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近年,我国汽车工业高速发展,带动了下游轮胎行业的投资热潮,我国具有良好的投资环境和巨大的市场前景,不仅国内轮胎企业纷纷拟建、扩建轮胎产能,同时极大地吸引了如法国的米其林和美国的固特异、日本的普利司通和意大利的倍耐力等世界跨国轮胎制造商到中国投资建厂,使2006年我国轮胎出口呈大幅增长态势。  相似文献   

近年来中国汽车零部件行业频频遭遇反倾销调查案件。9月11日奥巴马决定对从中国进口的轮胎实施惩罚性关税,则将针对中国汽车零部件行业的反倾销事件推向顶点。  相似文献   

在中国橡胶工业协会上月举办的2014年全球轮胎技术论坛上,记者了解到,在国际贸易壁垒频出、“外患”不断的情况下,我国轮胎企业没有怨天尤人,一致认为应在解决“内忧”问题——提高国内配套市场占有率上作文章。但目前国内配套轮胎市场已经形成了固有的供应商体系,并非一朝一夕就能轻易进入的。  相似文献   

综合外电报道,全球汽车零部件供应商大陆集团(Continental AG)8月30号表示,由于印度汽车市场和轮胎市场正在快速发展,大陆轮胎正在寻找合适的机会进入印度市场。  相似文献   

综合外电报道,在近乎全球所有主要市场站稳脚跟之后,印度轮胎制造商阿波罗轮胎公司(Apollo Tyres)6月7号表示,公司目前正投身于进军世界最大的轮胎制造国、出口国兼消费国——中国的战略制定。  相似文献   

W ith leading global auto enterprises having alreadyset foot in C hina,fam ous auto parts and com ponentsm akers are not far behind as they launch one factoryafter another in cooperation with C hinese com panies.The nation now has5,000auto parts and com ponentsenterprises,of w hich1,200involve foreign investm ent.The w orld's top nine auto m anufacturers,G eneralM otors.Ford,D aim ler-C hrysler,V olksw agen,Toyota,R e-nault-N issan,Peugeot-Citroen,H onda and BM W,have astrong China pres…  相似文献   

三年轮胎特保期结束,已经在特保期间开始华丽转身的中国轮胎企业再度扬帆出征美国市场。当然,贸易壁垒依旧还在。对此,中国企业要从长远考虑。近年来中国经济的飞速发展刺激了汽车、轮胎产业的迅速崛起。2002-2012年,中国轮胎产量保持年均15%以上的增速,出口量保持年均40%以上的增长速度。中国轮胎在全球市场份额中比重逐渐提高,在一定程度上是受全球制造业重心由欧美向新兴经济体转移带动。欧美轮胎制造商更多侧重生产超高性能轮胎、旅行车轮胎和冬季轮胎等高附加值的轮胎,以加大进口低利润轮胎满足国内需求  相似文献   

2008年下半年经济危机爆发以来,其影响可谓空前之大,无论国外还是国内市场都是一片萧条。2009年下半年以来,我国经济形势开始企稳向好,大部分企业开始止跌为盈,危机的狼烟即将散去。危机之前我们因为订单繁忙无暇他顾,危机之中我们因为订单缩水忙于防冬,现在处于危机之后我们还会忙于复苏市场,然而这场危机留给我们很多东西值得思考,值得总结。  相似文献   

德国舍弗勒集团2007年5月16日在上海安亭新研发中心举行开幕仪式,并为江苏太仓的新工厂举行投产仪式。这是集团进一步关注中国市场,加强中国市场与亚洲其他市场的战略关联性,为拓展在华生产能力而采取的最新措施。作为家族企业的舍弗勒集团是全球领先的轴承制造商和汽车零部件供应商。  相似文献   

在日前举办的“第六届亚洲埃森轮胎展”上,走访发现,很多企业皆为“老面孔”。经了解,有的企业参加过今年9月份上海第十届中国国际轮胎博览会,有的企业参加了10月份北京举办的轮胎工业展和汽车零部件展。  相似文献   

