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介绍安徽安凯汽车股份有限公司HFF6120G03SHEV型串联式混合动力城市客车整车控制系统研制,以串联式混合动力城市客车为控制对象,对驾驶员的需求、整车能量优化分配和整车控制策略进行了分析,设计、制作了整车控制器硬件电路,编写了软件程序.实现了混合动力模式、纯电动模式、发动机模式、能量回收模式、充电模式等正常工作模式,使客车正常工作时发动机始终处于高效区、电池不过充电或过放电,并在客车出现故障时切换到跛行回家模式或单电机驱动模式等故障运行模式,保证客车可以行驶到安全地带.经过试验场测试和实车运行测试,设计、研制完成的整车控制器可在城市公交环境下长期稳定、可靠的运行,能准确实现整车控制功能,并达到显著的节能效果.  相似文献   

混合动力汽车通常由内燃机和电池两种不同的动力源驱动,对于给定的功率需求,如何分配两种动力源的输出功率,使得整个循环的耗油量达到最小是混合动力系统控制表示法需要解决的问题.本文采用改进动态规划方法来优化两种动力源的输出功率,并用PSATv6.1进行了系统仿真.仿真结果表明,与开关式相比,该方法能有效的降低串联混合动力汽车...  相似文献   

本控制器针对串联式混合动力汽车进行设计,根据整车工作状态及工作模式对辅助动力单元进行控制,以调节辅助动力单元工作状态,协调混合动力电动汽车能量分配。整车采用串联式混合动力结构,由蓄电池组和发电机组提供能量,以三相异步电机构成驱动系统。本控制器实现了基于TMS320F2812的辅助动力单元控制器的设计。采用了由发电机组的放电电流和发动机转速构成的双闭环控制结构,在实际应用中使辅助动力单元的能量输出达到了良好的控制效果。  相似文献   

以某并联混合动力汽车为研究对象,提出一种对比汽车串联和并联制动能量回收系统的仿真方案。利用MATLAB/Simulink平台搭建控制策略,并与AVL Cruise进行联合仿真,用电池端能量评价制动能量回收率对经济性的影响。仿真结果表明:串联式制动能量回收系统是较为理想的选择。  相似文献   

孙骏  胡悦  徐回  李卫民 《集成技术》2013,2(6):11-17
为给混合动力叉车动力系统选型提供参考,从系统结构和控制策略两个方面设计了并联式和混联式混合动力叉 车的动力系统。基于图形化建模仿真软件 Matlab/Simulink 建立了两种混合动力叉车的仿真模型,并在特定的循环工况下 进行仿真试验:验证仿真模型有效性,对控制策略进行仿真分析,同时还比较了两种结构形式混合动力叉车的动力性和 燃油经济性。结果表明,两种结构形式叉车动力性能相当,但混联式混合动力叉车有更好的燃油经济性。  相似文献   

混合动力汽车模型预测控制策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统混合动力汽车控制方法无法实现实时最优控制的问题,提出了基于简化混合动力汽车系统模型的预测控制智能优化策略.通过将3自由度的系统模型简化为1自由度的系统模型,并采用连续广义最小残量方法求解模型预测控制问题.运用MATLAB/Simulink与GT-POWER联合仿真平台进行仿真,实验结果验证了系统模型简化的有效性,以及所设计的模型预测控制算法大幅度提高混合动力汽车的燃油经济性的能力和实时控制性能.  相似文献   

针对传统插电式混合动力汽车智能控制策略计算量大,难以实现实时最优控制的问题,提出了基于蓄电池充放电管理的插电式混合动力汽车预测控制策略.利用实测通勤插电式混合动力汽车车速信息,以蓄电池荷电状态为系统状态变量,以蓄电池充放电功率为系统控制变量,插电式混合动力汽车燃油消耗量最低为系统性能指标,设计了插电式混合动力汽车的模型预测控制智能优化算法,运用连续广义最小残量方法求解最优控制问题.在Matlab/Simulink与GT-POWER联合仿真平台上进行仿真,实验结果验证了所设计的模型预测控制算法不仅可以大幅度提高混合动力汽车的燃油经济性,而且能够满足实时控制的要求.  相似文献   

在风光互补发电系统中,蓄电池作为风光互补发电系统的储能设备,在整个发电系统中起着非常重要的作用,而蓄电池充电控制方法的优劣,是影响其使用寿命的一个重要因素。文章对风光互补发电系统中蓄电池的常用充电控制方法进行了分析,提出了一种新的控制策略,即将蓄电池充电电压、充电电流采样值分别与蓄电池事先设定好的恒压过充电压、恒流充电限流值和浮充电流值进行实时比较,来判断采取哪种合理的充电方式,对蓄电池起到尽可能的保护,从而延长了风光互补发电系统中蓄电池使用寿命。  相似文献   

