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本文通过系统总结采用中线式尾矿筑坝法堆坝的德兴铜矿四号尾矿库、普朗铜矿玉郎佩尾矿库及德兴铜矿五号尾矿库多年的建设和运行经验,得到中线式尾矿筑坝法的关键技术,该技术包括中线式尾矿筑坝法建设期关键技术和运行期关键技术。中线式尾矿筑坝法在建设期的关键技术包括中线式尾矿筑坝法坝址选择、尾矿分级系统选择及砂量平衡计算;运行期的关键技术包括筑坝尾砂实时控制技术,机械分期修筑围堰、二段粗砂连续充填筑坝技术及多雨地区的中线式尾矿坝筑坝区立体截排洪系统技术。中线式尾矿筑坝法关键技术的完善和发展对该类尾矿库的建设和运行具有指导意义,有利于中线式尾矿筑坝法在国内的推广和使用。  相似文献   

中线法筑造尾矿库的探讨与实施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭瑞 《冶金丛刊》2006,(1):45-47
福建省潘洛铁矿引进中线式筑坝工艺,经过10个月的施工,建造了新的尾矿库。解决了该矿因山体滑坡,北矿尾矿库遭受破坏而没有长久尾矿库的问题。该尾矿库的建成是我国自行设计第一例初始采用中线法筑坝工艺的尾矿库。  相似文献   

结合某山谷型尾矿库工程,在满足现有政策的前提下,从形成库容及服务年限、经济性、安全性、环境影响和运行管理等方面,对中线式尾矿筑坝法和上游式尾矿筑坝法两种筑坝方案进行综合比较和分析,并得出了该尾矿库工程采用中线式尾矿筑坝法方案为最优选择的结论.所采用的分析方法可为类似工程提供思路.  相似文献   

在中线法筑坝过程中,尾矿分级效率与效果至关重要。首先通过室内实验对尾矿的基本物理性质进行了研究,通过FX350和FX250旋流器的对比实验,分析沉砂产率、浓度和粒度等多个参数,选用FX350旋流器可满足生产要求。几年的生产实践表明,采用FX350旋流器可以有效地进行尾矿分级和实现中线法堆坝,尾矿库通过四年运行后坝体外坡无渗透水,中线法筑坝安全可靠,抗震设防烈度高。  相似文献   

本文介绍了选矿厂尾矿库设计及投产运行的历史,阐述了采用了上游法,利用尾矿筑坝的现行办法及适应生产发展尾矿库加高扩容工程概况。  相似文献   

本文介绍了德兴铜矿4~#尾矿库中线法堆坝斩工艺的技术难点、研究目标和主要工艺参数的研究成果,以及防洪渡汛等措施。总结采用中线法堆坝所取得的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

采用新型高效筑坝旋流器,对某铜矿尾矿进行了中线法单级旋流器筑坝的实验室试验,结果表明:通过对旋流器的进料方式、锥体角度和柱段高度进行优化调整后,控制旋流器的给矿浓度30%左右,在传统旋流器的无法满足生产要求的情况下,WF020新型旋流器的沉砂产率可达到29.99%,筑坝的粗砂-0.074 mm含量仅有17.95%,-0.020 mm含量为8.46%,较传统旋流器和现场两段分级旋流器的运行指标均有提升。  相似文献   

新立尾矿库综合治理措施及其实施效果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
三山岛新立尾矿库由于特殊的近海地理位置,采取筑坝加高和植被护坡等措施对尾矿库进行综合治理,不仅增加了尾矿库的有效容积,还美化了周边环境,充分响应了国家“节能减排”的号召。  相似文献   

简介了松贡铜矿尾矿库方案投标设计,提出了上游法,中线法尾矿堆坝和高浓度库尾放矿3个方案,并进行论证分析,同时考虑利用尾矿库内拦储洪水人供水水源,以解决本地区水资源紧张的矛盾。  相似文献   

尾矿设施是矿山工程建设中重要的一环,一般包括尾矿库、水力输送和回水系统三部分,而尾矿库是该设施中的主体工程。为节省基建投资,减少筑坝工程量,尾矿库址应选在天然洼地或山谷地带。并且,  相似文献   

杨文远  吴文东  王明林  郑家良  陆斌  陈伯瑜 《炼钢》2006,22(3):17-21,53
小转炉由于出钢挡渣、钢水吹氩搅拌不规范、钢中夹杂物上浮时间不足、浇钢系统保护不好,造成钢中夹杂物含量高,特别是大型氧化物夹杂数量多.外来夹杂的尺寸大,对钢材性能危害严重,这些问题是小转炉钢质量差的重要原因。小转炉钢的清洁度低,不能满足生产优质钢材的要求。  相似文献   

