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为研究不同形状钨破片和铀破片的侵彻性能的优劣,在有关试验的基础上通过AUTODYN软件开展了3组Ф7mm钨球侵彻Q235钢板的验证性仿真模拟,模拟结果与实验结果均吻合,由此验证了仿真方法和相关参数的正确性;分别开展了3种不同形状钨、铀合金破片在不同着靶姿态下侵彻10mm厚Q235钢靶的数值仿真.结果表明:在形状和初速均相同的条件下无论以何种姿态着靶,铀破片的侵彻能力都要强于钨破片;无论钨破片还是铀破片,棱角着靶姿态和棱边着靶姿态的立方体破片侵彻能力最佳,圆柱形水平姿态和面着靶姿态的立方形破片侵彻能力最差.  相似文献   

为探寻立方形钨破片着靶姿态对其穿甲效应的影响规律,采用ANSYS/LS-DYNA有限元软件和战斗部地面静爆试验相结合的方法,研究了破片以不同姿态正、斜撞击靶板时,破片的剩余速度、剩余动能和靶板损伤面积的变化规律。结果表明:正撞击时,不同姿态下破片剩余速度和靶板损伤面积相差较小,破片剩余动能变化稍大;斜撞击时,不同姿态下的3种参数与着角θ变化规律基本一致,面着靶靶板损伤面积最小,尖角着靶破片剩余速度和剩余动能最高,跳飞角度更大。研究结果对破片式杀伤战斗部设计和毁伤威力评估具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

为准确计算多层球形破片在爆炸驱动下的初速场,通过对装药结构的等效分析,基于Gurney假定和相邻层颗粒之间力和力的波动量等概率传递假定,忽略排列方式引起的孔隙率变化,应用动量和能量守恒建立了破片初速场的理论计算模型。该模型反映了炸药参数和破片的密度、层数和直径等因素对破片初速的影响;针对典型的爆炸驱动前向多层破片模型,用LS-DYNA3D非线性有限元程序对多层钨球破片的爆炸驱动过程进行数值模拟,开展了相关验证试验并分析了理论计算值与试验误差产生的原因,分析讨论了不同球形破片直径和不同破片层数下破片初速的变化情况。结果表明:理论计算值与数值模拟及试验结果吻合较好;随着相同直径破片层数的增大,破片初速减小,相邻层间破片的速度差值更大;层数相同时,随着破片直径的减小,破片初速增大,但相邻层数破片的速度差值更小。  相似文献   

为准确模拟破片侵彻防弹衣的过程,揭示破片与软质防弹衣相互作用机制,本文基于ABAQUS用户子程序VUMAT编写了适用于模拟软质防弹衣材料力学性能的本构模型,建立了球形破片侵彻软质防弹衣的有限元模型,数值模拟结果与实验吻合较好。本构模型中材料失效模式数据表明,无纬布主要发生纤维拉伸、基体拉伸和压缩失效;在钢球侵彻防弹衣的初期,无纬布上的应力云图一般呈现较规则的圆形或椭圆形,然后再慢慢向四周扩散;钢球侵彻软质防弹衣的过程中伴随有较明显的纤维层间分层失效,未穿透的纤维层中也出现了分层的现象,分层面积从迎弹面到背弹面先减小后增大再减小。   相似文献   

Q235钢单层板对平头刚性弹抗穿甲特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用撞击实验和理论模型对单层金属板的抗侵彻性能进行了研究,分析了靶体厚度对抗侵彻性能的影响。通过对比撞击实验和理论模型计算结果,验证了理论模型和参数的有效性。结果表明,采用合适的理论模型能够有效地预测靶板在弹体撞击下的弹道极限。此外,分析了靶体在弹体撞击下的塑性变形总耗能,包括靶板局部变形和整体变形的耗能,同时考虑了靶体材料的应变率效应。在平头弹撞击厚靶的工况中,引入了一个修正函数对靶体厚度进行修正。  相似文献   

研究93W钨合金破片对铝合金靶板的弹道极限(V50)影响规律,对战斗部毁伤元威力设计具有重要意义。通过弹道冲击试验获取了钨合金立方体破片、球形破片在90°着角的情况下,对4 mm 2024铝靶的侵彻弹道极限(V50)。基于数值模拟与试验结果的一致性,分析了钨合金破片形状、质量对V50的影响规律。结果表明:两种形状破片的侵彻V50均随着破片质量的增加而减小;在90°着角时,立方体破片的侵彻V50较低于球形破片,且两者V50差值随着破片质量的增大而增大。其中,立方体破片由于着靶姿态的变化导致V50存在着波动区间,随着破片质量增加,V50的波动区间相对增加,且立方体破片侵彻V50小于球形破片V50的概率也随之增加。  相似文献   

