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无线区域网和认知无线电技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
802.22工作组的主要任务是开发和建立一套基于认知无线电(CR)技术。在现有电视频段利用暂时空闲的频道进行无线通信的区域网空中接口标准。由于基于802.22协议的无线区域网(WRAN)工作在现有电视频段中,要求不能对正在广播的电视频道产生干扰,所以WRAN采用了认知无线电技术,对电视频段进行感知和测量。利用动态频谱管理技术找到空闲频道进行再分配。认知无线电技术将是未来无线通信的发展方向之一。本讲座分3期对无线区域网和认知无线电技术进行介绍,第1讲已经介绍无线区域网络和IEEE802.22工作组情况,包括WRAN背景、802.22系统、802.22空中接口等;第2讲已经介绍认知无线电技术和实现其的基础软件无线电(SDR)技术,包括无线电知识描述语言(RKRL)和认知循环、无线电频谱礼仪等;本讲介绍802.22WRAN频谱共存问题和认知无线电技术的应用。[编者按]  相似文献   

无线区域网和认知无线电技术(1)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
802.22工作组的主要任务是开发和建立一套基于认知无线电(CR)技术,在现有电视频段利用暂时空闲的频谱进行无线通信的区域网空中接口标准。由于基于802.22协议的无线区域网(WRAN)工作在现有电视频段中,要求不能对正在广播的电视频谱产生干扰,所以WRAN采用了CR技术,对电视频段进行感知和测量,利用动态频谱管理技术找到空闲频谱进行再分配。CR技术将是未来无线通信的发展方向之一。本讲座将分3期对无线区域网和认知无线电技术进行介绍,第1讲介绍无线区域网和IEEE802.22工作组情况,包括WRAN背景、80222系统、802.22空中接口等;第2讲介绍CR技术和实现其的基础——软件无线电(SDR)技术,包括无线电知识描述语言(RKRL)和认知循环、无线电频谱礼仪等;第3讲介绍802.22WRAN频谱共存问题和CR技术的应用。  相似文献   

随着无线技术的快速发展及无线亚务的极大丰富,可用的频谱资源越来越少。近年来,一类重用频谱资源的无线技术被一些研究机构和标准制订组织相继提出,这其中最典型是超宽带无线通信技术和认知无线电(CR)技术。UWB是采用频谱重叠的方式占用一段极宽的带宽,并严格限制其信号的发射功率以尽可能少地给现存系统带来有害干扰;而CR技术的核心则是通过动态频谱感知来探测“频谱空洞”,合理地机会占用此临时可用的频段,并自适应地随着感知结果动态地改变系统传输参数以规避高优先级的授权主用户。UWB技术主要定位于个域网WPAN的应用;CRN主要应用于无线区域网WRAN的构建中。CR是可以感知外部RF环境的智能通信系统,是软件无线电(SWR)的进一步智能化发展。在这两种无线新技术背后的核心思想都是无害共享可用的频谱资源,虽然它们共享频谱及与其它系统共存的方式不同,但都极大地提高了频谱利用率,以缓解日益增长的无线业务需求与日渐匮乏的频谱资源之间的矛盾。然而,这两种非常有前景的技术在自身的发展过程中却面临一些困境,为了使它们更快地走向实际应用,我们提出了把超宽带技术和认知无线电结合起来构建一种所谓的认知超宽带(CUWB)无线通信系统。  相似文献   

随着无线通信技术的飞速发展,频谱资源变得越来越紧张。尤其是随着无线局域网(WLAN)技术、无线个人域网络(WPAN)技术的发展,越来越多的人通过这些技术以无线的方式接人互联网。这些网络技术大多使用非授权的频段(UFB)工作。由于WLAN、WRAN无线通信业务的迅猛发展,这些网络所工作的非授权频段已经渐趋饱和。而另外一些通信业务(如电视广播业务等)需要通信网络提供一定的保护,使他们免受其他通信业务的干扰。为了提供良好的保护,频率管理部门专门分配了特定的授权频段(LFB)以供特定通信业务使用。与授权频段相比,非授权频段的频谱资源要少很多(大部分的频谱资源均被用来做授权频段使用)。而相当数量的授权频谱资源的利用率却非常低。于是就出现了这样的事实:某些部分的频谱资源相对较少但其上承载的业务量很大,而另外一些已授权的频谱资源利用率却很低。因此,可以得出这样的结论:基于目前的频谱资源分配方法,  相似文献   

认知无线电技术   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
随着无线通信技术的发展。无线用户的数量急剧增加,使得频谱资源变得越来越紧张,如何充分提高无线频谱的利用率成为亟待解决的技术问题。认知无线电技术提出了一种新的解决思路。其核心思想就是使无线通信设备具有发现“频谱空洞”并合理利用所发现的“空洞”的能力。虽然认知无线电技术能以更为灵活的方式来管理有限的频谱资源,但要真正将其应用于实际通信系统还需解决包括频谱检测、自适应频谱资源分配和无线频谱管理等关键技术问题。  相似文献   