A benchmark control problem was developed for a special session of the IFAC Workshop on Engine and Powertrain Control, Simulation and Modeling (E-COSM 12), held in Rueil-Malmaison, France, in October 2012. The online energy management of a plug-in hybrid-electric vehicle was to be developed by the benchmark participants. The simulator, provided by the benchmark organizers, implements a model of the GM Voltec powertrain. Each solution was evaluated according to several metrics, comprising of energy and fuel economy on two driving profiles unknown to the participants, acceleration and braking performance, computational performance. The nine solutions received are analyzed in terms of the control technique adopted (heuristic rule-based energy management vs. equivalent consumption minimization strategies, ECMS), battery discharge strategy (charge depleting–charge sustaining vs. blended mode), ECMS implementation (vector-based vs. map-based), ways to improve the implementation and improve the computational performance. The solution having achieved the best combined score is compared with a global optimal solution calculated offline using the Pontryagin's minimum principle-derived optimization tool HOT.  相似文献   

When a hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is certified for emissions and fuel economy, its power management system must be charge sustaining over the drive cycle, meaning that the battery state of charge (SOC) must be at least as high at the end of the test as it was at the beginning of the test. During the test cycle, the power management system is free to vary the battery SOC so as to minimize a weighted combination of fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. This paper argues that shortest path stochastic dynamic programming (SP‐SDP) offers a more natural formulation of the optimal control problem associated with the design of the power management system because it allows deviations of battery SOC from a desired setpoint to be penalized only at key off. This method is illustrated on a parallel hybrid electric truck model that had previously been analyzed using infinite‐horizon stochastic dynamic programming with discounted future cost. Both formulations of the optimization problem yield a time‐invariant causal state‐feedback controller that can be directly implemented on the vehicle. The advantages of the shortest path formulation include that a single tuning parameter is needed to trade off fuel economy and emissions versus battery SOC deviation, as compared with two parameters in the discounted, infinite‐horizon case, and for the same level of complexity as a discounted future‐cost controller, the shortest‐path controller demonstrates better fuel and emission minimization while also achieving better SOC control when the vehicle is turned off. Linear programming is used to solve both stochastic dynamic programs. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

开发了一种并联式混合动力汽车的整车控制器,以英飞凌32位单片机TC1766为微控制器,阐述了各个功能模块的硬件实现以及系统电磁兼容设计,在排放实验室进行了车载整车功能和性能试验.试验表明开发的整车控制器具备良好的控制品质,可满足混合动力汽车的动力、经济和环保要求.  相似文献   

针对单模糊控制策略下再生制动能量不能得到充分回收,提出了一种并联式混合动力汽车的双模糊控制能量管理策略.分别设计了驱动和制动工况下相应的模糊控制器,简化了控制系统设计的复杂度.最后,在Matlab中利用Advisor软件对所设计的双模糊控制策略进行了仿真.结果表明,与电辅助控制策略和单模糊控制策略相比,所设计的双模糊控制能量管理策略,在有效提高燃油经济性和制动工作效率的同时,极大地降低了废气排放.  相似文献   

控制器参数的整定是控制工程中的重要研究课题之一。为克服经验公式方法的模型依赖性和遗传算法易早熟收敛的缺点 ,进一步提高算法优化性能 ,改善控制品质 ,将遗传算法的并行搜索结构和模拟退火的可控性概率突跳特性合理融合 ,构造高效混合策略 ,并有效地解决了水轮机系统的控制器整定。  相似文献   

变电站电压无功控制是电网混成自动电压控制(hybrid automatic voltage control,HAVC)系统的重要组成部分,其控制措施一般包括变电站有载调压变压器(OLTC)的调节和站内电容电抗器的投切等.变电站电压无功控制器设计是一个典型的多目标优化问题.即在调控过程中,既要控制无功及电压尽量接近设定值,又必须使OLTC的调节次数和电容电抗器的投切次数尽量少.因此,本文首先建立了HAVC系统变电站电压无功控制的多目标优化模型,然后求解该多目标优化问题得到变电站电压无功优化控制策略.对东北电网沙岭变电站的仿真分析证明了所提出的控制策略的有效性和正确性.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a two-stage hierarchy control system with model predictive control (MPC) for connected parallel HEVs with available traffic information. In the first stage, a coordination of on-ramp merging problem using MPC is presented to optimize the merging point and trajectory for cooperative merging. After formulating the merging problem into a nonlinear optimization problem, a continuous/GMRES method is used to generate the real-time vehicle acceleration for two considered HEVs running on main road and merging road, respectively. The real-time acceleration action is used to calculate the torque demand for the dynamic system of the second stage. In the second stage, an energy management strategy (EMS) for powertrain control that optimizes the torque-split and gear ratio simultaneously is composed to improve fuel efficiency. The formulated nonlinear optimization problem is solved by sequential quadratic programming (SQP) method under the same receding horizon. The simulation results demonstrate that the vehicles can merge cooperatively and smoothly with a reasonable torque distribution and gear shift schedule.  相似文献   

