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Reusable launch vehicle (RLV) should be under control in the presence of model uncertainty and external disturbance, which is considered as torque perturbation in this paper during the reentry phase. Such a challenge imposes tight requirements to the enhanced robustness and accuracy of the vehicle autopilot. The key of this paper is to propose an adaptive‐gain multivariable super‐twisting sliding mode controller when considering that the bounds of uncertainty and perturbation are not known. The important features of the controller are that the adaptation algorithm can achieve non‐overestimating values of the control gains and the multivariable super‐twisting sliding mode approach can obtain a more elegant solution in finite time. According to the multiple‐time scale features, the dynamics of RLV attitude motion are divided into outer‐loop subsystem and inner‐loop subsystem. On this basis, the controllers are designed respectively to ensure the finite‐time reentry attitude tracking. In addition, a proof of the finite‐time convergence for the overall system is derived using the Lyapunov function technique and multiple‐time scale characteristic. Finally, simulation results of six degree‐of‐freedom RLV are provided to verify the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed controller in tracking the guidance commands as well as achieving a safe and stable reentry flight. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

自适应广义滑模观测器之状态估计和故障重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对一类同时具有执行机构故障和输出扰动的不确定性系统,提出了一种自适应广义滑模观测器,实现系统状态的估计和执行机构故障的重构.首先,进行系统变换及状态增广构成一类奇异系统,使得执行机构故障和输出扰动解耦,且输出扰动成为增广系统的状态之一;随后,受未知输入观测器和滑模观测器的启发,设计了一种广义滑模观测器,放宽了传统方法对输出维数的严格约束,并通过融入自适应技术放宽了对故障和不确定性上界已知的要求;最后,利用等效误差注入的思想实现故障重构.针对可重复使用运载器再入段进行的仿真实例,验证了所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对可重复使用运载器(reusable launch vehicle,RLV)的六自由度再入模型,考虑模型不确定和外界干扰对再入姿态控制的影响,提出了一种非线性鲁棒控制策略.首先,根据多时间尺度特性将RLV的再入姿态模型分为姿态角子系统和姿态角速率子系统.其次,对每个子系统分别设计光滑二阶滑模控制器和滑模干扰观测器实现子系统的有限时间稳定.利用干扰观测器可以实现对不确定和外界干扰的精确估计,从而对控制器进行有效的补偿.进而,基于Lyapunov理论证明了整个系统的有限时间稳定.最后,通过仿真验证了提出的控制策略具有良好的控制性能和鲁棒性.  相似文献   

本文从5个方面对新一代可重复使用天地往返飞行器(reusablelaunchvehicle,RLV)中存在的多输入控制问题进行了讨论:1)RLV增加冗余输入通道后,对飞行器系统性能的影响;2)RLV存在冗余输入通道时的控制分配问题;3)RLV再入大气层时,舵面和喷流反作用系统(reaction-jet control system,RCS)异类执行机构的复合控制问题;4)RLV三通道关联耦合效应对控制的影响;5)RLV为抑制机体弹性振动而面临的执行器位置寻优问题.开展RLV多输入控制课题的研究,不仅能挖掘出控制科学中的新问题,推动控制理论的进一步发展,而且也能为工程实践提供重要的理论支撑.  相似文献   

针对可重复使用运载器再入段的姿态控制问题,提出一种基于准连续高阶滑模的控制方法。将姿态控制系统分为两个回路,分别为角度控制回路与角速度控制回路。角度回路作为外回路产生角速度指令,角速度回路作为内回路跟踪外回路产生的角速度控制指令。为了提高系统的鲁棒性,对两个回路分别设计滑模控制器。外回路中设计基于低通滤波的终端滑模控制方法,以获得平滑的控制量作为角速度指令。内回路设计增加系统相对阶的准连续高阶滑模方法,使控制律中不直接含有符号函数项,保证系统稳定的同时减弱控制器抖振。在具有外界干扰与参数不确定的情况下,使用本文提出的方法进行仿真试验,仿真结果证明了所提出方法的有效性。  相似文献   

