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The establishment of normal iron levels in the neonatal brain is critical for normal neurological development. Studies have shown that both iron uptake and iron concentration in the brain are relatively high during neonatal development. This histochemical study was undertaken to determine the pattern of iron development at the cellular level in the rat forebrain. Iron-stained cells were observed as early as postnatal day (PND) 3, which was the earliest time point examined. At PND 3, there were four major foci of iron-containing cells: the subventricular zone and three areas within the subcortical white matter. These latter foci are associated with myelinogenic regions. The blood vessels were prominently stained for iron throughout the brain. At PND 7, as in PND 3, the majority of the iron-containing cells were in white matter. However, there were also patches of iron staining located specifically in the layer IV of the somatosensory cortex. These cortical patches were no longer visible by PND 14. At PND 14, numerous iron-stained cells were dispersed throughout white matter regions and the tanycytes aligning the third ventricle were prominently stained. The blood vessel staining was less prominent than at earlier time periods. By PND 28, the adult pattern of iron staining was emerging. Iron-stained cells were aligned in rows in white matter and had an apparent preference for a location near blood vessels. This clustering of iron-positive cells around blood vessels gave the white matter a "patchy" appearance. The pattern of development, cell distribution, and morphological appearance of the iron-stained cells are consistent with that reported for oligodendrocytes. That iron-positive cells in the neonate may be oligodendrocytes is consistent with the reports for iron staining in adult brains. The recent reports that oligodendrocytes are highly susceptible to oxidative damage would be consistent with the high iron levels found in these cells. These results indicate that oligodendrocytes play a major role in the development of iron homeostasis in the brain. The role of iron in oligodendrocytes may be associated with metabolic demands of myelinogenesis, including cholesterol and fatty acid synthesis. However, these cells may be a morphologically similar but functionally distinct subset of oligodendrocytes whose function is to regulate the availability of iron in the brain.  相似文献   

Using an immunohistochemical approach we have characterized the in vivo developmental distribution of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein within the rat CNS. Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein expression emerged in a non-uniform manner during the first 3 postnatal weeks. Although it was absent throughout the CNS of the newborn rat at postnatal day 0(P0), it had appeared in the spinal cord and brainstem by P7. The forebrain and cerebellum remained devoid of immunoreactivity until after P14. Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein emerged at different times within the closely associated fasciculi of the dorsal funiculus. It appeared in the fasciculus cuneatus during the first postnatal week and in the fasciculus gracilis and corticospinal tracts during weeks 2 and 3 respectively. Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein expression developed along a caudo-rostral gradient from spinal cord to forebrain and along an antero-posterior gradient within the CNS in general. The relationship between the onset of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein expression and myelinogenesis was also investigated. In most regions, myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein expression lagged behind the initial appearance of myelin basic protein and Luxol Fast Blue-stained myelin by at least 1 week. These observations support the idea that myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein is the latest myelin protein to appear in development, only being expressed during the final stages of oligodendrocyte differentiation. Furthermore, the pattern of staggered expression within the dorsal columns indicates that localized, region-specific interactions may comprise a key element in the control of the terminal phases of oligodendrocyte differentiation.  相似文献   

In vivo acylation of rat brain myelin proteolipid protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Examination of brain myelin proteins by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis followed by fluorography clearly showed that both proteolipid protein (PLP) and DM-20 were acylated 24 h after the intracerebral injection of 30-day-old rats with [3H]palmitic acid. The radioactivity associated with PLP remained after purification, re-electrophoresis, and fluorography. Most of the radioactivity associated with PLP was removed when the gels were treated with hydroxylamine and then fluorographed, indicating that fatty acids were bound to PLP by ester linkage. Cleavage of purified PLP with methanolic sodium hydroxide readily released almost all protein-bound radioactivity. Thin layer chromatography of this material on both silver nitrate and reverse-phase plates provided evidence that most of the radioactivity co-migrated with methyl palmitate (77%) and methyl stearate (19%); however, some radioactivity was associated with methyl oleate (4%). Gas-liquid chromatography of the fatty acids associated with PLP distinctly revealed the presence of methyl palmitate and a detectable peak of methyl stearate.  相似文献   

