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正成本控制是新产品开发过程中需要解决的核心问题之一,这种观念贯穿于产品整个生产流程和价值创造过程中。以产品附加值而言,成本越低,则价格优势越大,实现产品价值提升的可能性就越大,企业的风险就越低。从生产流程来说,合理的成本控制有利于降低运营风险,可快速收回成本,解决产品开发过程流动资金短缺问题。新  相似文献   

产品开发是21世纪的工业战场.正如制造业曾是20世纪70年代和80年代的工业战场一样。在市场需求不断变化、技术迅速更新的趋势之下,企业是否具备快速、高质量、低成本推出产品的能力,已成为决定企业成败的关键。研发面临市场、客户的压力.需要与组织内外部协调。如何有效利用资源,缩短研发周期.不断降低研发成本和产品生命周期成本?如何在产品开发过程中不断积累技术和管理经验,以期持续提高企业的核心竞争力?研发工作不仅仅是技术层面的产品开发工作,而是技术与管理相结合的工作,甚至更多是管理工作![第一段]  相似文献   

王敏 《中国包装》2003,23(2):95-96
竞争的方式是多种多样的,但本质上离不开质量与价格的竞争。在此,作者尝试把机械工业中的价值工程引入到包装工艺中,以达到在保证质量的前提下,最大限度地降低成本、大大提高企业竞争能力的功能。一、价值工程简介 机械工业中的价值工程(ValueEngineering)是指以最低的寿命周期  相似文献   

为了满足建设企业的工作需要,进行工程成本管理体系的健全是必要的,从而实现其内部各个环节的协调。这就需要保证成本管理方案的优化,进行企业成本的降低,保证企业利润空间的提升,保证企业经济效益的提升,保证企业价值的提升。目前来说,我国的房地产企业竞争是非常严格的,地产企业将工程成本管理作为企业竞争的重要体现。为了满足实际工作的需要,进行房地产行业工程成本管理体系的健全是必要的,从而针对其存在问题进行分析,积极做好总结,进行相关建议的给出,以此满足实际工作的要求。  相似文献   

在当今竞争持续加剧的知识经济环境中,不断开发满足市场需求的新产品并是企业赢得核心竞争力的关键。以问题为研究的出发点,结合企业自身产品的特点,运用门径管理方法建立了一种适用泵产品开发的流程,以降低产品开发过程的中的技术及经济风险,缩短产品开发周期和提高新产品开放项目的成功率。  相似文献   

孙光兰 《工业计量》1991,1(3):23-23,10
价值工程是美国通用电气公司工程师麦尔斯创立的一种新兴的技术经济分析方法。它是通过对产品的功能分析,找出功能与成本的关系来提高企业经济效益的一种管理技术。 价值工程所研究的价值是指某项产品或某项服务的功能与成本的关系。其关系式为:V(价值)= F(功能)/C(成本或费用)。 由公式可知,要提高产品的价值, 有两种途径:一种是成本不变, 功能提高;一种是功能不变,成 本降低。企业的计量工作系统是 企业整个工作的一部分,它的功 能主要表现在下述几个方面: (1)为生产眼务,保证产品 质量,提高产品的价值。 (2)由于大力发展在线测量 和自…  相似文献   

在目前公路工程施工走向投标确定项目承包条件下,市场竞争越来越激烈,承包价格走向低势,企业成本较高,结算微利润甚至亏损,直接影响到企业的生存与发展。、自推行工程施工招投标以来,工程管理制度越来越完善,工程承包企业面临生存危机,在激烈的市场竞争中,旖工企业能否在竞争中立于不败之地,关键在于企业能否为社会提供质量高、工期短、造价低的产品。工程项目成本控制的目的是,在满足质量工期要求下,通过成本管理的各种手段促成施工项目成本的不断降低,尽可能地完成成本计划的目标要求,以便实现最低的费用支出。在实现成本最低化原则时,应注意降低成本的可能性和成本最低化的合理性。一方面挖掘各种降低各种成本的能力,使可能性变为现实,另一方面要从实际出发,制定通过项目部全员主观努力可能达到的合理的最低成本水平。为了适应市场变化,维持企业生存是摆在我们企业主要人员面前的一项重大课题。  相似文献   

