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Using a relaying system to provide spatial diversity and improve the system performance is a tendency in the wireless cooperative communications. Amplify-and-forward (AF) mode with a low complexity is easy to be implemented. Under the consideration of cooperative communication systems, the scenario includes one information source, M relay stations and N destinations. This work proposes a relay selection algorithm in the Raleigh fading channel. Based on the exhaustive search method, easily to realize, the optimal selection scheme can be found with a highly complicated calculation. In order to reduce the computational complexity, an approximate optimal solution with a greedy algorithm applied for the relay station selection is proposed. With different situations of the communication systems, the performance evaluation obtained by both the proposed algorithm and the exhaustive search algorithm are given for comparison. It shows the proposed algorithm could provide a solution approach to the optimal one.  相似文献   

Using a relaying system to provide spatial diversity and improve the system performance is a tendency in the wireless cooperative communications. Amplify-and-forward(AF) mode with a low complexity is easy to be implemented. Under the consideration of cooperative communication systems, the scenario includes one information source, M relay stations and N destinations. This work proposes a relay selection algorithm in the Raleigh fading channel. Based on the exhaustive search method, easily to realize, the optimal selection scheme can be found with a highly complicated calculation. In order to reduce the computational complexity, an approximate optimal solution with a greedy algorithm applied for the relay station selection is proposed. With different situations of the communication systems, the performance evaluation obtained by both the proposed algorithm and the exhaustive search algorithm are given for comparison. It shows the proposed algorithm could provide a solution approach to the optimal one.  相似文献   

Cloud computing is always adopted to enhance the computing capability of mobile systems , especially when the mobile users prefer to use some computation intensive applications . Consequently, the distributed wireless relay infrastructure should be deployed to aid the traffic transmission. To further enhance the QoS provisioning goals of wireless cooperative network, this paper puts forward a multiobjective approach for distributed optimal relay selection, which takes Bit Error Rate (BER) and Secrecy Capacity (SC) into account simultaneously. Firstly, our proposal partitions the channel state into several levels according to the received signaltonoise ratio (SNR) and describes the timevarying Rayleigh fading channel characteristics by using first order finitestate Markov model. Secondly, we model the relay selection as Restless Multiarmed Bandit optimal solution problem with respect to the channel state and the state transition probability. Finally, simulation results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach which outperforms the existing ones .  相似文献   

Two-way中继系统协作节点选择及功率分配策略   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了提高Two-way中继系统总速率,该文提出了一种Two-way AF中继系统的双向中继选择(BRS)策略,该策略通过联合考虑中继节点处的接收信噪比和中继节点到目的节点间的信道增益,实现了最优中继选择。进一步,在最优中继基础上提出了Two-way中继系统两种优化功率分配策略:(1)基于凸优化的功率分配策略(OPA-CO);(2)基于信道增益差异的优化功率分配策略(OPA-DCG)。方案(1)提出了总功率受限的条件下最大化Two-way中继系统总速率的优化模型;方案(2)通过考虑链路之间信道增益的不同,提出了一种速率增量最大化的数学优化模型,为降低求解凸优化模型的复杂度,采用一种迭代功率分配算法求解上述优化模型。仿真结果证明两种策略均能提高系统总速率。  相似文献   

协作通信作为一种新颖的无线通信技术,它的主要思想是通过中继节点参与协作传输,在目的端获得两个或者多个在空间上独立的信号样本,实现空间分集,获得分集增益.因此如何合理选择中继节点成为协作通信的关键问题之一.本文在协作通信模型及原理的基础上,对基于信道状态信息的中继选择算法进行了介绍,并对具体的选择算法的性能进行了仿真.  相似文献   

针对瑞利衰落信道下双向多中继协作通信系统,为了降低中断概率,提出了一种基于最小化中断概率的中继选择策略和功率分配方案。首先联合考虑两条链路的中继节点处信噪比和信道增益实现双链路中继选择,然后推导出一种新的最优中继下双向放大转发协作中断概率的近似表达式上界,并利用凸优化求解得到使中断概率最小的最优功率分配解。仿真结果表明,与现有策略相比,提出的策略能够明显降低系统中断概率和误码率,显著提高系统性能。  相似文献   

刘银山  钟晓峰  王京 《电信科学》2015,31(11):30-35
认知合作中继通信可以有效提升无线通信网络的性能和频谱效率。在中继节点较多的情况下,最优中继选择是一个有待解决的问题,它是中继探测成本与合作通信的分集增益之间的一个折中。基于有限情形的最优停时理论给出了最优中继选择策略,进一步得到一个纯SNR(signal-to-noise ratio,信噪比)阈值结构的策略。数字仿真结果验证了其有效性,在待探测中继较多和每个中继探测成本较高情况下,该最优中继选择策略以最少的探测次数获得最大的收益增益。  相似文献   