A rapid method for the regional dissection of the rat brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method is described for the rapid dissection of seventeen areas of the rat brain. Regions from fresh unfrozen brain tissue are dissected from coronal brain slices obtained with use of a cutting block. This method is applicable to pharmacological and behavioral studies which require the dissection of numerous brains during short time intervals.  相似文献   

Dopamine D2-like receptors (D2, D3, and D4) are major targets for action of typical and atypical neuroleptics, commonly used in the treatment of schizophrenia. To understand their individual functional contribution, subtype-selective anti-peptide antibodies were raised against D2, D3, and D4 receptor proteins. The antibodies were shown to be specific on immunoblots of rat brain membranes and immunoprecipitated the solubilized native dopamine receptors in an antibody concentration-dependent manner. In addition, they also bind selectively to the respective recombinant D2, D3, and D4 receptor membrane proteins from cDNA transfected cells. Immunolocalization studies show that the D2-like receptor proteins had differential regional and cellular distribution in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, basal ganglia, cerebellum, and midbrain, thus providing anatomical substrate for area-specific regulation of the dopamine neurotransmission. In cortical neurons, D4 receptor protein was found in both pyramidal and nonpyramidal cells, whereas D2 and D3 seem to be mostly associated with nonpyramidal interneurons. In rat hippocampus, the expression pattern of D2-like receptors (D4>D3>D2) mirrored that obtained with immunoprecipitation studies. D2 and D4 receptor immunolabeling was observed in the thalamic reticular nucleus, which was negative for the D3 subtype. Species differences were also observed; for example, the D4 subtype receptor is the most highly expressed protein in the rat cortex, whereas it is significantly less in human cortex. Differential patterns of D2, D3, and D4 receptor expression in rat and human brain should shed light on the therapeutic actions of neuroleptic drugs and may lead to the development of more specifically targeted antipsychotic drugs.  相似文献   

The past few years have seen a dramatic increase in our understanding, in molecular terms, of the involvement of the central nervous system proteolipid protein in myelinogenesis and X-linked genetic diseases. In addition, we have expanded our knowledge of the proteins that have been recruited into the vertebrate myelin membrane over the past 400 million years with the molecular cloning of several cDNAs encoding proteins which are homologous to the proteolipid protein gene. In searching for a name to distinguish these proteins from other "proteolipid" proteins of nonneural origin I propose that we resurrect the term "lipophilins" which describes a small family of unusually hydrophobic integral membrane proteins exhibiting identical topologies and similar physical properties. Two subgroups are distinguishable among the lipophilins based on the patterns of expression during development and the presence or absence of a small motif that is exposed to the extracellular space.  相似文献   

Choline availability influences long-term memory in concert with changes in the spatial organization and morphology of septal neurons, however little is known concerning the effects of choline on the hippocampus, a region of the brain also important for memory performance. Pregnant rats on gestational day 12 were fed a choline control (CT), choline supplemented (CS), or choline deficient (CD) diet for 6 days and fetal brain slices were prepared on embryonic day 18 (E18). The hippocampus in these brain slices was studied for the immunohistochemical localization of the growth-related proteins transforming growth factor beta type 1 (TGFbeta1) and GAP43, the cytoskeletal proteins vimentin and microtubule associated protein type 1 (MAP1), and the neuronal cell marker neuron specific enolase (NSE). In control hippocampus, there was weak expression of TGFbeta1 and vimentin proteins, but moderately intense expression of MAP1 protein. These proteins were not homogeneously distributed, but were preferentially localized to cells with large cell bodies located in the central (approximately CA1-CA3) region of the hippocampus, and to the filamentous processes of small cells in the fimbria region. Feeding a choline-supplemented diet decreased, whereas a choline-deficient diet increased the intensity of immunohistochemical labeling for these proteins in E18 hippocampus. GAP43 and NSE were localized to peripheral nervous tissue but not hippocampus, indicating that the maturation of axons and neurite outgrowth in embryonic hippocampus were unaffected by the availability of choline in the diet. These data suggest that the availability of choline affects the differentiation of specific regions of developing hippocampus.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The hedgehog (hh) family of secreted signaling proteins is responsible for developmental patterning in a variety of systems, including the neural tube, limbs and somites. Within the neural tube, at the level of the spinal cord, products of the vertebrate gene sonic hedgehog (shh) are proposed to function as a ventral patterning influence, with the capability of inducing floor plate and motor neurons. RESULTS: We report the isolation of tiggy-winkle hedgehog (twhh), a novel member of the zebrafish hh gene family. Both twhh and shh are expressed in the ventral midline of the embryonic zebrafish neural tube and brain, but twhh expression becomes limited to the neural tube, whereas shh is also expressed in the notochord. Both genes are expressed in the developing brain, in domains that include a discrete region in the floor of the diencephalon, located between the sites of the future optic stalks. Using pax-2 and pax-6 as markers of proximo-distal fate within the developing eye, we found that ectopic expression of either hh gene promoted proximal fates and suppressed distal fates. In contrast, proximal fates were lost in cyclops mutant embryos, which lack twhh- and shh-expressing forebrain cells. Both twhh and shh proteins undergo autoproteolytic processing in vivo; a fragment corresponding to the amino-terminal cleavage product was sufficient to carry out all signaling activities associated with twhh in eye and brain development. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that secreted signals encoded by members of the hedgehog gene family, emanating from the ventral midline of the neural tube, not only play important roles in dorso-ventral patterning of the brain but also appear to constitute an early patterning activity along the proximo-distal axis of the developing eyes.  相似文献   

