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现今,以自动控制和信息处理为核心的自动化技术已经成为推动生产力发展、改善人类生活以及促进社会前进的源动力之一.全面了解自动化学科的最新发展态势,对本领域科研部门、科研人员进行工作的规划与实施有着重要的参考价值,本文以2011年~2013年期间88种期刊的46242篇文章作为数据基础,采用文献计量学、社会网络分析等方法进行数据解析,通过知识图谱定量描绘出本领域5个方向(控制理论与控制工程、模式识别与智能系统、系统工程、检测技术与自动化装置、导航、制导与控制)的最新研究态势.结果表明,本领域国内研究热点与国际研究热点各有侧重,国内机构在国际研究中的地位逐步提高,特别地,华人群体在本领域的研究中起到重要的推动作用.  相似文献   

吴惠倩  秦伟 《信息与电脑》2023,(21):224-227
文章选取中国知网(CNKI)数据库从2017年1月1日到2022年12月31日的关于“高中英语核心素养”的相关文献,利用VOSviewer对该文献的年度发文量、作者及其研究机构、关键词等信息进行文献计量学和可视化分析。结果表明:关于“高中英语核心素养”累计发表期刊论文588篇,年度发文量呈逐年上升的趋势;该领域虽已形成一定的研究群体,但学者间缺乏紧密的团队合作关系,且研究机构类型较为单一;该领域共包含7个热点研究主题,主要集中于理论研究,缺少实证研究。未来研究学者应加强不同研究团队、不同机构等方面的多元合作,增加研究深度与广度。  相似文献   

本文以中国知网(CNKI)数据库中2012~2022年收录的205篇以“智慧社区”为主题研究的北大核心与CSSCI来源期刊论文为数据来源,运用文献可视化分析软件CiteSpace.6.1.R2进行数据处理和统计分析,并绘制可视化的知识图谱,从年度发文量、作者及其合作情况、机构及其合作情况等方面对研究的现状进行系统分析,从关键词共现、关键词聚类等方面对研究的前沿热点进行整体分析,希望能为我国智慧社区下一步的发展和研究方向提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

对区块链文献进行统计及可视化研究有助于发现区块链的研究热点、研究领域和演化趋势。在中国知网检索主题为“区块链”的核心期刊论文,获取文献1 216篇,对这些文献的发文量、发文机构、作者共现、重要文献引用情况等进行统计分析,了解区块链研究现状;利用CiteSpace进行可视化分析,从关键词、时区分布等展现区块链的研究热点和演化情况;从区块链思想、核心技术和应用领域等三个维度进行讨论。研究表明:区块链文献近年呈爆发趋势,涉及学科多样化;热点主题主要集中于智能合约、金融科技、数字货币、电子政务等领域;区块链应用已经延伸到多个学科和领域,成为下一代信息革命的主要支撑技术,促进了新兴技术的融合与发展。  相似文献   

吴国政 《自动化学报》2019,45(9):1611-1619
国家自然科学基金是国家支持自动化学科基础研究的主要渠道之一.本文以2014-2018年国家自然科学基金资助项目统计数据为依据,详细分析了五年间信息科学部F03自动化学科在面上项目、青年科学基金项目、地区科学基金项目、重点项目和海外及港澳学者合作研究项目所获资助情况.参考科学基金的资助项目数量、金额及研究内容等方面,及中国学者在自动化领域的研究成果分析了我国自动化学科的研究现状.根据2014-2018年各国学者对自动化学科的研究成果贡献量和关键词热度,将我国自动化学科研究水平与国际先进水平进行了比较,并进一步分析了自动化领域的发展趋势与展望.  相似文献   

为系统分析我国网络安全犯罪领域研究情况,本文运用CiteSpace及相关文献计量方法对2001-2021年“CNKI”数据库中CSSCI来源的294篇网络安全犯罪相关的文献进行可视化分析。通过文献数量分布、核心作者、机构合作情况、高频关键词、关键词聚类分析探究我国网络安全犯罪领域研究热点与现状。  相似文献   

厘清国内外心智模型在界面设计中的研究热点及变化趋势。使用CiteSpace软件对关键词、作者、单位等信息进行可视化分析,可绘制得到Kano模型需求设计、服务设计研究领域的关键词聚类图谱、时间线图谱,以洞悉和揭示该领域的研究热点及学科发展趋势。研究表明,该领域的相关研究数量呈稳步上升趋势,并且出现了“机能分析”“服务创新”等新的研究热点;通过作者合作网络图谱,可以挖掘出Kano模型的需求设计、服务设计研究领域的核心研究作者间的合作情况。  相似文献   

