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以成渝客运专线新红岩隧道上方二层砌体结构为例,采用OMA(运行模态分析)方法研究了砌体结构在隧道爆破引起的地面振动作用下的安全性。结果表明:采用电子雷管爆破相比非电雷管能够有效降低地面振速,峰值振速最多降低约67%;二层砌体结构前4阶固有频率位于9~25Hz,有限元模型修正后其固有频率与实验值的误差明显减小,使其更加符合实际;非线性动力分析表明砌体结构门、窗的角部、砌体与混凝土材料的交界处及底层主应力集中程度高,但砌体的主压应力和主拉应力均小于规范值,表明砌体在爆破振动作用下是安全的,而且电子雷管更适用于结构安全性要求高的隧道爆破;现场调研发现砌体楼房在隧道爆破振动下没有发生损伤,表明基于OMA方法进行隧道爆破振动下砌体结构的安全评价是可行的。  相似文献   

以成渝客运专线新红岩隧道上方二层砌体结构为例,采用OMA(运行模态分析)方法研究了砌体结构在隧道爆破引起的地面振动作用下的安全性。结果表明:采用电子雷管爆破相比非电雷管能够有效降低地面振速,峰值振速最多降低约67%;二层砌体结构前4阶固有频率位于925Hz,有限元模型修正后其固有频率与实验值的误差明显减小,使其更加符合实际;非线性动力分析表明砌体结构门、窗的角部、砌体与混凝土材料的交界处及底层主应力集中程度高,但砌体的主压应力和主拉应力均小于规范值,表明砌体在爆破振动作用下是安全的,而且电子雷管更适用于结构安全性要求高的隧道爆破;现场调研发现砌体楼房在隧道爆破振动下没有发生损伤,表明基于OMA方法进行隧道爆破振动下砌体结构的安全评价是可行的。  相似文献   

针对我国核电基地即将或正在扩建、而前端基础开挖所用爆破产生的振动危害效应会威胁核电设施安全问题,基于分形理论开展核电扩建工程中爆破振动新安全标准探讨,研究成果对进一步规范、约束在运行核电设施附近实施工程爆破方法具有指导意义,为制定国家核电安全规划及确保我国核电安全、高效发展奠定重要基础。  相似文献   

以某两栋砌体结构为工程实例,对上海某线地铁振动进行了现场实测,分别从振级和1/3倍频程振动加速度级两方面研究了地铁对建筑物振动的影响规律。测试结果表明:对两栋5层砌体结构,楼板振动沿层高呈增大趋势,顶层的竖向振级比底层大2~4dB,水平向振级比底层大6~7 dB,昼间时段中高峰期的三向振级均大于非高峰期的振级,同时昼间时段振级均大于夜间时段振级;房间中央的楼板振动大于墙边和楼梯楼面的振动;地铁对建筑物的振动主要为10~25Hz低频振动。  相似文献   

基于有限元分析的复杂结构弹性振动传递函数建模   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了解决复杂结构的弹性振动建模问题,提出了一种基于有限元分析的弹性振动传递函数建模方法。首先建立能够准确反映结构动力学特性的有限元模型;然后根据输入参数和辨识算法类型的不同,分别从时域和频域两方面进行传递函数建模,其中时域辨识建模以PRBS信号的瞬态响应结果为辨识数据进行时域参数辨识,频域辨识建模以结构的频率响应函数为辨识数据进行频域参数辨识;最后以“时域建模频域验证,频域建模时域验证”的方法检验传递函数的精度。通过建立悬臂梁、某运载火箭和某弹体局部结构的传递函数模型,证明了该方法的可行性和有效性,为该方法在工程实践中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

爆破地震波作用下砌体结构的动力分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
魏文晖  陈灿 《爆破》2003,20(3):8-10,13
对爆破地震波作用下砌体结构进行了动力分析,推导了砌体结构层模型的侧移刚度矩阵,建立了爆破地震波作用下砌体结构的时程分析方法。并利用福建周宁水电站地下厂房开挖爆破的地震波,对其周边的一栋五层砌体结构,进行了实例分析,通过与构造地震波作用下结构的动力反应进行了对比,对其安全性进行了评估。  相似文献   

