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We present a health-monitoring system based on the multidimensional dynamic time warping approach with semantic attributes for the detection of health problems in the elderly to prolong their autonomous living. The movement of the elderly user is captured with a motion-capture system that consists of body-worn tags, whose coordinates are acquired by sensors located in an apartment. The output time series of the coordinates are modeled with the proposed data-mining approach in order to recognize the specific health problem of an elderly person. This paper is an extension of our previous study, which proposed four data mining approaches to recognition of health problems, falls and activities of elderly from their motion patterns. The most successful of the four approaches is SMDTW (Multidimensional dynamic time-warping approach with semantic attributes), whose version is used and thoroughly analyzed in this paper. SMDTW is the modification of the DTW algorithm to use with the multidimensional time series with semantic attributes. To test the robustness of the SMDTW approach, this study calculates the DTW on the time series of various lengths. The semantic attributes presented here consist of the joint angles that are able to recognize many types of movement, e.g., health problems, falls and activities, in contrast to the more specific approaches with specific medically defined attributes from the literature. The k-nearest-neighbor classifier using SMDTW as a distance measure classifies movement of an elderly person into five different health states: one healthy and four unhealthy. Even though the new approach is more general and can be used to differentiate other types of activities or health problems, it achieves very high classification accuracy of 97.2%, comparable to the more specific approaches.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Automatic Emotion Speech Recognition (ESR) is considered as an active research field in the Human-Computer Interface (HCI). Typically, the ESR system is...  相似文献   

The amount of information contained in databases available on the Web has grown explosively in the last years. This information, known as the Deep Web, is heterogeneous and dynamically generated by querying these back-end (relational) databases through Web Query Interfaces (WQIs) that are a special type of HTML forms. The problem of accessing to the information of Deep Web is a great challenge because the information existing usually is not indexed by general-purpose search engines. Therefore, it is necessary to create efficient mechanisms to access, extract and integrate information contained in the Deep Web. Since WQIs are the only means to access to the Deep Web, the automatic identification of WQIs plays an important role. It facilitates traditional search engines to increase the coverage and the access to interesting information not available on the indexable Web. The accurate identification of Deep Web data sources are key issues in the information retrieval process. In this paper we propose a new strategy for automatic discovery of WQIs. This novel proposal makes an adequate selection of HTML elements extracted from HTML forms, which are used in a set of heuristic rules that help to identify WQIs. The proposed strategy uses machine learning algorithms for classification of searchable (WQIs) and non-searchable (non-WQI) HTML forms using a prototypes selection algorithm that allows to remove irrelevant or redundant data in the training set. The internal content of Web Query Interfaces was analyzed with the objective of identifying only those HTML elements that are frequently appearing provide relevant information for the WQIs identification. For testing, we use three groups of datasets, two available at the UIUC repository and a new dataset that we created using a generic crawler supported by human experts that includes advanced and simple query interfaces. The experimental results show that the proposed strategy outperforms others previously reported works.  相似文献   

Object recognition using laser range finder and machine learning techniques   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years, computer vision has been widely used on industrial environments, allowing robots to perform important tasks like quality control, inspection and recognition. Vision systems are typically used to determine the position and orientation of objects in the workstation, enabling them to be transported and assembled by a robotic cell (e.g. industrial manipulator). These systems commonly resort to CCD (Charge-Coupled Device) Cameras fixed and located in a particular work area or attached directly to the robotic arm (eye-in-hand vision system). Although it is a valid approach, the performance of these vision systems is directly influenced by the industrial environment lighting. Taking all these into consideration, a new approach is proposed for eye-on-hand systems, where the use of cameras will be replaced by the 2D Laser Range Finder (LRF). The LRF will be attached to a robotic manipulator, which executes a pre-defined path to produce grayscale images of the workstation. With this technique the environment lighting interference is minimized resulting in a more reliable and robust computer vision system. After the grayscale image is created, this work focuses on the recognition and classification of different objects using inherent features (based on the invariant moments of Hu) with the most well-known machine learning models: k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN), Neural Networks (NNs) and Support Vector Machines (SVMs). In order to achieve a good performance for each classification model, a wrapper method is used to select one good subset of features, as well as an assessment model technique called K-fold cross-validation to adjust the parameters of the classifiers. The performance of the models is also compared, achieving performances of 83.5% for kNN, 95.5% for the NN and 98.9% for the SVM (generalized accuracy). These high performances are related with the feature selection algorithm based on the simulated annealing heuristic, and the model assessment (k-fold cross-validation). It makes possible to identify the most important features in the recognition process, as well as the adjustment of the best parameters for the machine learning models, increasing the classification ratio of the work objects present in the robot's environment.  相似文献   

