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广州地区办公建筑外围护结构的热工性能与节能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵立华  李宁  王钊 《建筑科学》2008,24(4):49-53
办公建筑的空调能耗是围护结构的温差传热、室内热扰、太阳辐射等因素动态综合作用的复杂结果。本文采用DeST软件对广州地区某办公建筑围护结构的各项节能措施的节能效果进行分析,结果表明:降低外窗的遮阳系数、外墙和屋顶的传热系数对减少建筑全年空调能耗和最大空调冷负荷是有利的,但降低窗的传热系数对减少建筑全年空调能耗和最大空调冷负荷不利。建议在办公建筑节能设计过程中,模拟计算全年能耗,确定能耗低且技术经济合理的方案,尤其要慎重考虑是否采用低传热系数的窗。  相似文献   

为比较以采暖空调能耗及室内热环境作为评价建筑围护结构设计优劣标准的差异,本文以长沙某宿舍楼为分析对象,采用热不舒适率(TDCR)作为建筑室内长期热环境评价指标,通过改变建筑的外墙传热系数,遮阳系数和窗墙比等围护结构参数,针对围护结构对采暖空调能耗及TDCR指标的影响进行了分析。研究结果表明采暖空调能耗和TDCR指标之间具有较强的相关性,但各围护结构因素对采暖空调能耗和室内热环境影响的趋势和灵敏度不同。  相似文献   

通过对海南地区既有公共建筑年代、类型,建筑窗墙比,外墙、外窗、屋顶构造等方面的详细调研,得出了海南地区既有公共建筑的节能现状。利用DeST-h软件对海南地区典型既有公共建筑进行节能诊断及改造效果分析,海南地区既有公共建筑围护结构热工性能较差,建筑能耗较高。建筑节能改造的潜力和重点在于降低外窗的综合遮阳系数和屋顶、外墙的太阳辐射吸收系数。经改造,办公建筑可较参照建筑节能4.28%~5.71%,酒店建筑可较参照建筑节能1.38%~15.21%。  相似文献   

利用Energyplus软件对夏热冬冷地区高大公用建筑空调能耗进行模拟分析,通过正交试验法研究空调能耗受负荷影响因子的影响情况,给出的影响因子排序为设备负荷〉照明负荷〉人员密度〉室内设计温度〉新风量〉窗墙比〉外窗传热系数〉屋面传热系数〉遮阳系数〉外墙传热系数;进一步研究围护结构的影响因子与空调节能的关系,拟合得到节能率与围护结构影响因子间的回归方程,用于指导建筑空调节能设计及改造。  相似文献   

指出现行标准JGJ75—2012《夏热冬暖地区居住建筑节能设计标准》在建筑能耗计算过程中的不足,采用De ST-h软件计算在围护结构窗墙比为0.25~0.45的情况下,改变冬季外窗活动外遮阳系数取值后,建筑全年累计冷热负荷的变化规律。研究表明,在夏热冬暖北区,冬季活动外遮阳系数取值的改变造成的建筑全年累计总冷热负荷指标变化率超过了5%。为了提高能耗计算的准确性,应考虑大窗墙比居住建筑冬季活动外遮阳系数取值的改变。  相似文献   

张小波  张旭  周翔  王健 《建筑科学》2012,(Z2):118-121
建筑围护结构负荷主要受室内外气候条件及围护结构自身的几何和热工参数的影响。由于夏热冬冷地区的气候特点及倾向较大窗墙比的现状,对该地区墙体是否需要进行保温,仍然存在着争议。本文研究首先利用正交实验原理研究窗墙比、外墙和外窗传热系数、遮阳系数对围护结构负荷的影响;其次探讨室内设计温度对围护结构参数优化的影响。考虑到该地区住宅室内热环境的现状及居民的着衣习惯,在夏热冬冷地区墙体不采取保温措施,冬季通过适当降低室内设计温度可以保证不增加采暖负荷,而墙体传热引起的夏季空调负荷可以通过采取有效遮阳措施减少太阳辐射负荷来弥补。  相似文献   