基于有限元的异步电机电磁振动分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
王玎  祝长生  符嘉靖 《振动与冲击》2012,31(2):140-144,154
电机的电磁振动是电机电磁场与机械结构耦合的结果,要研究电机的电磁振动,需要将电机的电磁场和结构振动分析结合起来。通过有限元软件,采用一种弱磁-固耦合的方法,对异步电机的电磁振动特性进行分析。首先利用ANSOFT有限元软件建立异步电机的二维有限元模型,计算电机的瞬态电磁场,得到电机在给定转速稳态运行状态下的磁场分布和作用在定子上时变的电磁力;其次用ANSYS有限元软件建立异步电机结构的三维有限元模型,将ANSOFT软件得到的时变电磁力进行频谱分析并校正,然后施加到电机上,计算出电机结构的电磁振动响应。基于对电机电磁振动特性的分析,可以对电机的电磁参数和结构进行改进和优化设计,以降低电机的电磁振动  相似文献   

爆破振动峰值速度预报方法探讨   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
爆破借助爆炸能做功,它是一种在地上和地下工程中广泛使用的廉价、经济的岩土开挖方式。爆破造成的振动会对附近结构及周围场地产生不利影响;振动峰值速度通常被用来评价爆破地震风险。已有一些预报爆破振动峰值速度的公式和方法,但在超出了推导这些公式的特定条件时,它们是不适用的。爆破地震波在岩土体中传播时,地面振动是复杂的,受许多因素影响。论文探讨了爆破振动峰值速度预报的公式法和Fourmap方法;特别地,作者还尝试利用人工神经网络预报了爆破振动峰值速度。  相似文献   

杨娜  张岩 《振动与冲击》2013,32(9):125-129
针对典型藏式传统建筑年代久远、建造过程无设计图纸、存在太多不确定性,通过有限元数值分析所得结果与实验结果不能较好吻合问题,建立所测结构的有限元模型,并通过人工神经网络方法,以实测结构模态参数为目标对典型藏式结构的有限元模型中部分不确定因素—梁及雀替的等效变截面梁高、材料密度及弹性模量进行修正,得到更接近真实状态的有限元模型。该模型对该典型藏式结构的损伤识别、可靠度评估具有重要意义。  相似文献   

有限元仿真方法评价护栏安全性能的可行性   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
闫书明 《振动与冲击》2011,30(1):152-156
建立多种车辆和护栏有限元仿真模型,运用多次碰撞试验数据对仿真模型计算结果进行比对,对采用有限元仿真方法评价护栏安全性能的可行性进行分析。研究结果表明,仿真计算可以得到车辆行驶轨迹、结构防护导向、乘员风险和动态变形等护栏安全评价的各项指标,仿真结果与试验结果一致,误差在10%以内,验证了建模方法的正确性,运用有限元仿真方法评价护栏安全性能具有较高可行性。强调运用评价护栏安全性能的仿真模型须通过碰撞试验校核,同时建议通过法规和准则对从事护栏评价CAE工程师进行职业管理。  相似文献   

A mixed membrane eight-node quadrilateral finite element for the analysis of masonry walls is presented. Assuming that a nonlinear and history-dependent 2D stress-strain constitutive law is used to model masonry material, the element derivation is based on a Hu-Washizu variational statement, involving displacement, strain, and stress fields as primary variables. As the behavior of masonry structures is often characterized by strain localization phenomena, due to strain softening at material level, a discontinuous, piecewise constant interpolation of the strain field is considered at element level, to capture highly nonlinear strain spatial distributions also within finite elements. Newton's method of solution is adopted for the element state determination problem. For avoiding pathological sensitivity to the finite element mesh, a novel algorithm is proposed to perform an integral-type nonlocal regularization of the constitutive equations in the present mixed formulation. By the comparison with competing serendipity displacement-based formulation, numerical simulations prove high performances of the proposed finite element, especially when coarse meshes are adopted.  相似文献   

