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卫博  姜峰 《城市建筑》2022,(4):106-109
随着现代社会经济的快速发展,人们对商业建筑的需求也越发重视.本文以西安市金莎国际购物广场为研究对象,运用SD法对商城的使用空间进行感知评价研究,并且通过对实地调研和问卷调查结果的分析,研究使用者对设定的各评价指标的心理感受,依据感受差异和评价结果,探讨商城使用空间的优缺点,为商城发展提出合理意见,也为同类商业建筑设计提...  相似文献   

冯好涛  庞永师 《四川建筑》2009,29(5):26-27,30
论述了地下轨道交通、隧道、共同沟、地下商城、地下停车场等地下空间在我国的应用现状,展望了地下空间在我国的发展前景,并针对发展地下空间在相应的协调机制、可持续发展,法律、法规建设,发挥专家作用等方面,提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

讨论一:地下空间综合利用与规划 城市地下空间的利用与建设理念 开发利用城市地下空间资源,就是要扩大城市地面的使用空间,在单位面积内容纳更多的城市功能和城市活动.在紧凑型城市中,为了实现“人性化”理念和城市空间综合开发与土地集约利用等方面的有机结合,同时强调体现建筑功能群组与城市空间组织的三维性,应根据城市地下空间所处的城市区域空间环境特点,选择最佳的地下空间开发类型,使其更好地与城市区域空间相结合,并采取措施保证相邻城市地下空间(如地下交通枢纽、地下商城、高层建筑地下空间等)相互联系的便捷性与可能性,为多元的城市地下空间功能构成创造条件.  相似文献   

通过实地调研对沈阳五爱市场核心商城区域现存问题进行分析,采用空间结构优化、空间形态塑造的方法实现区域更新。更新过程中注重主、次轴线的塑造,通过步行街将广场串连起来,形成空间序列,从而达到提升商圈活力和环境品质的目的,使核心商城区域成为集购物、休闲、娱乐、旅游为一体的综合性购物场所。  相似文献   

周佼  林耿 《现代城市研究》2021,(2):114-120,125
在网络时代背景下,以广州市代表性"网红咖啡店"为对象,采用定性与定量研究相结合的方法,初步探讨了网络平台对实体店的影响作用.研究发现,在网络与实体经营共生的阶段,网络一方面对实体店业绩具有短期促进效应,另一方面也造成经营者与消费者诉求的分化、视觉消费与实体消费的冲突."网红咖啡店"在对两种空间的互构和融合中,形成了一种...  相似文献   

墨海商城的设计理念诠释了商业建筑空间形态多样性及与城市的历史文化环境相协调的重要性。  相似文献   

随着我国城市化进程的加快,土地资源日益稀缺,对土地的利用也由向地表四周扩展,转变到向地上、地下空间分层使用上来.地下商城、地铁、空中花园、过江遂道、地下音乐厅、地下城市等现代化建筑技术的发展,使得空间最终将脱离地表的依附,而逐渐变为具有特定价值形态的物.  相似文献   

以上海市徐家汇地铁商城为研究地点,研究地下公共空间的群集流动规律.论文介绍了在徐家汇地铁商城所进行的关于人流量、人员密度、行走速度和影响速度因素的凋研.通过对调研数据的分析整理得出该地铁商城人流量及人员密度随时间变化的实际情况;推导了速度一密度数学模型,研究了地铁商城这种集商业与交通于一体的建筑类型中人流速度及其影响因素的特殊性.论文对建立具有中国人员行走特征的数据库提供了设计参考和研究基础.  相似文献   

兰波  何艺 《规划师》2009,25(9):69-76
南宁市金湖绿地广场是一个以生态休闲为主体、将地面广场与地下商城融为一体的现代化商业复合型广场.广场采用"人性化、个性化,网格化"的设计理念,在设计中大量使用具有地域民族特色的元素,使有特色的构筑物在空间上,景观上起到点睛之笔的作用.在规划中,除将整个广场作为大空间设计外,还组织了若干个次级空间,并布置弯曲的散步道联系各个部分,使广场整体空间体系化、层次化,领域化、人性化和个性化.  相似文献   

