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为研究不同客流状况下轨道交通的运行效率和应急方案效率评估,以及突发事件下应急策略的仿真和定量分析,提出了一种城市轨道交通运行仿真平台。该系统从列车运动模型、自动列车控制(ATC)系统结构模型、轨旁设备对象功能模型和移动闭塞系统模型等4个方面对城市轨道交通运行仿真系统进行建模。在此基础上,以VC++作为开发平台,结合计算机网络以及数据库技术,设计并实现了完整的地铁运行仿真平台。在时刻表的驱动下,仿真平台可以实现列车的自动运行。该系统以轨道交通8号线数据进行验证,仿真结果与真实时刻表达一致。  相似文献   

为研究不同客流状况下轨道交通的运行效率和应急方案效率评估,以及突发事件下应急策略的仿真和定量分析,提出了一种城市轨道交通运行仿真平台。该系统从列车运动模型、自动列车控制(ATC)系统结构模型、轨旁设备对象功能模型和移动闭塞系统模型等4个方面对城市轨道交通运行仿真系统进行建模。在此基础上,以VC++作为开发平台,结合计算机网络以及数据库技术,设计并实现了完整的地铁运行仿真平台。在时刻表的驱动下,仿真平台可以实现列车的自动运行。该系统以轨道交通8号线数据进行验证,仿真结果与真实时刻表达一致。  相似文献   

基于二维结构熵的CBTC系统信息安全风险评估方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着计算机技术、通信技术和控制技术在城市轨道交通列车运行控制系统中的应用,城市轨道交通的自动化和信息化程度不断提升.然而,基于通信的列车运行控制(Communication-based train control,CBTC)技术采用的通用计算机设备和通信技术带来的信息安全漏洞,给CBTC系统带来了日益严峻的信息安全风险,因此,对CBTC系统的信息安全风险进行量化、动态评估具有重要意义.本文根据设备及通信链路的差异性构建了CBTC网络拓扑模型,结合信息安全风险下线路列车运行性能变化导致的运能损失,采用综合表征信息域和物理域特征的二维结构信息熵对CBTC系统信息安全风险进行建模分析.最后,基于城市轨道交通列控系统半实物仿真平台对评估方法进行验证,表明所提方法对CBTC系统信息安全量化评估的有效性和准确性.  相似文献   

为了评估城市轨道交通车地无线通信系统的性能,通过分析城市轨道交通无线环境特点,利用半实物仿真,模拟无线传输信道,结合干扰信号源模拟不同的干扰环境,设计实现了一个城市轨道交通车地无线通信系统性能评估平台。通过该平台,可对车地无线通信系统处于不同干扰场景或者不同切换频率的场景下进行性能评估。同时,该系统能够直接应用于基于CBTC的城市轨道交通线路,评估其车地无线通信系统的性能。  相似文献   

平行应急疏散系统:基本概念、体系框架及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
突发事件通常具有难以预测、多成因关联、危害性大及演变复杂等特点,应急情况下如何安全高效疏散人员是应急管控领域的重要研究内容.本文将基于人工系统(Artificial systems,A)、计算实验(Computational experiments,C)、平行执行(Parallel excution,P)方法的平行系统理论引入到应急管控领域,提出平行应急疏散系统(Parallel emergency evacuation systems,PeES)基本概念,构建系统体系框架及集成平台,并介绍人工应急疏散系统、计算实验、平行执行等主要功能模块的基本功能及实现方法.通过PeES能实现虚实应急疏散系统的管理与控制、应急方案的实验与评估以及相关人员的学习与培训.最后,以轨道交通枢纽站火灾场景下的乘客应急疏散为典型应用对平行应急疏散系统进行初步验证.  相似文献   

为了合理高效地制定城市轨道交通调度方案,实现客流与车次的优化配置,提出了一种基于细菌觅食优化算法的城市轨道交通调度优化策略。兼顾乘客与运营企业双方利益,以发车间隔为决策变量,乘客平均候车时间最短和发车次数最少为优化目标,建立调度优化模型,并对细菌觅食优化算法求解该调度模型的过程进行分析。结合某城市轨道交通一号线实际运营数据进行仿真实验,并与其他算法的优化结果进行对比分析,实验表明该算法和模型能有效解决城市轨道交通调度优化问题。  相似文献   

结合已有城市轨道交通公共安全及应急处置方案,本文研究开发基于增强现实(Augmented Reality,AR)技术的城市轨道交通安防管理应用软件。该软件为公众在乘坐城市轨道交通工具出行过程中,遇到交通事故、自然灾害发生时现场应急避险提供一种便利。软件开发以Android操作系统为平台,主要功能以公众通过手机App进行拍照,迅速、容易地获取相应场景应急避险知识或应急物品的使用知识为主,同时可提供定位导航功能,为紧急事件中工作人员现场疏散乘客的应急处置提供辅助支撑。软件设计以人性化、智能化为特色,使公众能有效通过手机进行城轨安防知识的检索、浏览、学习和运用,为城市轨道交通出行安全提供更加人性化、便利化的服务。  相似文献   