A new method for modeling discrete cracks based on the extended finite element method is described. In the method, the growth of the actual crack is tracked and approximated with contiguous discrete crack segments that lie on finite element nodes and span only two adjacent elements. The method can deal with complicated fracture patterns because it needs no explicit representation of the topology of the actual crack path. A set of effective rules for injection of crack segments is presented so that fracture behavior beginning from arbitrary crack nucleations to macroscopic crack propagation is seamlessly modeled. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated with several dynamic fracture problems that involve complicated crack patterns such as fragmentation and crack branching. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了研究金属的三维动态锤锻成形过程,基于连续介质力学及有限变形理论,建立了一种有限元模型.采用动力分析方法,在运动方程中加入惯性力项考虑锤锻中显著的惯性效应;根据设备的工作原理按照能量守恒定律计算变形期间的锤头速度;同时,将变形视为一个绝热过程计算变形期间试样内部的温度升高.基于建立的模型开发了动力显式有限元分析程序,模拟了铅块试样在落锤打击下的动态镦粗过程,给出了试样内部的位移、等效应变、等效应力和温度分布规律.将变形后试样几何形状、成形载荷-时间曲线和锤头速度-时间曲线的计算结果与实验结果相对比,表明了开发程序计算结果的准确性.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present a discrete element approach for the study of stonework. In the present work, a masonry structure is considered as a collection of rigid or deformable blocks, interacting together by contact laws. In this paper, we use the non‐smooth contact dynamics (NSCD) resolution method mainly used for the modelling of granular media. In the considered masonry structures we define, on an elementary cell, average local strain and stress tensors. These definitions are valid under dynamical loading of the structure, taking into account rotations. We present their use on academic and on real masonry structures. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a generalization of the eXtended finite element method (X‐FEM) to model dynamic fracture and time‐dependent problems from a more general point of view, and gives a proof of the stability of the numerical scheme in the linear case. First, we study the stability conditions of Newmark‐type schemes for problems with evolving discretizations. We prove that the proposed enrichment strategy satisfies these conditions and also ensures energy conservation. Using this approach, as the crack propagates, the enrichment can evolve with no occurrence of instability or uncontrolled energy transfer. Then, we present a technique based on Lagrangian conservation for the estimation of dynamic stress intensity factors for arbitrary 2D cracks. The results presented for several applications are accurate for stationary or moving cracks. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A differential quadrature hierarchical finite element method (DQHFEM) is proposed by expressing the hierarchical finite element method matrices in similar form as in the differential quadrature finite element method and introducing interpolation basis on the boundary of hierarchical finite element method elements. The DQHFEM is similar as the fixed interface mode synthesis method but the DQHFEM does not need modal analysis. The DQHFEM with non‐uniform rational B‐splines elements were shown to accomplish similar destination as the isogeometric analysis. Three key points that determine the accuracy, efficiency and convergence of DQHFEM were addressed, namely, (1) the Gauss–Lobatto–Legendre points should be used as nodes, (2) the recursion formula should be used to compute high‐order orthogonal polynomials, and (3) the separation variable feature of the basis should be used to save computational cost. Numerical comparison and convergence studies of the DQHFEM were carried out by comparing the DQHFEM results for vibration and bending of Mindlin plates with available exact or highly accurate approximate results in literatures. The DQHFEM can present highly accurate results using only a few sampling points. Meanwhile, the order of the DQHFEM can be as high as needed for high‐frequency vibration analysis. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An efficient implicit dynamic finite element method (FEM) for elastic 3D objects with uniform cross‐sections was developed. In this method, the finite element mesh is generated in such a way that the object to be analysed is at first sliced into layers with the same thickness along its generatrix and then each layer is discretized into finite elements of the same pattern. This way of discretization makes the mass, viscosity, and stiffness matrices into the repetitive block tridiagonal matrices. The repetitive block tridiagonal matrix has the characteristic, that the sequence of matrices which appears in the Gaussian elimination for the repetitive block tridiagonal matrix is a rapid convergent sequence. The process of the Gaussian elimination can be terminated when the sequence converges. The rest of the sequence is not necessary to be stored. The present method can save the computational time and memory by utilising this characteristic of the repetitive block tridiagonal matrix. A few examples of analyses including whole Hopkinson‐bar analysis were performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the present method. The present method is applicable not only to the elasto‐dynamics but also to many other problems, such as thermal problems, electrical problems, and plastic problems without geometric non‐linearity. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study presents a novel application of the scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM) to model dynamic crack propagation problems. Accurate dynamic stress intensity factors are extracted directly from the semi‐analytical solutions of SBFEM. They are then used in the dynamic fracture criteria to determine the crack‐tip position, velocity and propagation direction. A simple, yet flexible remeshing algorithm is used to accommodate crack propagation. Three dynamic crack propagation problems that include mode‐I and mix‐mode fracture are modelled. The results show good agreement with experimental and numerical results available in the literature. It is found that the developed method offers some advantages over conventional FEM in terms of accuracy, efficiency and ease of implementation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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