Research surface electromyogram (s-EMG) signal recognition using neural networks is a method which identifies the relation between s-EMG patterns. However, it is not sufficiently satisfying for the user because s-EMG signals change according to muscle wasting or to changes in the electrode position, etc. A support vector machine (SVM) is one of the most powerful tools for solving classification problems, but it does not have an online learning technique. In this article, we propose an online learning method using SVM with a pairwise coupling technique for s-EMG recognition. We compared its performance with the original SVM and a neural network. Simulation results showed that our proposed method is better than the original SVM. This work was presented in part at the 13th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, January 31–February 2, 2008  相似文献   

The explosive growth of malware variants poses a major threat to information security. Traditional anti-virus systems based on signatures fail to classify unknown malware into their corresponding families and to detect new kinds of malware programs. Therefore, we propose a machine learning based malware analysis system, which is composed of three modules: data processing, decision making, and new malware detection. The data processing module deals with gray-scale images, Opcode n-gram, and import functions, which are employed to extract the features of the malware. The decision-making module uses the features to classify the malware and to identify suspicious malware. Finally, the detection module uses the shared nearest neighbor (SNN) clustering algorithm to discover new malware families. Our approach is evaluated on more than 20 000 malware instances, which were collected by Kingsoft, ESET NOD32, and Anubis. The results show that our system can effectively classify the unknown malware with a best accuracy of 98.9%, and successfully detects 86.7% of the new malware.  相似文献   

Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) systems traditionally find images within a database that are similar to query image using low level features, such as colour histograms. However, this requires a user to provide an image to the system. It is easier for a user to query the CBIR system using search terms which requires the image content to be described by semantic labels. However, finding a relationship between the image features and semantic labels is a challenging problem to solve. This paper aims to discover semantic labels for facial features for use in a face image retrieval system. Face image retrieval traditionally uses global face-image information to determine similarity between images. However little has been done in the field of face image retrieval to use local face-features and semantic labelling. Our work aims to develop a clustering method for the discovery of semantic labels of face-features. We also present a machine learning based face-feature localization mechanism which we show has promise in providing accurate localization.  相似文献   

Machine Learning - Fatal accidents are a major issue hindering the wide acceptance of safety-critical systems that employ machine learning and deep learning models, such as automated driving...  相似文献   

The aim of Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) is to govern data throughout its lifecycle as efficiently as possible and effectively from technical points of view. A core aspect is the question, where the data should be stored, since different costs and access times are entailed. For this purpose data have to be classified, which presently is either done manually in an elaborate way, or with recourse to only a few data attributes, in particular access frequency. In the context of Data-Warehouse-Systems this article introduces an automated and therefore speedy and cost-effective data classification for ILM. Machine learning techniques, in particular an artificial neural network (multilayer perceptron), a support vector machine and a decision tree approach are compared on an SAP-based real-world data set from the automotive industry. This data classification considers a large number of data attributes and thus attains similar results akin to human experts. In this comparison of machine learning techniques, besides the accuracy of classification, also the types of misclassification that appear, are included, since this is important in ILM.  相似文献   

Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing - Prognostic health management minimizes system downtime and improves overall equipment effectiveness. Accurate prediction of remaining useful life (RUL) is key...  相似文献   

极端学习机以其快速高效和良好的泛化能力在模式识别领域得到了广泛应用,然而现有的ELM及其改进算法并没有充分考虑到数据维数对ELM分类性能和泛化能力的影响,当数据维数过高时包含的冗余属性及噪音点势必降低ELM的泛化能力,针对这一问题本文提出一种基于流形学习的极端学习机,该算法结合维数约减技术有效消除数据冗余属性及噪声对ELM分类性能的影响,为验证所提方法的有效性,实验使用普遍应用的图像数据,实验结果表明本文所提算法能够显著提高ELM的泛化性能。  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Facial Emotion Recognition (FER) plays an essential role in human-to-human communication and human-to-machine interaction. Based on the analysis of the facial...  相似文献   


