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通过对k-平均算法存在不足的分析,提出了一种基于Ward’s方法的k-平均优化算法。算法首先在用Ward’s方法对样本数据初步聚类的基础上,确定合适的簇数目、初始聚类中心等k-平均算法的初始参数,并进行孤立点检测、删除;基于上述处理再采用传统k-平均算法进行聚类。将优化的k-平均算法应用到罪犯人格类型分析中,实验结果表明,该算法的效率、聚类效果均明显优于传统k-平均算法。  相似文献   

The k-means algorithm and its variations are known to be fast clustering algorithms. However, they are sensitive to the choice of starting points and are inefficient for solving clustering problems in large datasets. Recently, incremental approaches have been developed to resolve difficulties with the choice of starting points. The global k-means and the modified global k-means algorithms are based on such an approach. They iteratively add one cluster center at a time. Numerical experiments show that these algorithms considerably improve the k-means algorithm. However, they require storing the whole affinity matrix or computing this matrix at each iteration. This makes both algorithms time consuming and memory demanding for clustering even moderately large datasets. In this paper, a new version of the modified global k-means algorithm is proposed. We introduce an auxiliary cluster function to generate a set of starting points lying in different parts of the dataset. We exploit information gathered in previous iterations of the incremental algorithm to eliminate the need of computing or storing the whole affinity matrix and thereby to reduce computational effort and memory usage. Results of numerical experiments on six standard datasets demonstrate that the new algorithm is more efficient than the global and the modified global k-means algorithms.  相似文献   

Extracting different clusters of a given data is an appealing topic in swarm intelligence applications. This paper introduces two main data clustering approaches based on particle swarm optimization, namely single swarm and multiple cooperative swarms clustering. A stability analysis is next introduced to determine the model order of the underlying data using multiple cooperative swarms clustering. The proposed approach is assessed using different data sets and its performance is compared with that of k-means, k-harmonic means, fuzzy c-means and single swarm clustering techniques. The obtained results indicate that the proposed approach fairly outperforms the other clustering approaches in terms of different cluster validity measures.  相似文献   

Color quantization is an important operation with many applications in graphics and image processing. Most quantization methods are essentially based on data clustering algorithms. However, despite its popularity as a general purpose clustering algorithm, k-means has not received much respect in the color quantization literature because of its high computational requirements and sensitivity to initialization. In this paper, we investigate the performance of k-means as a color quantizer. We implement fast and exact variants of k-means with several initialization schemes and then compare the resulting quantizers to some of the most popular quantizers in the literature. Experiments on a diverse set of images demonstrate that an efficient implementation of k-means with an appropriate initialization strategy can in fact serve as a very effective color quantizer.  相似文献   

We present in this paper a modification of Lumer and Faieta’s algorithm for data clustering. This approach mimics the clustering behavior observed in real ant colonies. This algorithm discovers automatically clusters in numerical data without prior knowledge of possible number of clusters. In this paper we focus on ant-based clustering algorithms, a particular kind of a swarm intelligent system, and on the effects on the final clustering by using during the classification different metrics of dissimilarity: Euclidean, Cosine, and Gower measures. Clustering with swarm-based algorithms is emerging as an alternative to more conventional clustering methods, such as e.g. k-means, etc. Among the many bio-inspired techniques, ant clustering algorithms have received special attention, especially because they still require much investigation to improve performance, stability and other key features that would make such algorithms mature tools for data mining.As a case study, this paper focus on the behavior of clustering procedures in those new approaches. The proposed algorithm and its modifications are evaluated in a number of well-known benchmark datasets. Empirical results clearly show that ant-based clustering algorithms performs well when compared to another techniques.  相似文献   

We present a new dissimilarity, which combines connectivity and density information. Usually, connectivity and density are conceived as mutually exclusive concepts; however, we discuss a novel procedure to merge both information sources. Once we have calculated the new dissimilarity, we apply MDS in order to find a low dimensional vector space representation. The new data representation can be used for clustering and data visualization, which is not pursued in this paper. Instead we use clustering to estimate the gain from our approach consisting of dissimilarity + MDS. Hence, we analyze the partitions’ quality obtained by clustering high dimensional data with various well known clustering algorithms based on density, connectivity and message passing, as well as simple algorithms like k-means and Hierarchical Clustering (HC). The quality gap between the partitions found by k-means and HC alone compared to k-means and HC using our new low dimensional vector space representation is remarkable. Moreover, our tests using high dimensional gene expression and image data confirm these results and show a steady performance, which surpasses spectral clustering and other algorithms relevant to our work.  相似文献   