本文主要就虚拟现实技术应用的城市轨道交通视景仿真系统进行了探讨和可行性研究。提出了基于开源系统软件平台下设计实现城市轨道交通视景仿真系统的设计方法和技术手段,利用3dMax设计视景模型,OpenGL编写程序生成城市轨道交通视景系统,实验结果表明,应用以上方法生成的列车虚拟运行场景系统具有较好视觉效果。  相似文献   

城市轨道交通综合监控系统仿真平台能够有效培养地铁从业人员,提高地铁调度、运营、维护人员的水平,近年来城市轨道交通综合监控系统软件的应用研究已更侧重于线网建设、深度集成、智慧车站、无人驾驶、综合安防及运维、云平台、大数据等领域,传统的城市轨道交通综合监控系统仿真平台已无法满足当前城市轨道交通综合监控系统建设和运营的需要。本文从轨道交通综合监控仿真平台的发展,对未来城市轨道交通综合监控系统仿真平台建设做一个展望。  相似文献   

社会物理信息系统(Cyber-physical-social systems, CPSS)在传统物理信息系统(Cyber-physical systems,CPS)的基础上纳入对社会信号及社会关系的考虑,利用网络世界近乎无限的人力、数据和信息资源,突破物理世界有限的资源约束以及时空的限制.然而, CPSS中人类和社会行为的复杂性加剧了实际系统和其模型之间的建模鸿沟,使得系统的形态演变为“默顿系统”.对此,以ACP方法为核心的平行智能(Parallel intelligence, PI)框架通过组合人工系统(Artificial systems, A)、计算实验(Computational experiments, C)、平行执行(Parallel execution, P)三个过程,为跨越这一鸿沟提供了可行的路径.具体而言, ACP将模型从系统解析器转变为数据生成器,使原本难以控制的“默顿系统”可测试、可计算、可验证,为复杂系统中“涌现”和“收敛”的对立统一确立了方法基础.本文从平行控制与智能控制、平行机器人与平行制造、平行管理与智能交通、平行医学与智慧健康、平行生态与平行社会、平行经...  相似文献   

Two artificial agents (a humanoid robot and a virtual human) are enriched with various similar intelligence, autonomy, functionalities and interaction modalities. The agents are integrated in the form of a cyber-physical-social system (CPSS) through a shared communication platform to create a social ecology. In the ecology, the agents collaborate (assist each other) to perform a real-world task (search for a hidden object) for the benefits of humans. A robot-virtual human bilateral trust model is derived and a real-time trust measurement method is developed. The role of taking initiative in the collaboration is switched between the agents following a finite state machine model triggered by bilateral trust, which results in a mixedinitiative collaboration. A scheme is developed to evaluate the performance of the agents in the ecology through the CPSS. The results show that the robot and the virtual human perform satisfactorily in the collaboration through the CPSS. The results thus prove the effectiveness of the real-world ecology between artificial agents of heterogeneous realities through a shared platform based on trust-triggered mixed-initiatives. The results can help develop adaptive social ecology comprising intelligent agents of heterogeneous realities to assist humans in various tasks through collaboration between the agents in the form of a CPSS.   相似文献   

王飞跃  张俊 《自动化学报》2017,43(12):2061-2070
本文旨在讨论智联网(Internet of minds,IoM)的基本概念,核心问题和关键平台技术.首先阐述智联网概念的智能时代发展需求和科学哲学思想基础,然后阐述智联网技术的背景、定义、实质,及其实现协同认知智能的目标,并举例说明其前沿应用领域,包括物理信息社会系统、软件定义系统及流程、工业智联网.接下来探讨智联网的核心问题:知识的获取、知识的协同表征和传递、以及知识的关联和协同运行.最后简单描述了智联网的关键平台技术,包括虚实平行的平台体系和基于互联网、物联网、区块链和软件定义网络的社会化通信计算平台,为分布式、自组织、自运行的安全智联网系统提供基础设施.  相似文献   

Multitasking is common in emergency, which will result in man-made error due to many factors such as inappropriate Mental Workload (MW). To improve the performance under multitasking, the automatic equipment or assistive systems carry out task/interface optimizations according to the MW evaluation results, and the effectiveness of these technologies depends on how to choose an appropriate MW evaluation model. This paper has developed a performance-based Timed Petri Nets (TPN) model to evaluate MW during multitasking. The concrete functioned places and transitions, were proposed to structure a human resource allocation and recovery processes in TPN. The characteristics of operator are interpreted as initial markings of places and delay of transitions. Task performance is calculated as the difference between the triggering time of two transitions and a behavior process structure, respectively. The real-time MW is quantified and expressed as the remaining percentage of tokens in the attention resource place. A case study of triple-task execution was examined for verification of the model. Furthermore, the distinguishability and stability of the model, its comparison with ACT-R, and the application in task optimization were discussed.Relevance to industryThe Timed Petri Nets-based model can analyse the influence between mental workload and system states while proposed quantitative and individualized results of mental workload, which can direct a mental workload-based task optimization in safety-critical systems under multitasking in the design phase.  相似文献   