The control effectors of reusable launch vehicle (RLV) can produce significant perturbations and faults in reentry phase. Such a challenge imposes tight requirements to enhance the robustness of vehicle autopilot. Focusing on this problem, a novel finite‐time fault‐tolerant control strategy is proposed for reentry RLV in this paper. The key of this strategy is to design an adaptive‐gain multivariable finite‐time disturbance observer (FDO) to estimate the synthetical perturbation with unknown bounds, which is composed of model uncertainty, external disturbance, and actuator fault considered as the partial loss of actuator effectiveness in this work. Then, combined with the finite‐time high‐order observer and differentiator, a continuous homogeneous second‐order sliding mode controller based on the terminal sliding mode and super‐twisting algorithm is designed to achieve a fast and accurate RLV attitude tracking with chattering attenuation. The main features of the integrated control strategy are that the adaptation algorithm of FDO can achieve non‐overestimating values of the observer gains and the second‐order super‐twisting sliding mode approach can obtain a more elegant solution in finite time. Finally, simulation results of classical RLV (X‐33) are provided to verify the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed fault‐tolerant controller in tracking the guidance commands. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对防空导弹垂直发射姿态调转时的快速性要求,研究了快速姿态调转的控制问题.首先基于一类多输入多输出高阶非线性系统的Teminal(终态)滑模变结构控制方法,对垂直发射防空导弹的滚动和俯仰、偏航通道所呈现的非线性、强耦合性进行了分析,并设计了一种新型滑模控制器.控制器设计方案消除了滑模控制的到达阶段,系统的初始状态始终保持在滑模面上,确保了系统的全局鲁棒性和稳定性,且能在有限且可控时间内使跟踪误差趋近于零.最后通过数字仿真验证了系统在不确定因素情况下具有强鲁棒性和适应性,可用于防空导弹短时间姿态调转控制.  相似文献   

Decentralized attitude synchronization and tracking control for multiple rigid bodies are investigated in this paper. In the presence of inertia uncertainties and environmental disturbances, we propose a class of decentralized adaptive sliding mode control laws. An adaptive control strategy is adopted to reject the uncertainties and disturbances. Using the Lyapunov approach and graph theory, it is shown that the control laws can guarantee a group of rigid bodies to track the desired time-varying attitude and angular velocity while maintaining attitude synchronization with other rigid bodies in the formation. Simulation examples are provided to illustrate the feasibility and advantage of the control algorithm.   相似文献   

运载火箭在飞行过程中面临着参数变化范围大、外界干扰复杂的飞行环境,传统的控制方法已经很难满足姿态控制系统的要求.本文将传统的动态滑模和积分滑模综合起来,尝试一种新型的动态积分滑模控制策略律.仿真结果表明,在存在系统参数摄动和外部干扰的情况下,该法很好的消除了抖振,取得较理想的控制效果.  相似文献   

质量特性作为空天飞行器总体设计的关键控制参数,与飞行器总体性能和技术指标密切相关,其设计与控制贯穿空天飞行器研制全过程。基于数字化设计环境和飞行器数字样机,提出了全飞行器质量特性管理系统方案,并在此基础上开发了原型系统,对设计思路进行了验证。相比于传统质量特性的计算及管理方法,该系统可有效提高设计效率,实现飞行器质量特性全寿命周期的动态可控、可见和可追溯。该成果后续还可推广应用于其他航天器研制。  相似文献   

邓立为  宋申民 《自动化学报》2014,40(11):2420-2427
以具有更大秘钥空间的分数阶超混沌系统为驱动系统和响应系统,利用具有实际应用意义的输出反馈滑模控制实现两个系统的同步.通过对同步误差系统方程进行结构分解,在辅助系统的基础上设计具有输出反馈特性的滑模控制律.在分数阶系统稳定性理论基础上利用MATLAB YALMIP工具箱对滑模参数进行整定,并利用分数阶Lyapunov稳定性定理证明了滑模控制律和自适应滑模控制律的稳定性.最后,数值仿真表明了本文方法的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

The reaching law is an important part of a sliding‐mode controller, which guarantees the existence of sliding motion in finite time. Fast access to sliding motion with a weak chattering phenomenon in control input is always desired. In this paper, 2 different types of reaching laws are proposed, which guarantee finite‐time convergence to the sliding manifold. Moreover, the reaching time is robust to initial conditions and can be designed by the user. Some useful discussions on the design of parameters are also presented to weaken the chattering phenomenon. A careful simulation study is finally provided to verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

为了提高数值解法的收敛速度,本文利用Radau伪谱法求解重复使用运载器的再入轨迹优化问题.该方法在一组Legendre-Gauss-Radau点上构造全局Lagrange插值多项式对状态变量和控制变量进行逼近,在动力学方程中状态变量对时间的导数可由插值多项式的导数来近似,故可将动力学方程约束转化为在Legendre-Gauss-Radau点上的代数微分方程约束.因此,可将连续时间的最优控制问题转化为有限维的非线性规划(NLP)问题,之后通过稀疏NLP求解器SNOPT即可对其进行求解.最后的仿真结果显示,通过该方法优化后的再入轨迹成功满足过程约束与边界约束.由于该方法的高效率和高精度特性,可将其应用于轨迹快速优化工程实际问题中.  相似文献   