We present the global k-means algorithm which is an incremental approach to clustering that dynamically adds one cluster center at a time through a deterministic global search procedure consisting of N (with N being the size of the data set) executions of the k-means algorithm from suitable initial positions. We also propose modifications of the method to reduce the computational load without significantly affecting solution quality. The proposed clustering methods are tested on well-known data sets and they compare favorably to the k-means algorithm with random restarts.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been numerous attempts to extend the k-means clustering protocol for single database to a distributed multiple database setting and meanwhile keep privacy of each data site. Current solutions for (whether two or more) multiparty k-means clustering, built on one or more secure two-party computation algorithms, are not equally contributory, in other words, each party does not equally contribute to k-means clustering. This may lead a perfidious attack where a party who learns the outcome prior to other parties tells a lie of the outcome to other parties. In this paper, we present an equally contributory multiparty k-means clustering protocol for vertically partitioned data, in which each party equally contributes to k-means clustering. Our protocol is built on ElGamal's encryption scheme, Jakobsson and Juels's plaintext equivalence test protocol, and mix networks, and protects privacy in terms that each iteration of k-means clustering can be performed without revealing the intermediate values.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new method to weight subspaces in feature groups and individual features for clustering high-dimensional data. In this method, the features of high-dimensional data are divided into feature groups, based on their natural characteristics. Two types of weights are introduced to the clustering process to simultaneously identify the importance of feature groups and individual features in each cluster. A new optimization model is given to define the optimization process and a new clustering algorithm FG-k-means is proposed to optimize the optimization model. The new algorithm is an extension to k-means by adding two additional steps to automatically calculate the two types of subspace weights. A new data generation method is presented to generate high-dimensional data with clusters in subspaces of both feature groups and individual features. Experimental results on synthetic and real-life data have shown that the FG-k-means algorithm significantly outperformed four k-means type algorithms, i.e., k-means, W-k-means, LAC and EWKM in almost all experiments. The new algorithm is robust to noise and missing values which commonly exist in high-dimensional data.  相似文献   

Given a clustering algorithm, how can we adapt it to find multiple, nonredundant, high-quality clusterings? We focus on algorithms based on vector quantization and describe a framework for automatic ‘alternatization’ of such algorithms. Our framework works in both simultaneous and sequential learning formulations and can mine an arbitrary number of alternative clusterings. We demonstrate its applicability to various clustering algorithms—k-means, spectral clustering, constrained clustering, and co-clustering—and effectiveness in mining a variety of datasets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a fast global k-means clustering algorithm by making use of the cluster membership and geometrical information of a data point. This algorithm is referred to as MFGKM. The algorithm uses a set of inequalities developed in this paper to determine a starting point for the jth cluster center of global k-means clustering. Adopting multiple cluster center selection (MCS) for MFGKM, we also develop another clustering algorithm called MFGKM+MCS. MCS determines more than one starting point for each step of cluster split; while the available fast and modified global k-means clustering algorithms select one starting point for each cluster split. Our proposed method MFGKM can obtain the least distortion; while MFGKM+MCS may give the least computing time. Compared to the modified global k-means clustering algorithm, our method MFGKM can reduce the computing time and number of distance calculations by a factor of 3.78-5.55 and 21.13-31.41, respectively, with the average distortion reduction of 5,487 for the Statlog data set. Compared to the fast global k-means clustering algorithm, our method MFGKM+MCS can reduce the computing time by a factor of 5.78-8.70 with the average reduction of distortion of 30,564 using the same data set. The performances of our proposed methods are more remarkable when a data set with higher dimension is divided into more clusters.  相似文献   

Rough k-means clustering describes uncertainty by assigning some objects to more than one cluster. Rough cluster quality index based on decision theory is applicable to the evaluation of rough clustering. In this paper we analyze rough k-means clustering with respect to the selection of the threshold, the value of risk for assigning an object and uncertainty of objects. According to the analysis, clusters presented as interval sets with lower and upper approximations in rough k-means clustering are not adequate to describe clusters. This paper proposes an interval set clustering based on decision theory. Lower and upper approximations in the proposed algorithm are hierarchical and constructed as outer-level approximations and inner-level ones. Uncertainty of objects in out-level upper approximation is described by the assignment of objects among different clusters. Accordingly, ambiguity of objects in inner-level upper approximation is represented by local uniform factors of objects. In addition, interval set clustering can be improved to obtain a satisfactory clustering result with the optimal number of clusters, as well as optimal values of parameters, by taking advantage of the usefulness of rough cluster quality index in the evaluation of clustering. The experimental results on synthetic and standard data demonstrate how to construct clusters with satisfactory lower and upper approximations in the proposed algorithm. The experiments with a promotional campaign for the retail data illustrates the usefulness of interval set clustering for improving rough k-means clustering results.  相似文献   

