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The development and utilization of vegetable oils for polymeric materials are currently in the spotlight of the polymer and chemical industry. In this work homopolymer of palm oil and copolymer of it’s with decyl acrylate was prepared and their characterisation was carried out by spectral method, thermogravimitric analysis and gel permeation chromatography method. Performance of these polymers was evaluated by standard ASTM method in base oil. Biodegradability test of polymers was also carried out and shows excellent positive results. A comparison of their performances has also been evaluated and reported.  相似文献   

新型Gemini表面活性剂在三次采油中的应用前景   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14  
描述了新型Gemini表面活性剂的分子结构,并对临界胶束浓度、表面张力、溶解性、增溶性、固-液界面的吸附、与传统表面活性剂配伍性及其流变性等进行分析。在此基础上,阐述了该类表面活性剂在油田三次采油上的应用前景。  相似文献   


Homopolymer of decyl acrylate was synthesized and blended with phosphonium based ionic liquid and their characterisation was carried out by spectral method (NMR, IR), thermogravimetric analysis and gel permeation chromatography (GPC). Performance of these blends were evaluated by standard ASTM method in base oil which clearly indicates that the blend effectively act as anti-wear agent and also pour point depressants and viscosity modifiers. A comparison of their performances with homopolymer has also been evaluated and reported.  相似文献   

In order to achieve an efficient exploitation of heavy oil reservoirs, a new type of micro-emulsion is prepared with alkyl phenoxy carboxylic acid, co-surfactant (alcohols), diesel oil and water to efficiently reduce the viscosity of heavy oil. With the increase of the chain length of the co-surfactant in a certain range, a larger area of the micro-emulsion region can be obtained. Besides, a clear and transparent micro-emulsion can be obtained when the volume ratio of water-diesel oil is from 8:2 to 5:5. Under the action of micro-emulsion, the viscosity reduction rate of heavy oil reaches over 90% and the electrical conductivity can be greatly increased when the addition of the mass concentration of micro-emulsion is 1%. The results can provide a technical basis for the efficient exploitation of heavy oil reservoirs.  相似文献   

介绍了芳烃抽余油生产溶剂油的工艺技术现状,探讨了两种不同工艺技术路线生产植物油抽提溶剂的可能性,并考虑目标产品和投资等因素,推荐了芳烃抽余油生产植物油抽提溶剂相关技术方案,生产出高质量的植物油抽提溶剂。  相似文献   

目前,在油田常规压裂酸化助排剂中,氟碳表面活性剂普遍含有全氟辛基羧酸及其盐类(PFOA)、全氟辛基磺酸及其盐类(PFOS),其氟碳链比较长,存在降解困难、持久性生物累积等问题。从氟碳原料的选择入手,选用生物降解性好的短氟碳链原料作为氟碳表面活性剂的合成原料,进行分子设计、结构优化,研制了一种双子氟碳表面活性剂,进而开发出高效、环境友好的压裂、酸化用含氟碳类表面活性剂的助排剂体系产品。该双子氟碳表面活性剂表面活性强,临界胶束摩尔浓度低至3.0×10~(-4)~3.4×10~(-4) mol/L,γ_(cmc)=16.0 mN/m,新型助排剂助排效果优异,其助排率分别达到57.1%与63.6%,并在ST-8井的胶凝酸酸化施工与H-201井加砂压裂施工中成功应用。  相似文献   


Used lubricating motor oil is a high pollutant material that requires responsible management. It may cause damage to the environment when dumped into the ground or into water streams including sewers. This may result in groundwater and soil contamination. Recycling of such contaminated materials will be beneficial in reducing lubricating motor oil costs. In addition, it will have a significant positive impact on the environment.

Used oil can be refined to yield base oils that are blended into lubricating products, thus reducing the consumption of virgin oils and it can be used as a feedstock for hydro conversion for production fuels and fuel oil.

This work investigates refining of used lubricating motor oil using solvent extraction method. The laboratory experiment was based on a full factorial design and two categorical factors with two levels were nominated which were solvent to used oil ratio and solvent type (2-Propanol and n-Butanol, MEK and blended the solvents with gazoline).