Several brain-specific mechanisms control the formation of the endogenous excitatory amino acid receptor antagonist kynurenic acid (KYNA) in the adult rat brain. Two of these, dopaminergic neurotransmission and cellular energy metabolism, were examined in the brain of immature (postnatal day 7) rats. The results indicate that during the early postnatal period cerebral KYNA synthesis is exceptionally amenable to modulation by dopaminergic mechanisms but rather insensitive to fluctuations in cellular energy status. These findings may be of relevance for the role of KYNA in the function and dysfunction of the developing brain.  相似文献   

The expression of multiple classes of voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs) allows neurons to tailor calcium signaling to functionally discrete cellular regions. In the developing hippocampus a central issue is whether the expression of VDCC subtypes plays a role in key phases such as migration and synaptogenesis. Using radioligand binding and immunoblotting, we show that some N-type VDCCs exist before birth, consistent with a role in migration; however, most N-VDCC subunit expression is postnatal, coinciding with synaptogenesis. Immunoprecipitation studies indicate that the increased expression of N-VDCCs in early development occurs without subunit switching because there is no change in the fraction of beta3 subunits in the N-VDCC alpha1B-beta3 heteromers. Fluorescence imaging of cell surface N-VDCCs during this period reveals that N-VDCCs are expressed on somata before dendrites and that this expression is asynchronous between different subfields of the hippocampus (CA3-CA4 before CA1-CA2 and dentate gyrus). Our data argue that N-VDCC expression is an important cue in the genesis of synaptic transmission in discrete hippocampal subfields.  相似文献   

To obtain insight into the development of the heterogeneous intracerebral populations of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) neurons, their spatiotemporal appearance was examined at different stages in normal rat embryos, in nasal epithelial explants in vitro, and in intrauterine nasal-operated embryos. Following the appearance of nerve cell adhesion molecule in the nasal placode at embryonic day (E) 12.5, LHRH neurons, generated in the nasal placode at E13.5, penetrated the forebrain vesicle (FV) by E14.5-15.5. After E16.5, as the FV elongated to form the olfactory bulb, the migrating neurons traversed posteriorly through the interhemispheric space to penetrate the septopreoptic (S-P) area. By E18.5, LHRH neurons were detected in the preoptic-diagonal band (P-D) area as well as in the S-P region, along with some scattered extrahypothalamic LHRH neurons. To determine the source of these neurons, we separately cultured dissected parts of E12.5 nasal pit epithelium. Neuronal generation was predominantly from the medial wall epithelium (NAP), but some LHRH neurons originated in the roof epithelium. Cocultures of the NAP (E12.5) with the FV, median eminence-arcuate complex, Rathke's pouch, mesencephalon, or medulla oblongata from E14.5 embryos revealed the ability of LHRH cells to penetrate all of these tissues. Uni- or bilateral nasal destruction was conducted at E16.5 or E15.5, respectively, and examined at E18.5 and E21.5. In the operated embryos, most LHRH neurons were present in the P-D system and some in the S-P area. This finding suggests that the neurons generated before E15.5 are primarily predisposed to form the P-D system, whereas those derived afterward form the S-P system.  相似文献   

