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近年来,随着我国石油、天然气和水能开发量的增加,煤炭在能源构成中的比例有所减少,但其主要地位仍未改变,化石燃料的使用与消耗,是构成环境污染的主要来源,目前我国许多城市的空气质量状况较差,严重威胁着城市的发展和人类的健康。据全国322个城市空气质量监测统计结果,大气中TSP、SO2和NOx含量超过国家环境空气质量二级标准的城市有233个,占统计城市的72.4%;超过三级标准的140个,占统计城市的43.5%。李岚清副总理批示“从长远来看,石油资源总是越用越少,价格长远攀升的趋势是难以避免的。因此,我们…  相似文献   

前言何谓“清洁能源”?我们认为“清洁能源”应该是指在开采、运输、存储和使用过程中不会或很少向周围环境释放出有害物质的能源。因此,清洁能源是与环境保护关系密切的一种界定能量资源的概念。同时,“清洁”与否也是一种相对的概念。  相似文献   

通过对常用的清洁能源技术和措施的分析,结合目标城市的地理、社会和自然环境等特点,确定出适合目标城市的清洁能源行动规划的战略和实施方案。  相似文献   

1电力行业的碳零排放之路燃烧煤、石油和天然气等化石燃料所排放的二氧化碳在大气层中不断积累,像毛毯一样包裹着地球,使热量聚集,导致全球气候变暖。很多证据表明,全球气候变化是目前人类所面临的波及范围最广的环境问题。它将对野生动植物栖息地、生物多样性、粮食供应、经济  相似文献   

本文概述了汾河流域是人口稠密,资源丰富,采煤、炼焦、冶金等工业集中,但 又是环境污染严重的地区。  相似文献   

清洁能源—燃料电池   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
沈培康 《新能源》1995,17(5):43-46
燃料电池具有能量效率高,不排放或极低排放污染物的特点,是一类应用前景广阔的清洁能源。本文简述了燃料电池的原理、应用范围,综述了各国研究和开发燃料电池的方向和策略、燃料电池的制造和应用现状。  相似文献   

熊国强 《新能源》2000,22(10):39-41,56
依据在工业发展中解决环境问题,从环境保护要求中发展经济的基本思想,建立了企业清洁能源生产的行为模型,分析了生产、排污、环境政策之间的关系,并探讨了环境政策的调控效应。  相似文献   

全球刮起“风电旋风”在着力提高能源供应安全、积极应对气候变化,寻求新的经济增长点的大背景推动下,全球风电累计装机容量实现了连续十年接近30%的年均增长速度,创造了全球能源行业发展的奇迹。对中国而言,积极开发利用风电,对于调整我国能源结构,保障能源安全,促进节能减排,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

中美双方已正式启动可再生能源伙伴关系 2009年11月17日,中美两国元首就中美关系和其他共同关心的问题进行了会谈。会谈结束后,中美双方已正式启动可再生能源伙伴关系。  相似文献   

工业锅炉煤洁净工程   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
杨泽亮  杨承  陈振林 《动力工程》2004,24(3):426-430
研究工业锅炉燃煤洁净的途径。根据系统工程方法,结合已成熟的技术和研究成果。从煤炭的优化加工分级供应、工业锅炉的技改更新和全程二氧化硫减排等方面,进行了技术经济分析。分析结果表明:①采用这些措施可使工业锅炉煤耗降低率达13.45%,全国计每年可节煤4100万吨;②二氧化硫减排率可达80%~90%。达到1200mg/Nm^3环保排放标准;③煤洁净工程投资,包括煤加工基地的建设和锅炉设备的改造费用,在当地原煤价高于150元/t时,可在4年内回收;煤价高于250元/t时,可在约2年内回收。属于应该优先开发的环保与节能综合项目。图1表5参6  相似文献   

通风空调设备根据洁净厂房标准,满足生产环境对空调机组的一些特殊要求.  相似文献   

The Clean Air Act imposes much stricter emission limits on new coal-burning power plants than on older ones — a practice that has no obvious theoretical justification. Elimination of “grandfather rules”, i.e., applying new plant standards to the US electric industry as a whole, would eliminate 40% of nationwide SO2 emissions and 15% of NOX emissions, while raising average retail electricity rates by only 4%. Under this scenario, 94% or more of existing coal plants would remain economically competitive with new gas-fired power plants. Policy options for elimination of grandfathering include: an explicit requirement that each existing plant meet new-plant standards; a “cap and trade” system of emission allowances similar to the current SO2 trading system; and a generation performance standard, an interesting new variant on emissions trading which incorporates a more equitable and flexible allocation of allowances.  相似文献   

按照《通风管道技术规程》中规定的对漏风量测试的步骤,对其在实际工程中进行了具体的应用。文中结合漏风量测量的基本原理与工程实践,提供了实际工程中的测试数据和可供参考的建议。  相似文献   

An electricity generation planning model of the six major Chinese power grids was developed based on the General Algebraic Modeling System to evaluate and analyze the CDM (clean development mechanism), including consideration of the environmental co-benefits of reductions in air pollutants (SO~, NO~ and particulate matter) achieved by advanced electricity generation technologies incorporating CCS (carbon capture and storage). An objective function was developed that included revenue from sales of electric power, total system cost, the cost of CO2 transport and storage, and emissions reduction co-benefits for SOx, NO~, and particulate matter. The objective function was minimized using an optimization model. We also developed a method for evaluating and analyzing the potential for transferring advanced power generation technologies into the Chinese power system through the CDM. We found that: (1) thermal power generation is predominant in the Chinese electricity system and will remain so for a long time; (2) advanced thermal plants are being installed as a result of the CDM, which contribute to decreasing emissions of CO2 and other air pollutants; and (3) CCS projects have significant potential to reduce substantial and sustained CO2 emissions from the Chinese power and industrial sectors.  相似文献   

Established in 1994, the Clean Energy Foundation was set up to help realise and implement projects prepared and developed by an international alternative energy group based at the Hacettepe University Physics Engineering Department, Ankara, Turkey. The New and Clean Energy Group was struggling to advance research and developments at the time so the Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council (TUBITAK) approached the issue positively and decided that an autonomous organisation was needed to deal with renewable energy application issues in Turkey. As a consequence of this idea the Clean Energy Foundation (CEF) was established as an NGO with 14 individual and 4 organisational members. Professor Demir Inan, President, CEF, Turkey reports on the NGO's activities to date.  相似文献   

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