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This paper presents a generalised extended state observer (GESO) based model predictive control (MPC) approach to contour error control for networked multi-axis motion system (NMAMS) with network-induced delays. First, the uncertainties induced by the network-induced delays are modelled as an additive bounded disturbance, and a novel model predictive controller based on the GESO is designed for the uniaxial trajectory tracking control system. The GESO is used to estimate the system state and the disturbance simultaneously, and the effects of the uncertainties induced by the delays are eliminated by the proposed GESO based controller. Then the contour error estimation method is adopted, and a PID controller is designed to compensate the contour error. Finally, experiments are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper investigate the contour error control problem for networked multi‐axis motion system (NMAMS) with time‐varying delays. Firstly, the uncertainties induced by the delays are modeled as a part of the total disturbance, and a linear active disturbance rejection controller (LADRC) is designed for the uniaxial trajectory tracking control. In the LADRC, a linear extended state observer (LESO) is designed to estimate the system state and the total disturbance simultaneously, and the effect of the total disturbance is eliminated by the designed linear feedback error control law. Then, the classical contour error estimation method is adopted, and a fuzzy PID controller is designed to compensate the contour error to achieve a better contour tracking performance. Finally, experiments are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

串联型扩张状态观测器构成的自抗扰控制器   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
张荣  韩京清 《控制与决策》2000,15(1):122-124
利用自抗扰控制器控制m阶对象,需要调整扩张状态观测器的m+1个参数。结构和参数相同的m个二阶扩张状态观测器串联而成的串联型扩充状态观测器,具有m+1阶扩张状态观测器的功能。用其构成的自抗扰控制器参数易于调整,便于工程应用。  相似文献   

A flatness-based active disturbance rejection control approach is proposed to deal with the linear systems with unknown time-varying coefficients and external disturbances. By selecting appropriate nominal values for the parameters of the system, all the deviation between the nominal and actual dynamics of the controlled process, as well as all the external disturbances can be viewed as a total disturbance. Based on the accurately estimated total disturbance with the aid of the proposed extended state observer, a linear proportional derivative feedback control law taking into account the derivatives of the desired output is designed to eliminate the effect of the total disturbance on the system performance. Finally, the load frequency control problem of a single-area power system with non-reheated unit is employed as an illustrative example to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

二阶自抗扰控制器的参数简化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
纪恩庆  肖维荣 《自动化仪表》2007,28(5):27-28,31
为了克服PID控制器自身具有的缺陷,在PID的基础上提出了自抗扰控制器(ADRC)。该控制器由跟踪微分器、扩张状态观测器和非线性状态误差反馈三部分组成,其控制效果优于经典PID控制器,但是参数众多、调节复杂。通过线性简化和参数整合建立简化的线性自抗扰控制器。MATLAB仿真表明,简化的线性自抗扰控制器参数调节过程大大简化,而控制性能并未受到明显影响。  相似文献   

用于带有量测噪声系统的新型扩张状态观测器   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
提出了扩张状态观测器的一种新的形式,用于处理量测环节带有噪声干扰时的情况.ESO可以对不确定系统中的内外扰动进行观测,并以此为基础构成自抗扰控制器.但其性能会受量测噪声的影响.本文利用滤波器消除噪声的影响,并把已知的滤波器方程扩展到原有的ESO中,以补偿滤波器对实际输出信号的偏移作用.数字仿真表明,该方法可以有效的解决输出噪声对扩张状态观测器的影响.  相似文献   

对具有随机时延和系统噪声的一类网络控制系统进行了研究和分析。针对系统存在的随机时延,分别设计出在全状态反馈方式和输出反馈方式下的状态观测器,通过状态观测器的算法补偿来实现对时延的补偿,从而获得更准确的预测估计。与此同时,基于LQG性能指标,给出了随机时延系统的最优控制律,减弱了网络时延和系统噪声对控制系统稳定性的影响,从而保证了系统的稳定性。最后,通过了实例仿真,证实了提出状态观测器进行时延补偿算法和最优控制律设计的有效性。  相似文献   