The type of solvent used and the mixing ratio applied for different runs has shown significant effects on the yield of recovered oil. The yield with bisolvent type MEK+gasoline was higher than the other solvents. The yield of treated oil with butanol mixed with gasoline is 87.5% and it is so close to the yield when we used the butanol alone which is 88.6%.  相似文献   

Excellent drilling fluid techniques are one of the significant guaranteed measures to insure safety,quality,efficiency,and speediness of drilling operations.Drilling Quids are generally discarded after the completion of drilling operations and become waste,which can have a large negative impact on the environment.Drilling materials and additives together with drill cuttings,oil.and water constitute waste drilling fluids,which ultimately are dumped onto soil,surface water,groundwater,and air.Environmental pollution is found to be a serious threat while drilling complex wells or high-temperature deep wells as these types of wells involve the use of oil-based drilling fluid systems and high-performance water-based drilling(luid systems.The preservation of the environment on a global level is now important as various organizations have set up initiatives to drive the usage of toxic chemicals as drilling fluid additives.This paper presents an approach where grass is introduced as a sustainable drilling fluid additive with no environmental problems.Simple waterbased drilling fluids were formulated using bentonite,powdered grass,and water to analyze the rheological and filtration characteristics of the new drilling fluid.A particle size distribution test was conducted to determine the particle size of the grass sample by the sieve analysis method.Experiments were conducted on grass samples of 300.90.and 35 μm to study the characteristics and behavior of the newly developed drilling fluid at room temperature.The results show that grass samples with varying particle sizes and concentrations may improve the viscosity,gel strength,and tiltration of the bentonite drilling fluid.These observations recommend the use of grass as a theological modifier,filtration control agent,and pH control agent to substitute toxic materials from drilling fluids.  相似文献   

To reduce the viscosity of viscous crude oil and flow resistance, the effect of a ternary compound system including organic alkali, n-alkanol, and nonionic surfactants on viscous crude oil viscosity reduction was studied. The results showed that n-alkanol effectively reduced the droplet size of an emulsion and the viscosity of viscous crude oil and improved the fluidity of viscous crude oil. Of the low-carbon n-alkanols, n-pentanol has the best viscosity-reducing effect. The organic alkali avoids the phenomenon of fouling and corrosion caused by inorganic alkali and reacts with the acidic macromolecular components in viscous crude oil to generate alkanolamides, which produce synergistic effects with nonionic surfactants and reduce the interfacial tension between oil and water. In the ternary compound of organic alkali, n-alkanol, and nonionic surfactant, the viscosity reduction effect of viscous crude oil is significantly enhanced compared with that of a single reagent. The viscosity reduction rate of viscous crude oil of the diethanolamine ternary compound system reached 98.1% and was the best choice by experimental validation. It is shown that a reasonable formula of compound system and dosage can significantly reduce the viscosity of viscous crude oil.  相似文献   

目的为改善渤海X油田注水开发效果,对该油田进行了驱油用超低界面张力表面活性剂研究。方法在分析油田原油饱和分和芳香分碳原子数分布基础上,结合“相似相溶”原理和疏水端空间位置互补效应,对表面活性剂进行优选和复配。结果从5种表面活性剂中优选出了十六烷基二甲基甜菜碱和烷基糖苷APG1214两种表面活性剂,二者按最佳质量比1∶2复配后可获得超低界面张力表面活性剂。该表面活性剂在岩心中滞留损失率小,仅为11.2%;在质量分数为0.1%~0.3%时,原油的乳化和破乳率均高于90%;当质量分数为0.20%时,可在水驱基础上提高原油采收率9.4%。结论复配表面活性剂降水增油效果明显,可用于实现油田水驱后“挖潜提采”的目的。  相似文献   


Clarified oil (CLO) from a commercial fluid catalytic cracking unit was subjected to solvent extraction followed by solvent dewaxing and adsorption chromatography to analyze its various components for different end-use applications. The clarified oil was first solvent extracted using N-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP) to produce paraffinic rich raffinate (68.9 wt% yield). The raffinate thus obtained was dewaxed using methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) to get an oil of pour point 0°C. This dewaxed oil was then subjected to adsorption chromatography to determine group II base oil potential through yield v/s viscosity index (VI) curve. The results revealed that clarified oil has an actual potential of around 27.1 wt% of group II base oil components, suggesting that clarified oil can be used as an additional source of feed for production of group II base oil. This article also describes the potential of other components in clarified oil such as slack wax (24.2 wt%), aromatics (31.1 wt%), and low VI oil (17.6 wt%).  相似文献   

抽出油是润滑油溶剂精制装置生产过程中的一种副产物,因富含大量芳烃、部分饱和烷烃和少量胶质、沥青质,使其直接加工利用受到限制,常作为燃料油的调和组分,经济效益低。为提高抽出油的利用价值,对其进行处理后进一步加工利用,包括:炼油装置掺炼,调和道路沥青,制备表面活性剂,生产橡胶填充油、溶剂油、导热油、绝缘油和缩合多环芳烃树脂,对抽出油的综合利用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   


