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从影响注汽管道保温效果的关键环节入手,针对稠油热采注蒸汽管道的特殊需求及存在的问题,从理论出发结合现场实际应用情况,采用技术先进、经济适用的保温技术对注汽管道进行节能技术改造,降低注汽管线热损失,提高管线保温效果。  相似文献   

通过对不同保温材料应用效果的测试分析对比,认为复合硅酸盐保温材料及钛陶瓷保温技术在注汽管网上有较好的应用效果。  相似文献   

胡丞  白丽莉  张英  卜磊 《当代化工》2022,51(4):975-979
以油田注汽系统为讨论对象,主要回顾了稠油热采注汽过程的模拟和能耗分析研究进展.注汽锅炉方面,阐述了锅炉系统能耗分析和?分析方法,介绍了锅炉干度预测方法.蒸汽管网方面,介绍了不同结构形式管网的模拟研究进展,讨论了管网运行影响因素以及运行参数优化、管网结构优化方法.注汽井筒方面,介绍了注汽井筒建模方法、影响因素等方面研究进...  相似文献   

介绍了超临界注汽锅炉的概念、结构、工作原理及内蒙探区查干凹陷毛8块稠油的油藏概况,阐述了超临界注汽锅炉在毛8块稠油热采先导试验应用情况,并对毛8块稠油热采先导试验的效果进行了简要分析与经济效益评价,提出了自己对毛8块稠油热采的认识,指出了超临界注汽锅炉在稠油热采中下步的努力方向。毛8块稠油热采先导试验的实践经验,可供类似毛8块的稠油油藏今后的热采借鉴。  相似文献   

随着稠油油藏蒸汽吞吐轮次不断增加,油井汽窜现象逐渐突出,严重影响油井开井时率及油井产量。本文针对油田目前存在的汽窜现象,分析汽窜特征及原因,总结出治理汽窜的有效方法。为下步稠油热采预防汽窜提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

在稠油热注热采井口,热应力的存在可以说是目前施工中的一大难题,而热应力的难以消除就意味着安全隐患的难以消除,这在安全第一的工程中,是绝对不允许存在的。所以,我们考虑采用一种有效的方式方法或者是装置来解决这一难题,本文所介绍的就正是这样一种稠油热注热采井口的热应力补偿装置,这一补偿装置的应用,能够有效的解决因油管、套管和采油树在受热时发生膨胀而产生位移现象,从而有效保证工程安全。  相似文献   

自20世纪60年代开采稠油以来,稠油开采技术有了突飞猛进的发展,到目前为止,形成了以蒸汽吞吐、蒸汽驱等为主要开采方式的稠油热采技术,以及以碱驱、聚合物驱、混相驱等为主的稠油冷采技术。大部分技术已被广泛应用于稠油开发,并取得了较好效果。与此同时稠油经济开发已成为油田生产的重点,各项节能技术在生产中起到了巨大作用。  相似文献   

稠油热采已经成为国内稠油开发的主流手段,目前对于井下蒸汽干度测量和射孔层吸热效率评价缺乏直接有效的手段。为此中油测井辽河分公司提出六参数井下吸汽剖面测井方案,并开发出独立配套的吸汽剖面解释软件。软件利用井下仪器实测的井下流体密度、压力、温度、流量参数,结合油藏蒸汽饱和水和蒸汽特性关系,进而完成对蒸汽注入剖面的解释评价。  相似文献   

为在符合法律法规条件下高效经济开发海上稠油油田,研发了井下防喷安全阀泵,实现海上稠油热采注采一体化,以降低海上稠油热采开发投资及生产操作费用。井下防喷安全阀泵是一台抽油泵与一台井下机械启闭防喷安全阀有机结合的多功能抽油泵,适用于海洋、湖泊、河流等环境有较严格的环保要求区域的油田常规开发及稠油热采开发生产。  相似文献   

