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被动调Q锁模掺镱光纤激光器   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
报道了基于偏振旋转技术等效快可饱和吸收体的被动调Q锁模光纤激光器,采用976 nm半导体激光器作为抽运源,高掺杂浓度的Yb3 光纤作为增益介质构成环形腔,通过调节抽运光功率和偏振控制器的角度得到了调Q,调Q锁模与锁模三种稳定的输出脉冲。获得的锁模脉冲中心波长为1.05μm,重复频率为20 MHz,脉冲光谱宽度为13.8 nm,抽运功率为270 mW时,锁模平均输出功率为15.82 mW;调Q频率为17.54 kHz,调Q脉冲宽度为8μs,光谱宽度为4.7 nm;调Q锁模中调Q重复频率为300 kHz。  相似文献   

为了使光纤激光器同时运转在不同的工作状态,搭建了非线性偏振旋转(NPR)技术和碳纳米管可饱和吸收体(CNT-SA)混合的掺铒光纤激光器。其中,基于NPR效应的腔内双折射引入的梳状滤波器可以实现双波长输出,NPR和CNT-SA的可饱和吸收效应共同作用可以获得调Q或调Q锁模脉冲,因此在该激光器中通过调节参数可以使光纤激光器同时获得双波长调Q和调Q锁模脉冲输出。该双波长脉冲经滤波处理后,观察到1531.23 nm处的波长对应调Q脉冲,其重复率为45.62 kHz,1557.18 nm处的波长对应调Q锁模,调Q包络重复率也为45.62 kHz,包络内锁模脉冲的重复率为18.18 MHz,与激光器腔长相符。该实验结果增强了光纤激光器工作的灵活性,有望进一步拓展其在相关领域的应用。  相似文献   

调Q及连续掺Yb光纤激光器中的自锁模研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在用半导体激光器抽运的单包层掺Yb调Q光纤激光器中观察到了清晰稳定的自锁模脉冲序列。脉冲包络形状为调Q脉冲。每个锁模脉冲的幅值由其在调Q脉冲中的相应位置决定。经过分析,认为自相位调制是调Q光纤激光器中产生锁模的主要原因。自相位调制的存在使得光脉冲的频谱被展宽,当这种展宽和腔的模式间隔相差不多时,腔内的模式便能相互作用,直到它们之间产生一个固定的相位关系。也即形成锁模。在此基础上。去掉声光晶体,并用两个光栅作为腔镜,实现了全光纤法布里-珀罗(F-P)腔锁模光纤激光器。改变腔结构,分别采用光栅和光纤反射圈作为前后腔镜,同样观察到了锁模脉冲。经过观察发现,锁模脉冲的产生和掺Yb光纤的浓度、长度、抽运功率的大小有着密切的关系。这为锁模脉冲的产生提供了一种新的方法。  相似文献   

采用非线性偏振旋转锁模技术,在线形腔光纤激光器获得双波长可切换方波类噪声锁模。通过调节腔参数,激光器在波长1530 nm和1563 nm处分别获得可切换单波长方波类噪声锁模,最大脉冲宽度分别为12 ns和26 ns,腔内最大的脉冲能量分别可达14.7 nJ和45.6 nJ。此外激光器还可在这两波长处实现双波长类噪声锁模,锁模脉冲呈阶梯形,最大脉宽为5 ns,阶梯形脉冲的产生主要源于不同中心波长处的方波脉冲叠加。实验结果有助于进一步理解线形腔光纤激光器中方波类噪声的产生机理和特性,并为多波长高能量光源的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

报道了一种全光纤超宽带光谱的类噪声脉冲锁模光纤激光器。为了加宽锁模光谱,利用腔内色散管理和非线性技术,使在58m腔内具有小的反常色散,平均色散系数为0.12 ps/nm/km。实验获得了超过1300nm--1750nm超宽带光谱锁模类噪声脉冲,光谱20-dB带宽达到362nm,3-dB带宽达到102nm。类噪声脉冲的光谱宽度远超过掺铒光纤的增益带宽。  相似文献   