Many variants of particle swarm optimization (PSO) both enhance the performance of the original method and greatly increase its complexity. Motivated by this fact, we investigate factors that influence the convergence speed and stability of basic PSO without increasing its complexity, from which we develop an evaluation index called “Control Strategy PSO” (CSPSO). The evaluation index is based on the oscillation properties of the transition process in a control system. It provides a method of selection parameters that promote system convergence to the optimal value and thus helps manage the optimization process. In addition, it can be applied to the characteristic analyses and parameter confirmation processes associated with other intelligent algorithms. We present a detailed theoretical and empirical analysis, in which we compare the performance of CSPSO with published results on a suite of well-known benchmark optimization functions including rotated and shifted functions. We used the convergence rates and iteration numbers as metrics to compare simulation data, and thereby demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed evaluation index. We applied CSPSO to antenna array synthesis, and our experimental results show that it offers high performance in pattern synthesis.  相似文献   

提出构建社会应急资源监测系统,建立信息系统对分布式的可应急社会资源进行监测,为资源筹募提供依据,提高社会资源的应急响应能力。分析监测系统的管理对象,建立其功能架构;设计社会应急资源的筹募机制,对可筹募资源进行评估;最后通过设计社会应急资源筹募流程说明筹募机制。针对社会应急资源参与应急救援的挑战,设计社会应急资源监测系统的结构和工作机制,为社会资源参与应急救援提供方法与系统,并为社会应急资源筹集优化、应急能力评价等问题的研究提供基础。  相似文献   

Information can be provided by studying and evaluating past emergencies and the response in connection to them. This information would then be useful in efforts directed at preventing, mitigating and/or preparing for future emergencies. However, the analysis and evaluation of emergency response operations is not an easy task, especially when the operation involves several cooperating actors (e.g. the fire and rescue services, the police, the emergency medical services, etc.). Here, we identify and discuss four aspects of this challenge: (1) issues related to the values governing the evaluation, (2) issues related to the complexity of the systems involved, (3) issues related to the validity of the information on which the analysis and evaluation is based and (4) issues related to the limiting conditions under which the emergency response system operated. An outline of a framework for such an analysis and evaluation, influenced by systems theory, accident investigation theories and programme evaluation theories dealing with the above aspects, is introduced, discussed and exemplified using empirical results from a case study. We conclude that the proposed framework may provide a better understanding of how an emergency response system functioned during a specific operation, and help to identify the potential events and/or circumstances that could significantly affect the performance of the emergency response system, either negatively or positively. The insights gained from using the framework may allow the actors involved in the response operation to gain a better understanding of how the emergency response system functioned as a whole, as well as how the actors performed as individual components of the system. Furthermore, the information can also be useful for actors preparing for future emergencies.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with decentralized controller design for large-scale interconnected systems of pseudo-hierarchical structure. Given such a system, one can use existing techniques to design a decentralized controller for the reference hierarchical model, obtained by eliminating certain weak interconnections of the original system. Although this indirect controller design is appealing as far as the computational complexity is concerned, it does not necessarily result in satisfactory performance for the original pseudo-hierarchical system. An LQ cost function is defined in order to evaluate the performance discrepancy between the pseudo-hierarchical system and its reference hierarchical model under the designed decentralized controller. A discrete Lyapunov equation is then solved to compute this performance index. However, due to the large-scale nature of the system, this equation cannot be handled efficiently in many real-world systems. Thus, attaining an upper bound on this cost function can be more desirable than finding its exact value, in practice. For this purpose, a novel technique is proposed which only requires solving a simple LMI optimization problem with three variables. The problem is then reduced to a scalar optimization problem, for which an explicit solution is provided. It is also shown that when the original model is exactly hierarchical, then the upper bounds obtained from the LMI and scalar optimization problems will both be equal to zero.  相似文献   

Optimal allocation of emergency resources is a crucial content of emergency management. It is a key step in emergency rescue and assistance. Multiple resources and potential secondary disasters are often neglected in the existing methods, which desperately need to be improved. In this paper, we formulate the emergency resource allocation problem with constraints of multiple resources and possible secondary disasters, and model the multiple resources and multiple emergency response depots problem considering multiple secondary disasters by an integer mathematical programming. For the complexity, a heuristic algorithm is designed to efficiently solve it based on linear programming and network optimization. The algorithm modifies the solutions of the linear programming by setting a priority of preference for each location where the secondary disasters will take place with certain possibilities. The numerical simulation provides evidence for its effectiveness and efficiency. Our method and algorithm can also be implemented in the practical applications with large-scale scenario.  相似文献   

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