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Despite the fact that Hawaii has one of the highest seat belt use rates for passenger vehicles in the United States, and has had a mandatory seat belt use law since the 1980s, studies have shown that commercial motor vehicles (CMV) seat belt use rates are low. To better understand this phenomenon, a comprehensive survey of commercial vehicle drivers was conducted in Hawaii to ascertain attitudes and self-reported behaviors regarding seat belt use. A total of 791 drivers responded to a written questionnaire implemented at weigh stations and distributed to various trucking firms and transport centers. Approximately 67% reported that they use seat belts “always” when driving a CMV (commercial motor vehicle), yet when asked how often do other CMV drivers use seat belts, only 31% responded “always.” Interestingly, 86% of these same drivers reported that they use seat belts “always” when driving a personal vehicle. The major reason cited for non-use of belts was “frequent stops/inconvenience” (29%), and “not safety conscious” (23%). Notably, the self-reported use of safety belts is highest among operators of vans (88% said “always”), followed by buses (87% said “always”) and lowest among truck drivers (only 60% said “always”). In this paper, some of the differences between self-reported users and non-users are explored and a multivariate logit model was developed to predict the odds of belt use as a function of various factors.  相似文献   

Previous research has found that commercial drivers get an average of 5.18 h of sleep per night. The revised hours-of-service (HOS) regulations (in the United States) are in place to provide drivers with more opportunities to get sleep. However, are drivers really getting more sleep under these new regulations? Also, is there a relationship between sleep quantity and involvement in critical incident (crashes, near-crashes, or crash-relevant conflicts)? Data from 73 truck drivers, collected during a naturalistic driving study after the implementation of the 2003 HOS regulations, were analyzed to determine overall sleep quantity (using actigraphy), along with sleep quantity prior to being involved in a critical incident. Sixty-two drivers had at least seven consecutive days (Monday through Sunday) of reliable actigraphy data; mean sleep quantity per 24-h period (midnight centered using the Cole-Kripke algorithm) for these drivers was 6.28 h (S.D.=1.42 h). Fifty-eight critical incidents were recorded in the 10th and 11th driving hours. Analysis results indicated that drivers received significantly less sleep in the period prior to a critical incident as compared to their mean overall sleep quantity. The results of this study indicate drivers may be getting more sleep under the revised 2003 HOS regulations as compared to the old regulations. In addition, significantly less sleep in the 24-h period prior to involvement in a critical incident suggests driver fatigue may have been a potential contributing factor in these critical incidents.  相似文献   

Observed seatbelt usage among drivers of heavy commercial vehicles in Utah   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
National seatbelt observation surveys indicate commercial vehicle drivers' seatbelt usage is lower than passenger vehicle drivers. Seatbelts are effective at preventing injuries and death following motor vehicle crashes and an important component in decreasing morbidity and mortality related to commercial vehicle crashes. We conducted an observation survey of heavy commercial vehicle drivers' seatbelt usage to gather baseline data and to aid in planning prevention programs. We found that the observed heavy commercial vehicle drivers had a seatbelt usage rate of 64%, approximately 20% lower than the national rate for drivers of passenger vehicles. Our observations demonstrate a need to increase seatbelt usage among heavy commercial vehicle drivers. Specific programs and resources for intervention programs targeting heavy commercial vehicle drivers are warranted.  相似文献   

This study explored the nature of errors made by drivers when distracted versus not distracted. Participants drove an instrumented vehicle around an urban test route both while distracted (performing a visual detection task) and while not distracted. Two in-vehicle observers recorded the driving errors made, and a range of other data were collected, including driver verbal protocols, forward, cockpit and driver video, and vehicle data (speed, braking, steering wheel angle, etc.). Classification of the errors revealed that drivers were significantly more likely to make errors when distracted; although driving errors were prevalent even when not distracted. Interestingly, the nature of the errors made when distracted did not differ substantially from those made when not distracted, suggesting that, rather than making different types of errors, distracted drivers simply make a greater number of the same error types they make when not distracted. Avenues for broadening our understanding of the relationship between distraction and driving errors are discussed along with the advantages of using a multi-method framework for studying driver behaviour.  相似文献   

