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大数据时代对数据存储提出了新的需求,数据的存储安全关乎社会稳定与发展。全息加密光存储具有高存储密度、快读取速度、长保存寿命等特点,为海量数据存储提供了有效的解决方案,是保障数据存储安全的有力手段。聚焦于全息光存储领域,论述了以振幅、相位和偏振等作为调制变量的全息加密光存储的基本原理,介绍了常见的全息加密光存储技术及其性能影响因素,梳理了大量密钥的管理方法,最后总结了各技术特点,并对全息加密光存储的未来发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

随着信息时代全球数据量爆发式增长,需要存储的数据量与日俱增。面对大数据存储的挑战,全息光存储技术将信息以数据页的形式并行记录在体全息介质中,可以实现大容量数据的存储与高速读写,具有独特优势。本文从全息存储的原理和关键技术入手,详细介绍了面向商业化应用的全息光存储系统和全息光存储介质的研究现状,探讨了实现大容量和长寿命数据存储的技术途径。  相似文献   

超高密度光存储技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董怡  金伟其 《激光与红外》2005,35(8):543-547
文章从三维体存储和近场光存储两个方向介绍了超高密度光存储技术。三维体存储 包括:体全息数据存储、双光子吸收存储和多层存储。体全息数据存储容量大、寻址快、存储寿命长;双光子吸收存储也属于多层记录存储,存储形式多样,本文以光致色变光存储为例进行讨论。海量存储的另一个研究方向是近场光存储,该技术与传统光存储显著的区别在于:用纳米尺寸的光学探针距记录介质纳米距离实现纳米尺寸光点的记录,从而实现超高密度光存储。文章最后对超高密度光存储发展及应用趋势进行了阐述。  相似文献   

美国康涅狄格州大学的研究人员发现,通过使用激光在微生物蛋白上刻蚀数据,可制造一种可擦除的全息存储器。全息储器存储数据是在一个三维的空间而不是通常的两维空间,并且数据检索速度要比传统的快几百倍。第一个全息存储系统最近已经投放市场,不过它还不像光盘那样可以实时擦写。  相似文献   

光盘记录介质研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着材料科学、光存储技术的发展,国内外对光存储介质的研究不断深入.文章对全息、光谱烧孔、电子俘获、双光子、光致变色材料等光盘记录介质及其存储机理研究进展进行了综述.  相似文献   

由于空间任务进一步深入宇宙深处和进一步远离地球,促使工程师们发明了证明具有更多功能和更加可靠的数据存储系统。虽然全息数据存储至今尚未选为空间任务的应用,但它的大存储容量、快速记录和存取时间以及牢固的设计总有一天能使它用于空间应用。全息存储的开发者始终将眼睛盯在一般计算机市场上,希望能代替CD-ROM和数字视盘之类其它光盘。但如果这种技术的价格有朝一日能降到可竞争地步,它必然在合适市场(如需要巨大容量和甚快检索时间的档案存储应用方面)获得成功。空间应用可能利用全息存储的功能。对美国航空航天局所提议…  相似文献   

人类社会正处于信息爆炸的大数据时代,迅速膨胀的数据在持续高速增加,需要越来越大的存储容量来承载。高密度光存储技术具有非接触、抗电磁干扰、存储密度高等优点,为更好地存储、处理、分析每天产生的海量数据提供了优质方案。然而,光储存记录点的尺寸受到衍射极限的限制,传统光存储技术的存储密度难以大幅提升。近年来,随着多参量光场调控技术的发展,高数值孔径物镜聚焦下的结构化光场有了更新颖的结构、更丰富的维度和更小的尺寸,为高密度光存储提供了更多选择。本文将综述光场调控技术在紧聚焦焦场上的最新成果,介绍实现空间紧聚焦焦场的理论设计、模拟、实验、高效生成器件和应用。这些成果将会更好地服务于高密度光存储技术的研究与应用。  相似文献   

全息光存储技术是一种极具发展潜力的信息存储技术,因其具有高信息冗余度、高存储容量和高存取速率等优点而日益受到关注本文介绍了全息光存储技术的研究历史与现状,并对几种具有代表性的全息光存储系统进行了评述。  相似文献   

院士建议:“大数据光存储研发与应用”急需上升为国家战略 4月23日,由国家信息中心主办,《中国信息界》杂志社和中经云数据存储科技(北京)有限公司承办的“第三届大容量光存储技术研讨会暨中国大数据光存储产业联盟发起大会”在京召开。  相似文献   

题目:DVDR光盘常规测试参数及测试方法;题目:全息光存储综述及发展状况;题目:光存储技术领域的一次盛会ISOS'2005会议报道;题目:光盘从二维面存储到三维面存储;题目:高密度光存储的研究进展……  相似文献   

调制技术是高密度光盘存储中的关键技术,是提高光盘存储密度并保证数据正确读取 的重要途径。文中综述了光盘存储中调制技术的研究进展,着重介绍了其原理和性能,并探讨了今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Asthana  P. 《Spectrum, IEEE》1994,31(10):60-66
Optical data storage once seemed to be failing, and the lessons to be learned from its turnaround apply to other high-tech products. The author discusses the four obstacles which may have caused the problems and how they were overcome. The various types of optical disc technologies are explained. Future market strategies for the optical disc are also discussed  相似文献   

