的响应面模型;然后,利用遗传算法在响应面模型的基础上对定子进行优化;最后,使用有限元软件对优化前后的定子进行建模计算验证了优化结果的正确性。  相似文献   

铣削工艺系统的动态特性随着刀具夹持长度改变而变化,影响关联的铣削稳定性与加工表面质量,进而导致铣削加工的工艺规划具有不确定性.针对此问题,本文综合刀具悬伸量与传统铣削用量作为输入,分别建立极限切削深度与表面粗糙度的反向传播神经网络模型(BPNN),并进一步以其表达铣削稳定性与加工质量约束,构建以刀具悬伸量和粗/精加工阶...  相似文献   

针对一种高压大流量插装式先导型溢流阀展开仿真分析与优化设计.首先对溢流阀主要结构参数进行初步设计计算;然后根据溢流阀内部结构建立AMESim仿真模型并进行仿真,对主阀阻尼孔、先导阀阻尼孔、主阀弹簧刚度、主阀弹簧预紧力、先导阀弹簧刚度、先导阀弹簧预紧力等重要参数进行特性影响分析;最后根据仿真分析结果,采用响应曲面与非支配...  相似文献   

双横臂式前独立悬架的改进遗传算法优化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出了自适应隔代映射遗传算法,使种群的交叉和变异概率根据适应度的大小自我调节,该算法经过了测试函数的测试。建立了基于响应面法的双横臂式前独立悬架的优化模型算法,运用该算法对其进行优化设计,并对设计结果进行了仿真和分析。结果表明:该方法提高了收敛速度和搜索效率,对以车轮接地点侧向滑移量为目标的优化设计有显著效果。  相似文献   

相较于传统的复合材料成型方法,预浸带缠绕技术凭借其独特的成型特点已发展成为筒形类构件重要的制造手段。缠绕过程中,多种工艺参数耦合作用,不可避免地使制品存在残余应力,继而引起不同形式的制品缺陷。基于此,针对预浸带缠绕圆筒工艺进行分析,以缠绕张力、缠绕温度及缠绕速度为参数变量,并采用Box-Behnken方法进行实验设计;同时,利用二次多项式回归模型建立制品残余应力与输入参数之间的映射模型,并通过方差分析验证了模型的可靠性及有效性,继而讨论了工艺参数耦合对残余应力的影响规律;最后采用响应面法对获得最优工艺参数组合进行实验,实验结果表明最小残余应力为22.52 MPa,最大预测误差为6%,结果满足工程要求。  相似文献   

对超精车削加工中得到的表面进行表面仿真分析.通过分析其表面空间频谱,确定表面微观形貌特征与加工参数、切削振动之间的关系,为调控加工过程提供理论依据.  相似文献   

Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is one of the widely used additive manufacturing technologies because it has flexibility and ability to build complex parts. The accuracy of parts fabricated by FDM is greatly influenced by various process parameters. FDM process has a complex mechanism in building parts and often poses difficulty in understanding adequately how conflicting FDM parameters will determine part quality and accuracy. Sectors such as medical implant, telecommunication, electronics and aerospace require increasingly higher levels of dimensional accuracy. Thus, traditional methods of ensuring quality do not effectively address global markets and customer’s needs. This study proposes an I-optimality criterion for the optimization of FDM process parameters in order to address the limitations of the commonly used traditional designs. This study also aims to develop mathematical models in order to establish nonlinear relationship between process parameters and dimensional accuracy. The results show that I-optimality criterion is very promising technique in FDM process parameter optimization. Confirmation experiments show that the proposed method has great advantages in the aspect of both accuracy and efficiency compared with traditional methods proposed in previous studies.  相似文献   

基于灵敏度分析的龙门横梁多目标优化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为减轻横梁质量并提高其静动态特性,首先对横梁进行受力分析,通过灵敏度分析找出各设计变量对横梁质量和最大变形量的影响程度,然后综合考虑横梁的质量和最大变形量,利用响应面法构造回归方程,并对回归方程进行准确性验证,用优化工具箱对横梁进行多目标优化求解,得到最优的尺寸参数.将优化前后的参数进行对比分析.结果表明,优化后的横梁不但质量减轻,而且静动态特性都有所提高.  相似文献   

为优化航天器中隔振系统的隔振参数,提出了一种基于自适应遗传算法的优化方法。在只考虑单条支腿的前提下,建立了主动隔振系统的动力学模型,通过拉普拉斯变换得到了上平台输出的力对下平台控制力的传递函数,并获得待优化的参数。将参数优化问题转化成数值优化问题,利用最大熵法生成算法的目标函数;采用新的选择算子来避免算法早熟;提出自适应交叉算子和自适应高斯变异算子来保证种群多样性;通过优胜劣汰和种群迁移法则来提高算法的全局收敛性。最后,通过仿真实例对算法的有效性进行验证,结果表明:和传统的遗传算法相比,本算法的收敛速度快、优化效果好。  相似文献   

设计出一种双转子永磁磁阻电机,利用RMxprt模块建立电机二维有限元模型。对影响同步磁阻电机转矩的关键参数进行灵敏度分析,确定优化变量,对变量分层抽样并建立平均转矩和转矩脉动的克里金响应面模型,采用粒子群优化算法得到最优解集。最后通过仿真验证了优化方法的可行性,结果表明优化后的电机性能得到了改善,达到了优化目标。  相似文献   

综合运用轧制过程动态轧制力模型、轧机系统分段非线性弹性力模型和分段非线性摩擦力模型,建立了考虑非线性因素耦合的高速冷轧机辊系动力学模型,采用平均法求解幅频响应方程,研究了轧机系统主要参数对轧机垂直振动的影响。分析结果表明:动态轧制力一次项刚度越小,轧机系统固有频率越大;动态轧制力三次项刚度不为零时,轧机系统出现明显跳跃现象;非线性弹性力起主导作用时,易发生跳跃现象;非线性摩擦力越大,轧机系统振动幅值越小,分段特性减弱;外扰力幅值越大,振动幅值越大,振动越剧烈;线性阻尼越大,振动幅值越小且减小幅度越缓慢。  相似文献   

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