锁模光纤激光器具有体积小、性能稳定及模式好等优点,日益受到关注。利用一种新型的透过式半导体可饱和吸收镜,实现双包层掺Yb^3+光纤激光器调Q锁模脉冲激光输出。得到的脉冲调Q包络半高宽约500ns,重复频率110kHz,平均输出功率45mW,锁模脉冲重复频率26.7MHz。锁模光路比反射式吸收镜更简单,易于调节,为进一步引入色散补偿元件进行飞秒脉冲的实验研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

石墨烯锁模掺铒光纤脉冲激光器的实验研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
利用高分子聚合物聚乙烯醇(PVA)易成膜且机械性能优良的特点,将微米尺寸的石墨烯薄片制成大尺寸的石墨烯-PVA薄膜.分别测量了石墨烯-PVA薄膜与石墨烯片的拉曼光谱,发现二者具有同样的特征.研制了用该石墨烯-PVA薄膜作为饱和吸收体,具有环形腔结构的被动锁模掺铒光纤激光器,获得了峰值波长1532.75 nm,重复频率8...  相似文献   

报道了石墨烯材料作为可饱和吸收体的被动锁模、被动调Q掺镱全光纤激光器。采用环形腔结构,在抽运功率为1.2W时,有稳定的重复频率为1.04MHz的自锁模脉冲发生,平均输出功率为46mW;当抽运功率增加到2.3W时,平均输出功率为170mW,相应的单脉冲能量高达163nJ,脉冲宽度约为680ps。采用线形腔结构,实现了石墨烯被动调Q激光脉冲输出,其重复频率在140~257kHz可调,最窄激光脉冲宽度为70ns,最大平均功率为12mW,相应最大单脉冲能量为46nJ。  相似文献   

长腔被动锁模掺镱光纤激光器的方波脉冲产生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了一种基于非线性光纤环形镜(NOLM)、工作在耗散孤子共振(DSR)区的长腔被动锁模掺镱光纤激光器,该激光器谐振腔的总长度约为1502 m,可以输出重复频率为133.18 kHz的高能量方波脉冲,且输出脉冲的宽度和单脉冲能量均随泵浦功率的增大而呈线性增大。当泵浦功率增大到414.47 mW时,输出的方波脉冲具有最大宽度(761.6 ns),同时单脉冲能量达到了最大值(60.2 nJ)。通过改变NOLM中单模光纤的长度,进一步研究了谐振腔长度对输出方波脉冲特性的影响,结果表明:谐振腔越长,所得DSR方波脉冲越宽,脉冲峰值功率越低。  相似文献   

用简单地调节泵功率的方法,实现了独立、连续地调整输出方波脉冲的振幅和宽度。采用了双泵结构,其中一个泵用来调节输出脉冲的宽度,另一个泵用来调整幅度;提出并实现了一种8字形双泵被动锁模光纤激光器。仿真结果表明,该被动锁模光纤激光器可以产生幅度可调的方波脉冲。这一结果将有助于纳秒方波脉冲机理的进一步研究。  相似文献   

The noise-like pulses (NLPs) with tunable fraction of the pedestal height in the whole intensity autocorrelation (AC) trace are numerically demonstrated in the designed erbium-doped fiber (EDF) mode-locked laser, which contains the saturable absorber (SA) with nonlinear polarization rotation (NPR), sinusoidal-shaped or Gaussian-shaped filter, two segments of EDFs, and two pieces of single-mode fibers (SMFs) with normal dispersion and anomalous dispersion, respectively. The pedestal ratio of the intensity AC trace can be tuned by changing the gain saturation energies of EDFs. The results show that when the net cavity dispersion is 1.06 ps2, the tuning range of the pedestal ratio for the NLPs can reach its maximum values, which are 0.51—0.89 and 0.58—0.88 for the sinusoidal-shaped and Gaussian-shaped filters, respectively. In addition, an appropriate choice of filter bandwidth is also conducive to obtain a wide range of the tuning pedestal ratio for the intensity AC trace.  相似文献   