分析了下游式废石透水坝渗漏原因,阐述了尾矿库因漏矿污染环境的综合治理措施,并详细介绍了以排水毡代替砂石反滤层的筑坝新技术。  相似文献   

中等厚度连铸板坯中心宏观偏析特性研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
精确了解连铸板坯偏析分布的特征,对连铸的工艺控制以及提高连铸坯检测效率有很好的指导价值。本文采用金属原位分析仪对中等厚度连铸板坯的宏观偏析特征进行了系统地研究。结果表明:铸坯中心偏析成岛状出现在中心线附近,且彼此孤立,中心成分起伏波动大;最大偏析的出现位置有一定的偶然性,有时偏离中心线;正偏析元素在整个中心等轴状晶区域内平均含量比较高,波动剧烈,但偏析程度变化在该区域没有明显的趋势;柱状晶组织向等轴状晶的过渡区为严重偏析的高发区域,不同枝晶的生长方式使该区域出现重偏析带。  相似文献   

某金矿尾矿库加高扩容的可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过对尾矿库加高扩容采用细颗粒向上堆坝,需要进行的主、副坝体现状的稳定计算复核,分析了影响尾矿库稳定性的几个因素,包括坝体边坡、尾矿粒度、尾矿库的放矿工艺、坝体内尾矿水的渗出与否、尾矿的渗透固结,提出了治理措施,保证现状坝体稳定的基础上进一步论证了尾矿库加高扩容的可行性.  相似文献   

针对天昊公司选矿厂压滤干堆系统滤饼水分大、效果差、工作效率低等问题,采用高压隔膜压滤机进行改造,改造后尾矿压滤堆存效果得到了明显改善,滤饼水分可控制在17%左右,可直接进行筑坝,增加了库容量,延长了尾矿库的服务年限;运行成本降低130万元/a,经济效益明显.  相似文献   

An alternative psychoanalytic theory of affect is presented. It is suggested here that affective response consists of rapidly repeated generation of a series of brief responses each enduring for fractions of seconds, continuing over whatever period conscious or unconscious focus on a specific mental content is maintained. The subjective impression, however, is that of a continuous steady state. The experiencing of affect is, in this way, similar to that of sensory process experience in general. Affect cannot store. Since affect does not store, there is no damming of affect and no requirement for affect expression or discharge. A sequence of theoretical ramifications and elaborations results in a redefinition of the classic neuroses and some other disorders. Extensive paths of implications of affect actualities and affect dynamics are suggested as impinging on various aspects of human psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A few hours of acute angiotensin hypertension in rats increased the permeability of the thoracic part of the aorta for plasma components. The permeability, which was demonstrated by means of homologous circulating fluorescent serum proteins, seemed to be diffuse rather than focal. The fluorescent proteins penetrated into the whole thickness of the aortic wall, but were to a great extent deposited in the subendothelial space and the most luminal part of the tunica media. The deposition took place in the greater part of the circumference of the aortic wall. These results are in agreement with the insudative theory of atherogenesis, and the initial stage seems to be a "damming back" of some of the serum or plasma proteins for deposition in the subendothelial space and the most luminal part of the tunica media.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To define the clinical characteristics of patients infected with vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) and the outcome of the infections without the availability of effective antimicrobial therapy. METHODS: Charts of 28 patients with VRE infections were reviewed for demographics, clinical findings at the time of isolation of VRE, underlying medical problems, surgical procedures, invasive devices, treatment with antimicrobial agents, microbiological data, and patients' responses and outcomes. RESULTS: The infections included 6 cases of bacteremia, 9 surgical site infections (SSIs), 4 cases of peritonitis, 2 pelvic abscesses, 7 urinary tract infections (UTIs), and 2 soft tissue infections (STIs). Four of the 6 bacteremia cases were central-line related and resolved with line removal alone; 1 was treated with a combination product of quinupristin and dalfopristin (Synercid) and 1 had persistent bacteremia in the presence of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt. Seven of 9 SSIs resolved with surgical debridement and 2 of the 9 patients received antibiotics for organisms other than VRE. Similarly, 2 patients with STIs were treated with local debridement and antibiotics directed at organisms other than VRE and 2 patients with pelvic abscesses were treated with drainage and surgical debridement with antibiotics directed at other organisms; the infections resolved completely. Patients with peritonitis were treated with removal of their Tenckhoff catheters, drainage, and irrigation and 1 patient was treated with quinupristin-dalfopristin; 3 of 4 patients were cured. Two of 7 patients with UTIs were treated with nitrofurantoin and their urine cultures showed no growth after treatment; however, most patients with UTIs experienced resolution despite a lack of specific antimicrobial therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Although no antimicrobial agents are currently available for VRE infections, VRE line-related bacteremias could be treated by line removal alone. Surgical site infections, STIs, and abscesses could be managed by surgical debridement and drainage without specific antimicrobial agents against VRE and UTIs could be resolved with nitrofurantoin or removal of Foley catheters. Removal of foreign devices, debridement, and surgical drainage seemed to be important in the resolution of VRE infections.  相似文献   

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