采用CiteSpace软件分析国内近十年版权保护研究现状和热点,为版权保护研究进一步的理论和实践探索提供数据参考。通过检索中国知网(CNKI)中有关版权保护的期刊文献,借助CiteSpace6.1.R2软件对所纳入的文献进行可视化分析。最终共纳入文献1793篇。2017年发文量最高(256篇);最大网络为钮心忻、黄勤龙等5人形成的合作关系网,发文量最多的作者是黄先蓉,共发表15篇;机构之间缺乏合作;研究热点主要集中在媒介融合、短视频原创、网络平台、VR出版业、区块链技术等方面。由此笔者认为,版权保护既是营造文化文艺作品的良好环境,也是激发广大作者创作和传播文化的重要途径,目前核心作者、机构之间缺乏合作交流,未来研究应在多作者、多中心合作的基础上,根据研究热点开展更高质量的研究。  相似文献   

王佳 《福建电脑》2013,(6):80-81,107
文章对CNKI中国期刊全文数据库收录的近8年来有关物联网领域的文献进行计量研究,得出了该领域的高生产力作者、高生产力机构、机构合作情况、核心期刊分布情况。  相似文献   

为推动我国在此方向的研究,探讨计算机网络与数据通信技术的发展动态与趋势,促进我国科研人员在此领域的交流与合作,中国计算机学会网络与数据通信专业委员会拟于2002年12月2~4日在武汉举办“第12届中国计算机学会网络与数据通信学术会议”会议由华中师范大学计算机科学系承办,并将邀请该领域的国际知名学者作专题特邀报告.为保证本次会议的学术质量,现向全国科  相似文献   

本文指出了《自动化学报》2001年27卷4期上刊登的文章"基于LMI的模糊动态系统 H∞输出反馈控制设计"中某些结论的不妥之处,并给出了修改.  相似文献   

Due to the latest developments in electronics industry, multimedia communications is one of the key enabling technologies in the current and future networks. This special issue is to discuss advances in the state of the art and practice of multimedia P2P networking, as well as to identify the related emerging research topics. The careful evaluation process of this special issue has allowed us to select 8 high quality research papers. We strongly believe that the selected papers will make a significant contribution to researchers, practitioners, and students working in this field.  相似文献   

Information is the most valuable but least valued tool that professionals have. The amount of data in science and technology grows so rapidly that broad-coverage compilations cannot be maintained but concentrate on the coverage of specialized topics. The volume of finite element literature in the form of books, conference proceedings and journal papers, as well as a number of developed finite element codes, has been growing at a prodigious rate. It is almost impossible to be up to date with all the relevant information. A bibliometric study is presented; the author takes the number of published papers on finite elements as a measure of the research activity in the field of finite element techniques and investigates some engineering fields/topics where these techniques have been/are used.  相似文献   

This paper reports a work that was intended to reveal the connection between topics investigated by conference papers and journal papers. This work selected hundreds of papers in data mining and information retrieval from well-known databases and showed that the topics covered by conference papers in a year often leads to similar topics covered by journal papers in the subsequent year and vice versa. This study used some existing algorithms and combination of these algorithms to proposed a new detective procedure for the researchers to detect the new trend and get the academic intelligence from conferences and journals.The goal of this research is fourfold: First, the research investigates if the conference papers’ themes lead the journal papers’. Second, the research examines how the new research themes can be identified from the conference papers. Third, the research looks at a specific area such as information retrieval and data mining as an illustration. Fourth, the research studies any inconsistencies of the correlation between the conference papers and the journal papers.This study explores the connections between the academic publications. The methodologies of information retrieval and data mining can be exploited to discover the relationships between published papers among all topics. By discovering the connections between conference papers and journal papers, researchers can improve the effectiveness of their research by identifying academic intelligence.This study discusses how conference papers and journal papers are related. The topics of conference papers are identified to determine whether they represent new trend discussed in journal papers. An automatic examination procedure based on information retrieval and data mining is also proposed to minimize the time and human resources required to predict further research developments. This study develops a new procedure and collects a dataset to verify those problems. Analytical results demonstrate that the conference papers submitted to journals papers are similar each year. Conference papers certainly affect the journal papers published over three years. About 87.23% of data points from papers published in 1991–2007 support our assumption. The research is intended to help researchers identify new trend in their research fields, and focus on the urgent topics. This is particularly valuable for new researchers in their field, or those who wish to perform cross-domain studies.  相似文献   

