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抗洪精神与水文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1998年的夏季,在长江流域,在东北的松嫩平原,我国人民与一场历史上罕见的大洪水进行了一次惊心动魄的大较量,其声势,气壮山河,可歌可泣;其成就,胜利辉煌,环宇称颂。就是在战胜这场大洪水的过程中,抗洪军民展示出了一种崇高的抗洪精神。江泽民总书记把这种伟大抗洪精神概括为:“万众一心、众志成城,不怕困难、顽强拼搏,坚韧不拔、敢于胜利。”这里仅就伟大的抗洪精神与我国水文化谈点认识。  相似文献   

益阳1998年抗洪斗争的胜利,应归功于各级党和政府的坚强领导,归功于广大抗洪军民的顽强拼搏,各类水利工程所发挥的不可替代的巨大作用。除此之外,益阳抗洪斗争的胜利也是益阳人民运用现代科学技术,进行科学抗洪的必然结果。可以说,现代科学知识和技术的应用,贯穿于1998年抗洪斗争的始终,整个抗洪斗争的过程也就是益阳人民科学抗洪的伟大实践。这主要表现在科学决策、科学组织、科学调度、科学抢险四个方面。l科学决策,确保防洪目标在1998年的抗洪斗争中,益阳市防汛指挥部联系益阳的实际作出了一系列合理而有效的科学决策。门)确…  相似文献   

今年是河北"96·8"抗洪胜利10周年,一幕幕抗洪场景仍历历在目,难以忘怀."96·8"抗洪充分体现了以人为本的科学发展观,体现了河北人民顾全大局、甘做奉献的精神,继"63·8"之后又一次谱写了河北省抗洪新篇章.  相似文献   

王玉柱 《治淮》1999,(9):4-5
1998年,长江、松花江大水,全国党政军民发扬伟大的抗洪精神,严防死守,取得了抗洪抢险救灾斗争的全面胜利。同时,防洪事业和水利建设得到了全党、全民更加高度的重视,也提出了更高的要求。特别是今年面临的政治、经济形势,要求防汛绝不能出现大的问题。温家宝副总理在黄河防汛工作会议上提出,今年的防汛工作要让党中央放心、让全国人民安心。  相似文献   

<正>2013年,水利部松辽委以党的十八大精神为指引,深入开展党的群众路线教育实践活动,切实转变工作作风,坚决贯彻落实水利部兴水惠民决策部署,认真履行职责,流域管理重点工作取得可喜成绩,特别是在防汛抗洪和节水增粮行动水资源管理方面取得了显著成效,有力推动了流域水利跨越式发展。——防汛抗洪工作取得全面胜利2013年松辽流域发生1998年以来最大流域性洪水,嫩江尼尔基水库以上、第二松花江上游、浑河上  相似文献   

一、认真总结1998年防汛抗洪工作经验 1998年我国长江、松花江等河流发生了历史罕见的大洪水,在党中央、国务院的坚强领导下,广大军民万众一心,团结奋战,夺取了抗洪抢险斗争的全面胜利。抗洪斗争结束后,党中央、国务院进行了全面的总结和表彰。国家防总作为具体负责防汛工作的机构,认真系统地分析整理了这场大洪水的资料,进一步总结防汛抗洪工作的经验教训,得出规律性的认识,对于做好今后的工  相似文献   

王孝忠 《人民长江》2009,40(14):6-8
1998年湖南洪水的特征是暴雨强度大、洪峰次数多、江湖顶托重、汛期时间长。1998年抗洪取得的胜利,靠的是党和政府的正确指挥、广大军民的顽强拼搏、各环节的科技投入、改革开放创造的物质成果和不可战胜的抗洪精神。洞庭湖的治理,必须与治山、治河、治江相结合,加固堤防,提高防洪标准;疏通洪道,提高行洪能力;抓紧城镇防洪建设;加快蓄洪安全建设;实施平垸行洪,退田还湖,提高洞庭湖调蓄洪水的能力。  相似文献   

赵春明  王翔 《中国水利》2001,(Z1):20-22
"九五"期间是我国洪涝灾害多发时期,1996年长江发生了大洪水;1998年长江发生20世纪第二位全流域型大洪水,松花江发生20世纪最大洪水;1999年长江再次发生大洪水,太湖流域发生超过百年一遇的特大洪水;1997年和2000年尽管以旱为主,但局部地区仍然发生了严重的洪涝灾害.在党中央、国务院的坚强领导下,广大军民发扬伟大的抗洪精神,充分发挥水利工程的防洪减灾效益,战胜了各大江河发生的洪水,最大限度地减轻了洪涝灾害造成的损失,取得了抗洪斗争的伟大胜利.回顾"九五"防汛抗洪,可谓惊心动魄,波澜壮阔.  相似文献   

正在中华民族五千年的水利史志中,孕育了如红旗渠精神、九八抗洪精神等宝贵的精神财富。而经过时光打磨、实践创新,新时代水利精神在2019年全国水利会议审议通过:"忠诚干净担当科学求实创新"。别看仅仅十二个字,却字字珠玑,展现了我们水利人别样的风采和精神面貌。2014年1月,我进入河南省水利信息中心工作,主要负责内网应用建设管理,重点就是电子政务的建设和运行维护。电子政务作为政府工作的重要载体,发挥着重要作用。而河南省水利电子政务是河南省水利厅实施政府职能转变,提高政府管理、公共服务的重要举措。建设始于1998年,目前基本建成覆盖全省的水利信息网络,信息安全基础设施初步建立,重点应用系统实现互联互通,政务信息资源逐渐建立,管理体制进一  相似文献   