The rat hypothalamus has the capacity to bind alpha-bungarotoxin with high affinity to a saturable number of non-interacting receptors with a pharmacologic profile consistent with a nicotinic receptor. Studies of the hypothalamic nuclear distribution of cholinergic receptors showed no specific pattern of enrichment of muscarinic receptors. In contrast, there was a distinct distribution of nicotinic receptors with high concentrations in the suprachiasmatic, dorsomedial and preoptic suprachiasmatic nuclei. Thus, the quantitative distribution of nicotinic receptors in hypothalamic nuclei is in general agreement with the observed autoradiographic distribution of radioactive alpha bungarotoxin. Further, these results confirm the existence of high concentrations of nicotinic receptors in hypothalamic regions of the rat implicated in neuroendocrine function.  相似文献   

Thiopental-14C (30 mg and 10 muCi/kg) was injected intravenously into rats 36-48 hours following bilateral nephrectomy and one minute after pretreatment with sulfadimethoxine (30 mg/kg, iv). Control groups of normal and sham-operated animals were used. The distributions of radioactivity in plasma, brain, and heart 1, 5, and 30 minutes after injection were examined. Uremic and sulfonamide-pretreated rats showed significantly higher levels of 14C in brain and heart and more free thiopental in plasma at each time than did control animals. There was a significant correlation between the free thiopental in plasma and total drug concentrations in the brain and heart. Uremic rats bound less thiopental in plasma compared with controls in spite of normal total plasma protein and albumin concentrations. It is concluded that reduced protein binding of thiopental leads to accelerated distribution and increased drug concentrations in the brain and and heart.  相似文献   

Immunological memory has been ascribed to the presence of long-lived memory cells. The mechanisms underlying their generation are not completely understood, but dependence on antigen persistence has been discussed in this regard. However, in spite of in vivo evidence favoring this model, studies on TCR/CD3 stimulation of T cell lines or unseparated peripheral blood T cell in vitro have failed to demonstrate prolonged survival of preactivated cells. We have examined the dose-dependent effect of TCR/CD3 engagement mimicked by immobilized anti-CD3 antibody. To this end, well-defined populations of CD4+ and CD8+ lymphoblasts isolated from bulk cultures of preactivated PBMCs by flow sorting were examined. These cells were restimulated with immobilized anti-CD3 in the presence or absence of various costimulatory factors, and were analyzed for their viability state, as well as their apoptotic and proliferative behavior. We have shown that inhibition of apoptosis following CD3 stimulation occurs at submitogenic concentrations, while activation-driven apoptosis requires high-density TCR/CD3 activation. Prevention of apoptosis by submitogenic CD3 stimulation was, however, observed only when CD4+ but not when CD8+ cells were investigated, and was not readily influenced by other costimulatory factors present in cultures. This observation points to the importance of antigen persistence in regulating survival of memory CD4+ but not CD8+ cells.  相似文献   

Aminopeptidase A is a membrane-bound zinc metalloprotease which cleaves angiotensin II into angiotensin III. Using a new specific aminopeptidase A inhibitor, EC33, we evaluated its enzymatic activity in several microdissected brain nuclei involved in the control of cardiovascular functions and in the pituitary. We compared this distribution with that of the angiotensin I-converting enzyme which converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II. Aminopeptidase A activity was heterogenously distributed with a 150-fold difference between the lowest and the highest levels. The pituitary and the circumventricular organs were the richest source of enzyme, followed by the median eminence, the arcuate nucleus, the area postrema, the choroid plexus and the supraotic and paraventricular nuclei. We did not find any close parallel between aminopeptidase A and angiotensin I-converting enzyme distributions. We examined both enzymatic activities in brain nuclei of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Aminopeptidase A activity was higher in the spontaneously hypertensive rats than in age-matched Wistar Kyoto control rats. The difference was up to 2.5-fold in several brain nuclei involved in the blood pressure regulation; in contrast, no differences in angiotensin I-converting enzyme activity were found in the same regions. The close correspondence between the distribution of aminopeptidase A activity and angiotensin receptors and nerve terminals in the brain associated with the observation that aminopeptidase A activity was overactivated in the spontaneously hypertensive rats suggest that this enzyme may contribute, at least in part, to the regulation of cardiovascular functions by its ability to convert angiotensin II to angiotensin III.  相似文献   