侯利民  宋绍楼  王巍 《控制工程》2013,20(5):929-933
针对表面式永磁同步电机( SPMSM) 驱动系统的非线性特点,着眼于调速系统的 高性能要求,基于互联和阻尼配置的能量成形方法和端口受控耗散哈密顿( PCHD) 系统原理, 研究了SPMSM 系统的统一PCHD 建模和速度控制问题。首先,从能量平衡的观点,建立了逆 变器、考虑铁损的SPMSM、机械负载一体的不确定系统统一PCHD 数学模型,然后在此基础 上,设计了SPMSM 驱动系统的无源控制器,逆变器非线性扰动由扩张状态观测器进行补偿, 最后利用自抗扰控制设计了速度调节器得到q 轴期望的电流,所得控制器更加简单和容易实 现。仿真结果表明,所提方法实现了全局稳定性控制、鲁棒性强; 调速系统具有优良的动、静 态性能。  相似文献   

用模型补偿自抗扰控制器进行参数辨识   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
自抗扰控制器中扩张状态观测器的输出提供了进行系统参数辨识的足够信息,受控对象若有已知部分,把此部分补偿给扩张状态观测器输入项,能提高扩张状态观测器的逼近精度,从而也能提高其输出值来进行参数辨识的精度。  相似文献   

刘晓东 《自动化学报》2016,42(11):1758-1764
针对一类非线性不确定系统,构造了一种多变量线性扩张状态观测器(Multi-variable linear extended state observer,MVLESO),用于实时估计非线性系统的不确定动态.采用频域分析方法,剖析了所构造的MVLESO在非线性系统不确定动态估计方面的收敛性,并推导出不确定动态的频域估计误差模型.仿真结果表明,所设计的MVLESO可以较为精准地估计出非线性系统当前的不确定动态,该特性为基于MVLESO鲁棒控制方案的有效实施奠定了基础.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了自抗扰控制器的结构组成,包括跟踪微分器、扩张状态观测器以及非线性状态误差反馈律,及各部分的典型算法.针对四旋翼盘旋系统的姿态控制问题,设计了3种离散型自抗扰控制器,搭建了仿真结构图,并进行了参数整定,得到了优良的仿真结果.进而在实际装置上进行试验,调试出了令人满意的姿态实时控制结果.实时控制结果表明,文中所设计的自抗扰控制器可以满足控制精度及快速性的要求,并且具有抗干扰性能、稳定控制能力以及对非线性强耦合系统的解耦能力.最后,总结并分析了3种自抗扰控制器的优缺点及适用范围.  相似文献   

为了实现自适应扩张状态观测器理论分析的简洁和工程应用的直观,本文提出了一种自适应扩张状态观测器(adaptive extended state observer, AESO),并给出了收敛性证明过程.然后,将其应用到直线电机伺服系统中,设计了基于AESO的PD控制器.实验结果表明,提出的AESO可以准确估计系统的状态和受到的干扰,并且可以消除高增益线性扩张状态观测器固有的峰化现象,同时还验证了设计的观测器–控制器的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) design for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with sporadic measurements. A novel extended state observer (ESO) is designed in a cascade form consisting of a continuous time estimator, a continuous observation error predictor, and a reset compensator. The proposed ESO estimates not only the system state but also the total uncertainty, which may include the effects of the external perturbation, the parametric uncertainty, and the unknown nonlinear dynamics. Such a reset compensator, whose state is reset to zero whenever a new measurement arrives, is used to calibrate the predictor. Due to the cascade structure, the resulting error dynamics system is presented in a non-hybrid form, and accordingly, analyzed in a general sampled-data system framework. Based on the output of the ESO, a continuous ADRC law is then developed. The convergence of the resulting closed-loop system is proved under given conditions. Two numerical simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control method.   相似文献   

In this paper, two approaches, namely active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) and Lyapunov redesign, are utilised to stabilise the vibration of a boundary-controlled flexible rectangular plate in the presence of exogenous disturbances. Based on ADRC, an estimation/cancellation strategy is applied where disturbance is estimated online by an extended state observer (ESO) and cancelled by injecting the output of ESO into the feedback loop. By the Lyapunov redesign, on the other hand, the control law intended for a nominal system is redesigned by adding a (discontinuous) control component that makes the system robust to large uncertainties. Both control algorithms are designed directly based on partial differential equation model of the plate so that spillover instabilities that are a result of model truncation are avoided. The established control schemes are able to stabilise the plate vibration by actuating and sensing only along the plate boundary while accounting for the dynamical effects of Gaussian curvature integral, in-plane membrane force and actuator mass. The stability of each control approach is proven using Lyapunov analysis. The efficacy of each proposed control is illustrated by simulation results.  相似文献   

