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Coniferous Forest Classification and Inventory Using Landsat and Digital Terrain Data 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Franklin J. Logan T.L. Woodcock C.E. Strahler A.H. 《Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on》1986,(1):139-149
Accurate cost-effective stratification of forest vegetation and timber inventory is the primary goal of a Forest Classification and Inventory System (FOCIS) developed at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena. Conventional timber stratification using photointerpretation can be time-consuming, costly, and inconsistent from analyst to analyst. FOCIS was designed to overcome these problems by using machine-processing techniques to extract and process tonal, textural, and terrain information from registered Landsat multispectral and digital terrain data. FOCIS was developed in northern California's Klamath National Forest (KNF), where the rugged terrain and diverse ecological conditions provided an excellent area for testing Landsat-based inventory techniques. The FOCIS procedure was further refined in the Eldorado National Forest (ENF), where the portability and flexibility of FOCIS was verified. Using FOCIS as a basis for stratified sampling, the softwood timber volume of the western portion of the Klamath (944 833 acres; 422 340 ha) was estimated at 3.83 x 109 ft3 (1.08 x 108 m3), with a standard error of 4.8 percent based on 89 sample plots. For the Eldorado, the softwood timber volume was estimated at 1.88 x 109 ft3 ( 0.53 x 108 m3) for an area of 342 818 acres (138 738 ha) with a standard error of 4.0 percent, based on 56 sample plots. These results illustrate the power of FOCIS methods to produce timely accurate large-area inventories with comparable accuracies and reduced costs when compared to conventional timber inventory methods. 相似文献
机载双基雷达杂波的空时分布受双基构型影响大,且具有非常严重的距离依赖性。对复杂的机载双基雷达杂波进行分类分析和抑制方法研究具有重要的意义。先对机载双基雷达杂波进行建模仿真,对于杂波分布与构型相关的现象,根据双基构型和对应的杂波分布对机载双基雷达杂波作出了较为一般化的分类,并分析讨论了不同类型杂波分布特性;针对具有严重距离依赖性的机载双基雷达杂波,提出了训练单元协方差矩阵加权平均的方法。相比于传统训练单元协方差矩阵求和平均的方法,算法仿真证明改进的算法在3类构型下的杂波抑制效果均有明显的提高,为双基雷达杂波抑制提供了新的处理方法。 相似文献
《Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on》1982,20(1):36-41
In recent years the detection of soil moisture using remote sensing technology has become of interest to investigators and a variety of state and federal government agencies. The parameter of interest is important in agricultural, meteorological, biological, and hydrological applications. The use of active microwave devices has shown to provide capability for remote measurement from space. Problems do exist however, in isolating moisture information from the effects of other parameters such as roughness and vegetation. Of special concern is the suppression of the roughness effects in the radar return. This paper presents an analysis of airborne cross-polarized radar measurements of agricultural scenes. The relative responses of the system to moisture and surface roughness are presented and compared to predicted responses using radar backscatter models. It is shown that the depolarized model predictions are sensitive to soil moisture, but are much less sensitive to surface roughness effects. 相似文献
数据处理机是机载火控雷达的控制核心 ,它的性能直接影响到雷达的水准。本文叙述了一种新型模块化数据处理机 ,对构成该数据处理机的核心模块进行了详细介绍 ,讨论了它的结构、工作原理以及通用性和可靠性设计 相似文献
分类识别技术是雷达当今和未来发展的重要需求,也是雷达的关键技术之一。目前研究较多的是基于宽带信号的目标识别,对雷达系统和目标信噪比具有较高的要求,且对角度非常敏感。针对低分辨机载雷达工作在下视模式下,慢速飞行目标和地面运动目标由于具有相似的多普勒速度和雷达散射截面(RCS),使得其对机载雷达慢速飞行目标检测、跟踪和识别形成干扰,该文提出了一种基于窄带分形和相位调制特征的机载雷达空地运动目标分类识别算法。文中以实测试飞数据进行分析验证,以支持向量机(SVM)为分类器,试验结果表明,该方法能对机载雷达直升机、汽车运动目标进行有效分类识别,当SNR 15 dB 时,平均分类识别率在89%以上。 相似文献
