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Sparse Cholesky factorization is the most computationally intensive component in solving large sparse linear systems and is the core algorithm of numerous scientific computing applications. A large number of sparse Cholesky factorization algorithms have previously emerged, exploiting architectural features for various computing platforms. The recent use of graphics processing units (GPUs) to accelerate structured parallel applications shows the potential to achieve significant acceleration relative to desktop performance. However, sparse Cholesky factorization has not been explored sufficiently because of the complexity involved in its efficient implementation and the concerns of low GPU utilization. In this paper, we present a new approach for sparse Cholesky factorization on GPUs. We present the organization of the sparse matrix supernode data structure for GPU and propose a queue‐based approach for the generation and scheduling of GPU tasks with dense linear algebraic operations. We also design a subtree‐based parallel method for multi‐GPU system. These approaches increase GPU utilization, thus resulting in substantial computational time reduction. Comparisons are made with the existing parallel solvers by using problems arising from practical applications. The experiment results show that the proposed approaches can substantially improve sparse Cholesky factorization performance on GPUs. Relative to a highly optimized parallel algorithm on a 12‐core node, we were able to obtain speedups in the range 1.59× to 2.31× by using one GPU and 1.80× to 3.21× by using two GPUs. Relative to a state‐of‐the‐art solver based on supernodal method for CPU‐GPU heterogeneous platform, we were able to obtain speedups in the range 1.52× to 2.30× by using one GPU and 2.15× to 2.76× by using two GPUs. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2013. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

3-D data visualization is very useful for medical imaging and computational fluid dynamics. Volume rendering can be used to exhibit the shape and volumetric properties of 3-D objects. However, volume rendering requires a considerable amount of time to process the large volume of data. To deliver the necessary rendering rates, parallel hardware architectures such as distributed memory multicomputers offer viable solutions. The challenge is to design efficient parallel algorithms that utilize the hardware parallelism effectively. In this paper, we present two efficient parallel volume rendering algorithms, the 1D-partition and 2D-partition methods, based on the shear-warp factorization for distributed memory multicomputers. The 1D-partition method has a performance bound on the size of the volume data. If the number of processors is less than a threshold, the 1D-partition method can deliver a good rendering rate. If the number of processors is over a threshold, the 2D-partition method can be used. To evaluate the performance of these two algorithms, we implemented the proposed methods along with the slice data partitioning, volume data partitioning, and sheared volume data partitioning methods on an IBM SP2 parallel machine. Six volume data sets were used as the test samples. The experimental results show that the proposed methods outperform other compatible algorithms for all test samples. When the number of processors is over a threshold, the experimental results also demonstrate that the 2D-partition method is better than the 1D-partition method.  相似文献   

Numerical solution of nonlinear equilibrium problems of structures by means of Newton-Raphson type iterations is reviewed. Each step of the iteration is shown to correspond to the solution of a linear problem, therefore the feasibility of the finite element method for nonlinear analysis is established. Organization and flow of data for various types of digital computers, such as single-processor/single-level memory, single-processor/two-level-memory, vector-processor/two-level-memory, and parallel-processors, with and without sub-structuring (i.e. partitioning) are given. The effect of the relative costs of computation, memory and data transfer on substructuring is shown. The idea of assigning comparable size substructures to parallel processors is exploited. Under Cholesky type factorization schemes, the efficiency of parallel processing is shown to decrease due to the occasional shared data, just as that due to the shared facilities.  相似文献   

LU, QR, and Cholesky factorizations are the most widely used methods for solving dense linear systems of equations, and have been extensively studied and implemented on vector and parallel computers. Most of these factorization routines are implemented with block‐partitioned algorithms in order to perform matrix–matrix operations, that is, to obtain the highest performance by maximizing reuse of data in the upper levels of memory, such as cache. Since parallel computers have different performance ratios of computation and communication, the optimal computational block sizes are different from one another in order to generate the maximum performance of an algorithm. Therefore, the ata matrix should be distributed with the machine specific optimal block size before the computation. Too small or large a block size makes achieving good performance on a machine nearly impossible. In such a case, getting a better performance may require a complete redistribution of the data matrix. In this paper, we present parallel LU, QR, and Cholesky factorization routines with an ‘algorithmic blocking’ on two‐dimensional block cyclic data distribution. With the algorithmic blocking, it is possible to obtain the near optimal performance irrespective of the physical block size. The routines are implemented on the Intel Paragon and the SGI/Cray T3E and compared with the corresponding ScaLAPACK factorization routines. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a way of expressing massively parallel algorithms associated with a programming environment for networks of processors with local memory; the aim is to provide a programming method that is independent of the network topology, and that leads to an efficient implementation for communications.