This study estimates the dose–response relationship between body mass index (BMI) and crash risk in operators of heavy commercial motor vehicles. Intake data were collected during the first two weeks of instruction from 744 new truck drivers training for their commercial driver's licenses at a school operated by the cooperating trucking firm. Drivers were then followed prospectively on the job using the firm's operational data for two years, or until employment separation, whichever came first. Multivariate Poisson regression and Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate the relationship between crash risk and BMI, controlling for demographic characteristics and for variations in the exposure to risks on the road. Results from the Poisson regression, which used cumulative miles driven as an exposure control, indicated that compared to normal BMI (18.5 < BMI < 25) the risk ratio (RR) for all crashes was significantly higher for drivers in the combined obesity Classes II and III: RR = 1.55 (95% CI 1.24–1.94). Similarly, the multivariate Cox proportional hazard model (controlling for miles and job type on a week-by-week basis) showed that crash risk was significantly higher compared to normal BMI for the same combined obesity Classes II and III: RR = 1.54 (95% CI 1.13–2.10). The results of this prospective study establish an association between obesity and crash risk and have important implications for driver health and public safety.  相似文献   

Given that the beneficial effects of driver training on accident risk may not be an appropriate criterion measure, this study investigates whether professionally trained and experienced drivers exhibit safer driving behaviour in a simulated driving task compared with drivers without professional driver training. A sample of 54 police trained drivers and a sample of 56 non-police trained drivers were required to complete two tasks. Firstly to overtake a slow-moving bus on a hazardous stretch of single-lane road with bends and hills and secondly to follow a lead vehicle travelling at 55mph in a built-up section with a speed limit of 30mph. Results showed that in comparison with non-police trained drivers, police drivers were significantly less likely to cross the central division of the road at unsafe locations during the overtaking task and reduced their speed on approach to pedestrians at the roadside in the following task to a greater extent. Police drivers also adopted a more central lane position compared with non-police trained drivers on urban roads and at traffic lights during the following task. Driver group differences in simulated driving performance are discussed with reference to the implications for driver training assessment and skill development.  相似文献   

A retrospective population-based case-control study was conducted to determine whether driver sleepiness/fatigue and inattention/distraction increase the likelihood that a commercial motor vehicle collision (CVC) will be fatal. Cases were identified as CVC drivers who died (fatal) and controls were drivers who survived (nonfatal) an injury collision using the Kentucky Collision Report Analysis for Safer Highways (CRASH) electronic database from 1998-2002. Cases and controls were matched on unit type and roadway type. Conditional logistic regression was performed. Driver sleepiness/fatigue, distraction/inattention, age of 51 years of age and older, and nonuse of safety belts increase the odds that a CVC will be fatal. Primary safety belt law enactment and enforcement for all states, commercial vehicle driver education addressing fatigue and distraction and other approaches including decreased hours-of-service, rest breaks and policy changes, etc. may decrease the probability that a CVC will be fatal.  相似文献   

Current hours-of-service (HOS) regulations prescribe limits to commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers’ operating hours. By using naturalistic-data-collection, researchers were able to assess activities performed in the 14-h workday and the relationship between safety-critical events (SCEs) and driving hours, work hours, and breaks. The data used in the analyses were collected in the Naturalistic Truck Driving Study and included 97 drivers and about 735,000 miles of continuous driving data. An assessment of the drivers’ workday determined that, on average, drivers spent 66% of their shift driving, 23% in non-driving work, and 11% resting. Analyses evaluating the relationship between driving hours (i.e., driving only) and SCE risk found a time-on-task effect across hours, with no significant difference in safety outcomes between 11th driving hour and driving hours 8, 9 or 10. Analyses on work hours (i.e., driving in addition to non-driving work) found that risk of being involved in an SCE generally increased as work hours increased. This suggests that time-on-task effects may not be related to driving hours alone, but implies an interaction between driving hours and work hours: if a driver begins the day with several hours of non-driving work, followed by driving that goes deep into the 14-h workday, SCE risk was found to increase. Breaks from driving were found to be beneficial in reducing SCEs (during 1-h window after a break) and were effective in counteracting the negative effects of time-on-task.  相似文献   