Khorram S. Brockhaus J.A. Cheshire H.M. 《Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on》1987,(2):238-243
A supervised classification of digital Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS) data for the Raleigh, North Carolina, metropolitan area was conducted in 1982. These data were categorized into 10 land-use/land-cover types representative of the area. Digital Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data, for the Raleigh metropolitan area, were obtained in 1985 and analyzed for comparison to the MSS data. A stratified classification based upon principal components analysis was applied to the TM data, classifying the data into the 10 land-use/land-cover categories used in the analysis of the MSS data. Comparison of photo-interpreted land-use types and Landsat derived land-use types indicates that TM data provides significantly higher classification accuracies than can be obtained from MSS data. However, an increase in confusion between urban cover types was observed for the classified TM data over the MSS data. It is felt that the stratified classification approach was instrumental in reducing classification errors between general land-use/land-cover types such as urban areas, coniferous forests, and deciduous forests. It is not clear that the information extracted from the TM data regarding the urban environment will be of much more use to city planners than that obtained from MSS data. 相似文献
针对机载有源无源雷达量测数据不同步、不同维的特点,提出了基于自适应变维非线性量测最优线性无偏滤波(BLUF)有源无源数据融合方法。首先将三维的非线性量测的最优线性无偏滤波推广到六维的情况,然后针对融合中心收到的量测数据的类型采用不同维的最优线性无偏滤波。该融合方法不但有效地解决了机载有源无源雷达数据的不同步、不同维给融合带来的困难,还大大提高了融合的精度。通过仿真证明了自适应变维的有源无源数据融合方法的有效性。 相似文献
机载雷达坐标转换及数据处理的建模与仿真 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对雷达常用坐标和数据处理的基本理论介绍,给出了机栽雷达坐标转换和数据处理的算法,以算法为基础建立了仿真模型,给出了具体的仿真流程。仿真结果表明,坐标转换的算法精度达到了要求,数据处理能够完成对目标的稳定跟踪。 相似文献
地杂波是影响机载雷达性能的主要因素。文中介绍了地杂波的理论分析及录取方法,并用计算机仿真计算获取了地杂波理论数据,用试验雷达录取了真实的地杂波数据,然后综合两方面情况对杂波特性进行了分析与归纳,并指出了理论计算数据与真实录取数据的区别,针对实际情况,对主瓣杂波、杂波镜像、副瓣杂波进行处理。经过验证,以上处理办法较好地实现了对地杂波的抑制,信杂比损失较小,有效地提高了雷达地杂波下探测目标的能力。 相似文献
针对高速机载雷达数据传输的实际需求,设计了一种基于千兆以太网的高速机载雷达数据采集系统。系统以现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)为控制中心,采用FPGA 内部的两片高速FIFO 实现对高速雷达数据无缝缓存与传输。同时,采用FPGA 内部的千兆以太网MAC 控制器将FIFO 中的数据读取及处理,最终,通过RJ-45 接口将数据上传到上位机。地面测试结果表明:系统能够对传输速率为360 Mb/ s 高速串行雷达数据进行采集,并上传到上位机,验证了基于千兆以太网的高速机载雷达数据采集系统设计的可靠性与稳定性。 相似文献
无人机的日益流行在带来便利的同时也造成了潜在的威胁,对无人机进行分类识别具有重要意义。雷达微多普勒信号能够区分不同类型的无人机。为了提高基于微多普勒的无人机分类的鲁棒性,该文提出了一种多角度雷达观测微动特征融合的无人机识别方法。首先利用多部雷达同时从不同角度观测目标;然后对采集的雷达数据分别进行短时傅里叶变换(Short-Time Fourier Transform, STFT),得到时频谱图;接着利用主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis, PCA)从时频谱图中提取特征,将两个不同角度雷达传感器得到的特征融合在一起;最后利用支持向量机(Support Vector Machine, SVM)进行训练与分类识别。基于实际雷达数据的实验结果表明:两个雷达传感器观测融合得到的分类精度优于单个雷达传感器的分类精度,最终识别准确率较仅利用X波段雷达传感器方法提升了5%以上。 相似文献
机载气象雷达系统能够在飞行中实现对气象目标的探测。然而,近地气象目标易受到强地杂波干扰,从而导致目标信息的缺失和检测虚警。为了实现地杂波背景中气象目标的准确检测,本文提出了一种基于俯仰通道干涉相位的空域气象目标检测技术。首先利用俯仰双通道系统获取雷达回波数据,经过多视处理后生成干涉相位图,对干涉相位图进行干涉相位补偿后得到待检测的干涉相位数据;然后将干涉相位作为检验统计量,解析高斯杂波背景下地杂波与气象目标的干涉相位统计特性;最后嵌入该统计特性至恒虚警率检测器中,实现气象目标的鲁棒检测。多组仿真与实测数据处理结果表明,相较于其他气象目标检测方法,所提方法具有更高的检测概率和更好的鲁棒性。 相似文献
雷达数据生成在目标识别等任务中发挥重要的作用。现有雷达数据生成方法包括电磁仿真、视线追踪等,存在对模型误差敏感、计算量大等问题。本文面向雷达HRRP(high resolution range profile)数据提出一种基于深度生成网络的雷达数据生成方法,在模型先验信息未知的情况下,由雷达HRRP数据集训练得到深度生成网络,从而实现雷达HRRP数据的快速生成。实测数据处理结果表明该方法生成HRRP与数据集中HRRP极为相似,生成HRRP可以应用于增强雷达HRRP数据集、改善数据不平衡问题等。 相似文献
对机载雷达系统的试验就是要在静态和动态试验环境下通过各种试验手段获取该设备的大量相关数据,通过对这些数据的分析整理,客观公正地评价该系统的各项性能和技术指标。开发了一套机载雷达侦察系统试验数据录取及处理软件,以完成该系统试验过程中数据的录取及处理,实现了对试验数据从人工处理到自动处理的转变。 相似文献