The volume of spatio-textual data is drastically increasing in these days, and this makes more and more essential to process such a large-scale spatio-textual dataset. Even though numerous works have been studied for answering various kinds of spatio-textual queries, the analyzing method for spatio-textual data has rarely been considered so far. Motivated by this, this paper proposes a k-means based clustering algorithm specialized for a massive spatio-textual data. One of the strong points of the k-means algorithm lies in its efficiency and scalability, implying that it is appropriate for a large-scale data. However, it is challenging to apply the normal k-means algorithm to spatio-textual data, since each spatio-textual object has non-numeric attributes, that is, textual dimension, as well as numeric attributes, that is, spatial dimension. We address this problem by using the expected distance between a random pair of objects rather than constructing actual centroid of each cluster. Based on our experimental results, we show that the clustering quality of our algorithm is comparable to those of other k-partitioning algorithms that can process spatio-textual data, and its efficiency is superior to those competitors.  相似文献   

Normalized Cuts is a state-of-the-art spectral method for clustering. By applying spectral techniques, the data becomes easier to cluster and then k-means is classically used. Unfortunately the number of clusters must be manually set and it is very sensitive to initialization. Moreover, k-means tends to split large clusters, to merge small clusters, and to favor convex-shaped clusters. In this work we present a new clustering method which is parameterless, independent from the original data dimensionality and from the shape of the clusters. It only takes into account inter-point distances and it has no random steps. The combination of the proposed method with normalized cuts proved successful in our experiments.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel intuitionistic fuzzy c-least squares support vector regression (IFC-LSSVR) with a Sammon mapping clustering algorithm. Sammon mapping effectively reduces the complexity of raw data, while intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs) can effectively tune the membership of data points, and LSSVR improves the conventional fuzzy c-regression model. The proposed clustering algorithm combines the advantages of IFSs, LSSVR and Sammon mapping for solving actual clustering problems. Moreover, IFC-LSSVR with Sammon mapping adopts particle swarm optimization to obtain optimal parameters. Experiments conducted on a web-based adaptive learning environment and a dataset of wheat varieties demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is more efficient than conventional algorithms, such as the k-means (KM) and fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering algorithms, in standard measurement indexes. This study thus demonstrates that the proposed model is a credible fuzzy clustering algorithm. The novel method contributes not only to the theoretical aspects of fuzzy clustering, but is also widely applicable in data mining, image systems, rule-based expert systems and prediction problems.  相似文献   

Functional verification has become the key bottleneck that delays time-to-market during the embedded system design process. And simulation-based verification is the mainstream practice in functional verification due to its flexibility and scalability. In practice, the success of the simulation-based verification highly depends on the quality of functional tests in use which is usually evaluated by coverage metrics. Since test prioritization can provide a way to simulate the more important tests which can improve the coverage metrics evidently earlier, we propose a test prioritization approach based on the clustering algorithm to obtain a high coverage level earlier in the simulation process. The k-means algorithm, which is one of the most popular clustering algorithms and usually used for the test prioritization, has some shortcomings which have an effect on the effectiveness of test prioritization. Thus we propose three enhanced k-means algorithms to overcome these shortcomings and improve the effectiveness of the test prioritization. Then the functional tests in the simulation environment can be ordered with the test prioritization based on the enhanced k-means algorithms. Finally, the more important tests, which can improve the coverage metrics evidently, can be selected and simulated early within the limited simulation time. Experimental results show that the enhanced k-means algorithms are more accurate and efficient than the standard k-means algorithm for the test prioritization, especially the third enhanced k-means algorithm. In comparison with simulating all the tests randomly, the more important tests, which are selected with the test prioritization based on the third enhanced k-means algorithm, achieve almost the same coverage metrics in a shorter time, which achieves a 90% simulation time saving.  相似文献   

The problem of optimal non-hierarchical clustering is addressed. A new algorithm combining differential evolution and k-means is proposed and tested on eight well-known real-world data sets. Two criteria (clustering validity indexes), namely TRW and VCR, were used in the optimization of classification. The classification of objects to be optimized is encoded by the cluster centers in differential evolution (DE) algorithm. It induced the problem of rearrangement of centers in the population to ensure an efficient search via application of evolutionary operators. A new efficient heuristic for this rearrangement was also proposed. The plain DE variants with and without the rearrangement were compared with corresponding hybrid k-means variants. The experimental results showed that hybrid variants with k-means algorithm are essentially more efficient than the non-hybrid ones. Compared to a standard k-means algorithm with restart, the new hybrid algorithm was found more reliable and more efficient, especially in difficult tasks. The results for TRW and VCR criterion were compared. Both criteria provided the same optimal partitions and no significant differences were found in efficiency of the algorithms using these criteria.  相似文献   