研究典型柱型破片质量、着靶姿态对装甲钢的弹道极限速度(V50)的影响规律,可为战斗部毁伤元设计提供有效的参考数据。通过弹道冲击试验获取了长径比为1,质量5 g的钨柱在0°和90°着靶姿态下对10 mm装甲钢的V50。试验得到钨柱破片纵向正侵彻10 mm装甲钢的V50为745 m/s,横向正侵彻10 mm装甲钢的V50为761 m/s,钨柱破片在侵彻过程中,破片被横向镦粗,破片头部受靶板挤压磨蚀,形成不规则蘑菇头状翻边。基于试验数据的单一性,通过数值模拟获取了不同着靶姿态下3种典型钨柱(3 g, 5 g, 8 g)对10 mm装甲钢板的V50,并探索了着靶姿态和破片质量对V50变化的影响规律,对比试验与数值模拟结果,两者相对误差在10%左右。研究发现,不同着靶姿态下,钨柱破片侵彻装甲钢的V50存在波动区间,破片纵向正着靶时V50最小,破片以40°~60°着靶姿态角着靶时V50最大,钨柱破片V<...  相似文献   

对破片侵彻明胶形成的瞬时空腔现象进行了研究,基于LS-DYNA软件建立了球形破片侵彻明胶的二维轴对称模型,结合相关试验结果验证了仿真结果的正确性,进而对不同破片直径和着靶速度侵彻有限厚明胶靶后的速度衰减和瞬时空腔尺寸的规律作了分析和讨论.利用遗传算法对不同工况的仿真数据进行拟合,得到了计算瞬时空腔的简化数学模型,通过与...  相似文献   

电沉积钨及钨合金涂层的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
金属钨及含钨涂层具有优良的性能,如高熔点、高硬度、良好的化学稳定性和较低的热膨胀系数,在多个领域被广泛应用,金属钨及含钨涂层有很多制备方法,其中电沉积法具有重要的地位。综述了熔盐电沉积钨涂层及溶液电沉积钨合金涂层的研究进展,并展望了熔盐电沉积钨涂层及溶液电沉积钨合金涂层的发展趋势。  相似文献   

高磊  徐迎  赵军 《爆破》2009,26(4):22-25,92
基于空腔膨胀理论和修正的流体动力学理论,提出了球形弹头弹体侵彻半无限金属靶深度的计算方法.进而根据侵彻极限状态得出的极限撞击速度,得到了极限侵彻深度计算公式,并与试验数据进行对比分析,验证了此种方法的实用性.  相似文献   

通过细观分析,给出钨颗粒相的形状、组分和两相力学参数对钨合金宏观屈服强度的影响.其中,钨颗粒看作基体上的夹杂,在小变形条件下假设钨颗粒仅发生弹性变形,而钨合金的宏观屈服强度决定于基体相的屈服强度.在该假设基础上,利用Eshelby方法及Mori-Tanake平均应力概念计算分析了不同钨合金材料,特别是不同变形量工艺处理的钨合金材料的宏观屈服强度,计算结果与实验结果基本一致.  相似文献   


The pinning effect of adding the microalloying element Mg on the growth of austenite grain for low-carbon steel was investigated in this study. The grain growth pinning behaviour of austenite was observed in situ at high temperature using a high-temperature confocal scanning laser microscope at 1573?K for 300?s. The average austenite grain size was calculated using optical micrograph Leica software. In situ observation showed that the finely dispersed Mg inclusions can inhibit the boundary migration of austenite grains. MgO–MnS is the most effective inclusions for pinning of austenite grain boundaries in Mg-containing SS400, and the ratios of inclusion on austenite grain boundaries to the total inclusion are 43%. In addition, the increase in Mg addition reduces the grain mobility.  相似文献   

注射成形高密度钨合金脱脂工艺的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用石蜡基多组元粘结剂体系,研究了注射成形高密度钨合金喂料的热脱脂工艺参数,包括样品厚度,温度,低温预脱脂和升温速率的。实验表明,当温度小于250℃时,脱脂量的对数与厚度的倒数呈比例,在长时间情况下,PW可以在250℃以衣全部脱除。温度,脱脂量和升温速率的撑峭当将导致脱脂缺陷的产生。  相似文献   

球形碳化钨增强金属基复合涂层具有高硬度、高韧性和优异的耐磨、耐蚀性等特点,可以对材料表面起到有效保护作用。传统铸造碳化钨粉体多呈不规则的片状或多角状,流动性差且硬度低,难以满足高性能涂层材料的要求。本文以多角状铸造碳化钨粉体为原料,采用感应等离子体技术制备球形碳化钨粉体,研究感应等离子体技术工艺参数对碳化钨粉体球化效果的影响规律。采用扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射仪、霍尔流速计、激光粒度分析仪等对球化处理前后碳化钨粉体的形貌、物相、松装密度、粒度分布进行表征。结果表明:送粉率为110 g/min、载气流量为5.0 L/min时,采用感应等离子体技术可制备颗粒饱满、表面光滑、分散性良好,球化率高达99%以上,且球形度较好的球形碳化钨粉体。球化后碳化钨粉体无孔洞等缺陷,内部组织为典型的细针状WC和W2C的共晶,组织结构均匀细密。球化后碳化钨粉体的硬度高达3 258HV,提高了408HV;球化后碳化钨粉体的松装密度由8.01 g/cm3提高到9.75 g/cm3,霍尔流速由10.30 s/50 g降低到6.80 s/50 g,粉体的流动性提高。  相似文献   

