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斜入射激光抽运铯束频标中的光频移   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对斜入射激光抽运斜入射激光检测小型铯原子钟实验系统上光抽运区荧光引起的光频移(主要是交流斯塔克移动)作了理论计算。结果表明斜光抽运方案可以有效降低铯原子束频标中的光频移。文中同时提出一种通过改变斜入射抽运激光发散角来直接测量光频移的新方法。  相似文献   

激光衍射对刀是通过检测激光衍射条纹峰值点间距来进行对刀间隙测量的方法。但是检测装置中装夹误差的存在会使得入射激光相对于成像光轴呈现斜入射状态,进而对对刀间隙检查结果及对刀精度产生影响。为了研究斜入射角度对衍射对刀精度的影响规律,建立了激光斜入射的衍射光强计算模型和峰值点间距误差的计算模型,进而给出了激光斜入射角度计算模型;理论结合实验分别提出了通过检测中央衍射条纹光强峰值点位置和两个一级衍射条纹峰值点间距综合进行激光斜入射角度校正的方法;根据具体实验工艺条件,确定了入射激光的最佳倾斜角度工艺调整范围,为有效提高激光衍射对刀精度提供了依据。  相似文献   

何久新 《激光技术》1989,13(6):33-40
本文叙述了常用的λ/4-λ/2-λ/4、λ/4-λ/4两种膜系,当入射角φ0≤45°时,在工作波长λ处消偏振减反膜的设计.  相似文献   

杨利  徐善驾 《电子学报》2000,28(6):72-75
本文采用多模网络与严格模匹配相结合的方法,以介质周期结构在平面波沿主平面二维斜入射情况下散射特性的分析为基础,经过巧妙的数学处理,严格求解了三维斜入射情况下介质周期结构的散射问题,从而为毫米波和光集成电路中有关介质周期结构的精确分析和奠定了基础.  相似文献   

"猫眼"目标回波功率是激光主动探测系统的重要指标,可用来评估光电装备"猫眼"效应的强弱,并为探测器的优化设计提供参考。依据所建立的斜入射条件下"猫眼"目标回波功率数学模型,仿真分析了入射角对"猫眼"目标回波功率的影响,利用搭建的激光主动探测系统对典型"猫眼"目标进行了实验研究,理论仿真结果与实验结果表明,激光在有限斜入射条件下,"猫眼"目标回波功率将随入射角的增大而迅速下降,并很快湮没于噪声之中。这为进一步研究基于"猫眼"效应的激光主动探测适用条件提供必要的实验依据。  相似文献   

垂直入射的多膜窄带滤光片两偏振态的透射特性是相同的,而对于斜入射的多膜窄带滤光片,其两种偏振态的透射特性发生分离.本文对于所设计的155层三腔薄膜窄带滤光片,分为(无吸收)垂直入射、(无吸收)有角度(11.5°)入射、(有吸收)有角度(11.5°)入射三种情况的透射率随波长变化关系进行了分析.模拟图形结果显示了透射特性的变化趋势.  相似文献   

45°角入射的13.1nm软X射线多层膜的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了对45°入射角高反的13.1nm软X射线多层膜反射镜的研制情况。利用在星光装置中进行的软X射线激光等离子体实验测量多层膜反射率的方法,获得了26.2%的实测反射率,该反射率已达到理论反射率的70%。  相似文献   

常用材料软X射线多层膜的全波段设计   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
邵建达  易葵  范正修  王润文 《中国激光》1999,26(12):1127-1132
利用薄膜光学理论及材料在软X射线波段的原子散射因子,设计了大批量的软X射线多层膜的计算程序,对常用材料的膜系配对进行了优化设计,给出的结果对软X 射线整个波段内的多层膜膜系的选择有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

本文引入了“光强平均”概念,分析了斜入射泵浦方式实现大功率拉曼放大的机理。与同轴泵浦相比斜入射泵浦更有利于实现泵浦光的光强平均和短脉宽种子光对泵浦光的能量提取。并给出斜泵浦拉曼放大下气压和角度参量的实验结果。  相似文献   

范正修 《中国激光》1983,10(2):113-116
在Beckmann表面散射的基础上求出多层介质膜的角散射公式,计算了21层TiO_2/SiO_2反射膜对不同波长的角散射。  相似文献   