辽河油田高升热采稠油经过多年吞吐注汽开发,目前主体部位进入高轮次吞吐开发阶段,边部物性差、区域常规吞吐效果差、动用难度大。针对目前存在主要问题,开展了改善开发效果对策研究,形成了超临界注汽、氮气二氧化碳辅助吞吐、先压裂排液后高压注汽以及集团注汽等配套动用技术,实施后见到较好效果,为热采稠油老区持续稳产及提高吞吐后期开发效果指明了方向。  相似文献   

Unlike conventional refinery processing, downhole upgrading involves implementing catalytic processes in oil-bearing geologic formations. In this way impurities contained in heavy crude oil can possibly be left in the ground or easily separated during oil production, providing an improved crude oil feed for refineries. Additionally, value or viability can be added to an otherwise uneconomic or remote heavy oil deposit. In order to successfully produce improved quality oil via a downhole upgrading project, several processing steps are anticipated: placement of catalysts into an appropriate downhole location, mobilization of reactants over the catalyst bed, and creation of processing conditions necessary to achieve a reasonable degree of catalytic upgrading. Each of these steps has been proven by past application; their combination into a unified below-ground process remains problematic. Downhole processing differs from surface processing in that brine, high steam partial pressures and low hydrogen partial pressures need to be accommodated in the downhole setting. There are no reports of significant downhole catalytic upgrading of crude oil, although examples of thermal upgrading are noted. However, available technology should be amenable to conducting a successful process. Upgrading of heavy crude oil at anticipated downhole processing conditions has been successfully proven in the laboratory. Recently published literature with immediate pertinence to the problems of downhole catalytic upgrading is reviewed with the goal of stimulating research and providing directions for future investigations.  相似文献   

注蒸汽条件下供氢催化改质稠油及其沥青质热分解性质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用CWYF-Ⅰ型高压反应釜模拟热采条件下,以甲酸作为供氢体.以自制的油溶性有机镍盐为催化剂进行的稠油水热裂解反应.考察了供氢体的加入对催化水热裂解反应前后稠油黏度、族组成及硫含量的影响,并采用TG-DTA分析法对供氢催化改质反应前后稠油中沥青质的热转化行为进行了分析.结果表明,随着加入供氢体质量分数增加,供氢催化水热裂解后稠油降黏率增大,饱和烃、芳香烃含量增加,胶质,沥青质含量降低,同时硫含量下降.供氢催化水热裂解反应后的稠油中沥青质TG-DTA曲线分析表明,供氢催化水热裂解反应后稠油中沥青质失重量高于催化水热裂解反应前稠油中含有的沥青质的失重量.经过供氢催化水热裂解反应,稠油中沥青质的稳定性下降.  相似文献   

室内评价埕北稠油催化改质降粘的实验效果,筛选出最优改质降粘催化剂,考察催化剂用量、反应温度、反应时间、供氢剂种类及用量对稠油改质降粘的影响。结果表明,采用有机酸锰催化剂和甲苯供氢剂,在催化剂用量为稠油质量的0.10%、反应温度240 ℃、反应时间24 h、水油质量比1∶3和甲苯用量为稠油质量的5%条件下,稠油粘度由2 740 mPa·s降至780 mPa·s,改质降粘率达到71.5%。  相似文献   

利用汽爆方法对内蒙褐煤进行了汽爆粉碎和改质初步研究,考察了汽爆设备、工艺条件和汽爆效果,同时进行了汽爆工艺条件对褐煤改质的影响。结果显示,单次汽爆过程对褐煤具有明显的粉碎效果,汽爆过程对褐煤具有显著的改质作用。停留1h,随着汽爆温度的提高,褐煤水分降幅达63.6%,挥发分降低11.3%,氧质量分数降低48%,含碳量提高了12.9%,褐煤质量得到明显改善。  相似文献   