Wang Juan  Li Yajiang  Ma Haijun 《Vacuum》2006,80(5):426-431
Fe-28Al(Cr) alloy and low-carbon steel were diffusion bonded in a vacuum of 10−4-10−5 Pa. The relationship of the bond parameters and shear strength at the interface was discussed. Microstructure characteristics and the reaction products at the interface were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffractometry (XRD). The thickness of the diffusion reaction layer was measured with electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). The results indicated that controlling bonding temperature 1333 K for 3.6 ks, shear strength at the interface can be up to 112 MPa. Three kinds of reaction products were observed to have formed during the vacuum diffusion bonding, namely FeAl, Fe3Al and α-Fe (Al) solid solution. The thickness (X) of the diffusion reaction layer increases with bonding time (t) according to a parabolic law X2=6.4×103 exp(−104.1/RT)(t-t0) (μm2).  相似文献   

In the present paper, the microstructures and mechanical properties of a low-carbon steel processed by graded pre-torsion (PTO) and homogeneous pre-tension (PTE), respectively, have been investigated. Experimental results demonstrate that both PTO and PTE can improve the strength of the low-carbon steel, but at a loss of ductility and toughness. However, a much better strength–ductility–toughness synergy is achieved in samples processed by graded PTO than that in samples subjected to PTE. This enhancement of comprehensive mechanical properties is due to the formation of a graded microstructure, that is, the dislocation-density increases gradually with decreasing the depth from the sample surface. This study provides a strategy for enhancing the mechanical properties of metallic materials by graded plastic deformation.  相似文献   

为了研究加载路径对不锈钢球形件内高压成形过程的影响,采用实验方法分析了加载路径对成形过程中缺陷形式的影响,获得了80%膨胀率成形管件的壁厚分布规律.结果表明:当初始内压与屈服强度比值小于0.21时,管坯形成两个皱纹,在整形阶段发生开裂;当初始内压与屈服强度比值大于0.25时,管坯在轴向进给阶段即发生开裂.在初始内压与屈服强度比值为0.21~0.25时,可以成形出合格管件,合格管件最大减薄点位于球形件的最大截面处,最大减薄率为24.5%.本文所成形不锈钢球形件内高压成形区间,合理初始内压与屈服强度比值范围为0.21~0.25.  相似文献   

采用二次发泡方法制备具有致密表皮的中空球形件泡沫铝合金,利用位移传感计算机,实时测量二次泡沫化铝合金孔隙率随时间变化P-t曲线,研究了二次泡沫化过程中孔隙率变化规律。结果表明,二次泡沫化过程分为缓慢增长、快速增长和坍塌3个阶段,通过二次泡沫化获得了制备孔结构均匀、具有致密表皮的泡沫铝合金中空球形件的方法,孔隙率范围可在50,4%~93.8%变化。  相似文献   

Rotary bending fatigue tests have been performed in 3%NaCl aqueous solution using specimens of a low alloy steel (Cr–Mo steel) with different nitride case depths. The effect of case depth on corrosion fatigue strength, the fracture process and mechanisms were studied. The corrosion fatigue strengths of the nitrided materials increased compared with the untreated material and increased with increasing thickness of the compound layer, but tended to saturate above a certain thickness. All the materials showed lower fatigue strength in 3%NaCl aqueous solution than in laboratory air and the reduction of fatigue strength decreased with increasing thickness of the compound layer, but remained nearly constant above a certain thickness. Corrosion pits were seen underneath the compound layer, from which cracks initiated. The corrosion fatigue strengths of the specimens whose compound layer was completely removed by electropolishing were almost the same as that of the untreated material, indicating a very significant role of the compound layer in improving corrosion fatigue strength. Because of the porous nature of the compound layer, particularly in the surface‐adjacent part, the solution penetrated the compound layer and reached the base steel, thus the corrosion fatigue strength of the nitrided materials was controlled by the penetration of corrosive media.  相似文献   

The study aimed to shed light on the post deformation and damage behavior of an extruded Mg-Zn-Zr alloy under a ballistic impact.The results revealed that the initial microstructure consisted of both{0001} basal and {10(1)0} prismatic fiber texture.After impact,adiabatic shear bands,pronounce dif-ferent twinning in big grains,,,and types of dislocations,and grain refinement through twinning induce recrystallization accommodated the strain,and absorbed ~65.7 % of the energy during impact carried by a soft steel projectile.Interestingly,the deformation behavior at the top broad sides of the crater was entirely different.The weak basal texture was changed to a strong prismatic texture,which was further proved by typical sigmoidal compressive stress-strain curves.A revised model for the development of the ultra-fine grains adjacent to the crater has been proposed.The microhardness and yield strength was ~33 % and ~40 % higher and chiefly ascribed to strain hardening in ultra-fine grained near the surface of the perforation path.The exit of the perforation path was severely damaged and forms onion-shaped concentric rings which were comprised of melted zones,dimples,and cracks.Based on the all interesting findings,this study can be a clue for the development of the lightweight Mg alloy for military and aerospace applications.  相似文献   

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