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报道了基于半导体碟片激光倍频实现的高功率青色(蓝绿光)激光,连续输出功率可达到4.8 W。通过半导体碟片热管理优化和金刚石热沉预金属化,获得了最大功率为22.5 W、光-光转换效率为42.7%的980 nm基频光输出。通过V型腔LBO(LiB3O5)晶体倍频实现了4.8 W 490 nm激光输出,总的光-光转换效率为15.4%,单位泵浦面积产生的蓝绿光光强为3.8 kW/cm2。  相似文献   

研制成用LD泵浦的声光调Q的Nd:YVO4-KTP腔内倍频激光器,得到了TEM00模、频率高达100kHz的稳定的532um绿激光脉冲系列输出,阈值泵浦功率为27mW;在连续570mW的泵浦功率下,绿激光脉冲的峰值功率达1100W,脉宽为4.6us;输出功率稳定,在±5℃的工作温度变化下,输出功率变化小于±2%。此种器件可望得到广泛的应用。  相似文献   

本文偷 准三能级系统946nmND:YAG固体激光器室温运转的条件及实现方法,并给出腔内倍频获得473nm蓝光发射的方案,用波长808.5nm,功率2W的半导体激光器泵浦Nd:^AG,采用腔内插入高损耗元件选模的方法,在室温下获得946nm波长连续红外激光输出180mW,斜效率135;用BBO和LBOJ晶体腔内倍频,获得473nm波长连续蓝色激光,输出功率分别12mW和50mW,斜效率分别为3%及  相似文献   

应用国产的808nm激光二极管(LD)研制了声光调Q的Nd:YVO4-KTP腔内倍频的准连续、单脉冲激光器,得到了TEM00模、频率为20kHz的准连续稳定的532nm原绿光输出,阈值泵浦功率为300mW。在连续2W的泵浦功率下,准连续绿光输出为120mW,脉冲宽度为40ns,单脉冲能量为50μJ,通过对声光Q开关的驱动电源改造,得到了单脉冲激光输出。在分析计算的基础上,建立了2W、808nmLD  相似文献   

全固态LBO腔内倍频556 nm黄光激光器   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
全固态黄光激光器大多采用掺Nd^3+激光晶体的^4F3/2-^4I11/2和^4F3/2-^4I13/2能级跃迁和腔内和频技术来获得,由于在输出光斑质量和功率稳定性方面一直存在较多困难,所以寻找合适的基频光谱线同时利用腔内倍频是一种切实可行的解决方案。通过对Nd:YAG激光谱线分析以后发现^4F3/2-^4I11/2这两个能级间部分激光谱线(1112nm,1116nm,1123nm)经过倍频以后正好可以获得黄光激光输出。通过对Nd:YAG各主要谱线激光参量比较和分析后发现,要想获得增益较低激光谱线1112nm,1116nm,1123nm振荡,可以通过镀制特殊要求的谐振腔膜抑制增益较大的1064nm,1319nm,946nm激光谱线运转来实现。通过对谐振腔膜系的设计以及倍频晶体的合理选择和放置,采用LBO晶体腔内倍频,利用2W的激光二极管(LD)抽运Nd:YAG,获得了556nm黄光激光输出,在1.6W的抽运功率下,最大输出功率为102mW,光-光转换效率为6.4%。  相似文献   

LD纵向泵浦腔内倍频低噪声蓝光激光器的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在LD泵浦Nd:YAG腔内倍频全固体蓝光激光器中采用两个倍频晶体和偏振片技术,通过谐振腔的模式竞争和偏振片的选择性损耗成功地抑制激光器中模式之间的耦合和同一频率中s、p偏振分量之间的耦合,使激光器实现稳定的低噪声功率输出。LD纵向泵浦Nd:YAG/LBO/BP腔内倍频激光器产生波长为473nm稳定的低噪声蓝光激光输出,最大输出功率达到为2.14mW。信噪比为18.79dB。实验结果与理论相符合。  相似文献   

1.前言为制成小型高效可见光激光光源,已有多种方案正在活跃地开展研究,其中绿光激光器已经实用化,微片激光器已有市售品。蓝光激光器虽在各种学术会议上有道,但是还未出现实用激光器。在这样的背景下,比绿光波长短、在更多领域能够使用的小型蓝光激光器的实用化研究也开展起来。这是用激光二极管泵浦的*d。**G946nm激光的腔内倍频法。倍频元件为铅酸钾(KNbo3)晶体,其输出已高于30mw。另一种是用高功率Nd:YAG1064nm的脉冲激光常用的倍频晶体(或光参量振荡所用的非线性晶体)BBO作946nm的倍频晶体,已成功获得高于25mw的蓝…  相似文献   

报道用激光二极管泵浦的Nd:YVO4-KTP折叠腔内倍频激光器,实现了532nm的激光输出,功率130mW,光-光转换效率11%,激光阈值〈90mW。研究了倍频光的输出特性讨论了腔内基波光对倍频光的影响因素。  相似文献   