Ochratoxin A (OTA) a chlorodihydro-isocoumarin linked through an amide bond to phenylalanine, is a mycotoxin found as a contaminant in foodstuffs and shown to be nephrotoxic, teratogenic, immunosuppressive, genotoxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic in rodents. Ochratoxin A is known to induce teratogenic effects in neonates (rats and mice) exposed in utero, characterised by microcephaly and modification of the brain levels of free amino acids. Since OTA has been found to accumulate in the brain according to the duration of exposure to doses in the range of natural contamination of feedstuffs, experiments were designed to determine more precisely the structural target of OTA in the brain. After intracerebral injection, OTA (403 ng/10 microl) was not found in the following parts of the brain: the frontal cortex (FC), striatum (ST), ventral mesencephalon (VM) and the cerebellum (CB) in contrast to the rest of the brain, probably due to the detection limit of 0.1 ng/g of tissue. However lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was increased in extracellular space in the VM to a greater extent than in the rest of the brain, indicating that this structure could be one of the targets of OTA in the brain. Contents of free amino acids were morever similarly modified in the VM and in the rest of the brain. Male rats were given OTA (289 microg/kg per 24 h) by gastric intubation for 8 days and the main brain structures analysed for OTA content and cytotoxicity. OTA was found in the following structures in decreasing order: rest of the brain (50.3%), cerebellum (34.4%), VM (5.1%), striatum (3.3%) and hippocampus (2.9%) of the total OTA amount found in the brain, which represents 0.022% to 0.028% of the given dose. Interestingly cytotoxicity as measured by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release in the extracellular space was much more pronounced in the VM, hippocampus, and striatum than in the cerebellum, whereas no cytotoxicity was observed in the rest of the brain. Similarly deoxyribonuclease (DNase) activity in relation to possible necrotic cells was increased in the VM and cerebellum. Altogether these results designated the ventral mesencephalon, hippocampus, striatum and cerebellum as the main OTA-targets in the brain of adult rats and excluded the rest of the brain.  相似文献   

A longer variant of rat mRNA encoding the NR3 subunit of the NMDA receptor has been identified. It contains a 60-bp insertion at the nucleotide position 3007 in the intracellular domain of the C-terminal of the previously cloned variant. Therefore, the NR3 mRNA exists in at least two variants--with the insert (NR3-long; NR3-l) and without the insert (NR3-short; NR3-s). The NR3-l variant is expressed throughout the adult rat brain. Moreover, this variant predominates in the occipital and entorhinal cortices, thalamus and cerebellum. Analysis of NR3-l development indicates that it is regulated in a region-specific manner.  相似文献   

We compared the severity of clinical symptoms and laboratory test results of tsutsugamushi disease patients in Oita Prefecture according to the serotype of infected R. tsutsugamushi. Of the 45 patients, except one with the Karp-type, who were suffering in Oita Prefecture between 1992 and 1994, 20 were the Irie-type and 24 were the Hirano-type. There was no apparent difference with regard to clinical symptoms between the two groups of patients. Laboratory tests showed that CRP increased almost equally in the two groups. The ESR level was slightly higher in the Irie-type patients than in the Hirano-type, but did not differ significantly between the two groups. Both leukocyte count in the acute stage and platelet count decreased in the Hirano-type, as compared with those of normal ranges in the Irie-type. GPT values elevated in proportion to the day of illness in the acute stage. This trend continued after the initiation of specific chemotherapy in the Hirano-type. The median GOT, GPT and LDH values were 71, 65 and 709 IU/l for the patients in the Hirano-type, as compared with 37, 36.5 and 546.5 for the patients in the Irie-type, respectively. Above results show that the Hirano-type rickettsiae produces a more severe illness than the Irie-type ricketsia. Platelet count had a significant correlation with ESR, suggesting the pathophysiologic changes leading to disseminated intravascular coagulation, a symptom of severe tsutsugamushi disease. There may be common causes in leukopenia and thrombopenia, as being suggested by the significant correlation between leukocyte count and platelet count.  相似文献   

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