Then, we illustrate these concepts using as an example a scientific algorithm: Choleski's method for a parallel factorization of sparse matrices into blocks.

This work gives rise to software for a T.Node multiprocessor computer.  相似文献   

One approach for solving interacting many-fermion systems is the configuration-interaction method, also sometimes called the interacting shell model, where one finds eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian in a many-body basis of Slater determinants (antisymmetrized products of single-particle wavefunctions). The resulting Hamiltonian matrix is typically very sparse, but for large systems the nonzero matrix elements can nonetheless require terabytes or more of storage. An alternate algorithm, applicable to a broad class of systems with symmetry, in our case rotational invariance, is to exactly factorize both the basis and the interaction using additive/multiplicative quantum numbers; such an algorithm recreates the many-body matrix elements on the fly and can reduce the storage requirements by an order of magnitude or more. We discuss factorization in general and introduce a novel, generalized factorization method, essentially a ‘double-factorization’ which speeds up basis generation and set-up of required arrays. Although we emphasize techniques, we also place factorization in the context of a specific (unpublished) configuration-interaction code, BIGSTICK, which runs both on serial and parallel machines, and discuss the savings in memory due to factorization.  相似文献   

A parallel preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) algorithm is derived by using a two-level twisted factorization. The algorithm is optimal for a four-processor parallel computer (quadputer). Numerical results obtained on a quadputer with distributed memory are presented.  相似文献   

为提高生物序列比对算法的性能和效率,提出一种异构处理平台下可移植的大规模生物序列比对算法及其优化方法.通过改变原有Smith-Waterman算法的计算流程和数据依赖关系,增加序列比对的并行性;通过改变存储器布局后使用向量数据类型,提高全局存储器的带宽利用率;通过增加偏移量改变存储器模块的映射方式,避免模块访问冲突,提高局部存储器的使用效率.实验结果表明,优化后的生物序列比对性能提升了近100倍.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use a two-stage sparse factorization approach for blindly estimating the channel parameters and then estimating source components for electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. EEG signals are assumed to be linear mixtures of source components, artifacts, etc. Therefore, a raw EEG data matrix can be factored into the product of two matrices, one of which represents the mixing matrix and the other the source component matrix. Furthermore, the components are sparse in the time-frequency domain, i.e., the factorization is a sparse factorization in the time frequency domain. It is a challenging task to estimate the mixing matrix. Our extensive analysis and computational results, which were based on many sets of EEG data, not only provide firm evidences supporting the above assumption, but also prompt us to propose a new algorithm for estimating the mixing matrix. After the mixing matrix is estimated, the source components are estimated in the time frequency domain using a linear programming method. In an example of the potential applications of our approach, we analyzed the EEG data that was obtained from a modified Sternberg memory experiment. Two almost uncorrelated components obtained by applying the sparse factorization method were selected for phase synchronization analysis. Several interesting findings were obtained, especially that memory-related synchronization and desynchronization appear in the alpha band, and that the strength of alpha band synchronization is related to memory performance.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the scalability of Cholesky, LU, and QR factorization routines on MIMD distributed memory concurrent computers. These routines form part of the ScaLAPACK mathematical software library that extends the widely used LAPACK library to run efficiently on scalable concurrent computers. To ensure good scalability and performance, the ScaLAPACK routines are based on block-partitioned algorithms that reduce the frequency of data movement between different levels of the memory hierarchy, and particularly between processors. The block cyclic data distribution, that is used in all three factorization algorithms, is described. An outline of the sequential and parallel block-partitioned algorithms is given. Approximate models of algorithms′ performance are presented to indicate which factors in the design of the algorithm have an impact upon scalability. These models are compared with timings results on a 128-node Intel iPSC/860 hypercube. It is shown that the routines are highly scalable on this machine for problems that occupy more than about 25% of the memory on each processor, and that the measured timings are consistent with the performance model. The contribution of this paper goes beyond reporting our experience: our implementations are available in the public domain.  相似文献   

