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7月10日午夜12点,青岛数字集群网络二期工程9个基站按时开通并调测完毕。至此,中国卫通为保证青岛奥帆赛而设置的21个基站的建设任务全部完成,信号已覆盖奥帆赛场,水、陆、空交通枢纽和青岛市内主要目标,为2007年8月国际帆船赛和2008年奥帆赛通信保障奠定了良好基础。[第一段]  相似文献   

2008年8月8日,世人瞩目的第29届奥运会在北京开幕,中国卫通数字集群系统将担负青岛奥帆赛指挥调度通信保障任务。为确保青岛奥帆赛指挥调度通信的万无一失,按照集团公司的统一部署,江苏卫通承担着青岛数字集群DSS、MSS系统的备份保障工作。7月  相似文献   

杜娟 《通信世界》2008,(3):I0011-I0011
从雅典奥运会首次担纲奥运会通信网的建设,到GoTa扬帆青岛奥帆赛,再到独家承建北京TD-SCDMA网络,中兴通讯的成功表明国产通信设备供应商完全有能力为奥运会提供高质量的通信服务。  相似文献   

9月4日,在青岛举行的2006青岛国际帆船赛集群通信保障工作新闻发布会上,奥帆委技术部朱建广部长说:“我们现在的心情是很放松的,原因有两个,第一是2006国际帆船赛的工作告一段落,第二是今天我们得出的结论是帆船赛圆满成功。”在此之前,奥帆委已经召开过专门的工作总结会,在总结会上应急通信系统在帆船赛中的作用已经被充分肯定了。  相似文献   

日前,工业和信息化部发布部长令,正式公布《通信网络安全防护管理办法》,并决定从2010年3月1日起施行。办法明确,通信网络运行单位应当按照电信管理机构的规定和通信行业标准开展通信网络安全防护工作,对本单位通信网络安全负责。通信网络运行单位新建、改建、扩建通信网络工程项目,应当同步建设通信网络安全保障设旋,并与主体工程同时进行验收和投入运行。通信网络安全保障设施的新建、改建、扩建费用,  相似文献   

介绍了奥运通信保障情况,提出奥运通信保障体系和工作任务框架,披露了奥运会期间通信故障的等级划分,分析了组织调度、通信质量、服务指标、网络可靠性环节对通信网络业务的全面保障.  相似文献   

本刊讯为确保第十二届中国西部博览会期间通信网络安全畅通,中国电信成都分公司制定了详细的保障方案和应急预案,为参会、参展商及嘉宾提供了一流的通信网络、快速响应的专业优质服务,圆满完成了本届西博会的通信保障任务。为做好西博会通信保障工作,成都电信成立了西博会通信保障工作领导小组,制定了详细的保障方案和应急预  相似文献   

网络运维作为通信网络稳定、高效运营的重要保障,一直受业界的普遍关注,它是通信企业的生产与管理工作职能之一.近年来,随着网络技术的发展,移动网络的不断普及和升级,各运营商之间的竞争态势不断激烈,在这一新形势下,为了提供优质的网络服务,抢占市场占有率,各运营商必须做好运维保障的转变,这对企业的发展起着至关重要的作用.本文通过对通信企业通信网络的运维保障转变进行分析,以探寻通信网络运维保障的发展趋势.  相似文献   

中国电信保障西安世园会通信网络畅通2011年4月28日,2011西安世界园艺博览会正式开园,作为全球唯一的通信合作伙伴中国电信在开园日共投入保障人员696人,出动光缆巡检车189台,有效保障了园区和旅游景点、骨干交通、交通枢纽、主要酒店等通信网络畅通。此前,中国电信还演练确定了208个应急场景处置预案,以全力保障世园期间通信  相似文献   

随着通信技术的发展,铁路运输领域的通信网络也逐渐向下一代通信网络演进,如何保证铁路通信网络的安全性和可靠性是在工程中急需解决的问题之一。本文主要阐述了软交换技术原理及其网络体系结构,对软交换技术在下一代铁路通信网络中的应用进行了探讨,给下一代铁路调度指挥系统提供一个崭新的多媒体综合通信平台,为保障铁路运输安全正点、实现铁路调度高度集中的统一指挥和适应铁路未来的发展提供高质量的通信技术支持和保障。  相似文献   

Ad Hoc网络的发展及其应用前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
无线自组织网络(Ad Hoc)是当前无线通信领域一种新的、正在发展的网络技术,它正在迅速地从军事通信渗透到相关的民用通信领域。它的特点:无需常规的基础设施的支持,组网灵活方便,这种技术拓宽了移动通信的应用领域,具有广阔的发展前景。着重对Ad Hoc网络的发展历程进行了介绍,同时对Ad Hoc网络的应用前景进行了简单预测。  相似文献   

