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A procedure is developed for analysis of scheduled generation at HPP using run-off-forming data relative to water reserves. __________ Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel’stvo, No. 4, April 2007, pp. 41–47.  相似文献   

Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 2, pp. 36–41, February, 1992.  相似文献   

Conclusions Additional detailed investigations of the foundation of the Khudoni arch dam performed at the detail design stage made it possible to refine the engineering-geological structure of the rock mass in the foundation of the structure, to evaluate its stress state, and to determine the variability of the physical and mechanical properties of the rock under the effect of natural and technogenic factors. These investigations showed that the structure of the investigated mass is characterized by a greater complexity than was assumed at the contract design stage, and the relatively high characteristics of the physical and mechanical properties of the rock in the interior parts of the mass in many respects are due to the effect of natural (tectonic and gravitational) stresses. With considerations of the results presented, it is necessary to maximally preserve the natural state of the interior parts of the mass when correcting the working drawings and selecting the technology of construction works.Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 2, pp. 44–49, February, 1990.  相似文献   

Reliability and safety of water-development works can be ensured by diagnostics of the status of a structure while under construction or in service from results of analysis of data derived from field observations.  相似文献   

The performance of the lower pool during operation of a spillway is discussed. Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 6, June 2008, pp. 36–38.  相似文献   

水利水电工程建设离不开设计,设计质量的好坏在很大程度上将制约项目的成败,国际水利水电EPCT项目更是如此。与国内工程比较,EPCT项目的设计理念和使用规范不同,更具自身的特点。通过伊朗塔里干水利枢纽工程的设计实践,可以了解国际水利水电EPCT工程的设计方法、基本工作程序及应注意的问题。  相似文献   

我国正处在200 m以上特高坝建设的快速发展阶段,部分特高坝已陆续建成投入运行。特高坝的运行安全是社会各界普遍关注的热点问题。针对我国特高坝所处复杂环境条件和运行特点,为保障其安全长效运行,从安全评价体系、高边坡稳定、泄洪消能、泄洪雾化、材料和结构耐久性、水工金属结构运行维护、水下检修加固、地震影响、流域高坝群运行安全以及风险管理等方面,阐述了一些关键技术的要点和主要内容。  相似文献   

1牛角峪概况 牛角峪退水闸位于漳卫南运河流域减河右岸,是恩县洼滞洪区的退洪口门,兼有排涝和蓄水灌溉,总洪水流量为378 m3/s.该闸1978年前由武城县水利局管理,1978~1980年由山东鲁北海河流域水利工程局管理,1980年后由漳卫南运河管理局德州河务处管理.漳卫南运河管理局接管该闸后,经检查发现许多隐患,如五孔闸运用时机架桥震动严重、无检修闸门、金属埋件锈蚀、闸门漏水、启闭机及电器部分年久失修等.为消除工程隐患和缺陷,确保水闸的安全运行,自1986年开始对以上诸多隐患分别进行处理,同时也加强了水闸运行管理.牛角峪闸每到汛期都要运用十几次至几十次,汛后开始闭闸蓄水.经维修后尽管运用比较频繁,也没有出现过任何事故,处于安全运行状态,较好地发挥了工程的经济效益和社会效益.  相似文献   

通过大坝失事和损坏典型事例,阐述了大坝运行安全管理的目的和重要性,并介绍了国内外大坝运行安全管理的体制、法规建设及大坝运行安全管理的发展趋势。以水电站大坝运行安全管理为主线,系统地介绍了大坝运行安全管理的主要内容。  相似文献   

Conclusion A comparison of the data of on-site observations of the state of the slope with the adopted criteria with respect to the position of the level of subsurface waters, absolute values of movements, and rates of movements leads to the following conclusion.The levels of subsurface waters in general meet the criteria, with the exception of levels In the gravel-sand deposits near the downstream slope of the dam of the upstream reservoir.The allowable value of total movement (taken equal to 50 mm) has been repeatedly exceeded on the north stretch of the site of the PW, where the movement, according to mark 207, reached 660 mm. Despite this, the diminishing character of deformations of the slope above the mark shows that the general stability of the slope has not been disturbed so far, and the noted movements have a local character. To ensure slope stability, it is necessary to take measures on lowering the water from the sub-Paramonova aquifer (in conformity with the design).The allowable deformation rates for periods of short-time transient work of the slope after filling the upper reservoir were also exceeded and amounted to 0.4–0.8 mm/day, but the mean monthly rates were 0.02–0.13 mm/day, i.e., did not exceed the allowable value of 0.15 mm/day.The steady-state rate of creep of 0.03–0.001 mm/day does not exceed the criteria.Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 11, pp. 42–48, November, 1991.  相似文献   

金华市大批水库工程经过三四十年的运行 ,工程老化日趋严重。在国家财力有限的情况下 ,如何加大除险加固力度 ,保障水库安全生产 ,该市自 1998年来 ,对安全普查核定的 2 45座小 (二 )型以上病险水库 ,全部按计划完成了除险加固任务 ,共投入资金 12 6 40多万元。工作力度大 ,为加强水库工程安全运行提供了保障。  相似文献   

水电站大坝运行安全应急管理是大坝安全管理的重要环节,是保障大坝运行安全、确保人民群众生命安全和减少灾害损失的最后一道防线。结合雅砻江流域大坝安全管理实际,通过二滩水电站水库防洪抢险应急预案编制过程,从应急管理的预防、准备、响应、恢复四个阶段,对水电站大坝运行安全应急管理的内容和管理要求进行探讨。  相似文献   

金华市大批水库工程经过三四十年的运行,工程老化日趋严重。在国家财力有限的情况下,如何加大除险加固力度,保障水库安全生产,该市自1998年来,对安全普查核定的245座小(二)型以上病险水库,全部按计划完成了除险加固任务,共投入资金12640多万元。工作力度大,为加强水库工程安全运行提供了保障。  相似文献   

白垢水电站发电机组进行技术改造扩容需要对水下拦污栅进行改造,从施工难易、投资多少等方面比较了钢管灌注桩式结构和拦污栅墩结构两种水下拦污栅改造方案,最终推荐钢管灌注桩式结构方案。  相似文献   

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