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Given a hypergraph and a set of embedded functional dependencies, we investigate the problem of determining the conditions under which we can efficiently generate redundancy-free XML storage structures with as few scheme trees as possible. Redundancy-free XML structures guarantee both economy in storage space and the absence of update anomalies, and having the least number of scheme trees requires the fewest number of joins to navigate among the data elements. We know that the general problem is intractable. The problem may still be intractable even when the hypergraph is acyclic and each hyperedge is in Boyce–Codd normal form (BCNF). As we show here, however, given an acyclic hypergraph with each hyperedge in BCNF, a polynomial-time algorithm exists that generates a largest possible redundancy-free XML storage structure. Successively generating largest possible scheme trees from among hyperedges not already included in generated scheme trees constitutes a reasonable heuristic for finding the fewest possible scheme trees. For many practical cases, this heuristic finds the set of redundancy-free XML storage structures with the fewest number of scheme trees. In addition to a correctness proof and a complexity analysis showing that the algorithm is polynomial, we also give experimental results over randomly generated but appropriately constrained hypergraphs showing empirically that the algorithm is indeed polynomial.  相似文献   

Generating the fewest redundancy-free scheme trees from conceptual-model hypergraphs is NP-hard [17]. We show, however, that the problem has a polynomial-time solution if the conceptual-model hypergraph is acyclic. We define conceptual-model hypergraphs, cycles, and scheme trees, and then present a polynomial-time algorithm and show that it generates the fewest redundancy-free scheme trees. As a practical application for the algorithm, we comment on its use for the design of “good” XML schemas for data storage.  相似文献   

Several commercial applications, such as online comparison shopping and process automation, require integrating information that is scattered across multiple websites or XML documents. Much research has been devoted to this problem, resulting in several research prototypes and commercial implementations. Such systems rely on wrappers that provide relational or other structured interfaces to websites. Traditionally, wrappers have been constructed by hand on a per-website basis, constraining the scalability of the system. We introduce a website structure inference mechanism called compact skeletons that is a step in the direction of automated wrapper generation. Compact skeletons provide a transformation from websites or other hierarchical data, such as XML documents, to relational tables. We study several classes of compact skeletons and provide polynomial-time algorithms and heuristics for automated construction of compact skeletons from websites. Experimental results show that our heuristics work well in practice. We also argue that compact skeletons are a natural extension of commercially deployed techniques for wrapper construction.  相似文献   

As XML becomes increasingly popular, XML schema design has become an increasingly important issue. One of the central objectives of good schema design is to avoid data redundancies: redundantly stored information can lead not just only to a higher data storage cost but also to increased costs for data transfer and data manipulation. Furthermore, such data redundancies can lead to potential update anomalies, rendering the database inconsistent. One strategy to avoid data redundancies is to design redundancy-free schema from the start on the basis of known functional dependencies. We observe that XML databases are often “casually designed” and XML FDs may not be determined in advance. Under such circumstances, discovering XML data redundancies from the data itself becomes necessary and is an integral part of the schema refinement (or re-design) process. We present the design and implementation of the first system, DiscoverXFD, for efficient discovery of XML data redundancies. It employs a novel XML data structure and introduces a new class of partition-based algorithms. The XML data redundancies are defined on the basis of a new notion of XML functional dependency (XML FD) that (1) extends previous notions by incorporating set elements into the XML FD specification, and (2) maintains tuple-based semantics through the novel concept of Generalized Tree Tuple (GTT). Using this comprehensive XML FD notion, we introduce a new normal form (GTT-XNF) for XML documents, and provide comprehensive comparisons with previous studies. Given the set of data redundancies (in the form of redundancy-indicating XML FDs) discovered by DiscoverXFD, we describe a normalization algorithm for converting any original XML schema into one in GTT-XNF.  相似文献   

