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光纤萨格纳克干涉仪在应变传感器中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了萨格纳克干涉仪在光纤应变传感器中的应用,阐述了这种传感器的结构和 工作原理,与普通干涉仪相比该系统的线性范围扩大了数百倍,并且系统不受外界缓变量的影响,线性度为0. 18 % ,灵敏度为0. 15V/με。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于光学游标效应的级联光纤萨格纳克干涉仪和光纤模态干涉仪高灵敏度温度传感器,并对其传感特性进行了实验研究。光纤萨格纳克干涉仪由一段保偏光纤和3 dB四端口耦合器组成,光纤模态干涉仪由一段少模光纤与两段单模光纤熔接形成。选取光纤萨格纳克干涉仪作为温度传感器,光纤模态干涉仪充当滤波器。通过控制保偏光纤和少模光纤的长度,使光纤萨格纳克干涉仪的自由光谱范围为2.63 nm,光纤模态干涉仪的自由光谱范围为2.82 nm,两者的自由光谱范围相近又不相等,从而形成光学游标效应。实验结果显示,单个光纤萨格纳克干涉仪的温度灵敏度为-1.30 nm/℃,级联光纤模态干涉仪后,其温度灵敏度提高到-18.19 nm/℃,放大倍数为13.99。该传感器制造工艺简单,稳定性好,不需要特殊的增敏材料来提高灵敏度。  相似文献   

设计了一种由两个萨格纳克干涉仪(SI)级联组成的光纤温度传感器,并用实验证明了传感器在游标效应下的温度灵敏度放大特性。该传感器由两段不同长度的熊猫保偏光纤构成两个SI,然后两个SI旋转一个角度级联在一起组成一个温度传感装置,其中SI1用着温度传感,SI2用着参考。由于两个SI具有相近的自由光谱范围,级联时它们干涉谱叠加形成一个自由光谱范围很大的低频包络线。利用包络线漂移来考察温度变化,能够获得放大的灵敏度。实验结果显示级联后传感器的温度灵敏度为11.03 nm/℃,而单个SI1单独测量温度的灵敏度为-1.01 nm/℃。因此利用游标效应后,灵敏度增加了10.9倍,而且实验测量结果与理论计算结果基本吻合。  相似文献   

报道一种基于保偏光纤的萨格纳克环与级联的光纤布拉格光栅的双波长掺铒光纤激光器,该激光器采用简单的线性腔结构,所用的萨格纳克环担当了梳状滤波器,光栅组构成了波长选择器件;在偏振烧孔的作用下,通过调整偏振控制器,激光器能够输出5种不同的激发模式,其中,双波长2种,单波长3种;所有的激发线具有小于0.3nm线宽,大于24dB的光学信噪比;同时,该激光器展示了较好的波长与峰值功率稳定性.  相似文献   

利用矢量衍射理论分析了高斯光束通过非螺旋型相位片调制,经过透镜聚焦后的焦点区域光强分布.数值模拟结果表明:通过调节相位片的相位变化率,可以方便地调节焦点区域光强分布,因此可通过调节相位片的相位变化来控制和改变焦点区域光强分布,这种技术方法可应用于光钳系统中控制搬运微小颗粒.  相似文献   

魏勇 《激光与红外》2016,46(7):857-861
为研究涡旋光束在空间中的传播特性,首先从理论上对利用螺旋相位板获取涡旋光束的基本原理进行了推导,并得出影响涡旋光束光斑半径尺寸的详细因素。然后基于设计好的螺旋相位板模型,对具有不同拓扑荷数涡旋光束的传播过程进行了细致的模拟分析和实验验证。结果表明,光斑半径会随着光束传输距离的增加而逐渐变大,并且随着拓扑荷数的增大光斑展宽程度也会相应明显。最后验证了基于螺旋相位板叠加获取新型拓扑荷数涡旋光束的实验方法。该结论为激光应用中实现不同性质微粒的微控制提供了具体的指导。  相似文献   