A robust evolutionary approach is proposed for the synthesis of multilayer coatings at oblique light incidence. The proposed approach consists of global and local strategies by integrating decreasing mutations and self-adaptive mutations via family competition and adaptive rules. Numerical results calculated at normal and oblique angles of incidence indicate that the proposed approach performs very robustly and is very competitive with other approaches. Our approach, although somewhat slower, is very flexible and can easily be adapted to other application domains. This approach is able to generate binary-type solutions based on two materials and to generate inhomogeneous solutions with continuous refractive-index variations  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigated the transmission properties of multilayer films composed of magneto-optical and dielectric materials, in relation to layer stacking structure. The basic structures are made of alternating layers of these materials having a conventional symmetric periodicity with the center of the structure. Films with these basic structures exhibit an enhanced Faraday rotation effect. The rotation increases to an angle close to 45°, which is required for an optical isolator, as the repetition number of alternating layers increases. However, the transmittance decreases in these films as the rotation increases. To clarify the possibility of improving the transmittance, we also investigated films composed of multiple stacks of the basic structures. We found that, by using the multiple stacks, the transmittance can be improved without degrading the rotation characteristics  相似文献   

采用射频磁控溅射ZnO陶瓷靶、直流磁控溅射Ag靶的方法在室温下制备了不同厚度的ZnO/Ag/ZnO多层膜。对样品进行了研究。结果表明:随着Ag层厚度的增加,ZnO(002)衍射峰的强度先增加后减小,Ag(111)衍射峰的强度增强,ZnO/Ag/ZnO多层膜的面电阻先减小后趋于稳定。ZnO膜厚度增加,Ag膜易形成晶状结构,ZnO/Ag/ZnO多层膜的透射峰向长波方向移动。ZnO(60nm)/Ag(11nm)/ZnO(60nm)膜在554nm处的透过率高达92.3%,面电阻为4.2?/□,品质常数?TC最佳,约40×10–3/?。  相似文献   

Surface impedance formalism permits to reduce the discretization volume in a finite difference time domain (FDTD) code. The method based on the definition of surface impedances for plane waves at horizontal or vertical polarizations, is introduced in fdtd algorithm, to model interfaces between two media. In this paper, two dimensional and three dimensional results are compared to those computed with classical fdtd or Fresnel reflection coefficients involving a Fourier transform.  相似文献   

本文报导了TiO_2、ZrO_2、Ta_2O_5、SiO_2薄膜的折射率在不同蒸发条件下的研究结果。  相似文献   

用作飞秒脉冲展宽器的新型多膜光栅的设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
于云龙  穆参军  白晋涛  侯洵 《激光技术》2005,29(4):358-360,376
采用薄膜光学技术,在传统反射式闪耀光栅的表面镀以多层薄膜以改善传统光栅的衍射特性和反射特性,用于控制展宽后脉冲的光谱强度分布,以及控制超短脉冲放大过程中的增益窄化效应。理论计算和实验表明,应用多膜反射式闪耀光栅作为展宽器件,种子脉冲的能量损耗小、展宽效率高,且放大过程中的增益窄化效应得到很好的补偿,另外,采用多膜反射式闪耀光栅还有方便实验调节,简化CPA系统,便于集成化的优点。  相似文献   

The effect of absorption on different designs of the interferometers of laser gravitational antennas for detection of gravitational waves is analyzed. It is shown that, for small values of absorption, the sensitivity of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer is higher than the sensitivity of the Michelson interferometer. A structure with continuous variation in the refractive index, which serves as Fabry-Perot resonators in the Mach — Zehnder interferometer, is considered.  相似文献   

This paper describes an asymptotic boundary condition which can be used to model grids of metal strips which are located in free space, inside a material or at a material interface. The boundary condition is asymptotic in the sense that it becomes more accurate the smaller the period of the grid is in terms of the wavelength. The boundary condition is very simple to implement in existing computer programs for calculation of scattering or radiation based on any numerical technique. The method replaces the use of complicated Floquet-mode expansion of the fields scattered by the grid. As an example, we show how to apply the method to calculate the plane-wave scattering from two circular dielectric cylinders under oblique incidence, one loaded with circumferential strips and the other with longitudinal strips. In both cases, analytic series solutions are derived. The results are verified with measurements on cylinders with finite strip periods and widths  相似文献   

Gyrotropic and chiral media are known to rotate the polarization of electromagnetic waves, yielding the Faraday-rotation and optical-activity effects, respectively. In this paper, we analyze these effects based on the constitutive tensors of both media, and propose closed-form expressions for the rotation angles of waves impinging at oblique incidence. The analysis and predictions, based on the kDB system, are illustrated by showing the propagation of a Gaussian beam through layered gyrotropic and chiral media. In particular, the reciprocal character of optical activity, and the nonreciprocal character of Faraday rotation, are clearly shown.  相似文献   

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