虹桥开发区是上海第一个涉外经济开发区,友谊商城是繁荣开发区要求而建设的一个项目。商城地块是4OX130m的狭长形,两侧是已建成的100m高度左右的办公楼及公寓楼。开发商要求商城建筑有标志性与个性。因地制宜、因事制宜、环境设计是方案创作的原则,鉴于基地面向城市干道的宽度窄,面宽、高度均无优势,如夹在二个“巨人”之间的“佛儒”,突出形象的出路是利用商业建筑必备的招保性和吸引力。建筑风格上须和开发区整体现代建筑的形象相适应。仅有的30m面宽应充分利用去展示商城的内部,3Om的大框希望无任何遮档,采用一个钢结构的空间…  相似文献   

珠江新城地下商业城是由广场系列、购物廊和庭院三个主要设计元素组成。下沉广场沿中轴线布局,构成地下商业城的脊柱;购物廊犹如血管延伸在地下各个功能区,庭院的设置提升地下功能空间的质量,营造舒适安静的空间氛围。中央广场是珠江新城城市空间功能和景观的交汇点,它不仅起到连接南北轴上不同的景观空间的作用,同时也是连接广场东西建筑的纽带。  相似文献   

This typological account of the urban morphology of shopping presents a diagrammatic genealogy of urban retail types from traditional markets, streets and plazas through various adaptations and mutations into the contemporary shopping mall and power centre. This genealogy shows an increased car-dependency, privatized and centralized control, and disintegration from urban life. Many cities have been transformed by contemporary retail types that are less walkable, equitable, productive and resilient than those from which they were derived. The challenge lies in the invention of new retail types with potential for re-integration into more resilient forms of urban development.  相似文献   

从美国北岸购物中心谈郊区购物中心的设计特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
费腾 《城市建筑》2005,(8):36-39
本文以美国北岸购物中心为例,指出郊区购物中心具有交通组织便捷、功能构成完善、依靠核心店铺、多为捆绑销售等设计特点,以期为我国郊区购物中心的建设发展提供参考。  相似文献   

The sustainability of cities highly depends on city center viability and shopping street resilience. With the increasing number of shopping centers and their strong impact on existing retail systems, the major urban challenge has become maintaining a balance in the market. When shopping centers appeared, shopping streets began suffering from the negative influence of these new centers. Turkey, as a developing country, suffered from this change in last two decades. With the shopping center supporting policies and regulations of both central and local governments, the situation has become worse, and detrimental to small, independent retailers located on shopping streets. The controlled, trendy and convenient shopping environment, variety, quality and pricing of goods and services have attracted customers to shopping centers. This has been a revisited topic in the planning literature and the common statement was that the emergence of shopping centers abates the viability of city centers and shopping streets. However, in time, the shopping streets have adapted to the changes, thus become more resilient to the negative impacts of shopping centers. The current planning literature has been limited to the analysis of either shopping center systems, or shopping streets. In contrast to this approach, in this study, we are analyzing both retail venues, and comparing their consumer profiles, preferences and spatial behaviors. The purpose is to exhibit the strengths and weaknesses of shopping centers and shopping streets, and identify the qualifications attractive to their customers. This will provide an opportunity for urban policy makers to redefine a retail policy framework which will contribute to shopping street resilience and city center viability. Ankara is selected for two reasons: (1) as of 2011, the shopping center gross leasable area per 1000 people was the highest in Turkey, (2) the city center is still vivid, and shopping street retailers continue to survive amid the high level of shopping center floor space. Two separate questionnaires were given in 13 shopping centers, and 11 main shopping streets in Ankara. The findings reveal that: (1) shopping centers are used by consumers from all districts, in particular, from suburban districts, and shopping streets are mainly used by consumers living in inner city districts, (2) the consumer profiles of shopping centers and shopping streets are distinctive in terms of age, occupation and education, (3) shopping centers are usually preferred by car owners, which encourages development of new shopping centers at the urban fringe, (4) shopping centers and shopping streets are preferred for similar purposes, and shopping streets, in particular, are preferred for entertainment. Therefore, the major conclusion is that the shopping streets in Ankara have a certain level of resilience in terms of consumer diversity, retailer variety, quality and complementary degree. This level can be further increased by new retail planning policies that will focus on attracting consumers from different backgrounds, offering a conducive business environment for special brands, and initiating new revitalization plans and programs for maintenance and design of city centers.  相似文献   