本文详细地介绍了机载干涉仪测向系统使用的平面螺旋天线在2-8GHz频段人的相位特性的研究结果,还重点介绍了影响天线相位特性的关键部件-平衡器的相位特性和一组天线之间的相对相位差。  相似文献   

空心光束由于具有一系列特殊物理性质,所以它在对微观粒子的三维操控技术中占据了极其重要的地位.本文提出采用LCD对入射激光进行相位调制得到高衍射效率空心光束的方法.文章研究了螺旋波的特性,分析了LCD相位调制的原理,在LCD上作出螺旋波的实时纯相位图对入射光进行相位调制,获得具有高衍射效率的空心光束.实验结果表明,采用LCD相位调制方法产生空心光束不但具有实时可调,方便、精确的优点,还具备高衍射效率.  相似文献   

沙金巧  杨俊义  范君柳  王军 《红外与激光工程》2022,51(11):20220396-1-20220396-8
传统4f相位相干成像测量技术中,利用相位物体使测量材料产生的相位变化转换为可直接观察的振幅变化,实现材料光学非线性折射率的测量。然而相位物体的厚度是固定不变的,相位延迟会随激光波长的改变而改变,测量中需要更换合适的相位物体。理论分析了不同激光波长对相位物体相移大小的影响,详细讨论了不同形状光束下相位物体的半径和相移的大小对4f相位相干成像系统灵敏度的影响。利用了迈克尔逊干涉仪中两束光的相位延迟替代传统相位物体的功能,实现了一种相位可调的相位物体。因为迈克尔逊干涉仪两束光的相位延迟连续可调,使得在不同形状光束及不同波长激光下的测量灵敏度达到最优。该方法进一步完善了4f相位相干成像测量技术,不仅解决了传统相位物体的不足,而且提高了系统测量的精度。  相似文献   

史芳静  樊养余  王鑫圆  高永胜 《电子学报》2021,49(10):1900-1907
针对带内全双工(In-band Full Duplex,IBFD)电子系统的收发机自干扰问题,提出了一种基于相位调制器的光子射频自干扰消除系统.利用两个相位调制器在萨格纳克(Sagnac)环中分别实现接收信号和本地参考干扰信号的调制,通过偏振控制最终可在光域中消除自干扰信号.实验结果表明,所提方案最终可以实现超过45dB的单频干扰消除和超过25dB的宽带干扰消除,系统的动态范围可达99.4dB·Hz2/3.  相似文献   

周国尊  田维坚 《红外与激光工程》2019,48(3):320004-0302004(9)
基于严格矢量衍射理论,分析了亚波长光栅将圆偏光转化为线偏光的机理。根据分析的结果提出了一种利用光栅空间分布控制出射光偏振态分布的方法,并使用该方法规设计了一类光栅区域呈多带环形分布的偏振器件。通过改变该型器件的环形光栅区域数量,可以得到不同的偏振光束。通过对出射光束使用Richards-Wolf矢量衍射法进行数值分析,得到了在大数值孔径条件下,聚焦光束在焦点附近的归一化光强分布。其中大多数出射光束的焦点光强分布为平顶光斑,光斑的最大径向半高全宽达到了1.541 。与同数值孔径下线偏光、径向偏振光及角向偏振光的聚焦光强分布具有明显区别。  相似文献   

《Electronics letters》1969,5(20):494-495
Radiation patterns containing multiple beams may be generated by manipulating merely the phase on an aperture, leaving the amplitude distribution undisturbed. The relative phases between the various beams may be adjusted for a best approximation.  相似文献   

We demonstrate measurements of fundamental thermal induced phase fluctuations in the fiber-loop of a Sagnac interferometer. Loop lengths of 1.1 and 2.2 km are considered, showing phase noise levels between ~0.2-1.4 μrad rms/√(Hz) in the frequency range 1-100 kHz. Good agreement between theory and experiment is demonstrated. We show that the frequency dependent noise floor can have a considerable impact on threshold detection's for a Sagnac based sensor for detection of reciprocal measurands, as well as on the random walk coefficient in fiber optic gyroscopes  相似文献   