认知无线电与WLAN的融合技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认知无线电(CR)[1]技术是继软件无线电技术后通信技术的发展热点,它体现了通信技术从网络化向智能化的发展。CR技术旨在通过对无线环境的感知,实现动态重用以提高现有频谱资源的利用率。通过该技术实现的频谱共享,可以利用大多数的频谱资源,包括移动通信、广播电视等所使用的频段。  相似文献   

0、引言 众所周知,无线电通信频谱是一种宝贵的自然资源,一般由政府授权使用。由于通信行业的迅速发展,频谱资源贫乏的问题日益严重,尤其是在频率需求非常紧张的数百MHz-3GHz无线频带中,一些频带大部分时间内并没有用户使用,另有一些偶尔才被占用,其他频带使用竞争则相对很激烈。怎样才能提高频谱利用率,在各地区和各个时间段里有效地利用不同的空闲频道,  相似文献   

认知无线电技术作为软件无线电技术的一个特殊扩展,受到日益广泛的关注。由于该技术能够自动检测无线电环境,调整传输参数,从空间、时间、频率、调制方式等多维度共享无线频谱,可以大幅度提高频谱利用效率。本文首先从认知无线电技术的定义人手,分别讨论了认知无线电的基本概念、功能与实现、标准化的进程。然后介绍了当前应用状况,最后分析了未来的发展及面临的挑战。  相似文献   

基于ZigBee技术的无线传感器网络构建与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、引言 无线网络的市场发展在逻辑上可分为两类:面向语音的市场和面向数据的市场。在许多以数据传输为主的无线网络中,小型、低成本、低复杂度的无线网络的应用场合十分广泛。ZigBee是其中一种具有代表性的短距离无线通信技术,其网络标准由IEEE802.15.4规定。ZigBee协议比蓝牙、高速率个人局域网(PAN)或者IEEE802.11x无线局域网更加简单实用。  相似文献   

认知无线电技术作为软件无线电技术的一个特殊扩展,受到日益广泛的关注.由于该技术能够自动检测无线电环境,调整传输参数,从空间、时间、频率、调制方式等多维度共享无线频谱,可以大幅度提高频谱利用效率.本文首先从认知无线电技术的定义入手,分别讨论了认知无线电的基本概念、功能与实现、标准化的进程.然后介绍了当前应用状况,最后分析了未来的发展及面临的挑战.  相似文献   

802.22 工作组的主要任务是开发和建立一套基于认知无线电(CR)技术, 在现有电视频段利用暂时空闲的频道进行无线通信的区域网空中接口标准。由于基于802.22 协议的无线区域网(WRAN)工作在现有电视频段中 , 要求不能对正在广播的电视频道产生干扰 , 所以WRAN采用了认知无线电技术 , 对电视频段进行感知和测量 , 利用动态频谱管理技术找到空闲频道进行再分配。认知无线电技术将是未来无线通信的发展方向之一。本讲座分3 期对无线区域网和认知无线电技术进行介绍, 第1 讲已经介绍无线区域网络和IEEE 802.22工作组情况 , 包括WRAN背景、802.22 系统、802.22空中接口等;第2讲已经介绍认知无线电技术和实现其的基础软件无线电(SDR)技术 , 包括无线电知识描述语言(RKRL)和认知循环、无线电频谱礼仪等;本讲介绍802.22 WRAN频谱共存问题和认知无线电技术的应用。  相似文献   

In this paper we apply the concept of overlay cognitive radio to the communication between nodes in a wireless mesh network. Based on the overlay cognitive radio model, it is possible to have two concurrent transmissions in a given interference region, where usually only one communication takes place at a given time. We analyze the cases of wireless mesh networks with regular and random topologies. Numerical results show that considerable network capacity gains can be achieved.  相似文献   

The application of wireless personal area network (WPAN) and simple point-to-point wireless communication devices has increased drastically both in private household and in our workspaces in general over the last decade. Combined with the fact that the total number of wireless devices and associated standards present in the wireless environment is experiencing an extreme growth, the frequency spectrum scarcity is exposed as a severe challenge. Setting up efficient and reliable wireless WPAN links can be challenging even today. This is especially true because of the intensive use of the license-free frequency bands, where the level of interference can be extremely high. Combined with the challenges associated with multi-path propagation and attenuation, setting up and maintaining an acceptable level of perceived QoS is a challenging job even for trained professionals. This paper discusses the challenges associated with the implementation of highly reliable low-power WPAN networks for the future and the adaption of Cognitive Radio technology as a potential solution. A brief status on the maturity of CR technology will be presented as an integral part of this discussion.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose mathematical models to tackle the WLAN planning problem. Our approach aims at maximizing network efficiency by taking into account the inter-AP domain interference and the access mechanism. Both the single-channel and the multiple-channel WLAN planning problems are considered. We give different formulations which capture at different levels of detail the effect of interference on the network efficiency. In order to evaluate the quality of the proposed models, we obtain the optimal solutions for synthetic network instances, and propose heuristics to get suboptimal solutions in a reasonable computing time. We show that the networks planned according to our approach feature higher efficiency than the ones planned using classical models, like the minimum-cardinality set covering problem (SCP), by privileging network solutions with low-power APs installed. The achieved gain reaches 167% in particular network scenarios. Moreover, we test the obtained solutions through simulation and real-life testbed implementation; both analyses show that the networks planned with the proposed approaches are the ones with the highest saturation throughput with respect to those configurations obtained with SCP.  相似文献   