1在’98抗洪斗争中,各级防办发挥了重要作用在1998年不平凡的抗洪斗争中,作为各级党委、政府防汛指挥决策的参谋、执行机构,各级防汛办公室发挥了重要的、不可替代的作用。肩负起了指挥部的日常工作,认真履行职能,充分发挥组织协调作用,全面收集掌握情况,为领导决策当好参谋助手,并及时检查督促会议精神、防汛责任制等情况的贯彻落实;特别是1998年3月份以来,各级防办的同志和奋战在抗洪抗旱一线的水利工程技术人员,在长达半年的紧张工作中,竭尽全力,尽职尽责,不辞劳苦,连续作战,以饱满的工作热情无私地奉献着自己的光和热,…  相似文献   

文章针对湖南省湘资沅澧“四水”管理现状及问题,借鉴省外、国外流域管理利用模式和经验,探讨流域开发管理趋势,并提出综合管理及开发利用建议。  相似文献   

本文在简述浙江省农村水电"十一五"发展概况和"十二五"发展目标的基础上,深入分析了在市场经济体制改革不断深入的大背景下,加快政府职能转变,通过强化监管和优化服务,推进农村水电行业良性发展的必要性。同时,从行业实际出发,阐述了做好监管和服务工作的主要途径。  相似文献   

The nearshore phosphorus shunt hypothesis and the potential for mussels to excrete phosphorus sufficient to meet the growth requirements of Cladophora are now well accepted by scientists studying Great Lakes biogeochemistry. The response of algal growth to near bottom water column phosphorus concentrations and the interplay between excretion and mass transport in yielding those concentrations have, however, not been elucidated. Here we present soluble reactive phosphorus profiles from the near bottom environment of Lake Michigan at a site near Good Harbor Bay, Michigan, where both mussels and Cladophora were present. Soluble reactive phosphorus was observed to accumulate under quiescent conditions, establishing a concentration boundary layer (CBL), 5–15 cm thick, with near bottom concentrations on the order of 2–8 μg P/L. A one-dimensional model was applied to determine mass transport conditions mediating the transition from CBL formation to CBL destruction. Significant wave height (SWH) was used as an indicator of mass transport intensity, and it was determined that the formation/destruction transition occurred at a SWH of 0.2 m at the 8-m study site depth. The Great Lakes Cladophora Model was applied to determine the time intervals required to saturate (1 day with the CBL present) and deplete (14 days with the CBL absent) algal internal P stores. A review of SWH conditions at the study site indicated that a CBL would be expected to form at a frequency sufficient to support the phosphorus nutrition of Cladophora over the entire May to August interval.  相似文献   

Round gobies were first discovered in the Duluth-Superior Harbor, Lake Superior, in 1995. Anecdotal sightings by anglers and others suggested that the infestation was growing and expanding; however, direct evidence of the distribution and expansion rate in the harbor was largely unknown. Distribution and range of the round goby, Apollonia melanostoma, (formerly Neogobius melanostomus) was assessed using bottom trawl sampling throughout the Duluth-Superior Harbor, and portions of the lower St. Louis River from 1998 to 2004. Previous to 1998, round gobies only were reported to occupy the harbor between the two shipping entries (river kilometer 1 to 7). By 2004, they expanded throughout the harbor and upstream to river kilometer 13, but remained absent in western Lake Superior. The number of round gobies captured per 5 minutes of trawling (catch per unit effort, CPUE) increased from less than 1 fish in 1998 to an average 5.4 ± 1.2 SE fish in 2004, indicating a large increase in the population. The median yearly fish total length varied from 56.0 to 81.5 mm and wet weight varied from 2.3 to 7.0 g. As nest guarding male round gobies were located in rocky habitats inaccessible to trawling, the initial years were dominated by female round gobies with a 16:1 female to male ratio, but by 2002 the maximum ratio was 2:1. The ratio change may be indicative of the increasing population forcing males from their preferred rocky habitat onto open substrates that were more accessible to trawling.  相似文献   

A mid-Holocene buried organic layer 10 to 60 cm thick is present along the Lake Michigan shoreline in southeastern Wisconsin. Named the Southport forest bed for its location in Kenosha County, the unit has yielded abundant wood specimens, including large logs, branches, twigs, stumps, and root material. Roots of truncated in situ oak (Quercus) and elm (Ulmus) trees extend into the underlying till of the late Wisconsin Oak Creek Formation. Nearshore lacustrine sand above the organic layer contains abundant driftwood, overlain by 2 to 3 m of cross-bedded dune sand. More than 50 wood samples have been identified; the assemblage is that of a mixed hardwood forest dominated by oak (Quercus) and hickory (Carya), which account for about 60% of the assemblage. Although the site has been mostly concealed for many years, it was beautifully exposed in the 1960s and early 1970s, when it was initially studied by Phil Sander, who discovered the site and documented it with field notes and numerous photographs. Here we report several new (unpublished) radiocarbon dates and details of the stratigraphy and arboreal flora. Radiocarbon dates suggest that the Southport forest probably lived for 900–1000 14C years, possibly longer, reaching its climax at about 5300 B.P. The site is of particular importance because of its proximity to the Nipissing shoreline and provides a significant point on the Nipissing transgression time curve. The unusually large number of identified specimens affords an accurate evaluation of the warm and relatively dry climate that characterized the southern Great Lakes region during the mid-Holocene.  相似文献   

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