Alcohol and drugs are important risk factors for traffic injuries, a major health problem worldwide. This prospective study investigated the epidemiology and the presence of alcohol and drugs in fatally and hospitalized non-fatally injured drivers of motor vehicles in northern Sweden. During a 2-year study period, blood from fatally and hospitalized non-fatally injured drivers was tested for alcohol and drugs. The study subjects were recruited from well-defined geographical areas with known demographics. Autopsy reports, medical journals, police reports, and toxicological analyses were evaluated. Of the fatally injured, 38% tested positive for alcohol and of the non-fatally 21% tested positive; 7% and 13%, respectively, tested positive for pharmaceuticals with a warning for impaired driving; 9% and 4%, respectively, tested positive for illicit drugs. The most frequently detected pharmaceuticals were benzodiazepines, opiates, and antidepressants. Tetrahydrocannabiol was the most frequently detected illicit substance. No fatally injured women had illegal blood alcohol concentration. The relative proportion of positively tested drivers has increased and was higher than in a similar study 14 years earlier. This finding indicates that alcohol and drugs merit more attention in future traffic safety work.  相似文献   

Heavy vehicle–train collisions have the potential to be catastrophic in terms of fatalities, environmental disaster, delays in the rail network, and extensive damage to property. Heavy vehicles, such as ‘Road Trains’ and ‘B-Doubles’, are vulnerable road users due to their size and mass and require specific risk management solutions. The present study aimed to capture the experiences of heavy vehicle drivers and train drivers at road–rail level crossings, with a view to exploring the contributing factors toward such accidents. A series of semi-structured focus groups was conducted, with a total of 17 train drivers and 26 heavy vehicle drivers taking part. Though there were some differences between the groups in perceptions of the causes of heavy vehicle-level crossing incidents, discussion in both groups centred on design issues and behavioural issues. With regard to design, the configuration of level crossings was found to affect heavy vehicle driver visibility and effective vehicle clearance. With regard to behaviour, discussion centred around wilful violation of crossing protocols, often as a time-saving measure, as well as driver complacency due to high levels of familiarity. The implications of these factors for future level crossing safety initiatives are discussed.  相似文献   

汽车驾驶员注意品质与行车安全性关系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
借助心理测验方法,分析了事故与无事故汽车驾驶员在注意品质方面存在的差异。结果表明,事故驾驶员比无事故驾驶员的注意范围小,注意转移分配的能力差并且注意力不易集中。此外,驾驶员的注意品质受年龄因素的影响。  相似文献   

Data from two previously published studies were used to examine the correlations between scores on the violation, error and lapse sub-scales of the driver behaviour questionnaire, and observed driving speed. One dataset utilised data from an instrumented vehicle, which recorded driver speed on bends on a rural road. The other utilised data from a driving simulator study. Generally in both datasets the DBQ violation subscale was associated with objectively-measured speed, while the error and lapse sub-scales were not. These findings are consistent with the idea that the DBQ is a valid measure of observed behaviour in real driving (its original intended use) and also in simulated driving. The fact that associations were the same in real and simulated driving lends further support to the relative validity of driving simulation. The need for larger and more focused studies examining the role of different motivations in different driving situations is discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of alcohol, psychoactive medicinal drugs and illegal drugs among drivers in Norwegian road traffic. Drivers of motor vehicles were selected from April 2005 to April 2006 in the south-eastern part of Norway, surrounding, but not including the capital, Oslo. A stratified two-stage cluster sampling procedure was used. In the first stage, random road sites and time intervals were selected, and in the second stage, drivers were stopped by random at those sites and time intervals. Altogether about 12,000 drivers were asked to provide a sample of oral fluid (saliva) and answer a few questions. Samples of oral fluid were obtained from 88% of the drivers, of whom 30% were females and 70% males. The prevalence of each drug was estimated by a weighted average using weights adjusted for under- or over-sampling compared to traffic statistics. Alcohol or drugs were found in oral fluid samples of 4.5% of the drivers; alcohol in 0.4%, psychoactive medicinal drugs in 3.4%, and illegal drugs in 1.0%. Illegal drugs were found more frequently in samples from younger drivers, while psychoactive medicinal drugs were more frequently found in samples from older drivers. Psychoactive medicinal drugs were more prevalent among females than males, among drivers stopped on working days rather than weekends, and among those who reported annual driving distances less than 16,000km. The drugs found most frequently were zopiclone (1.4%), benzodiazepines (1.4%), codeine (0.8%), tetrahydrocannabinol (0.6%) and amphetamines (0.3%). Two or more drugs were found in 0.6% of the samples, corresponding to 15% of the drug-positive drivers.  相似文献   