二极管泵浦Yb:YAG thin disk激光器调谐及腔内倍频的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了半导体激光二极管泵浦 Yb:YAG 薄片激光器的调谐和腔内倍频.通过在激光谐振腔内插入石英双折射滤光片,对激光中心波长进行调谐,调谐范围为 1020.5 nm到1034.7 nm;采用折叠腔,使用Ⅰ类临界相位匹配的LBO晶体腔内倍频,室温下得到2.5 W连续515 nm绿光输出,1小时内绿光最大输出功率的波动小于1%.  相似文献   

侧面泵浦薄片激光器中有三个最为关键因素:热键合、泵浦光的均匀性、热沉冷却.文章从理论和实验两方面对二极管侧面泵浦的薄片激光器增益介质晶体内光分布的均匀性进行了研究.在理论上,通过建立二极管侧面泵浦薄片激光器介质内泵浦光吸收情况的数值模型,模拟计算了在Nd:YAG晶体掺杂浓度为0.6at%、七个二极管均匀泵浦条件下,不同晶体尺寸的光斑分布.从实验上,设计了测量晶体内光分布的实验,实验结果与理论结果非常相近.理论模拟结果对实验有一定的指导作用,尤其是在大功率泵浦的情况下有很好的指导意义.  相似文献   

用6.9×5.3×3.3mm~3的KNbO_3晶体对光学参量放大系统输出的波长连续可调近红外光进行倍频,产生485~493nm连续可调的ps蓝光。488.5nm的能量转换效率为2.6%,峰值功率大于2kW。  相似文献   

近年来,光泵垂直扩展腔面发射半导体激光器由于其光束质量好、可实现大功率输出,受到了广泛的关注。在介绍其基本工作原理的基础上,综述了不同波段光泵垂直扩展腔面发射半导体激光器的研究现状与进展,并分析、讨论了实现高功率光泵垂直扩展腔面发射半导体激光器面临的主要问题及解决方案。  相似文献   

The unstable emission of an optically pumped FIR gas laser is theoretically analysed through numerical resolution of the associated Maxwell-Bloch equations. The instability domain in the main control parameters space is determined and an example of chaotic behaviour is examined.  相似文献   

A signal flow graph representation of the density matrix equations appropriate to a serial three-wave interaction is introduced, from which perturbation theory and AC Stark shift information may be extracted. The conditions for a large interaction cross section for the three-photon transition are deduced and applied to selected experimental situations with the main conclusion being that the effect may be present in a large number of CW and pulsed experiments.  相似文献   

A single-longitudinal-mode CW AlGaAs semiconductor laser (786 nm) has been pulse-amplified in a Nd:YAG-pumped dye system by 80 dB, yielding 4-ns (FWHM) infrared pulses having energies of 1.2 mJ. These amplified pulses have then been frequency-doubled in a KDP crystal to yield 110 μJ of tunable ultraviolet radiation at 393 nm. The amplified diode laser linewidth at 786 nm is measured to be 118 MHz  相似文献   

We have found that the output spectra of cleaved semiconductor lasers are broadened when they are optically excited with a high-energy pulsed laser. We believe the effect is due to transient heating. A one-dimensional heat-flow equation has been solved, and the results are applied to two representative cases, GaAs and PbTe. Good agreement is obtained between the calculated broadening and the experimentally observed values.  相似文献   

运用缀饰原子方法研究光泵三能级系统的饱和效应.求出了包含着两个不同的饱和因子的小信号增益,它可以方便地用来描述光泵远红外激光器中喇曼跃迁和线中心跃迁的不同饱和行为.  相似文献   

Blue light was generated in a LiNbO3 channel waveguide by frequency doubling radiation from a laser diode in a guided to guided wave interaction, utilizing first-order quasi-phase-matching in a periodically domain inverted structure. A fabrication method that does not depend on the use of titanium was used. A periodic pattern of silicon oxide on the positive c-face of LiNbO3 was used in combination with a heat treatment to achieve a periodic outdiffusion and domain reversal in the surface layer. A channel guide was subsequently formed by proton exchange  相似文献   

The emission frequency of an amplified spontaneous emission (ASE), optically pumped submillimeter (SMM) laser has been studied as a function of laser gas pressure for several different gases and SMM laser lines. For off resonant pumping, Fabry-Perot interfetometer scans indicate a shift in emission frequency between high- and low-pressure laser operation. In high-pressure operation, emission occurs via a Raman type, two-photon process with some additional frequency offset due to the ac Stark effect. The Raman process is favored by its higher quantum efficiency over a two-step process involving single-photon transitions at the pump and SMM wavelengths. In low-pressure operation, the SMM laser emission is found to be delayed in time with respect to the pump pulse. The Raman process thus cannot occur and the two-step process is favored. This results in a shift in the SMM laser emission frequency from the Raman line to the line center frequency of the SMM laser transition. The Raman emission gain bandwidth appears to be broadened by the CO2pump laser bandwidth.  相似文献   

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