The existing active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) method may not provide sufficient disturbance rejection to multiple mismatched disturbances for the fractional order systems. In this paper, a composite disturbance rejection approach is developed for a class of fractional order uncertain systems, by synthesizing the fractional order ADRC (FOADRC) approach and a disturbance observer (DO)-based compensation scheme. Taking advantage of more disturbance information and a filter structure, an improved DO is developed to achieve precise estimation of disturbances in the presence of sensor noises. In addition, a state transformation is developed to convert the system into a simple integral chain model with only matched disturbances. Then a composite control law is designed to compensate the disturbances and provide satisfying dynamic performance. The efficiency of the proposed method is demonstrated by a numerical simulation and an actual servo control simulation, as well as the comparison with two kinds of the existing ADRC methods and the commonly used integral sliding mode control (I-SMC) method.  相似文献   

自抗扰fal函数改进及在四旋翼姿态控制中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈志旺  张子振  曹玉洁 《控制与决策》2018,33(10):1901-1907
将自抗扰控制器(ADRC)应用于四旋翼飞行器姿态控制.首先,对扩张状态观测器(ESO)进行理论分析,对扩张状态观测器中的非线性fal函数进行改进,得到改进型faln函数,并对改进后的状态观测器进行收敛性判断;然后,将传统的fal函数与改进型faln函数进行仿真实验对比,以验证改进型faln函数能够更好地达到“大误差,小增益”的效果;最后,将改进的faln函数应用于四旋翼飞行器姿态控制,仿真结果表明,改进后的faln函数具有比传统fal函数更优的抗扰效果.  相似文献   

Active disturbance rejection control (ADRC), as proposed by Prof. Jingqing Han, reduces first the plant dynamics to its canonical form, normally in the form of cascade integrators, for which the standard controller can be employed to meet the design specifications. This paper concerns with the selection of the canonical form for non-minimum phase systems. In particular, itis shown that, by employing the well known controllable canonical form, the uncertainties of such systems can be divided into two terms in the state space model, one in the control channel and the other in the output channel. The necessary and sufficient condition is obtained for the stability of the closed-loop system with the proposed canonical form and ADRC. Also, by showingthe necessity of the detectability of the extended system as well as certain information of the systemˉs “zeros”, we present the fundamental guidelines of design ADRC for non-minimum phase uncertain systems.  相似文献   

Piezoelectric beam dynamics are characterized by elastic properties, nonlinearities, uncertainties, and unknown disturbances, thus making vibration suppression a challenging control problem. To meet this challenge, a novel active control method has been designed and rigorously tested on actual hardware without the requirement of extensive modeling. In this unique approach, the piezoelectric beam dynamics, known or unknown, linear or nonlinear, and all external disturbances are treated in their totality as an input disturbance which is subsequently estimated and canceled in real time, reducing the challenging problem to a very manageable one. Simulation and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of this practical control method. The frequency domain characteristics of the proposed method are analyzed using Bode and describing function methods.  相似文献   

自抗扰控制技术应用已日渐成熟, 但当系统中存在高频非平稳噪声信号时, 线性自抗扰控制(LADRC) 存在难以选取合适的观测器带宽的问题: 当带宽较小时, 线性扩张状态观测器(LESO)难以实现对总扰动的实时观测, 会造成时滞; 当带宽较大时, LESO又会放大噪声对系统的影响, 从而造成总扰动观测失真. 为了解决这一问题, 将小波降噪环节加入LADRC中, 通过设计基于滑动窗实时小波降噪的LESO, 对含噪输出信号进行实时降噪. 使用Simulink搭建系统模型, 分别在输出信号中加入高斯白噪声或谐波等不同类型的高频非平稳噪声进行仿真实验, 并将所提方法与滑动平均法进行对比, 结果验证了所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

For first-order nonlinear uncertain systems with delay, the analytical design of active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) with matched time delay is rigorously studied. The conditions of stabilizing the closed-loop system are studied in the form of parameters’ explicit sets such that the tuning laws of ADRC can be directly obtained and intuitively demonstrated in engineering practice. The necessary and sufficient condition of the asymptotical stability for the closed-loop system in the case of linear time-invariant is explicitly given. The condition of stabilizing the closed-loop system with nonlinear uncertain dynamics is quantitatively presented. Moreover, the water tank experiment illustrates the proposed tuning laws.  相似文献   

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