为多核平台开发一种有效的编程方法已经成为并行软件研究的一个重要目标.在嵌入式多核平台上进行了OpenMP并行程序的有效的实施运行.针对嵌入式具有有限内存资源的特点,提出了通过扩展OpenMP自定义制导语句tiling来提高并行程序在嵌入式多核平台上的运行效率.扩展后的OpenMP并行程序支持循环分片,从而能够充分利用层...  相似文献   

本文结合 TMS320C80(简称 C80)的编程结构,提出了基于该多处理机平台的并行算法的开发所面临的关键技术是:底层通信协议、细粒度并行、内存访问冲突、TC的多维数据传输和“双缓冲”数据传输方式.概括出基于此平台并行算法的开发层次  相似文献   

A new direct linear equation solver is proposed for GPUs. The proposed solver is applied to mechanical system analysis. In contrast to the DFS post-order traversal which is widely used for conventional implementation of supernodal and multifrontal methods, the BFS reverse-level order traversal has been adopted to obtain more parallelism and a more adaptive control of data size. The proposed implementation allows solving large problems efficiently on many kinds of GPUs. Separators are divided into smaller blocks to further improve the parallel efficiency. Numerical experiments show that the proposed method takes smaller factorization time than CHOLMOD in general and has better operational availability than SPQR. Mechanical dynamic analysis has been carried out to show the efficiency of the proposed method. The computing time, memory usage, and solution accuracy are compared with those obtained from DSS included in MKL. The GPU has been accelerated about 2.5–5.9 times during the numerical factorization step and approximately 1.9–4.7 times over the whole analysis process, compared to an experimental CPU device.  相似文献   

《Parallel Computing》1997,23(6):637-647
This paper considers the parallel solution of finite element equations using the preconditioned conjugate gradient method on shared memory multiprocessors. The preconditioner used is an incomplete LU factorization of the stiffness matrix. We have designed a new method for implementing parallel forward and backward substitutions which requires the L and U factors to have an independent column structure, which we refer to as I2LU. The algorithm has been implemented on an Encore Multimax and parallel efficiencies up to 80% of the maximum possible theoretical value have been obtained using around 6–8 processors. These figures are shown to be comparable with the efficiencies of an implementation of a similar row-oriented approach, based on level scheduling, tested with the same problems.  相似文献   

许川佩  王光 《计算机应用》2016,36(7):1801-1806
针对尺度不变特征变换(SIFT)算法实时性差的问题,提出了利用开放式计算语言(OpenCL)并行优化的SIFT算法。首先,通过对原算法各步骤进行组合拆分、重构特征点在内存中的数据索引等方式对原算法进行并行化重构,使得算法的中间计算结果能够完全在显存中完成交互;然后,采用复用全局内存对象、共享局部内存、优化内存读取等策略对原算法各步骤进行并行设计,提高数据读取效率,降低传输延时;最后,利用OpenCL语言在图形处理单元(GPU)上实现了SIFT算法的细粒度并行加速,并在中央处理器(CPU)上完成了移植。与原SIFT算法配准效果相近时,并行化的算法在GPU和CPU平台上特征提取速度分别提升了10.51~19.33和2.34~4.74倍。实验结果表明,利用OpenCL并行加速的SIFT算法能够有效提高图像配准的实时性,并能克服统一计算设备架构(CUDA)因移植困难而不能充分利用异构系统中多种计算核心的缺点。  相似文献   