Active XML (AXML) documents combine extensional XML data with intentional data defined through Web service calls. The dynamic properties of these documents pose challenges to both storage and data materialization techniques. In this paper, we present ARAXA, a non-intrusive approach to store and manage AXML documents. We also define a methodology to materialize AXML documents at query time. The storage approach of ARAXA is based on plain relational tables and user-defined functions of Object-Relational DBMS to trigger the service calls. By using a DBMS we benefit from efficient storage tools and query optimization. Approaches without DBMS support have to process XML in main memory or provide for virtual memory solutions. One of the main advantages of ARAXA is that AXML documents do not need to be loaded into main memory at query processing time. This is crucial when dealing with large documents. The experimental results with ARAXA prototype show that our approach is scalable and capable of dealing with large AXML documents.  相似文献   

XML path summaries are compact structures representing all the simple parent-child paths of an XML document. Such paths have also been used in many works as a basis for partitioning the document’s content in a persistent store, under the form of path indices or path tables. We revisit the notions of path summaries and path-driven storage model in the context of current-day XML databases. This context is characterized by complex queries, typically expressed in an XQuery subset, and by the presence of efficient encoding techniques such as structural node identifiers. We review a path summary’s many uses for query optimization, and given them a common basis, namely relevant paths. We discuss summary-based tree pattern minimization and present some efficient summary-based minimization heuristics. We consider relevant path computation and provide a time- and memory-efficient computation algorithm. We combine the principle of path partitioning with the presence of structural identifiers in a simple path-partitioned storage model, which allows for selective data access and efficient query plans. This model improves the efficiency of twig query processing up to two orders of magnitude over the similar tag-partitioned indexing model. We have implemented the path-partitioned storage model and path summaries in the XQueC compressed database prototype [8]. We present an experimental evaluation of a path summary’s practical feasibility and of tree pattern matching in a path-partitioned store.  相似文献   

XML文档在关系数据库中的存储方法   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
XML是网络中跨平台数据发布与交换的标准格式,它在数据库领域有着广阔的应用空间,然而XML文档的树型结构与关系数据库的二维表结构之间存在着巨大的差异,因此在关系数据库中存储XML文档需要进行一些特殊处理。本文分析了XML文件在数据库领域中的存储与管理方法,并重点就Oracle9i中XML相关技术在现代远程教育中的应用进行了讨论,针对以数据为中心和以文档为中心两类文档资料的存储给出了可行的存储方案。  相似文献   

使用JDBC实现XML文档到Oracle9i数据库的存取   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
秦玉杰  李革  黄柯棣 《计算机工程与设计》2005,26(10):2582-2584,2601
XML技术是当前解决跨平台、不同数据库之间数据交换问题的途径之一。因此,如何将XML文档存入数据库已经成为业界研究的热点问题。Oracle数据库从Oracle9i第2版开始新增了Oracle XML DB,专门用来存储XML数据。探讨了将XML文档结构映射到Oracle数据库模式的方式,利用JDBC实现了XML文档到Oracle9i数据库的XMLType类型的存取,并通过实例验证了此方法的可行性。  相似文献   

XML是数据处理的最新技术。WITSML是用于石油钻井的专用XML语汇,并且日益成为钻井数据传输和保存的标准语言。文中重点阐述了如何通过分析需求,参考已有标准,定义实用的XML钻井数据文档。同时介绍了XML钻井数据文档的表示和存储。  相似文献   

We are interested in specifying functional dependencies (FDs) for data-centric XML documents (XML documents that are used mainly for data storage). FDs are a natural constraint. Specifying FDs for XML documents is more difficult because unlike relational databases, XML documents do not have uniform structures. This paper introduces XML Template Functional Dependencies (XTFDs), which are able to specify FDs for XML documents. This paper also presents a necessary and sufficient condition for an XTFD to cause data redundancy in XML documents. Further, we propose Attribute Rule and Text String Rule as two procedures that can be repeatedly applied to remove redundancy caused by XTFDs. In addition, we prove that if an XML document has data redundancy with respect to an FD specified by using the tree tuple approach, it would have data redundancy with respect to an XTFD and show by example that XTFDs can specify some FDs for XML documents that the tree tuple approach cannot.  相似文献   