Nonlinear Sagnac interferometer switch and its applications   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ultrafast all-optical switching based on the optical Kerr effect in a Sagnac interferometer which consists of a dichroic polarization-maintaining fiber coupler and dispersion-shifted polarization-maintaining fiber loop is reported. This nonlinear Sagnac interferometer switch has the advantage of high stability originating from completely balanced interfering arms. In addition, because dispersion-shifted fibers were used, increases in switching power and switching time were prevented. Moreover, polarization fluctuation was completely suppressed due to the all-polarization maintaining fiber configuration. The required switching power for complete switching was measured to be 1.8 W for a 200-m-long fiber. All-optical time division demultiplexing and logic operations, including inversion and operation, using the nonlinear Sagnac interferometer switch were successfully demonstrated at 5 Gb/s  相似文献   

Time-resolved numerical analysis of a nonlinear Sagnac interferometer switch (NSIS) reveals that the combined effects of group velocity dispersion (GVD), self phase modulation, cross phase modulation, and pump-probe walk-off seriously degrade switching performance when the soliton number N of the pump pulse is under 5. This means that the peak power of short pump pulses cannot be reduced to less than the critical value at N>5 to prevent the effect of GVD. This restriction is more severe for pump pulses in the anomalous dispersion region than for those in the normal dispersion region because of higher-order soliton compression. System designs for time-division demultiplexers that use NSISs and picosecond pump pulses generated by a laser-diode coupled to erbium-doped fiber amplifiers are discussed. It is found that 1:32 demultiplexing from 160 to 5 Gb/s and 1:8 demultiplexing from 80 to 10 Gb/s with a switching contrast of more than 60 are possible using diode-laser-pumped 1- and 2-ps pump pulses, respectively  相似文献   

We report the production of electron vortex beams carrying large orbital angular momentum (OAM) using micro-fabricated spiral zone plates. A series of the spherical waves, focussing onto different positions along the propagating direction of the electron beam, were observed. The nth order vortex beam has an OAM n times larger than that of the first-order vortex beam. We observed an electron vortex with an OAM up to in a high-order diffracted wave. A linear dependence of the diameter of the vortex beam on the OAM was observed, being consistent to numerical simulations.  相似文献   

Position determination of an acoustic burst along a Sagnac interferometer   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
We report on a method to measure the longitudinal position of an acoustic burst, or spark, using an all-fiber Sagnac interferometer (SI). A focused pulsed /spl sim/10 ns laser is used to ionize air creating the spark. This ionization point is situated near a coil of test fiber connected to the SI but acoustically separated from the bulk of the SI. A fast Fourier transform (FFT) performed on the temporal signal of the SI shows a series of s from which the position of the acoustic signal is determined. Over an SI length of /spl sim/35 km, longitudinal positions are determined to within tens of meters, corresponding to a best run percent uncertainty of 0.07%.  相似文献   

A tunable negative coefficient band-pass microwave photonic filter (MPF) with improved mainlobe-to-sidelobe suppression ratio (MSSR) by a Sagnac interferometer (SI) is experimentally demonstrated. The negative coefficient characteristic of MPF is achieved by using the phase modulation technology. The central frequency of the band-pass MPF is tunable continuously by changing the wavelength separation of multi-wavelength optical carriers. A 38-tap negative coefficient band-pass MPF whose MSSR is increased by about 6.371 dB is achieved in experiment by apodizing the tap coefficient with the Sagnac interferometer.  相似文献   

A novel method is described which is suitable for measuring the chromatic dispersion of installed single-mode fibres by using a modified σ-type Sagnac interferometer, which contains an off-centred phase modulator. Chromatic dispersion is measured with high resolution from the output interference fringe without requiring any fast diagnostic equipment. Measurement of the chromatic dispersion of a single-mode fibre in the wavelength range 1.5-1.58 μm is demonstrated  相似文献   

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