1概述液压、气动、液力、密封是为各类机械配套的基础件产品,它对提高机械产品性能、质量和自动化程度起着重要的作用,是各类机械传动与控制技术水平的重要标志。在中国,随着主机水平的提高,基础件的瓶颈现象比较突出。国家在技术引进、技术改造、科研开发等方面给予了一定的支  相似文献   

在今年4月北京举办的第九届中国国际机床展览会上,中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席贾庆林、国务院副总理曾培炎驻足于亚洲最大规格、完全自主知识产权、全数控化的秦川机床YK73125大规格成形砂轮磨齿机的展台前,连声称好,中国机床工具协会总干事长吴柏林介绍称,这台磨齿机的研制成功,标志着我国大规格精密数控齿轮磨削从此不再依赖国外进口的机床装备.  相似文献   

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China(CPC)and the State Council jointly held the Central Economic Working Conference recently,putting foward major economic tasks for 2006.The Central Com m ittee of the Com m unist Party ofChina(CPC)and the State Counciljointly held the CentralEconom ic W orking Conference recently,putting fowardm ajoreconom ic tasksfor2006.They are:1.Carry outa steady m acro econom ic policy and m ain-tain a steady and rapid econom ic growth.The foc…  相似文献   

在CIMT2005热展期间,4月12日哈挺公司在北京中国国际展览中心举办了新闻发布会.哈挺公司副总裁、首席财政执行官理查·西蒙先生说,哈挺公司十分看重此次展览会.他们参展的机床有16台,与他们参加本国芝加哥机床展的机床数量是一样的,而且展台面积也是400 m2,是此次展会上展台面积位居第2的公司.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this research was to identify an online indicator of tire bead area separation for use in tire durability testing. The dynamics of tires with asymmetric bead area damage and the transmission of vibrations to an axle housing were studied. Experimental results from online data collected on a 67-in diameter roadwheel and a 120-in diameter roadwheel are presented. Statistical measures, trends in frequency content and transient wavelet maps, and composite damage indices were all evaluated as online damage detection features. Trends in statistical measures and frequency content were both indicative of damage progression, but were also sensitive to changes in test conditions. Wavelet maps were indicative of damage progression and showed potential for locating damage circumferentially on a tire. Wavelet analysis of data from both roadwheels indicated that damage increased the amount of higher frequency content in the response signals measured at the spindle arm and axle housing. The increase in broadband content was thought to come from transient vibrations generated when the damaged bead area passed through the contact patch. Composite damage indices that combined frequency and spatial data provided very clear indicators of potential damage initiation events, even predicting the number of ruptures, by drawing out the relevant information in the signals from the ambient vibration. The most effective composite indices multiplied several data signals such that only when all data signals indicated a change would the composite indices also indicate that damage had occurred.  相似文献   

2008年,金融风暴改写了世界经济的历史。与愿望相悖,金融风暴在2008年下半年将世界经济拖入衰退的泥潭,其深至今不可见底;而作为金融危机原发灶的美国,朝野上下更是哀鸿遍野。面临经济危机,中国政府提出了携手合作。  相似文献   

9月30日,印度财政部保障措施局发布公告,决定终止对我乘用车轮胎特保调查。日前,中国商务部公平贸易负责人就此发表谈话表示赞赏。这位负责人表示,这一决定不仅有利于中印双边贸易关系的稳步发展,也有利于印度众多下游企业的利益。中方希望与印度政府就双边贸易中的问题加强沟通与协商,并鼓励双方业界加强对话与合作,实现互利共赢。  相似文献   

Chia TL 《ISA transactions》2002,41(4):501-509
Slow temperature control is a challenging control problem. The problem becomes even more challenging when multiple zones are involved, such as in barrel temperature control for extruders. Often, strict closed-loop performance requirements (such as fast startup with no overshoot and maintaining tight temperature control during production) are given for such applications. When characteristics of the system are examined, it becomes clear that a commonly used proportional plus integral plus derivative (PID) controller cannot meet such performance specifications for this kind of system. The system either will overshoot or not maintain the temperature within the specified range during the production run. In order to achieve the required performance, a control strategy that utilizes techniques such as model predictive control, autotuning, and multiple parameter PID is formulated. This control strategy proves to be very effective in achieving the desired specifications, and is very robust.  相似文献   

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