严寒地区的建筑能耗中围护结构的热传导占主导地位,围护结构热工性能对于降低建筑能耗起到非常重要的作用。在严寒地区,公共建筑的全年空调采暖能耗中,大约有50%由外围护结构传热所消耗。因此对于建筑围护结构的节能研究非常重要。本文从建筑的体形系数、围护结构的传热系数出发,采用DEST能耗模拟软件来分析办公楼建筑能耗,选择具有代表性的严寒B沈阳地区,建立办公室模型,分析办公楼建筑围护结构传热系数对于室内设备耗能的影响。指出建筑设计和规划中要尽量选取建筑底面形状接近圆形或者是方形的建筑并且尽量选取中高层建筑来降低建筑的体形系数;严寒B区的地方传热系数一般K≤0.5W/m2·K,窗户和屋顶尽量选择传热系数低的材料,通过降低传热系数来达到保温的作用。  相似文献   

文章基于相关工程实践,采用现场实测、机理分析和数值模拟等研究手段,分析高架站站厅围护结构的热工性能对过渡季室内热、光环境和夏季空调能耗的影响。探究广州城市轨道高架站站厅围护结构的节能策略,优化外窗太阳得热系数、窗墙面积比、外窗传热系数、外墙传热系数、屋顶传热系数、外窗有效通风换气面积等性能指标,为后续高架站站厅设计提供指导或参考。  相似文献   

采用EQUEST软件对夏热冬冷地区8个典型城市1 54栋居住建筑的供暖空调负荷进行模拟,分析体形系数、外墙传热系数、屋顶传热系数、朝向窗墙比、外窗传热系数、综合遮阳系数与供暖空调负荷之间的关系.基于SPSS软件对上述变量进行多元回归预测分析,得出了适用于夏热冬冷地区八个典型城市的居住建筑供暖空调负荷预测方程,为建筑设计师提供了一种便捷的供暖空调负荷计算和节能设计方法.  相似文献   

本文采用e QUEST软件对夏热冬暖地区某办公建筑进行全年动态能耗模拟计算,得出该建筑各项能耗的权重分布,其中空调系统能耗比重最高,达53.5%。在上述模型的基础上,依次将建筑各朝向的窗墙比由0.1增大到0.8,将外窗遮阳系数由0.21增大到0.6,定量分析了建筑各朝向窗墙比和外窗遮阳系数对办公建筑空调能耗的影响。  相似文献   

With the development of the economy, the demand for energy in hot summer and cold winter zone in China is increasing very fast while the energy supply is going short. Air conditioning both for cooling and heating accounts for more than 50% of the total electricity used in the residential sector. This paper used eQUEST software to analyze envelope design on energy saving of air conditioner (AC) and the effects of energy saving strategies on AC electric consumption of different orientation rooms in hot summer and cold winter zone in China, which included exterior wall thermal insulation, solar radiation absorptance of exterior wall, area ratio of window to wall, categories of glazing and kinds of shading system, and two combined strategies. The results indicate that envelope shading and exterior wall thermal insulation are the best strategies to decrease the AC electric consumption which achieved a saving of 11.31 and 11.55%. The optimization of different strategies can decrease the annual electric consumption of AC by 25.92%, and cooling and heating electric consumption is decreased by 21.08 and 34.77%, respectively.  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》2005,40(4):517-528
By research on the variation laws of annual heating and cooling energy consumption and their RVRs with sun-shading coefficient in all the hours with and without solar radiation in three cities (Tampa, Sterling of USA and Fuzhou of China) respectively, we can find that: in winter, the proportion of the heating energy consumption in all the hours with solar radiation in the annual heating needs is very small (less than 15%), the influence of shading measures on the annual total heating energy consumption and its RVRs is not so significant. And thus the predictions of DOE-2 on the effect of shading measures on the annual heating energy consumption deserve further study. However, in summer, the proportion of the cooling needs of each hour with solar radiation in the annual total cooling needs is very large (more than 95%), therefore the influence of shading measures on the annual cooling energy consumption and its RVRs is very great. And hence the predictions of DOE-2 and CTM are both reasonable. By comparative analysis on two representative cities, we can find out that under the same sun-shading coefficient, the annual heating RVRs and the annual cooling RVRs are both approximate in different cities. By further analysis on the distributions of the daily heating and cooling RVRs, the monthly heating and cooling energy consumption and its RVRs in Sterling with different shading measures, we can find out that sun-shading coefficient has a far less impact on the annual heating energy consumption than on the annual cooling needs.  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》2005,40(4):529-536
By comparative research on the variation law of the annual relative variation rates (RVRs) of the hourly heating and cooling load with shading coefficient in all the hours, respectively, without and with solar radiation in two cities (Tampa of USA, Fuzhou of China), we can find that: for the hours without solar radiation, the heating and cooling load and its RVRs unchange with sun-shading coefficient while for the hours with solar radiation, shading coefficient has a significant influence on the heating and cooling load and its RVRs. By contrast, it can be found: both the hours in need of heating and cooling around the year (respectively, for the hours with and without solar radiation) and the hourly distribution of annual heating and cooling load are quite different in the two cities; Besides, the difference of hourly heating and cooling load probably amounts to more than 1000 times. However, with the same shading coefficient, the distributions of heating and cooling RVRs in each hour with solar radiation are very similar in the two cities. The author reveals the similarity of the variation law of the hourly load and just the intrinsic similarity determines that it is inevitable that the annual RVRs of energy consumption are approximate under different climatic conditions (cities) when taking the same shading measures to the same building.  相似文献   