Obstructive sleep apnea is a syndrome which is characterized by the decrease in air flow or respiratory arrest depending on upper respiratory tract obstructions recurring during sleep and often observed with the decrease in the oxygen saturation. The aim of this study was to determine the connection between the respiratory arrests and the photoplethysmography (PPG) signal in obstructive sleep apnea patients. Determination of this connection is important for the suggestion of using a new signal in diagnosis of the disease. Thirty-four time-domain features were extracted from the PPG signal in the study. The relation between these features and respiratory arrests was statistically investigated. The Mann–Whitney U test was applied to reveal whether this relation was incidental or statistically significant, and 32 out of 34 features were found statistically significant. After this stage, the features of the PPG signal were classified with k-nearest neighbors classification algorithm, radial basis function neural network, probabilistic neural network, multilayer feedforward neural network (MLFFNN) and ensemble classification method. The output of the classifiers was considered as apnea and control (normal). When the classifier results were compared, the best performance was obtained with MLFFNN. Test accuracy rate is 97.07 % and kappa value is 0.93 for MLFFNN. It has been concluded with the results obtained that respiratory arrests can be recognized through the PPG signal and the PPG signal can be used for the diagnosis of OSA.


Face recognition based on extreme learning machine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Extreme learning machine (ELM) is an efficient learning algorithm for generalized single hidden layer feedforward networks (SLFNs), which performs well in both regression and classification applications. It has recently been shown that from the optimization point of view ELM and support vector machine (SVM) are equivalent but ELM has less stringent optimization constraints. Due to the mild optimization constraints ELM can be easy of implementation and usually obtains better generalization performance. In this paper we study the performance of the one-against-all (OAA) and one-against-one (OAO) ELM for classification in multi-label face recognition applications. The performance is verified through four benchmarking face image data sets.  相似文献   


The number of traffic accidents in Brazil has reached alarming levels and is currently one of the leading causes of death in the country. With the number of vehicles on the roads increasing rapidly, these problems will tend to worsen. Consequently, huge investments in resources to increase road safety will be required. The vertical R-19 system for optical character recognition of regulatory traffic signs (maximum speed limits) according to Brazilian Standards developed in this work uses a camera positioned at the front of the vehicle, facing forward. This is so that images of traffic signs can be captured, enabling the use of image processing and analysis techniques for sign detection. This paper proposes the detection and recognition of speed limit signs based on a cascade of boosted classifiers working with haar-like features. The recognition of the sign detected is achieved based on the optimum-path forest classifier (OPF), support vector machines (SVM), multilayer perceptron, k-nearest neighbor (kNN), extreme learning machine, least mean squares, and least squares machine learning techniques. The SVM, OPF and kNN classifiers had average accuracies higher than 99.5 %; the OPF classifier with a linear kernel took an average time of 87 \(\upmu\)s to recognize a sign, while kNN took 11,721 \(\upmu\)s and SVM 12,595 \(\upmu\)s. This sign detection approach found and recognized successfully 11,320 road signs from a set of 12,520 images, leading to an overall accuracy of 90.41 %. Analyzing the system globally recognition accuracy was 89.19 %, as 11,167 road signs from a database with 12,520 signs were correctly recognized. The processing speed of the embedded system varied between 20 and 30 frames per second. Therefore, based on these results, the proposed system can be considered a promising tool with high commercial potential.


Multimedia Tools and Applications - This paper is addressed on the idea of building up a model to control computer systems by utilizing facial landmarks like eyes, nose and head gestures. The face...  相似文献   

随着软件规模的不断增长,日志在故障检测中发挥着愈加重要的作用。然而,目前软件日志缺乏统一标准,常受开发人员个人习惯影响,为大规模系统中日志的自动化分析带来了挑战。其中,日志函数的识别作为日志分析的前提条件,对分析结果有着直接影响。提出了一种基于机器学习的方法以支持日志自动识别。通过系统分析广泛使用的大规模开源软件,总结出日志函数编写的主要形式,并提取不同形式间的共性特征,进而基于机器学习实现了自动日志识别工具iLog。实验显示,使用iLog识别的日志函数能力平均为使用特定关键字的76倍,十折交叉验证得到iLog的分析结果的F-Score为0.93。  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, automatic speaker recognition has been an interesting and challenging problem to speech researchers. It can be classified into two different categories, speaker identification and speaker verification. In this paper, a new classifier, extreme learning machine, is examined on the text-independent speaker verification task and compared with SVM classifier. Extreme learning machine (ELM) classifiers have been proposed for generalized single hidden layer feedforward networks with a wide variety of hidden nodes. They are extremely fast in learning and perform well on many artificial and real regression and classification applications. The database used to evaluate the ELM and SVM classifiers is ELSDSR corpus, and the Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients were extracted and used as the input to the classifiers. Empirical studies have shown that ELM classifiers and its variants could perform better than SVM classifiers on the dataset provided with less training time.  相似文献   

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