针对XRel模式无法有效支持动态XML文档存储的问题,在区间编码的基础上,引入向量方法提出一种支持XML文档动态更新的编码方案——NewDietz,设计可以存储NewDietz编码元素的关系模式,并给出新元素在关系模式下的更新方法。新模式既保证新元素的有效存储,又兼顾动态XML文档从该模式中重组需要对元素进行祖先-后裔判断的问题。为验证新模式的实际应用效果,开发一个水利空间数据存储与展示模块,并对空间数据分别采用2种存储模式进行验证。对比结果表明,新模式明显提升XML文档在关系数据库中的存储效率,并有效支持XML文档的动态更新,为基于XML的水利业务数据在关系数据库中的高效存储提供一种可能。  相似文献   

基于频繁结构的XML文档聚类   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
研究基于频繁结构的XML文档聚类方法,其频繁结构包括频繁路径和频繁子树。首先介绍一种挖掘XML文档中所有嵌入频繁子树的算法SSTMiner,对SSTMiner算法进行修改,得到FrePathMiner算法和FreTreeMiner算法,分别用于挖掘XML文档中最大频繁路径和最大频繁子树,在此基础上,提出一种凝聚的层次聚类算法XMLCluster,分别以最大频繁路径和最大频繁子树作为XML文档的特征,对文档进行聚类。实验结果表明FrePathMiner算法和FreTreeMiner算法找到频繁结构的数量都比传统的ASPMiner算法多,这就可以为文档聚类提供更多的结构特征,从而获得更高的聚类精度。  相似文献   

Recently we have developed a Java-based heterogeneous distributed computing system for the field of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It is a software system for embedding the various image reconstruction algorithms that we have created for handling MRI data sets with sparse sampling distributions. Since these data sets may result from multi-dimensional MRI measurements our system has to control the storage and manipulation of large amounts of data. In this paper we describe how we have employed the extensible markup language (XML) to realize this data handling in a highly structured way. To that end we have used Java packages, recently released by Sun Microsystems, to process XML documents and to compile pieces of XML code into Java classes. We have effectuated a flexible storage and manipulation approach for all kinds of data within the MRI system, such as data describing and containing multi-dimensional MRI measurements, data configuring image reconstruction methods and data representing and visualizing the various services of the system. We have found that the object-oriented approach, possible with the Java programming environment, combined with the XML technology is a convenient way of describing and handling various data streams in heterogeneous distributed computing systems.  相似文献   

XML data mining     
With the spreading of XML sources, mining XML data can be an important objective in the near future. This paper presents a project focussed on designing a general‐purpose query language in support of mining XML data. In our framework, raw data, mining models and domain knowledge are represented by way of XML documents and stored inside native XML databases. Data mining (DM) tasks are expressed in an extension of XQuery. Special attention is given to the frequent pattern discovery problem, and a way of exploiting domain‐dependent optimizations and efficient data structures as deeper as possible in the extraction process is presented. We report the results of a first bunch of experiments, showing that a good trade‐off between expressiveness and efficiency in XML DM is not a chimera. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

XML is rapidly emerging as a standard for exchanging business data on the World Wide Web. For the foreseeable future, however, most business data will continue to be stored in relational database systems. Consequently, if XML is to fulfill its potential, some mechanism is needed to publish relational data as XML documents. Towards that goal, one of the major challenges is finding a way to efficiently structure and tag data from one or more tables as a hierarchical XML document. Different alternatives are possible depending on when this processing takes place and how much of it is done inside the relational engine. In this paper, we characterize and study the performance of these alternatives. Among other things, we explore the use of new scalar and aggregate functions in SQL for constructing complex XML documents directly in the relational engine. We also explore different execution plans for generating the content of an XML document. The results of an experimental study show that constructing XML documents inside the relational engine can have a significant performance benefit. Our results also show the superiority of having the relational engine use what we call an “outer union plan” to generate the content of an XML document. Received: 15 October 2000 / Accepted: 15 April 2001 Published online: 28 June 2001  相似文献   