关于窗墙比与能耗关系的现有研究中,大量的是关注窗墙比对采暖、制冷能耗的影响,而窗墙比的变化对办公空间室内光环境的影响被忽视了。基于此背景,以寒冷地区点式高层办公楼为研究对象,在能耗模拟中耦合室内光环境的分析,研究窗墙比与采暖、制冷和照明能耗间的定量关系。研究结果表明,改变东西向窗墙比对能耗影响最大,东西向窗墙比宜控制在较小的范围内。北向窗墙比其次,宜控制在0.6以下。改变南向窗墙比变化对建筑总能耗影响不大。  相似文献   

遮阳系数对供暖与空调能耗影响差异的逐时解析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以中国福州为例,从当地逐时气象数据入手,分析了建筑空调负荷及供暖负荷的所有时刻对应的逐时太阳辐射,用特征温度法研究当遮阳系数减小时各时刻建筑的空调与供暖能耗及相对变化(节能率)情况。研究发现,由于冬季有太阳辐射各时刻的供暖能耗相对于无太阳辐射各时刻能耗比例很小,故遮阳措施对供暖总能耗的影响不显著,从而证明DOE-2关于冬季遮阳系数减小对供暖能耗影响的结论值得商榷;由于夏季有太阳辐射各时刻空调能耗远大于无太阳辐射各时刻空调能耗,故遮阳措施对空调总能耗及节能率的影响非常显著,DOP2软件与特征温度法的结果是正确的;通过对福州全年各时刻空调供暖能耗、建筑负荷及节能率进行解析,揭示了看起来很分散的各时刻能耗及节能率差异数据总体上遵循的某种共性规律,供同行参考。  相似文献   

夏热冬冷地区屋顶对建筑能耗的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
使用清华大学开发的建筑能耗模拟软件DeST-h,对宁波地区一幢典型居住建筑的能耗随屋顶传热系数的变化规律进行模拟分析,并通过试验,测试了屋顶温度及热流的变化。结果表明:降低屋顶传热系数对降低采暖能耗效果明显,对降低夏季空调能耗效果不明显,采用架空屋顶能明显降低空调能耗。这对夏热冬冷地区的建筑设计具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》2005,40(4):473-480
The influence of the building's shape coefficient on annual heating and cooling energy consumption is significant, therefore, when laying down design standard for building efficiency, each country makes specific limitations to building shape coefficient. This paper takes two types of buildings with great difference of shape coefficient as the study objects and studies the influence rule of the same increase of shape coefficient on the annual cooling and heating energy consumption and its relative variation rates (RVRs) of the two buildings with the same envelope under 14 cities' climatic conditions in China, America and Europe respectively by DOE-2, DeST-h and CTM. It can be found that though the absolute increments of annual cooling and heating needs are obviously different in various cities with the same increase of shape coefficient, the annual relative variation rates (RVRs) of cooling and heating need are approximate in different cities.  相似文献   

介绍了夏热冬冷地区外墙遮阳在建筑中的实际应用,并从墙体受太阳辐射热影响的机理,阐述了外墙遮阳对室内热环境与建筑空调能耗的影响。以南京地区一栋典型居住建筑为例,使用清华大学开发的建筑能耗模拟软件DeST—h,模拟并分析了对于两种不同构造的外墙,分别通过采取外遮阳措施,减小外表面太阳辐射吸收系数对夏季室内热环境和空调能耗的影响程度,并用实验方法对模拟结果进行了辅证。  相似文献   

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