ObjectiveDistracted driving is a major cause of motor vehicle collision (MVC) involvement. Pets have been identified as potential distraction to drivers, particularly in the front. This type of distraction could be worse for those with impairment in the cognitive aspects of visual processing. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the association between driving with pets and rates of motor vehicle collision involvement in a cohort of older drivers.MethodsA three-year prospective study was conducted in a population-based sample of 2000 licensed drivers aged 70 years and older. At the baseline visit, a trained interviewer asked participants about pet ownership, whether they drive with pets, how frequently, and where the pet sits in the vehicle. Motor vehicle collision (MVC) involvement during the three-year study period was obtained from the Alabama Department of Public Safety. At-fault status was determined by the police officer who arrived on the scene. Participants were followed until the earliest of death, driving cessation, or end of the study period. Poisson regression was used to calculate crude and adjusted rate ratios (RR) examining the association between pet ownership, presence of a pet in a vehicle, frequency of driving with a pet, and location of the pet inside with vehicle with any and at-fault MVC involvement. We examined whether the associations differed by higher order visual processing impairment status, as measured by Useful Field of View, Trails B, and Motor-free Visual Perception Test.ResultsRates of crash involvement were similar for older adults who have ever driven with a pet compared to those who never drove with their pet (RR = 1.15, 95% CI 0.76–1.75). Drivers who reported always or sometimes driving with their pet had higher MVC rates compared to pet owners who never drive with a pet, but this association was not statistically significant (RR = 1.39, 95% CI 0.86–2.24). In terms of location, those reporting having a pet frequently ride in the front of the vehicle had similar rates of MVC involvement compared to those who did not drive with a pet in the front. A similar pattern of results was observed for at-fault MVCs. This association was not modified by visual processing impairment status.ConclusionThe current study demonstrates a positive but non-significant association between frequently driving with pets and MVC involvement. More research is needed, particularly on restraint use and whether the pet was in the car at the time of the crash, to help characterize the public safety benefit of regulations on driving with pets.  相似文献   

Data from crashes investigated through the Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network (CIREN) Program were used to assess differences in injury patterns, severity, and sources for drivers, protected by safety belts and deploying steering wheel air bags, in head-on frontal impacts. We studied whether exterior vehicle damage with a different distribution (wide vs. narrow) across the front vehicle plane influenced injury characteristics. Drivers from both impact types were similar on the basis of demographic characteristics (except age), restraint use, and vehicle characteristics. There were significant differences in the type of object contacted and intrusion into the passenger compartment at the driver's seat location. The mean delta V (based on the kilometers per hour change in velocity during the impact) was similar for drivers in both (wide vs. narrow) impact types. There were no significant differences in injury patterns and sources except that drivers in wide impacts were almost 4 times more likely (odds ratio (OR)=3.81, 95% confidence limits (CL) 1.26, 11.5) to have an abbreviated injury scale (AIS) 3 serious or greater severity head injury. Adjusted odds ratios showed that drivers in wide impacts were less likely (OR=0.54, 95% CI 0.37, 0.79) to have severe injury (based on injury severity score (ISS)>25) when controlling for intrusion, vehicle body type, vehicle curb weight, age, proper safety belt use, and delta V. Drivers with intrusion into their position or who were driving a passenger vehicle were almost twice more likely to have severe injury, regardless of whether the frontal plane damage distribution was wide or narrow. Our study supports that the type of damage distribution across the frontal plane may be an important crash characteristic to consider when studying drivers injured in head-on motor vehicle crashes.  相似文献   