Communications networks continue to play an increasingly important role in global military operations. Among allied forces, improved network centric capabilities have been met with enthusiastic support as they are rolled out into the field. However, as military operations become more and more dependent on networks, it is clear that a host of difficult technical challenges remain. These challenges span all layers of the communications protocol stack and in many cases are representative of the complex nature of large-scale communications networks. This feature topic includes four articles that touch on important challenge areas ranging from network security to mobile ad hoc network design.  相似文献   

Communications networks are undergoing major changes in equipment technologies, network architectures, and service offerings. These changes reflect the new capabilities of the evolving information age: high bandwidth technologies, flexible and controllable networks utilizing advanced database and signaling systems, and intelligent network elements. Planning these new communications networks presents a major challenge. However, information age technologies also allow the design of efficient and flexible processes and systems to plan new modern networks. In fact, these new database oriented, intelligent planning systems must evolve in synchronism with the new information age communications networks. In the long term, as the networks increase in flexibility and intelligence, the networks themselves can take over many of the responsibilities of network planning and administration, leaving planners to study business strategies and new network architectures and services. In any event, planning decisions, whether made by the network or the planner, will be based on large amounts of information that are efficiently organized and quickly processed by the integrated network and operations support systems.  相似文献   

The very small aperture terminal (VSAT) satellite network, a transport medium that is becoming important for long-distance personal computer (PC) communications, is described and analyzed. The mature and readily available VSAT technology offers many benefits and advantages over conventional terrestrial networks, including lower operating costs, ease of installation and maintenance, support for multiservices, bringing locations where the cost of leased lines is exorbitant into the communications loop, and integrating a large number of VSATs into a single network to provide a cost-effective expansion from small to large systems. The following aspects of VSAT networks are discussed: network configurations, networking and multiaccess, error-control protocols, and end-to-end performance analysis  相似文献   

An application enablement method that enables communications applications to run on protocols for which they were not written is discussed. The focus is on a subset of networks and communications application programming interfaces. The communications interface chosen is Berkeley sockets. The network protocols used are SNA (Systems Network Architecture) and TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). The running of existing socket applications over SNA networks, which requires support for transparently masking the differences between TCP/IP and SNA from the applications, is described. Protocol selection, address mapping, and connection management are also described  相似文献   

Networks cannot be managed without management plane communications among geographically distributed network devices and control agents. Unfortunately, the mechanisms used in commercial networks to support management plane communications are often hard to configure, insufficiently secured, and/or suboptimal in performance. This paper presents the design and implementation of the Meta-Management System (MMS), a network-layer subsystem that provides robust autonomic support for management plane communications. We demonstrate the practicality of the MMS via a fully functional implementation that runs on commodity hardware, and experimentally show that the MMS is efficient and scalable. The MMS software is freely available.  相似文献   

The transition to B-ISDN from current networks represents a major technological discontinuity for the communications world. These discontinuities must be considered for the successful evolution of existing networks to broadband networks. The authors provide an overview of B-ISDN data transfer protocols and the services it will support. They discuss the effects of B-ISDN switching, network operations and management, signalling protocols and architectures, and networked computing  相似文献   

首先分析研究了第三代短波通信频率管理系统,针对以接入网为主的短波数据通信网特殊的网络结构,通过借鉴无线传感器网络WSN成熟的路由技术,提出了一种基于位置服务的路由辅助频率管理模型,仿真测试证明,该模型的设计与实现是可行的。  相似文献   

New York City transit's subway system is one of the largest and most complex mass transportation systems in the world. Because of the extensive subway system, an extensive communications network infrastructure is needed to allow for communications of the various subway services with the control centers to support mission-critical (and safety-critical) applications. The current network utilizes multilayer network technologies, including SONET, ATM, and IP (layer 2/3 device) layer networks. As a consequence of using these various technologies, extensive challenges are faced in trying to consolidate these separate networks into a single management view, simplifying (and automating) not only the provisioning aspects but also troubleshooting/fault management aspects of the network. Such automation will help to simplify network operations and allow for better handling and management of the reliability and availability of the network. To achieve this goal, various technologies were evaluated. Consideration is being given to multiprotocol label switching technology. MPLS offers the potential to help converge to a simpler networking model. In order to achieve this, certain capabilities must be available (e.g., the ability to quickly and automatically identify defects/failures and subsequently reroute around these failures). This article discusses the operational requirements for the MPLS network from the point of view of backbone networks that support a mass transportation system operator.  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》1989,26(1):43-46
Advances in data communications during 1988 are highlighted. Among the notable developments are an increased use of facsimile machines, an epidemic of computer viruses, growing support for open-system network standards, and higher-performance, more cost-effective local area networks  相似文献   

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