The catalytic hydrogenation of heavy oil and mixed coal-heavy oil (coprocessing) systems has been the focus of a recent study at the Federal Energy Technology Center (FETC). The intent of this effort was to extend the use of coal liquefaction technologies to heavy oil upgrading and coprocessing systems. Specifically, new dispersed molybdenum-based catalysts developed at FETC and a novel silica-doped hydrous titanium oxide (HTO : Si)-supported NiMo catalyst developed at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) were tested in these systems. The results indicate the potential of coal liquefaction catalysts for use in coprocessing and heavy oil upgrading. High conversions of coal–oil mixtures were observed with dispersed catalyst loadings as low as 100 ppm Mo. Similar results were observed in heavy oil systems. Also, the novel NiMo/HTO : Si catalyst was at least as effective as commercially-available supported catalysts (e.g. Amocat 1C) for conversion of high boiling point material to distillable products and aromatics removal.  相似文献   

以扬子污水处理厂的污水和污泥为原料,选取热解反应温度、热解反应时间、催化裂解反应温度和催化剂用量等因素,通过正交试验确定催化裂解精制污泥热解油的最佳工艺条件,并考察以上因素对精制油收率的影响.结果表明,在热解反应温度420℃、热解反应时间60 min、催化裂解反应温度460℃和催化剂用量(以催化剂床层高度表示)3 cm...  相似文献   

In this study, a nonhydrogenative process for partial upgrading of heavy oil was evaluated in a semi-continuous laboratory scale unit for producing a low viscosity oil which could be pipelined easily. The process was conducted at atmospheric pressure and over a temperature range of 400 to 470°C. Gas production was negligibly small (1-2 wt. % of the feed) and there was virtually no coking of reactor except at high coal concentrations (> 9.1 wt. %) and high reactor temperatures (470°C). The particulate content of the liquid product which contained unreacted coal, ash and coke (defined as toluene-insolubles) was less than 5 wt.% in the majority of the cases. In the presence of coal, iron oxide mixed with coal. and iron oxide alone, maximum reductions in viscosity were: from 1540 to 248 mPa.s, from 1540 to 192 mPa.s, and from 1540 to 80 mPa.s, respectively. A moderate improvement in API gravity (from 13.0 to 18.2) was obtained using 1 wt. % iron oxide additive at 470°C. However, apparent pitch (resid) conversion were of the order of only 20-30 wt. %.  相似文献   

孙盈盈  周明辉  黄佳  江航  杨济如  樊铖 《化工学报》2020,71(9):4141-4151
稠油作为全球重要的非常规原油资源,是保障我国能源安全、重大工程需求的重要资源。目前常规的热采稠油油藏陆续进入开采后期,高能耗、高污染、高成本问题日趋严重,亟需依靠技术换代实现开发方式升级。稠油地下改质是通过向油藏中注入改质催化剂,使其与稠油发生化学反应,实现稠油地下不可逆降黏并高效采出的一种开采方式,是近十年来最受瞩目的下一代稠油开采技术之一。本文从技术机理、改质催化剂及开采效果影响因素三方面阐述了技术内涵,通过系统调研国内外相关学者和企业的代表性成果,按照催化剂种类、反应温度和降黏效果等进行综合性分类统计,对比了现有矿场试验的开采方式和采油效果,指出制约技术应用的两个关键问题,并展望了技术未来发展方向。  相似文献   

Coprocessing of heavy oil and coal under elevated temperature, hydrogen pressure and low space velocity resulted in a product slurry from which the fraction distilling below 430° C was catalytically upgraded over a commercial NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst in a flow reactor. At 400° C, 13.3 MPa (H2) and LHSV of 1.0 h?1 over 90% of sulfur and nitrogen could be removed, aromaticity reduced to 16% from 26% and the API gravity increased to 36.9 from 23.8. Hydrogen consumption under these conditions was considerably lower than that obtained for upgrading the oil sands coker gas oil. Activation energies for hydrodesulfurization and hydrodenitrogenation reactions were determined to be 59.5 and 120.4 kJ/mol, respectively.  相似文献   

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