Because the driver's gap-acceptance maneuver is a complex and risky driving behavior, it is a highly concerned topic for traffic safety and operation. Previous studies have mainly focused on the driver's gap acceptance decision itself but did not pay attention to the maneuver process and driving behaviors. Using a driving simulator experiment for left-turn gap acceptance at a stop-controlled intersection, this study evaluated the effects of major traffic speed and driver age and gender on gap acceptance behaviors. The experiment results illustrate relationships among drivers' left-turn gap decision, driver's acceleration rate, steering action, and the influence of the gap-acceptance maneuver on the vehicles in the major traffic stream. The experiment results identified an association between high crash risk and high traffic speed at stop-controlled intersections. The older drivers, especially older female drivers, displayed a conservative driving attitude as a compensation for reduced driving ability, but also showed to be the most vulnerable group for the relatively complex driving maneuvers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of differentially stringent graduated drivers license programs on teen driver fatalities, day-time and night-time teen driver fatalities, fatalities of teen drivers with passengers present, and fatalities among teen passengers. METHODS: The study uses 1992-2002 data on motor vehicle fatalities among 15-17-year-old drivers from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System to identify the effects of "good", "fair", and "marginal" GDL programs based upon designations by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Analysis is conducted using conditional negative binomial regressions with fixed effects. RESULTS: "Good" programs reduce total fatalities among young drivers by 19.4% (c.i. -33.0%, -5.9%). "Fair" programs reduce night-time young driver fatalities by 12.6% (c.i. -23.9%, -1.2%), but have no effect on day-time fatalities. "Marginal" programs had no statistically meaningful effect on driver fatalities. All three types of programs reduced teen passenger fatalities, but the effects of limitations on the number of passengers appear to have had only minimal effects in reducing fatalities among young drivers themselves. CONCLUSIONS: Stronger GDL programs are more effective than weaker programs in reducing teenage motor vehicle fatalities.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThis study examines the associations between lifetime traumatic brain injury (TBI), driver aggression, and motor vehicle collisions among a population sample of adults who reside in the province of Ontario, Canada.MethodA cross-sectional sample of 3993 Ontario adults, aged 18–97 were surveyed by telephone in 2011 and 2012 as part of Center for Addiction and Mental Health’s ongoing representative survey of adult mental health and substance use in Canada. TBI was defined as trauma to the head that resulted in loss of consciousness for at least five minutes or overnight hospitalization.ResultsAn estimated 91% (95% CI: 90.0, 91.9) of individuals in this sample held a valid Ontario driver’s license at the time of testing. Among those, 16.7% reported a history of lifetime TBI and 83.3% reported no TBI. The prevalence of TBI was higher among men than women. Relative to licensed adults without TBI, adults with a history of TBI had significantly higher odds of engaging in serious driver aggression in the past 12 months, such as making threats to hurt another driver, passenger or their vehicle (AOR = 4.39). These individuals also reported significantly higher odds (AOR = 1.74) of being involved in a motor vehicle collision that resulted in hurting themselves, their passenger(s) or their vehicle.ConclusionThis is the first population-based study to demonstrate a relationship between a history of TBI and higher rates of serious driver aggression and collision involvement. Given the large proportion of adult drivers with a history of TBI, these individuals may account for a disproportion burden of all traffic safety problems. Whether the increased road safety risk of adults with a history of TBI is reflective of neurocognitive deficits or is merely evidence of a cluster of unsafe activities produced by a higher risk lifestyles requires further research attention.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Medical problems may affect the ability to drive motor vehicles, and programs that control the issuing of driver licenses to individuals with medical conditions exist in most states. The main activity of these programs is the imposition of restrictions upon the driving privileges of individuals with medical conditions that are deemed to pose some risk to public safety. However, little is known about the effectiveness of these licensing programs. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to compare the rates of adverse driving events (crash, at-fault crash and citations) experienced by drivers licensed with medical conditions to those of age-, sex- and location-matched controls. Separate comparisons were made for drivers reporting medical conditions licensed with full driving privileges, and those with restricted driving privileges (e.g. speed, area and time of day). DESIGN: Retrospective case-control. METHODS: The study population was all drivers licensed in the state of Utah who reported a medical condition on their driver license application, over the 5-year period 1992-1996. Drivers enter the program by self-reporting their medical problems. Control drivers were chosen from the entire population of drivers licensed in Utah for the same period. Information on driver license status, participation in the medical conditions program, citations, involvement in crashes, and death certificate data was obtained from the relevant state agencies. Probabilistic linkage methodology was used to link the records in these disparate databases for eventual analysis. Rates of citation, crashes and at-fault crashes, expressed as events per 10000 license days, were calculated separately for program drivers and their corresponding control groups for each medical condition category and restriction status. These data were used to determine an estimate of relative risk (RR) and 95% confidence intervals. Results: As a group, medical conditions drivers had modestly elevated rates of adverse driving events compared with control drivers (RR 1.09-1.74). Rates in the largest medical category, 'cardiovascular conditions', were not higher than controls. Rates were higher than control for some conditions, such as 'alcohol' and 'learning and memory', for some adverse events (RR 2.2 -5.75). Drivers with more than one medical condition appeared comparable to the general group of medical conditions program drivers. CONCLUSIONS: Drivers in Utah medical conditions program had modestly elevated rates of adverse driving events compared to matched controls. Possible underreporting of medical conditions and accurate assessment of exposure rates are potential weaknesses in the program.  相似文献   

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