Integrally designed suburban shopping centers are among the elements of the comprehensive plan that are most difficult to treat conceptually. There is not yet a common statutory definition and operational understanding as to what the comprehensive plan is. In addition potential shopping center locations cannot be adequately described by a generalized comprehensive plan drawing. This paper presents various possible alternative courses of action for private developers of these centers, with their probable consequences in terms of various forms of control, and suggests a public utility type of regulation. It reports recent experience with this form of control and discusses the changing role of the planning commission under the circumstances.  相似文献   

商业创新模式下的建筑设计服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
购物中心作为一种现代的零售商业模式,从上世纪90年代进入中国后,已为一般民众厂为接受。文章首先简要地介绍了美国购物中心的开发历史和类型,尤其是近年来出现的生活方式中心的特点和发展趋势。对于购物中心在中国的开发、规划设计中经常遇到的一些内容,如融资方式,主力商店和专卖店等进行了讨论。最后对于建筑师在这新的商业模式下如何与设计团队一起提供专业服务方面根据自身的经验提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

明尼苏达州双城地区是美国中西部最大的都市区之一,购物中心的发展在这里有比较特殊的历史。本文介绍双城地区购物中心的发展历史与现状(包括购物中心的种类、分布和发展挑战),并探讨了购物中心的规划。购物中心的规划与城市管治的模式关系密切。和美国很多其他都市区一样,双城地区的城市管治有着显著的分散化、分权化和自由化的特征。同时,都市区内各个城市之间彼此独立但又相互合作,有专门的组织(譬如大都市理事会)负责规划、协调都市区的整体发展。在研究购物中心的规划时,文章首先介绍购物中心的规划过程、规划的主要参与者及资金来源;然后分析了公众参与、城市发展规划(特别是土地利用规划和交通规划)和区域经济政策(特别是《财政分税法案》)对购物中心发展的影响。毫无疑问,购物中心对城市的发展也有重要影响。最后,文章还简要讨论了双城地区购物中心的发展对城市人口分布以及城市交通发展的影响。  相似文献   

体验式购物中心犹如雨后春笋般出现,并在应对电商对实体商业的冲击方面取得了骄人的成绩。笔者在对北京的四个体验式购物中心实地调研时发现,虽然高品质的家庭体验在带动商业活力方面起到了积极的作用,但它们都以针对儿童和18~35岁的消费者为主,而专门针对老年人的体验式购物空间却难觅踪影。本文以观察记录和访谈的方式获取资料,主要针对行动自如的老年人的行为和心理进行研究,从体验业态与功能布局、周边资源与交通流线、建筑形象与空间氛围三个方面对所调研的四个体验式购物中心进行比较分析,尝试归纳总结出购物中心老年人体验式购物空间设计的成功经验与现存问题,并提出改进建议,力求为类似项目提供参考与启发。  相似文献   

Singapore's main shopping corridor, Orchard Road, is being challenged as the international shopping paradise for residents and visitors. It no longer reigns supreme as the mecca for international shopping. The loss of prestige and dominance can be attributed to recent shifts in the Singaporean and regional marketplace such as: economic recession, tourism industry slump, societal concerns, technological trends and innovations, shopping sector development in the region, and political uncertainty, etc. Within Singapore, the restructuring of the retail shopping sector from one dominated by the Orchard Road Corridor to one including several satellite shopping centers in the “New Cities” creates additional severe competition for retail customers.  This paper examines the spatial relationships and structure of Singapore's shopping centers and their impact on the Orchard Road corridor. The article highlights selected theories, models, and techniques developed for planning shopping center locations and determining store site selection in an attempt to discover applications for the Singapore shopping scene. The paper also examines environmental conditions that create challenges for the retail shopping industry during the new millenneum: for example, the effects of economic events, government policy changes, visitor pattern shifts, and the changing shopping habits of Singaporeans. While the focus is primarily on problems and opportunities for Singapore's retailers in the main shopping corridor, the implications for the additional surburban centers emerging along mass transit routes in major housing developments are discussed briefly. Finally, plans to counteract the current sluggish market conditions and reposition and revitalizing the centers along Orchard Road to enhance competitiveness for the new millennium, are discussed.  相似文献   

袁忠  李兴强 《华中建筑》2007,25(1):137-138
伴随着我国广场的大量建设,城市广场规划日益重要.该文结合中西方广场建筑的历史和我国的现实情况,尤其是岭南地区广场的调研了解基础上,对广场规划中的空白美学意识进行分析性解读,以对广场建设中日益淡化的审美情愫做出反驳.  相似文献   

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