发动机是混合动力电动汽车动力设备的心脏,为了保证混合动力电动汽车可以快速稳定地运行,需要对其转速智能控制系统进行设计;使用当前控制系统智能控制混合动力电动汽车发动机转速时,无法快速检测到发动机转速,难以达到最佳的智能控制结果;为此,基于软切换提出Bang Bang-神经网络PID的混合动力电动汽车发动机转速智能控制系统设计方法;混合动力电动汽车发动机转速智能控制系统以Mcs-51系列8751单片机为核心系统,检测混合动力电动汽车发动机转速的数字信号,同时控制D/A模拟信号的输出,并在LED显示器上显示发动机转速数字信号,以PWM调制器放大混合动力电动汽车启动时发动机产生的PWM波,将放大后的PWM波供给电力发动机,再以分频填充脉冲装置测量混合动力电动汽车发动机转速,通过Bang Bang-神经网络PID算法计算出混合动力电动汽车发动机转速误差,达到实时控制混合动力电动汽车发动机转速的效果;实验仿真证明,所提设计方法保证了发动机转速的快速性和平稳性。  相似文献   

This brief proposes a model predictive control method using preceding vehicle information within hybrid electric vehicles' (HEVs') predictive cruise control system to improve car following performance and reduce fuel consumption. This paper adds two original contributions to the related literature. First, a real‐time optimization approach using Pontryagin's minimum principle with analytical methods rather than numerical iteration methods is proposed. Second, to compute the desired battery state of charge trajectory as a function of vehicle position, only the topographic profile of the future road segments must be known. Both the fuel economy and the driving profile are optimized using the proposed approach. Simulation results show that fuel economy using the proposed method is improved significantly.  相似文献   

大型电动轮矿用卡车功率需求波动大,对加速时的后备功率和制动时的能量回收能力都有很高的要求,传统混合动力车辆采用的发电机组与单一动力电池并联供电的方式难以满足车辆对峰值功率和能量的双重需求。针对该问题,设计了大型电动轮矿用卡车电传动系统控制方案,并提出基于功率跟随与母线电压调节相结合的能量协同控制策略。在能量控制过程中,以发电机组和电池组作为主能量源跟随目标需求功率,以超级电容为辅助能量源,采用超级电容与发电机组交替工作的方式调节直流母线电压,使车辆能够根据行驶工况自动选择合适的母线电压调节方式。考虑电池最大充电能力及寿命的限制,提出了由超级电容负责电路能量回收并根据超级电容剩余电量情况缓慢向电池转移能量的方法。对特定车辆极端行驶工况的仿真结果表明,该控制方案保证了车辆具有充足的行驶动力,提高了电传动系统的效率;减少了锂电池的反复充放电次数,有利于延长锂电池的使用寿命;保证了大功率波动时直流母线电压的稳定,提高了电传动系统的可靠性。  相似文献   

This paper investigates a distributed optimal energy consumption control strategy under mean-field game based speed consensus. Large scale vehicles in a traffic flow is targeted instead of individual vehicles, and it is assumed that the propulsion power of vehicles is hybrid electric powertrain. The control scheme is designed in the following two stages. In the first stage, in order to achieve speed consensus, the acceleration control law is designed by applying the MFG (mean-field game) theory. In the second stage, optimal powertrain control for minimizing energy consumption is obtained through coordinate the engine and the motor under the acceleration constraint. The simulation is conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.  相似文献   

本文针对混合动力汽车的制动过程能量回馈效率不足进行分析.以ISG技术的中度混合动力汽车为平台,通过分析混合动力汽车前、后轮制动力分配以及摩擦制动力和再生制动力的合理分配,建立了基于制动安全性和高效制动能量回收的动态协调再生制动控制策略模型,并在不同的路况下进行仿真分析和修正.仿真结果表明,制动力动态协调控制策略与原有传...  相似文献   

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