In future communications, cooperative communications with relay networks will be one of the most effective schemes to enlarge the coverage area and to boost the data rate. In the recent research results, the path selection, power allocation, and relay protocols on relay networks are the most important factors to improve the system performance. However, the channel quality of the direct transmission path and the relaying path has an influential effect on the performance of relay networks. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a best relaying path selection (BRPS) scheme to obtain the path diversity to improve the system capacity and data rate for cooperative networks (CNs). Simulation results show that the more the relay nodes are selected, the lower the bit error rate (BER) is. The proposed BRPS scheme obtains a high concession between both BER and system capacity for CNs.  相似文献   

本文研究基于两跳的协作通信系统中的中继选择问题.为了降低中断概率,传统中继选择方案往往需要引入更多的中继节点参与协作传输,导致系统平均吞吐量下降.为解决上述问题,本文提出了一种新的自适应中继选择方案(ARSS),此方案可以结合两跳的链路信道状况,自适应地选择中继节点及其转发协议.仿真结果表明,与其他中继选择方案相比,本...  相似文献   

在单中继协作通信系统模型下,研究了直接传输、固定解码转发( DF)中继、选择DF中继和增量中继协议。为了提高协作通信系统的频谱效率和中断性能,通过比较源-目的端和中继-目的端的瞬时信道增益来判定是否需要采用协同通信模式,提出一种改进的解码转发方式( IDF)。通过将选择DF中继和增量中继的优点结合,提出了一种增量选择中继( ISR)策略,并给出了2种改进协议任意信噪比的中断概率表达式。仿真结果表明,与传统的单中继解码转发协议相比, IDF和ISR均具有更低的中断概率, ISR具有最低的中断概率。  相似文献   

该文针对多源-多中继放大转发协作通信网络,以最小化系统总功率为目标,在保证系统满足一定中断概率的前提下,提出了一种分布式功率分配与中继选择算法.算法由源节点自主选择为其转发信息的中继节点,并引入定时器,通过竞争方式避免了分布式所导致的中继选择冲突.中继收到来自源节点的信号后,只需根据转发门限自主判断是否进行转发,从而完成传输.仿真结果表明该分布式算法能够有效降低传输所需要的总发射功率.并且与集中式控制所获得的最优中继选择与功率分配算法相比性能相近,但所提分布式算法显著降低了系统的控制开销.  相似文献   

陈泳  蔡跃明  王萌 《电子与信息学报》2023,45(12):4254-4261
未来认知物联网(IoT)将存在大量用于监控的时间敏感类短包信息。针对认知物联网短包通信场景,该文分析了认知次用户对在双向中继短包通信系统中的信息新鲜度。该文采用信息年龄(AoI)作为衡量信息新鲜度的性能指标。根据短包通信理论,该文推导出系统的误包率和平均峰值AoI(PAoI)表达式,并得出了系统在高信噪比情况下的表达式。在此基础上,考虑认知物联网短包通信中频谱检测性能的非理想,采用交替迭代优化算法对感知包长和传输包长进行联合优化以最小化PAoI加权和。仿真结果验证了理论分析的正确性。该研究发现,对于双向中继系统次用户对的PAoI加权和,感知包长和传输包长存在折中关系,该文所采用的交替迭代优化算法能够有效提升系统PAoI性能。  相似文献   

本文对多天线双向中继放大转发方案进行了研究。首先,基于最小化均方误差的准则,通过对上行链路和下行链路进行联合优化,推导出了相应的中继优化方法,该优化方法能够实现最优的链路可靠性。然后,基于该优化方法,利用部分信道状态信息和信道统计信息,针对固定中继和移动中继两种不同的通信场景,分别设计了不同参数控制下的鲁棒性实现。理论分析和计算机仿真都表明所提方案具有明显的性能增益。   相似文献   

Multiuser diversity (MUD) cooperative wireless networks combine the features of the MIMO systems without confronting the physical layer constraints by providing multiple copies of the transmitted signal from the source to the destination with the help of the relay node. Cooperative wireless networks have attracted the full attention in the last few years and are implemented widely in many wireless communication systems to adapt for the fading impairments, provide higher data rates, and improve the performance of the wireless communication systems. In this paper, we present an informative study for the reason of evaluating the performance of the MUD in the multiuser two‐hop cooperative multi‐relay networks using maximal ratio combining. Furthermore, we derive tight closed‐form expressions of outage probability and symbol error probability for the amplify‐and‐forward and fixed decode‐and‐forward protocols with the MUD. Additionally, we conduct a simulation study to show to what extent our analytical and simulation results agree with each other. It is worthy to mention that our analytical and simulation results agree fairly with each other under high average signal‐to‐noise ratio, whereas they show that our proposed system with multiple relays provides significant improvements over those previously proposed systems having only one relay. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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