作为当前最先进的产品开发理念,虚拟三维交互技术已成为非常重要的现代工业设计方法,并被普遍运用于工业设计的各项操作,虚拟三维交互技术能让用户更进一步地了解产品,并使产品开发成本得到有效降低,正慢慢成为现代工业设计的发展趋势。  相似文献   

在竞争激烈的市场经济大潮中如何求生存求发展是房地产开发企业面临的一个重要课题。在相同的开发环境中,除了开发适应市场需求的产品外,尽可能地减少工程成本也就降低了企业的融资压力和投资风险,最大限度地提高企业的投资收益。  相似文献   

企业的最终目标是经济效益最优化,成本分析和控制一切工作都是为了效益,当装饰产品的价格一旦确定,成本便是最终效益的决定因素。只有稳健地控制住建筑装饰工程成本,利润空间才能打开,实现企业价值最大化,这个现代企业所共同追求的目标才能实现。  相似文献   

米传民  夏卫国  强媛 《工业工程》2014,17(3):97-100
考虑质量屋模型中顾客需求与产品工程特性之间相关关系具有“少数据”、“贫信息”特点,将灰关联分析引入到质量屋模型中求解产品工程特性重要度。为了在产品设计过程中考虑产品开发成本、技术实现困难、产品市场竞争需求以及实际情况中产品开发成本约束存在的模糊性对产品最优设计的影响,构建一种模糊混合整数规划模型,实现产品工程特性最优设计水平。通过一个智能手机产品改进的案列来验证所构建模型的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

A new approach to quality function deployment (QFD) optimization is presented. The approach uses the linear physical programming (LPP) technique to maximize overall customer satisfaction in product design. QFD is a customer-focused product design method which translates customer requirements into product engineering characteristics. Because market competition is multidimensional, companies must maximize overall customer satisfaction by optimizing the design of their products. At the same time, all constraints (e.g. product development time, development cost, manufacturing cost, human resource in design and production, etc.) must be taken into consideration. LPP avoids the need to specify an importance weight for each objective in advance. This is an effective way of obtaining optimal results. Following a brief introduction to LPP in QFD, the proposed approach is described. A numerical example is given to illustrate its application and a sensitivity analysis is carried out. Using LPP in QFD optimization provides a new direction for optimizing the product design process.  相似文献   

We study a duopoly market in which customers are heterogeneous, and can be segmented as price or time sensitive. Each firm tailors (differentiates) its products/services for the two customer classes solely based on guaranteed lead time and the corresponding price. Our objective is to understand how competition affects price and lead time differentiation of the firms in the presence of different operations strategy (shared versus dedicated capacity), product substitution and asymmetry between the competing firms. Our results suggest that when firms use dedicated resources to serve the two market segments, pure price competition always tends to decrease individual prices as well as price differentiation, irrespective of the market behaviour. Further, the effect of competition is more pronounced when customers are allowed to self-select, thereby introducing substitutability between the two product options. On the other hand, when firms compete in time, in addition to price, the effect of competition on product differentiation depends crucially on the behaviour of the market. Our results further suggest that the firm with a larger market base should always maintain a larger price and lead time differentiation between the two market segments. Similarly, the firm with a capacity cost advantage should also maintain a larger lead time differentiation.  相似文献   

This study proposes a manufacturing system for the production of a new product, which is achieved by optimum collaboration between members of the supply chain. From the perspective of an incumbent firm, the behaviours of randomly occurring competitors could significantly affect order quantities, and the resultant profitability could diminish competitiveness in the product market. An effective method is therefore required to quantitatively evaluate the influence of competitive companies on the incumbent’s profitability. The objective of this study is to minimise the incumbent’s cost for a new product under competition through an economical cost distribution. Considering the whole life of a product in the market, the Bayesian approach is used to analyse the behaviours of competitors, the work efficiency of employees, in addition to the related costs of the incumbent firm. The adequate cost strategy for manufacturing a new product under competition can be then available.  相似文献   