The LU factorization is an important numerical algorithm for solving systems of linear equations in science and engineering and is a characteristic of many dense linear algebra computations. For example, it has become the de facto numerical algorithm implemented within the LINPACK benchmark to rank the most powerful supercomputers in the world, collected by the TOP500 website. Multicore processors continue to present challenges to the development of fast and robust numerical software due to the increasing levels of hardware parallelism and widening gap between core and memory speeds. In this context, the difficulty in developing new algorithms for the scientific community resides in the combination of two goals: achieving high performance while maintaining the accuracy of the numerical algorithm. This paper proposes a new approach for computing the LU factorization in parallel on multicore architectures, which not only improves the overall performance but also sustains the numerical quality of the standard LU factorization algorithm with partial pivoting. While the update of the trailing submatrix is computationally intensive and highly parallel, the inherently problematic portion of the LU factorization is the panel factorization due to its memory‐bound characteristic as well as the atomicity of selecting the appropriate pivots. Our approach uses a parallel fine‐grained recursive formulation of the panel factorization step and implements the update of the trailing submatrix with the tile algorithm. Based on conflict‐free partitioning of the data and lockless synchronization mechanisms, our implementation lets the overall computation flow naturally without contention. The dynamic runtime system called QUARK is then able to schedule tasks with heterogeneous granularities and to transparently introduce algorithmic lookahead. The performance results of our implementation are competitive compared to the currently available software packages and libraries. For example, it is up to 40% faster when compared to the equivalent Intel MKL routine and up to threefold faster than LAPACK with multithreaded Intel MKL BLAS. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this article we present an adaptation of the QIF (Quadrant Interlocking Factorization) algorithm, which solves systems of linear equations, for implementation in SIMD hypercube computers with distributed memory. This method is based in the WZ decomposition of the system's matrix. The parallel algorithm developed is general in the sense that there is no restriction imposed on the size of the problem and that it is independent of the dimension of the hypercube. The comparison of this algorithm with the parallel algorithms based on the LU factorization show that the execution time is divided by a factor of two, approximately.  相似文献   

海量跨域数据交换平台   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同系统之间的数据交换一般通过数据交换平台来实现,但面对不同部门之间海量数据交换时,由于系统的不一致,效率成为瓶颈.针对如何处理跨域海量数据交换和高并发请求,笔者对构建高效率的数据交换平台进行了研究,提出了通过三层数据处理引擎来统一调度用户请求,解决了系统内外部数据流转的问题.然后研究了内存块复制技术和调度算法,结果表明此技术能大幅提高海量数据的处理速度,并能动态响应高并发的数据请求.  相似文献   

熊壬浩  刘羽 《计算机应用》2015,35(7):1843-1848
针对串行A*算法时间性能较差的问题,提出了一种基于并行搜索和快速插入(PSFI)的算法。首先,研究了共享存储平台上的常见并行启发式搜索算法;然后,通过使用一种延迟的单表搜索(DSTS)方法和新的数据结构,改进了串行算法;其次,在此基础上,设计出一种基于共享存储平台的并行算法;最后,采用OpenMP加以实现。对24数码问题的测试结果表明,改进的串行和并行算法将运行时间分别减少到原算法的1/140和1/450;与并行的NBlock优先(PBNF)算法相比,并行算法将加速比提高到3.2,同时,改进算法是严格的最佳优先搜索算法,保证了解的质量,且易于实现。  相似文献   

针对MEC(memory efficient convolution)卷积算法在传统设备下因访问数据地址不连续导致的缓存命中率低、内存访问延时长等问题,提出一种适用于MEC算法访存行为的优化方法。该方法分为中间矩阵转换和矩阵运算两部分。对于中间矩阵转换部分,采用修改数据读取顺序的方式对其进行优化,使读取方式符合算法的访存行为。对于矩阵运算部分,采用更加适合矩阵运算的内存数据布局对卷积核矩阵修改,并利用TVM(tensor virtual machine)平台封装的计算函数,重新设计中间矩阵同卷积核矩阵的计算方式。使用平台自带并行库对运算过程进行加速。实验结果表明,相比传统MEC算法,提出的优化方法可以有效解决缓存命中率低、内存访问延时长等问题,同MEC算法的运算时间对比,在单个卷积层上平均获得了50%的速度提升,在多层神经网络中最低获得了57%以上的速度提升,同空间组合算法的运算时间对比,最高获得了80%的速度提升。  相似文献   

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