胡泽文  武夷山 《自动化学报》2014,40(5):1016-1023
汇集不同数据源中,《自动化学报》的各项文献计量指标,如影响因子、影响因子排名、总被引频次和海外论文比等,以图表的形式清晰直观地展示出这些指标近五年的年度变化趋势.同时也分析了国际自动化、控制系统和模式识别领域研究的进展、主题、文献类型、主要机构和国家(地区)、研究热点等,向读者展示《自动化学报》和自动化研究领域近五年的发展图景.  相似文献   

Network and service management is an established research field within the general area of computer networks. A few years ago, an initial taxonomy, organizing a comprehensive list of terms and topics, was established through interviews with experts from both industry and academia. This taxonomy has since been used to better partition standardization efforts, identify classes of managed objects and improve the assignment of reviewers to papers submitted in the field. Because the field of network and service management is rapidly evolving, a biyearly update of the taxonomy was proposed. In this paper, a large-scale questionnaire is presented which was answered by experts in the field, evaluating the relevance of each individual topic for the next five years. Missing topics, which are likely to become relevant over the next few years, are identified as well. Furthermore, an analysis is performed of the records of papers submitted to major conferences in the area. Based on the obtained results, an updated version of the taxonomy is proposed.  相似文献   

The 1960s represents a key decade in the expansion of ergonomics within the UK. This paper reviews trends and developments that emerged out of the 1960s and compares these with ergonomics research and practice today. The focus in particular is on the expansion of ergonomics as a discipline within industry, as well as more specific topics, such as the emergence of areas of interest, for example, computers and technology, automation and systems ergonomics and consumer ergonomics. The account is illustrated with a detailed timeline of developments, a set of industrial case studies and the contents of important publications during the decade. A key aim of the paper is to provide the opportunity to reflect on the past and the implications this may have for future directions for ergonomics within the UK.

The paper provides practitioners with an insight into the development of ergonomics in the UK during one of the most important decades of its history. This is especially relevant given the fact that in 2009 the Ergonomics Society celebrates its 60th anniversary.  相似文献   

Preface          下载免费PDF全文
The International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM), which was held in Belfast, Northern Ireland in 2010, was the fourth success in the series of such conferences. The conference focuses on the three themes of knowledge science, engineering and management, covering a wider range of research topics in the KSEM-related areas. This event offered an invaluable opportunity to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners to present original work, the latest advances on knowledge representation, pioneered knowledge engineering, knowledge related systems, as well as discuss and debate practical challenges in deploying knowledge-based systems and research opportunities in the research community. To highlight research activities drawn by this event and provide an insight into the latest developments in the related areas, we present this special issue which is dedicated to all the delegates and researchers in the community who made the conference a success. We selected more than 10 papers that were presented in the conference and asked the authors to extend these papers. After careful review, we finally select 6 papers to be included in this special issue. This collection of extended versions of papers consists of the KSEM2010''s finest papers and covers the prominent topics of knowledge representation and reasoning, ontology engineering and applications, data mining and knowledge discovery. They represent state of the art of research in KSEM-related research areas.  相似文献   

张雪峰 《自动化学报》2020,46(5):1061-1062
《自动化学报》39卷12期的"分数阶奇异系统容许性的充分必要条件"得到了基于线性矩阵不等式的分数阶广义系统容许性充分必要条件.本文给出一个数值反例表明文献[1]中定理1的充分条件结论并不成立, 必要条件也不准确.最后, 给出了修改正确的分数阶广义系统容许性充分必要条件.相比于文献[1]的定理1, 改进后充要条件没有保守性并去除了原文中分数阶广义系统正则性的限制要求.  相似文献   

In this study, information retrieval and genetic algorithm are integrated to propose a new knowledge structure construction method and this method is further applied to the papers published on the journal of Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA). The purpose of this method is to explore the major topics as well as the related techniques and methods of the papers published in various periods of time and help understand the research tendencies among these published papers. We use vector space model to present the published papers and feature and adopt chi-square test to examine the independence of topics. Then we apply genetic algorithm to facilitate automatic topic selections used to construct the knowledge structures for the journal in study.We select ESWA as the source of samples mainly because the papers published on this journal feature an extensive use of methods and techniques and have been widely applied in many domains. Moreover, it is also a SCI listed journal. In recent years, more and more outstanding scholars have published their papers on this journal, so citation of the papers on this journal by other papers is frequent. It can be viewed as an internationally prominent journal.In our experiment, knowledge structures are constructed and analyzed. The representativeness of the selected topics and whether published papers have been classified into appropriate topics are also evaluated. From the experimental results, we discover that the constructed knowledge structures could not only effectively present representative topics, related techniques and issues, but also help understand the research tendencies.  相似文献   

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