Based on an erbium.doped dispersion-managed fiber laser,the characteristics of noise-like pulses under different net cavity group velocity dispersions (GVDs) are experimentally investigated.Results show that the spec-tral bandwidth of noise-like pulse will increase as the net cavity GVD increases and attains maximum when the GVD is slightly positive.The effect of Raman scattering is enhanced due to the temporal width attains minimum.When the net cavity GVD increases continually and further into the positive region, the spectral width begins to decrease and the effect of Raman scattering is suppressed due to the positive dispersion.Our experimental results are in good agreement with the previous prediction of numerical simulation.  相似文献   

We propose and demonstrate experimentally a multimode oscillation Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser with a few-mode fiber cavity. The different coupling processes of reflection peaks of fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) which act as cavity mirrors allow the different oscillating states. We obtain microsecond light pulse output states whose oscillation and output beams have different mode compositions, including high order mode. Such a structure enables the high order mode oscillation in the whole cavity with an all-fiber structure, which has potential applications in mode-division multiplexed systems and research of multimode nonlinear effect.  相似文献   

研究了基于非线性偏振环形镜锁模的全保偏光纤激光器锁模机制。在非线性偏振环形镜中,用偏振分束器取代传统的非线性放大环形镜锁模激光器中的光纤耦合器,并辅以非互易性元件和增益光纤,作为全保偏光纤激光器中实现稳定锁模的核心器件。构建了一台基于非线性偏振环形镜的掺铒光纤锁模激光振荡器,实现了重复频率75 MHz,时域脉冲宽度141 fs,总输出功率约30 mW的稳定锁模脉冲序列输出。该激光器具有双向输出,且通过调节腔内波片可调节输出功率。此外,对激光器输出功率和重复频率的稳定性进行了评价,在自由运转情况下,1 h内输出脉冲序列的平均功率波动小于0.05%,重复频率的1 s相对稳定度为2.010-8。该结构的全保偏光纤激光器可开机自启动锁模,且环境稳定性高、重复频率较高、脉冲宽度窄,能满足激光测距、激光加工、激光光谱成像、航天等应用对超短脉冲光源的需求。  相似文献   

We investigate the system performance of rational harmonic mode-locking in an erbium-doped fiber ring laser using the phase-plane technique of the nonlinear control engineering. Contributions from harmonic distortion, a Gaussian-like modulating signal, and its duty cycle to the system behavior are studied. We also demonstrate 660/spl times/ and 1230/spl times/ repetition rate multiplications on a 100-MHz pulse train generated from an active harmonically mode-locked fiber ring laser, and we hence achieve 66- and 123-GHz pulse operations by using the above-mentioned technique. It has been found out that the maximum obtainable rational harmonic order is limited by the harmonic distortion of the system as well as the pulse width of the generated signal, which in turn is determined by the duty cycle of the modulating signal. Furthermore, the rational harmonic order increases the complexity of the pulse formation process and hence challenges its stability.  相似文献   

We have successfully demonstrated a stable dual-wavelength Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) using a single mode fiber-multimode fiber-single mode fiber (SMF-MMF-SMF) structure-based filter. Using a graphene oxide (GO) saturable absorber (SA) to modulate the cavity loss, passive Q-switching of the dual-wavelength laser is achieved at 1 549.6 nm and 1 558.6 nm. The laser recorded the shortest pulse width of about 2.9 μs, the maximum pulse repetition rate of 65.27 kHz and the maximum average output power of 0.99 mW at pump power of 225.1 mW. The present laser has the maximum pulse energy of 15.17 nJ. A 2 SMF-MMF-SMF structure has been experimentally confirmed to be very promising as a wavelength filter.  相似文献   

Demonstrated is the operation of a passively modelocked erbium-doped fibre laser in noise-like mode and the generation of the pulse train with a bandwidth much wider than the gain bandwidth. Also demonstrated is super-continuum (SC) generation by launching the noise-like pulse into a highly nonlinear fibre and it is shown that the ultra-broadband SC spectra of over 960 nm is obtained by using the noise-like pulse instead of ultrashort pulses.  相似文献   

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