Individual privacy may be compromised during the process of mining for valuable information, and the potential for data mining is hindered by the need to preserve privacy. It is well known that k-means clustering algorithms based on differential privacy require preserving privacy while maintaining the availability of clustering. However, it is difficult to balance both aspects in traditional algorithms. In this paper, an outlier-eliminated differential privacy (OEDP) k-means algorithm is proposed that both preserves privacy and improves clustering efficiency. The proposed approach selects the initial centre points in accordance with the distribution density of data points, and adds Laplacian noise to the original data for privacy preservation. Both a theoretical analysis and comparative experiments were conducted. The theoretical analysis shows that the proposed algorithm satisfies ε-differential privacy. Furthermore, the experimental results show that, compared to other methods, the proposed algorithm effectively preserves data privacy and improves the clustering results in terms of accuracy, stability, and availability.  相似文献   

Intrusion detection is a necessary step to identify unusual access or attacks to secure internal networks. In general, intrusion detection can be approached by machine learning techniques. In literature, advanced techniques by hybrid learning or ensemble methods have been considered, and related work has shown that they are superior to the models using single machine learning techniques. This paper proposes a hybrid learning model based on the triangle area based nearest neighbors (TANN) in order to detect attacks more effectively. In TANN, the k-means clustering is firstly used to obtain cluster centers corresponding to the attack classes, respectively. Then, the triangle area by two cluster centers with one data from the given dataset is calculated and formed a new feature signature of the data. Finally, the k-NN classifier is used to classify similar attacks based on the new feature represented by triangle areas. By using KDD-Cup ’99 as the simulation dataset, the experimental results show that TANN can effectively detect intrusion attacks and provide higher accuracy and detection rates, and the lower false alarm rate than three baseline models based on support vector machines, k-NN, and the hybrid centroid-based classification model by combining k-means and k-NN.  相似文献   

Fast and exact out-of-core and distributed k-means clustering   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Clustering has been one of the most widely studied topics in data mining and k-means clustering has been one of the popular clustering algorithms. K-means requires several passes on the entire dataset, which can make it very expensive for large disk-resident datasets. In view of this, a lot of work has been done on various approximate versions of k-means, which require only one or a small number of passes on the entire dataset.In this paper, we present a new algorithm, called fast and exact k-means clustering (FEKM), which typically requires only one or a small number of passes on the entire dataset and provably produces the same cluster centres as reported by the original k-means algorithm. The algorithm uses sampling to create initial cluster centres and then takes one or more passes over the entire dataset to adjust these cluster centres. We provide theoretical analysis to show that the cluster centres thus reported are the same as the ones computed by the original k-means algorithm. Experimental results from a number of real and synthetic datasets show speedup between a factor of 2 and 4.5, as compared with k-means.This paper also describes and evaluates a distributed version of FEKM, which we refer to as DFEKM. This algorithm is suitable for analysing data that is distributed across loosely coupled machines. Unlike the previous work in this area, DFEKM provably produces the same results as the original k-means algorithm. Our experimental results show that DFEKM is clearly better than two other possible options for exact clustering on distributed data, which are down loading all data and running sequential k-means or running parallel k-means on a loosely coupled configuration. Moreover, even in a tightly coupled environment, DFEKM can outperform parallel k-means if there is a significant load imbalance. Ruoming Jin is currently an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at Kent State University. He received a BE and a ME degree in computer engineering from Beihang University (BUAA), China in 1996 and 1999, respectively. He earned his MS degree in computer science from University of Delaware in 2001, and his Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Ohio State University in 2005. His research interests include data mining, databases, processing of streaming data, bioinformatics, and high performance computing. He has published more than 30 papers in these areas. He is a member of ACM and SIGKDD. Anjan Goswami studied robotics at the Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur. While working with IBM, he was interested in studying computer science. He then obtained a masters degree from the University of South Florida, where he worked on computer vision problems. He then transferred to the PhD program in computer science at OSU, where he did a Masters thesis on efficient clustering algorithms for massive, distributed and streaming data. On successful completion of this, he decided to join a web-service-provider company to do research in designing and developing high-performance search solutions for very large structured data. Anjan' favourite recreations are studying and predicting technology trends, nature photography, hiking, literature and soccer. Gagan Agrawal is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the Ohio State University. He received his B.Tech degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, in 1991, and M.S. and Ph.D degrees from University of Maryland, College Park, in 1994 and 1996, respectively. His research interests include parallel and distributed computing, compilers, data mining, grid computing, and data integration. He has published more than 110 refereed papers in these areas. He is a member of ACM and IEEE Computer Society. He received a National Science Foundation CAREER award in 1998.  相似文献   

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