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郑旎杉  曾立波 《激光杂志》2021,42(12):212-218
为了改善在宫颈细胞的分类工作中,出现的将异常的病变细胞与正常细胞判断混淆的误诊问题,提出了一种细胞生物学特征-卷积神经网络联合分类方法.首先,使用ResNet分类网络提取出特征向量,然后再将其与手动提取的DNA指数、细胞核/浆比特征一起输入到全连接层,并使用基于MSE损失值的逻辑回归分类,对宫颈细胞进行分类识别.使用5折交叉验证法在Heer数据集上的实验结果表明,这种将卷积神经网络与细胞生物学特征相结合的联合分类方法相较于ResNet卷积神经网络,分类结果的整体准确率提高4%,达到了95%;同时优化MSE损失函数的方法在准确率达到瓶颈的情况下,能够将严重错分率由2.10%降为0.248%,且保持了细胞的整体识别准确率.提出的方法进行计算机辅助检测,能够提升宫颈细胞分类工作准确率、降低误诊率.  相似文献   

Lung tissue culture of 3-day old rats was cultivated in the presence of sodium nitrite, amidopyrine and combination of these substances with N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). Each of these compounds produces specific changes in monolayer density, mitotic patterns and level of DNA synthesis in lung cell culture, which is considered to be convenient model for investigating cell response to the precursors of NDMA and to this carcinogen.  相似文献   

郭绍尧  郝素玉 《激光杂志》1992,13(6):306-309,328
通过对甸镓砷磷半导体激光和常用He-Ne激光生物特性进行初步比较,说明半导体激光对治疗椎基底动脉供血不足疗效较明显。  相似文献   

The experiments carried on 107 rats have shown that the sensitivity of the epithelium of experimental adenomatous diverticuli of the stomach to the action of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine is lower than that of the gland epithelium of the organ.  相似文献   

关于成年哺乳动物气管上皮形态学的研究已有报导 ,但对气管上皮纤毛的发育过程国内尚无报导。本研究对发育过程中的胎儿气管上皮纤毛进行电镜观察 ,有助于我们了解人气管上皮组织发生、形态的改变及了解气管上皮的功能具有重要意义。本研究是采用不同周数的胎儿气管上皮用电镜观察 ,结果可见胎儿气管上皮纤毛的发生、发育过程可分四个阶段。材料和方法( 1 ) 取材正常胎儿 ,由中国医科大学附属二院产科提供 (自发终止妊娠的正常发育的十四周到三十一周的胎儿 )。( 2 ) 用生理盐水充分冲洗干净 ,分离气管树并将气管分成数段 ,放入固定液中 ,…  相似文献   

应用扫描和透射电子显微镜观察研究大鼠中脑水管室管膜的超微结构特征。发现中脑水管壁具有平行走向的纵嵴,腔面被覆单层立方或柱状上皮;上皮细胞游离面可见大量纤毛、微绒毛及分泌泡;细胞核圆形,位于细胞中央;胞浆内细胞器分布具有明显的极性特点。通过超微结构研究,认为大鼠中脑水管不仅单纯是脑脊液引流的通路,而且还具有主动参与脑脊液分泌的功能。  相似文献   

Certain aspects of the differences between primary and recurrent tumours, such as the causes of the origin of recurrences, kinetic of the growth, characteristic of the recurrences as nonidentical population with primary tumour, immunological aspects, different changes in the tumour host have been reviewed. The prospects of the treatment of tumour recurrences have been discussed.  相似文献   

The complexity and fragility of next-generation hardware will require novel design approaches and tools.  相似文献   

This study sought to identify constraints that might lead to a concise system of recognizing fingerspelling hand shapes. Previous studies of grasping suggested that hand shape is controlled using combinations of a small number of neuromuscular synergies, but fingerspelling shapes appear to be more highly individuated and, therefore, might require a larger number of degrees of freedom. Static hand postures of the American Sign Language manual alphabet were recorded by measuring 17 joint angles. Principal components (PCs) analysis was compared to the use of subsets of individual variables (i.e., joint angles) for reduction in degrees of freedom. The first four PCs were similar across subjects. Classification using weightings from these four components was 86.6% accurate, while classification using four individual variables was 88.5% accurate (thumb abduction, as well as flexion at the index and middle finger proximal interphalangeal joints and the ring finger metacarpalphalangeal joint). When chosen for each subject, particular four-variable subsets yielded correct rates above 95%. This superior performance of variable subsets over PC weighting vectors suggests that the reduction in degrees of freedom is due to biomechanical and neuromuscular constraints rather than synergistic control. Thus, in future application to dynamic fingerspelling, reasonable recognition accuracy might be achieved with a significant reduction in both computational and measured degrees of freedom.  相似文献   

