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Vehicle load modelling is highly important for bridge design and safety evaluation. Conventional modelling approaches for vehicle loads have limitations in characterizing the spatial distribution of vehicles. This article presents a probabilistic method for modelling the spatial distribution of heavy vehicle loads on long-span bridges by using the undirected graphical model (UGM). The bridge deck is divided into grid cells, a UGM with each node corresponding to each cell is employed to model the location distribution of heavy vehicles, by which probabilities of heavy-vehicle distribution patterns can be efficiently calculated through applying the junction tree algorithm. A Bayesian inference method is also developed for updating the location model in consideration of the non-stationarity of traffic process. Gross weights of heavy vehicles are modelled by incorporating additional random variables to the vehicle-location UGM, corresponding probability distributions are constructed conditioned on ignoring correlation and considering correlation, respectively. Case studies using simulated data as well as field monitoring data have been conducted to examine the method. Compared with previous studies involving vehicle load modelling, the presented method can implement probabilistic analysis for all spatial distribution patterns of heavy vehicles on the entire bridge deck.  相似文献   

为了研究钢筋混凝土构件在地震作用下的性能评估方法,建立合理的损伤模型量化损伤,基于对称配筋钢筋混凝土(RC)构件在变幅滞回历程下耗能能力损伤机理,在研究了RC构件耗能能力退化和设计参数之间量值联系和建立耗能能力估算方法的基础上,提出了对称配筋RC构件基于耗能能力退化的损伤量化指数。基于已有不同配筋条件的9个RC构件在变幅历程下的往复加载试验,研究耗能能力损伤量化指数的评价标准。研究表明:提出的耗能能力损伤量化指数可以对不同变幅历程下的损伤过程给出统一的性能划分标准,并提出了RC构件对应于无损、轻度损伤、中度损伤、重度损伤和破坏的5个性能状态的耗能能力损伤量化指数区间;通过PEER数据库中18个受弯破坏试件对该标准进行了验证,结果具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

For fatigue damage prognosis of a long-span steel bridge, the dynamic stress analysis of critical structural components of the bridge under the future dynamic vehicle loading is essential. This paper thus presents a framework of dynamic stress analysis for fatigue damage prognosis of long-span steel bridges under the future dynamic vehicle loading. The multi-scale finite element (FE) model of the bridge is first developed using shell/plate elements to simulate the critical structural components (local models) and using beam/truss elements to simulate the rest part of the bridge (global model). With the appropriate coupling of the global and local models, the multi-scale FE model can accurately capture simultaneously not only the global behavior in terms of displacement and acceleration but also the local behavior in terms of stress and strain. A vehicle traffic load model is then developed for forecasting the future vehicle loading based on the recorded weigh-in-motion (WIM) data and using the agent-based traffic flow microsimulation. The forecasted future vehicle loading is finally applied on the multi-scale model of a real long-span cable-stayed bridge for dynamic stress analysis and fatigue damage prognosis. The obtained results show that the proposed framework is effective and accurate for dynamic stress analysis and fatigue damage prognosis.  相似文献   

基于压电陶瓷传感器开展了动力荷载作用下的钢筋混凝土框架模型结构裂缝损伤全过程监测试验。在1个2层2榀钢筋混凝土框架结构中埋入压电陶瓷传感器,对模型结构先后施加拟动力荷载和拟静力荷载的作用,监测结构在荷载作用下的损伤发展全过程,并采用移动平均法对监测数据进行平滑处理。结果表明:所采用的监测方法能够有效监测结构健康状态的发展趋势,但受环境等因素的影响,监测数据存在波动性,给损伤识别带来一定困难;采用移动平均法进行数据处理可使损伤识别结果更加准确;基于压电陶瓷传感器的混凝土裂缝损伤监测方法可用于结构的长期监测,有效的数据平滑滤噪措施对于损伤的正确识别具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In recent years, highway bridge load assessment has been recognised as an area through which savings can be made by avoiding unnecessary bridge refurbishment and replacement. Load effects in bridges result from single truck crossings or multiple-truck presence events which are, statistically, not identically distributed. Conventional approaches fit statistical distributions to mixtures of non-identically distributed load effects. Inaccuracies in the conventional approach are identified and an alternative approach is developed to find the characteristic load effects. Theoretical and field data are used to show the potential implications of conventional techniques and to demonstrate the application of the new approach.  相似文献   