Effect of surfactant and extra-light crude oil addition on the rheological behaviors of an Algeria crude oil in order to improving its flowability were studied at low temperature. These rheological properties include steady flow behavior, yield stress and viscoelastic behavior. An AR-2000 rheometer was employed in all of the rheological examination tests. Results show that Toluene and extra-light crude oil addition causes a strong reduction in viscosity, the yield stress and can effectively increase of crude oil transport capacity. The toluene addition gets its best flow capacity and lowest viscosity at 6%. The extra-light crude oil addition obtains its best flow capacity and lowest viscosity at 50%. The viscoelasticity character of the crude oil has indicate a significantly influence by the addition of Toluene and extra-light crude oil.  相似文献   

目前,对于含酚油中的酚类提取,存在脱酚率低、酸碱用量大,环境污染等问题,针对现有技术的不足,选取合适萃取剂,利用溶剂萃取法提取含酚油中的酚类化合物,以达到绿色化工环保技术的要求。通过筛选有机溶剂,确定以乙醇胺为萃取剂提取含酚馏分油中的酚类化合物。精馏切取含酚油中170~210℃富酚馏分作为萃取原料,进行萃取实验,在充分振荡、充分静置的前提下,得到适宜的萃取条件:萃取温度为室温25℃,萃取剂与原料油质量比为0.4,在此条件下,其单级萃取率可达95%以上。  相似文献   

Most of the synthetic surfactants investigated with the aim of enhanced chemically oil recovery in the literature have environmental drawbacks. In this work, application of an environmentally-friendly synthetic surfactant as an enhanced oil recovery agent is introduced by measuring interfacial tension of water–kerosene systems and wettability alteration of carbonate pellets. For this purpose, an amino acid-based surfactant was initially synthesized using a new synthetic approach which was subsequently confirmed by spectra of Fourier transform infrared and Proton nuclear magnetic resonance. Results showed a value of critical micelle concentration in the range of 9000–9100 ppm for this surfactant. Results also demonstrated a decrease of 38.53% in water–kerosene system interfacial tension and a 17.76% reduction in oil-wetness of the carbonate pellets.  相似文献   

分别利用流程模拟软件VMGSim和超临界溶剂抽提减黏装置,对乙烯装置急冷油进行超临界溶剂抽提减黏的模拟和实验研究。以异丁烷为溶剂,在抽提压力3~6 MPa、抽提温度120~150℃范围内,对中国石化天津石化分公司乙烯装置的急冷油进行超临界溶剂抽提减黏。实验结果表明,急冷油的黏度(50℃)从1 000 m Pa·s降至10 m Pa·s以下,抽提率最高可达0.53。模拟结果与实验结果基本一致,模拟结果中抽提条件对减黏效果的影响更有规律性;提高抽提压力或降低抽提温度,可提高抽提率,并略微提高抽提油黏度。  相似文献   


Vacuum distillates of an Egyptian crude oil were subjected to solvent extraction process applying N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) and furfural as dearomatization solvents. The study shows that the extraction solvent together with the temperature and solvent-to-oil ratio have a significant effect on the yield and quality of produced lubricating oils. The optimum temperature for extracting light waxy distillates with NMP is 55°C at the solvent-to-feed ratio 2:1. These conditions are appropriate to remove the major portion of aromatics from the raffinate. The apparent activation energy (Ea), enthalpy (ΔH*), entropy (ΔS*), and free energy of activation (ΔG*) were calculated for the solvent dearomatization process.  相似文献   

催化裂化油浆抽提油作橡胶添加剂的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对炼油厂催化裂化油浆抽提分离所得抽提油用作橡胶添加剂进行了研究。在抽提油中不加入任何添加剂并保证抽提油全部利用的前提下,通过调整操作条件,将其切割成馏程为80~290℃的轻馏分、291~330℃的中馏分、大于331℃的重馏分。轻馏分与中馏分以1.0:1.0的比例(质量比)混合后得到的混合油的性质符合橡胶填充油质量行业标准KA8012的要求,中馏分质量符合橡胶软化剂质量行业标准芳烃油子午胎专用Ⅱ的要求。重馏分以1.0:5.0的比例(质量比)掺入道路沥青中,提高了道路沥青的耐高温性能。经过核算,催化裂化油浆抽提油利用的经济效益显著。  相似文献   

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