为解决现有采集存储系统不能同时满足高速率采集,大容量脱机且长时间持续存储的问题,设计了一种基于SATA硬盘和FPGA的数据采集和存储方案。本设计由AD9627转换芯片,Altera Cyclone系列FPGA,JM20330串并转换双向桥接芯片完成硬件架构,由Verilog HDL语言编程实现软件架构,直接使用FPGA编程实现数据的多通道分配和磁盘阵列控制,分时处理A/D芯片采集到的高速率大容系量数据,再由串并转换芯片将目标数据存入串口SATA硬盘。实验结果表明,在150 MHZ的采样频率下,设计前端对中频10 MHz、带宽10 MHz的线性调频信号进行高速数据采集,设计后端能将采得的高速并行数据进行脱机、高速的大容量数据存储。与以往数据采集存储统相比较,基于FPGA的SATA硬盘数据采集存储技术,缩短了专用SATA硬盘控制器的开发周期,减轻了系统内部的存储压力,提升了数据的存储速度,安全性和强抗干扰性,实现了长时间、大容量的数据存储。  相似文献   

Principles and techniques of optical data storage   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We review the field of optical data storage and describe the various technologies that either are in use today or are likely to play a role in the near future. Our emphasis will be on optical-disk and holographic optical storage  相似文献   

曹强  严文瑞  姚杰  谢长生 《红外与激光工程》2016,45(9):935003-0935003(8)
当前蓝光光盘的寿命已超过50年,光存储的可靠性远高于硬盘,寿命也远长于磁带,但单盘容量较小、存取性能较低的缺点限制了光盘在大规模归档系统中的应用。提出了一种新型超大容量机械手自动换盘的光盘库系统,该系统能够在标准尺寸的机柜中容纳12 000张蓝光光盘,数十个光驱可并行读写,对外的吞吐率达到1 GB/s。除了高度并行之外,还使用了磁光电融合结构和虚拟化存储机制,通过磁电作为光存储的大容量缓存,提高存取性能,将大量的光盘存储空间虚拟成单个文件卷存储池。该系统的光盘调度、刻录和读取完全实现自动化,并提供给用户通用文件访问接口。综合这些技术,既发挥了光存储介质的大容量、长寿命、低成本、低能耗的优点,又克服了光存储系统速度慢、性能低的缺点,同时提供了用户友好的使用界面和环境,实现了与现有信息系统的无缝对接。  相似文献   

超高密度数字光存储新技术的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信息技术的发展要求存储器件必须具备超高存储密度、超快存取速率以及长的存储寿命,而传统的数字光存储的存储密度已经接近其物理极限。因此探索新的存储理论、技术和材料,已成为目前数字光存储领域的急迫任务。简要综述了超高密度数字光存储新技术,介绍了近年来该领域研究的新进展。  相似文献   

Optical storage systems store information at densities higher than other technologies and are less expensive per byte. Optical disk storage has been touted as a replacement for magnetic disks, but suffers from longer access times and lower data rates. The lower data rate of optical disks is partially due to lower disk rotation rates, but mainly a result of reading optical disks individually, rather than in parallel like magnetic disks. Reading several optical disks in parallel is possible but may complicate the removability of the disks. In this letter, we describe a wavelength-selective, multilayer disk based on dielectric mirrors that has potential to achieve a high degree of integration and parallelism  相似文献   

Architectures and technologies for high-speed optical data networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Current optical networks are migrating to wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)-based fiber transport between traditional electronic multiplexers/demultiplexers, routers, and switches. Passive optical add-drop WDM networks have emerged but an optical data network that makes full use of the technologies of dynamic optical routing and switching exists only in experimental test-beds. This paper discusses architecture and technology issues for the design of high performance optical data networks with two classes of technologies, WDM and time division multiplexing (TDM). The WDM network architecture presented stresses WDM aware Internet protocol (IP), taking full advantage of optical reconfiguration, optical protection and restoration, traffic grooming to minimize electronics costs, and optical flow-switching for large transactions. Special attention is paid to the access network where innovative approaches to architecture may have a significant cost benefit. In the more distant future, ultrahigh-speed optical TDM networks, operating at single stream data rates of 100 Gb/s, may offer unique advantages over WDM networks. These advantages may include the ability to provide integrated services to high-end users, multiple quality-of-service (QoS) levels, and truly flexible bandwidth-on-demand. The paper gives an overview of an ultrahigh-speed TDM network architecture and describes recent key technology developments such as high-speed sources, switches, buffers, and rate converters  相似文献   

Near-field optics: a new tool for data storage   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Evanescent energy can be used to produce extremely small optical spots. Two practical implementations that use evanescent energy are aperture probes and solid immersion lenses (SILs). For data storage, the optical near field is defined in terms of evanescent coupling between the system used to read data and the recording layer. Because of the small spot size, near-field techniques are applied to optical data storage systems in order to increase recording density. Both aperture-type systems and SIL systems show good promise of achieving densities of more than 150 Gb/in/sup 2/. The characteristics and performance of several systems are compared, and future near-field technologies are discussed.  相似文献   

Optical techniques for data storage have advanced rapidly during the last decade. Optical data storage presents many unique advantages, notably the high storage density and low access time, not attainable by conventional recording techniques. The special features of optical recording, the proposed materials and techniques, the components for optical storage as well as some representative optical bit-by-bit and holographic recording systems are reviewed. It is noted that in spite of the lack of widespread commercial success of the optical recording at the present, some unique devices have been successfully demonstrated. The knowledge accumulated in the development of optical data storage should be useful for many recent Applications such as video recording. It is expected that when the conventional magnetic memory technology reaches its limit, optical storage technology should be a competitive contender for the next generation data storage.  相似文献   

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