VRP模块化技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
“变化减少方法(VRP)”是制造业处理产品多样化的一种崭新的方法,已经日益得到工业界的重视。VRP模块化技术的主要目标是,企业在保证产品质量和提供多样化产品的同时,通过模块化设计和制造来降低产品的零件数量和工艺数目,最大限度地降低成本,达到控制产品成本以适应激烈市场竞争的目的。本文探讨了VRP模块化技术,着重研究了模块的分解、优化和组合技术,最后提供了一套系统的VRP模块化思路和方法。  相似文献   


In today's highly competitive industrial environment, those who are slow in bringing new products to market often lose out to those with a more agile development process. Developing products quickly while maintaining cost and quality demands a distinctive management approach that integrates marketing, engineering, manufacturing, and other activities. This article discusses the importance of development speed relative to the product's cost, performance, and development expense, and it suggests ways in which a company can cut development time. Topics covered include top management involvement; product objectives and complexity, team composition and leadership; communication vehicles, including the product specification; prototyping and testing; and control systems, such as design reviews.  相似文献   

介绍了电弧喷涂工艺制作塑料模具的工艺过程。简要叙述了喷涂制模法的特点、工序步骤,以及模具结构的设计过程。音箱产品具有类型多、产品型号更新快的特点,采用喷涂法制作音箱喇叭模具工艺简单,制模周期短,成本低,适合于新产品开发和小批量多品种生产。  相似文献   

唐坤  张玉林 《工业工程》2018,21(3):32-40
为研究实体零售商收取搭便车消费者产品体验费时消费者搭便车行为对厂商的影响,并探讨实体零售商收取产品体验费的条件,文章考虑一个制造商和一个实体零售商组成的双渠道供应链,基于消费者效用理论,利用K-T条件,分别在收取产品体验费和不收取产品体验费两种情形下,分析对比了消费者搭便车行为对厂商决策的影响。研究表明,收取的搭便车消费者产品体验费与实体零售商的产品销售价格正相关,当消费者旅行成本较低时,网络渠道产品销售价格与收取的产品体验费负相关。当消费者旅行成本较低且销售的产品估值较高时,实体零售商收取产品体验费才能使自身受益。研究进一步显示,实体零售商收取搭便车消费者产品体验费会损害制造商的利润,加剧了制造商和零售商之间的竞争。  相似文献   

This paper explores production and outsourcing decisions for two Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) who produce partially substitutable products and have opportunities to invest in reducing the manufacturing cost. In such an environment, competition drives both OEMs to set lower prices and invest more than would maximize their combined profits, particularly when product substitutability is high. However, outsourcing provides a mechanism by which the two OEMs can credibly signal that they will not overinvest in cost reduction, mitigating a mutually destructive cost competition. Our paper explores the role that an external supplier(s) can play in dampening competition between the OEMs when there are opportunities to invest in cost reduction. In particular, we characterize the conditions under which a supplier can profitably enter the market by inducing the OEMs to outsource production. We first examine a basic model of two identical OEMs in which there is a single common supplier and a single component that is a candidate for outsourcing. Later, we extend the basic model to allow for market asymmetry, two suppliers, and more than one component that might be outsourced.  相似文献   

Third-party remanufacturers (TPRs) enter the market and compete with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Because of multiple uncertainty of the remanufacturing process, the variable remanufacturing cost is random and its true value cannot be observed by OEMs. In this paper, we consider the competition between one TPR and one OEM, and then investigate incentives of cost information sharing. The remanufactured product quantity is constrained by the new product quantity. If the new production cost is low enough such that the optimal remanufactured product quantity is less than the optimal new product quantity, the TPR should always share cost information with the OEM so that their quantity decisions in equilibrium are more responsive to market conditions to avoid overproduction or underproduction. However, if the quantity constraint is binding, the TPR should not always share cost information; in this case, cost information sharing can allow the OEM to adjust the new product quantity to limit remanufacturing and hence be detrimental to the TPR. When the TPR does not voluntarily share cost information, we further examine the impacts of private information on the society and the environment, and then suggest the government to promote information sharing and subsidise the TPR under certain conditions.  相似文献   

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