RLV抗扰动非线性最优控制器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可重复使用运载器(RLV)再入面临严重的扰动影响,对此设计一种抗扰动非线性最优控制器(ADNOC)。首先,基于时标分离原理设计快、慢双回路控制结构;其次,将角速率动态变换处理成线性形式,通过依赖状态的黎卡提方程(SDRE)优化方法获得最优控制指令;然后,设计非线性扰动观测器用于估计外界干扰,并在非线性最优控制律中进行干扰补偿。仿真实验结果表明,所设计的控制器能良好地完成姿态跟踪控制,抑制扰动对姿态控制的影响,实现RLV的最优控制性能。  相似文献   

拖曳系统飞行过程仿真研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
该文分别采用拖缆的“刚化柔性悬索”和“线性弹簧”模型,建立了拖曳式空中发射重复使用运载器系统的动力学模型,并对拖曳系统在纵向平面内的整个飞行过程,包括起飞、爬升、改平以及平飞,进行了仿真计算,其计算方法是可行的,拖缆采用这两种模型获得的计算结果基本一致,可用于拖曳空中发射重复使用运载器可行性的评价。同时对拖缆采用上述两种模型时,其作用于拖曳飞机和运载器的拉力的大小和方向进行了认真研究,相互印证了这两种模型的可行性。总之,在拖曳系统这样的多体系统中,上述两种拖缆模型的使用是合适的。  相似文献   

窦立谦  毛奇  苏沛华 《控制与决策》2018,33(7):1181-1189
考虑可重复使用运载器再入段参数不确定性和外界干扰的影响,提出一种基于自适应模糊${{H  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the design of longitudinal controller for an intelligent vehicle which was built at Asian Institute of Technology based on sliding mode control. The proposed controller uses particle swarm optimization (PSO) for optimal tuning of sliding surface and controller gain in the sliding mode controller (SMC). The longitudinal control is conducted via controlling of throttle value angle using PSO-based SMC on the simplified first-order linear model of the intelligent vehicle and controlling of brake force using fuzzy logic. In order to achieve the desired headway time, integration of throttle valve angle control and brake force control is required. To obtain the optimal parameters of SMC, two equations velocity updating and position updating are applied. Firstly, the performance of proposed controller is evaluated by using MATLAB simulation to compare with conventional PD controller. Finally, the experimental results show that the proposed PSO-based SMC can perform efficiently in longitudinal control of the intelligent vehicle.  相似文献   

基于分数微积分理论,提出分数阶”天棚”阻尼控制概念,并以它控制的悬架为参考模型,提出一个控制效果理想、鲁棒性好的悬架滑模控制的新策略,并应用于非线性悬架的动力学控制中.文中给出了一种精度较高,收敛稳定的分数阶系统的数值算法,最后对非线性悬架的滑模主动控制进行数值仿真,验证了新控制策略优良的控制效果.  相似文献   

基于鲁棒自适应反步的可重复使用飞行器再入姿态控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑惯性矩阵不确定和力矩扰动的影响, 设计再入可重复使用飞行器的鲁棒自适应反步姿态控制器. 首先, 设计虚拟控制时, 通过自适应实现对不确定项的未知边界的估计; 其次, 设计实际控制输入时, 为消除反步法的“计算爆炸”问题, 将虚拟控制导数作为不确定项, 引入鲁棒项消除不确定与力矩扰动的影响; 再次, 基于Lyapunov 理论证明了跟踪误差收敛到任意小邻域; 最后, 基于X-33 的六自由度模型仿真验证了所设计的控制策略的有效性.  相似文献   

针对自动导向车(AGV)的路径跟踪,提出一种新的模型参考-模糊变结构滑模-PI组合跟踪控制方案。该方案将AGV设计成左右轮行走距离跟踪系统,并引进参考模型,组合了模糊控制和变结构滑模控制以及比例加积分(PI)控制。模糊变结构滑模控制提供了跟踪的快速性和稳定性,PI控制则消除稳态抖动,提高了稳态精度。仿真及实测结果表明,这种新的设计方案能达到较高的跟踪精度。  相似文献   

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