为分析震后火灾环境下混凝土结构的反应,试验设计了3榀足尺单层单跨框架结构,以低周反复水平荷载试验模拟地震动,以框架梁、柱裂缝宽度ω为损伤指标,试件KJ1历经损伤ω=0.5 mm后进行火灾试验,KJ2历经损伤ω=0.1 mm后进行火灾试验,试件KJ3作为对比试验无损伤,直接进行火灾试验。从3榀框架结构的裂缝变化规律、框架柱轴向变形、截面温度场分布、承载力退化等方面进行了对比分析。试验结果表明:损伤后混凝土材料的热传导性能提高,相应截面所经历的最高温度也增高;框架结构的高温变形恢复能力变差,梁截面承载力下降幅度比柱截面大。最后提出了损伤指标与结构抗火性能退化之间的量化关系。  相似文献   

循环载荷下纤维薄板增强RC梁的疲劳性能研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过建立循环载荷下碳纤维薄板(CFL)增强RC梁的累积损伤模型,并与增强梁的疲劳试验结果进行对比,研究增强构件的疲劳性能和损伤、破坏过程。试验发现CFL增强RC梁的疲劳损伤演化历程包括混凝土开裂、CFL与混凝土剥离、钢筋屈服等过程,具有明显的疲劳损伤成核、稳定扩展、失稳扩展三阶段发展规律,根据增强梁的载荷、挠度历程可以得到抗弯刚度演化历程。研究结果表明用CFL增强RC梁的剩余抗弯刚度来度量其疲劳损伤变量具有明确的物理意义,在此基础上建立的疲劳损伤演化方程能够准确模拟CFL增强RC梁的疲劳损伤破坏过程,进一步结合抗弯刚度可预测其剩余疲劳寿命。  相似文献   

深厚软土地基上大面积堆载引起的沉降危害是建筑结构中出现的主要问题之一.然而,当前针对大面积堆载条件下地基沉降预测的规范方法仍为基于较小面积基础的沉降观测资料推算得到.由于大、小面积分别堆载时导致的下部地基压缩层深度的不同,在预测大面积堆载下地基基础沉降时,当前规范方法的适用性有待验证.为此,针对上海某物流仓库的沉降灾害...  相似文献   

The pathologies and management of road bridge maintenance are associated with the traditional typologies, operational conditions and personal experiences of each country administration entities. Europe’s ongoing challenge to provide standardised performance and goal indicators for road bridges is a contribution to the state of the art in this matter. This enables other countries to have referential information for eventual implementation. Nowadays, in South America performance indicators and inspection maintenance programmes are not standardised. The present article presents the state of damage on South-American road bridges due to degradation and the most common extreme events in the region: earthquakes, landslides, and tsunamis. Additionally, a technical assessment of the impact of these events in the design and management programmes due to their increased frequency is presented. Finally, the first novel set of specific performance indicators (buckling on uplift bars, damage on bearing support, among others) are provided for South American future implementations in the management programmes including the current European standard performance indicators.  相似文献   

 高海拔多年冻土区露天煤矿岩质边坡常年处于冻融交替环境中,边坡浅部病害显著。为了分析边坡上岩石在冻融环境中的劣化规律,利用采集于木里地区露天矿边坡钻孔中的砂岩试样进行了室内饱和冻融循环试验,并建立了饱和岩石冻融劣化的理论模型。岩样冻融循环试验结果显示随着冻融循环次数的增大,饱和砂岩的微裂隙率逐渐增大,单轴和三轴抗压强度以及表示岩石质量的常见物理参数逐渐降低。基于岩石在冻融循环过程中的微裂隙变化,提出并推导了微裂隙扩展因子,理论建立了岩石强度随冻融循环变化的劣化模型和本构关系,利用劣化理论模型所计算的岩石强度与试验结果吻合较好。分析岩石微裂隙的变化规律,可以获得饱和砂岩在冻融循环环境中的劣化是由于岩石内部的微裂隙在水成冰相变过程中产生的巨大复合应力超过了岩石微裂隙开裂强度,而导致微裂隙逐渐失稳扩展,岩石整体性被削弱等结论。  相似文献   

屈曲导致的局部塑性应变集中将使钢筋损伤加重,并提前断裂.传统低周疲劳损伤模型(如Coffin-Manson模型,简称C-M模型)中未考虑屈曲效应的影响,这将高估屈曲钢筋的低周疲劳寿命.为研究屈曲对钢筋疲劳寿命的影响,完成了30个原状钢筋试件考虑屈曲的循环加载试验,得到了钢筋断裂时的极限塑性平均应变的测量结果,分析了局部...  相似文献   

李会宁 《山西建筑》2010,36(19):284-285
针对传统路面检测方法的局限性,介绍了几种路面无损检测技术的基本原理和优点,包括频谱分析技术、图像技术、超声波技术、激光技术,对无损检测方法的主要仪器设备作了简要说明,阐述了路面无损检测技术的发展前景,以期进一步推广该技术的应用。  相似文献   

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