提出了适用于XML文档更新环境下的区间编码方法——DCLS(dynamic containment labeling scheme).DCLS将基于整数的编码泛化到基于向量的编码,扩展了传统静态区间编码方法,有效避免了XML文档更新时的重新编码.不论文档更新与否,DCLS都显示了良好的性能:DCLS利用基于整数的静态区间编码方法进行初始编码,在文档不更新的环境下,具有较高的存储效率和查询性能;同时,DCLS将整数视为特殊向量,不仅能够支持文档更新,而且更新效率高;特别是倾斜插入时,DCLS可以避免编码位长的快速增加.实验结果表明,与已有的动态区间编码方法相比,DCLS具有更好的性能.  相似文献   

An efficient and scalable algorithm for clustering XML documents by structure   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
With the standardization of XML as an information exchange language over the Internet, a huge amount of information is formatted in XML documents. In order to analyze this information efficiently, decomposing the XML documents and storing them in relational tables is a popular practice. However, query processing becomes expensive since, in many cases, an excessive number of joins is required to recover information from the fragmented data. If a collection consists of documents with different structures (for example, they come from different DTDs), mining clusters in the documents could alleviate the fragmentation problem. We propose a hierarchical algorithm (S-GRACE) for clustering XML documents based on structural information in the data. The notion of structure graph (s-graph) is proposed, supporting a computationally efficient distance metric defined between documents and sets of documents. This simple metric yields our new clustering algorithm which is efficient and effective, compared to other approaches based on tree-edit distance. Experiments on real data show that our algorithm can discover clusters not easily identified by manual inspection.  相似文献   

XML has recently become very popular as a means of representing semistructured data and as a standard for data exchange over the Web, because of its varied applicability in numerous applications. Therefore, XML documents constitute an important data mining domain. In this paper, we propose a new method of XML document clustering by a global criterion function, considering the weight of common structures. Our approach initially extracts representative structures of frequent patterns from schemaless XML documents using a sequential pattern mining algorithm. Then, we perform clustering of an XML document by the weight of common structures, without a measure of pairwise similarity, assuming that an XML document is a transaction and frequent structures extracted from documents are items of the transaction. We conducted experiments to compare our method with previous methods. The experimental results show the effectiveness of our approach.  相似文献   

XML has become the standard for publishing and exchanging data on the Web. However, most business data is managed and will remain to be managed by relational database management systems. As such, there is an increasing need to efficiently and accurately publish relational data as XML documents for Internet-based applications. One way to publish relational data is to provide virtual XML documents for relational data via an XML schema which is transformed from the underlying relational database schema such that users can access the relational database through the XML schema. In this paper, we discuss issues in transforming a relational database schema into the corresponding XML schema. We aim to preserve all integrity constraints defined in a relational database schema, to achieve high level of nesting and to avoid introducing data redundancy in the transformed XML schema. In the paper, we first propose a basic transformation algorithm which introduces no data redundancy, then we improve the algorithm by exploring further nesting of the transformed XML schema.  相似文献   

XML数据B树存储索引研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
XML正逐渐成为WWW数据表示和交换的标准,如何有效实现对于XML数据的存储、查询及更新等操作是XML相关技术研究中的一个重要领域。论文首先提及了几种对XML文档的编码机制;然后给出了改进的扩展编码方式,使用改进的B+树构造算法存储XML文档并对其进行查询、更新等操作,分析了执行效率;最后对系统的可扩展性进行了分析。  相似文献   

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