一种新的智能无线技术——认知无线电技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李圣安  王保云 《电信快报》2005,(11):18-20,25
认知无线电技术(CR——cognitiveradio)是软件无线电技术的演化,是一种新的智能无线通信技术。它可以感知到无线电传输的环境特征,通过无线电知识描述语言与通信网络进行智能交流,来调整其传输参数,使系统的无线规则满足用户通信最佳性能的需求。文章对认知无线电技术进行了较详细介绍,包括其概念、通信特点、工作过程和部分关键技术等,最后指出了未来认知无线电技术的若干重要发展方向。  相似文献   

This paper presents a radio environment mapping method developed for use with ad-hoc wireless networks. Variations of the mapping algorithm were implemented in environment visualization office simulation platform developed in Matlab as a result of cooperation between Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia, and Center for TeleInfrastruktur, University of Aalborg, Denmark. Mapping algorithm, theoretical background and variations, as well as the cooperative mapping scheme are described. Simulation results for environment mapping are given for several algorithm variations on the sample scenario with and without cooperative mapping protocols in order to optimize the algorithm. Mapping algorithm shows accurate results with 0.15 dB mean error and as low as 2.3 dB standard deviation. Cooperative mapping is shown to provide a clear advantage in both mapping speed and accuracy.  相似文献   

Today’s static spectrum allocation policy results in a situation where the available spectrum is being exhausted while many licensed spectrum bands are under-utilized. To resolve the spectrum exhaustion problem, the cognitive radio wireless network, termed CogNet in this paper, has recently been proposed to enable unlicensed users to dynamically access the licensed spectrum bands that are unused in either temporal or spatial domain, through spectrum-agile cognitive radios. The CogNet plays the role of secondary user in this shared spectrum access framework, and the spectrum bands accessible by CogNets are inherently heterogeneous and dynamic. To establish the communication infrastructure for a CogNet, the cognitive radio of each CogNet node detects the accessible spectrum bands and chooses one as its operating frequency, a process termed channel assignment. In this paper we propose a graph-based path-centric channel assignment framework to model multi-hop ad hoc CogNets and perform channel assignment from a network perspective. Simulation results show that the path-centric channel assignment framework outperforms traditional link-centric approach.
Chien-Chung ShenEmail:

Chunsheng Xin   received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from State University of New York at Buffalo in 2002. From 2000 to 2002, he was a Research Co-Op in Nokia Research Center, Boston. From 2002, he is an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department, Norfolk State University, Norfolk, Virginia. His research interests include optical networks, cognitive radio wireless networks, and performance evaluation and modeling. Liangping Ma   received his B.S. degree in Physics from Wuhan University, Hubei, China, in 1998, and his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Delaware, Newark, DE, in 2004. He was with the University of Delaware as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Since 2005, he has been with San Diego Research Center, Inc. (now part of Argon ST, Inc.), San Diego, CA, as a Research Staff Member. His research interests include medium access control (MAC), spectrum agile radios, and signal processing. Chien-Chung Shen   received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, and his Ph.D. degree from UCLA, all in computer science. He was a senior research scientist at Bellcore (now Telcordia) Applied Research working on control and management of broadband networks. He is now an associate professor in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences of the University of Delaware, and a recipient of NSF CAREER Award. His research interests include ad hoc and sensor networks, dynamic spectrum management, control and management of broadband networks, distributed object and peer-to-peer computing, and simulation. He is a member of both ACM and IEEE.   相似文献   

在山区进行无线通信是一直是通信的一个难题;首先简要介绍认知无线电的基本概念,并在分析山区无线通信特点和难点的基础上,着重针对山区无线通信快速开通、可靠通信的要求,提出了基于认知无线电的山区通信解决思路和途径,给出了山区无线通信的初步解决方案,重点是系统组成和运行流程,并对其中的关键技术进行了分析和研究。  相似文献   

庞新法 《电子科技》2010,23(6):86-87
通过研究感知无线电技术的发展现状,分析其技术研究的内容与方向,阐述了感知无线电技术对无线标准及产业发展的短期和长期影响。  相似文献   

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