朱江  范敏 《洗净技术》2004,2(3):26-28
本文主要介绍了生物粘泥清洗原理、清洗方法及一些清洗实例。  相似文献   

Ciliogenesis has been investigated in the human oviduct epithelium during the normal menstrual cycle. Both centriolar and acentriolar pathways were involved in the replication of basal bodies. The centriolar pathway, in which procentrioles generate with the aid of preexisting diplosomes, played a minor role in the human oviduct. In the acentriolar pathway, fibrous granules were the first structure which appeared in the course of ciliogenesis and they initially occurred in association with the Golgi apparatus or free ribosomes. Subsequently deuterosomes arose in the aggregates of fibrous granules or apart from fibrous granules, and then microtubules-containing procentrioles originated around deuterosomes. Newly formed centrioles migrated to the apical cytoplasm with accompanying deuterosomes, and ciliary shafts extended first at the periphery of the luminal surface of ciliogenic cells. Deuterosomes as well as fibrous granules were considered to be related to the rootlet formation. Replicaion of basal bodies and protrusion of ciliary shafts mostly occurred during the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle; however, a small number of fibrous granules indicating the ciliogenesis were still observed in some ciliated cells during the secretory phase. Ciliogenic cells in early stages of ciliogenesis contained secretory granules-like vesicles in the apical cytoplasm, suggesting that the ciliated cells are differentiated from secretory cells in the late secretory phase on demand.  相似文献   

The proliferative response of secretory cells of parotid glands to isoproterenol could not be observed in tumour-bearing mice, while in normal mice a ten-fold increase was usually observed. Mice with subcutaneous allografts of normal tissue (tail fragments) demonstrated sensitivity similar to normal mice. Apparently, a lack of sensitivity in tumour-bearing mice is characteristic of the tumour-host interaction. According to electron microscopic cytochemical data the adenylate cyclase activity is not changed in the mentioned cells of the tumour-bearing mice. It is supposed that lack of sensitivity is due to an alteration of certain properties of some other components of the beta-adrenergic system.  相似文献   

羊膜上皮程序性细胞死亡的超微结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
细胞凋亡可分为自发和诱导两大类 ,胚胎发育过程中某些细胞出现自发凋亡 ,又称程序性细胞死亡 ( PCD) [1] 。本文研究足月胎盘羊膜上皮 PCD的超微结构 ,以了解 PCD的过程和改变特点 ,着重观察张力微丝的改变。材料与方法新鲜足月胎盘 ,剥离胎儿面羊膜 ,0 .2 5 %胰酶处理 ,收集细胞悬液 ,离心 ,2 .5 %戊二醛固定 ,制样 ,作透射电镜检查 ,单细胞悬液作流式细胞仪 DNA组方图检查。结果羊膜细胞超微结构 :正常羊膜上皮细胞 ,呈椭圆形 ,表面有微绒毛 ,胞浆丰富 ,有少数线粒体 ,内质网较发达。细胞核椭圆形 ,核膜均匀饱满无皱褶 ,染色质细匀 …  相似文献   

Rats were intravenously injected with synthetic 125I-endothelin, and then were fixed by intracardiac perfusion at 10 min, 30 min and 1 hr after the injection. Localization of 125I-endothelin was examined in the small intestine by light and electron microscopic radioautography. Through the time course examined, more than seventy percent of total silver grains were localized in the fibroblasts, especially beneath the basal lamina of epithelium of the intestinal villi. Silver grains were observed mostly on the thin processes, and also on the vacuoles. At 10 min, 80% of silver grains on the fibroblasts were located on the plasmalemma. By the chase, grains on the plasmalemma decreased, and silver grains in the cytoplasm increased gradually.  相似文献   

食管粘膜直接与食团和饮液接触,因此食团的硬固性、冷烫度、酸碱度、辛辣性以及酒精等理化刺激,必然常施加于粘膜上皮。对该类刺激,粘膜上皮一般均有生理阈值内的防护和自愈功能以及规律性自我更新能力。不过由于长期刺激或内外因素如:创伤、阻滞、炎症、癌变、食管静脉曲张、胃食管反流等,以及食管周围器官的良性和恶性疾患,均可影响食管,尤其多在粘膜上皮首先出现病理变化。  相似文献   

用微生物对有机物进行降解,是被广泛应用在水污染和一些陆地场所污染处理的一项友好的环保技术.生物降解技术在零部件清洗方面还是个新鲜事物,有待于深入认识.本文将重点介绍并讨论微生物清洗的相关议题,包括微生物的工作原理、在清洗领域中的应用、微生物的安全性、整个清洗系统的优势,以及在实际应用中的效果等.  相似文献   

太赫兹因其自身优异的穿透性和非电离特性受到研究人员的广泛关注。本文根据研究对象属性的不同,将太赫兹生物效应分为细胞膜的通透性、离子通道和基因表达三个层次的内容;又介绍了生物神经信号的研究进展;最后根据检测方式和信号处理方法的不同,将太赫兹生物表征技术分为太赫兹光谱技术和太赫兹成像技术两大类。目前,太赫兹生物领域的研究尚处于起步阶段,本文尝试较为全面的对太赫兹生物效应、生物神经信号以及生物表征技术等领域的成果进行归纳和总结,旨在为太赫兹生物方面的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

生物清洗技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.生物降解技术 用微生物对有机物进行降解,是被广泛应用在水污染和一些陆地场所污染处理的一项友好的环保技术.生物降解技术在零部件清洗方面还是个新鲜事物,有待于深入认识.本文将重点介绍并讨论微生物清洗的相关议题,包括:微生物的工作原理、在清洗领域中的应用、微生物的安全性、整个清洗系统的优势,以及在实际应用中的效果等.  相似文献   

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