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A serious obstacle to the large-scale terrestrial application of solar energy in today's “energy crisis” lies in the scarcity of reliable data on the amount of solar energy at candidate converter sites. This paper describes a system designed to monitor and record, automatically, the values of the direct and total (sun and sky) solar radiation which would be seen by either tracking or fixed-type solar converters. A further pressing need addressed by the system is the means for efficiency testing and evaluation of solar cells, solar collectors and solar concentrator systems, under outdoor exposure to natural sunlight and weather conditions for extended periods. The design was accomplished in support of the Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA, where design concepts and materials for large-scale terrestrial solar energy converters are currently being evaluated.The design and study results on which this paper is based have led to the conclusion that such a system is entirely practical using existing components, with the exception of material test modules of special design. Moreover, the described system satisfies the urgent need for solar energy data and provides the “available energy” and “usable energy” answers needed to bring the large scale terrestrial application of solar energy to fruition in this country.  相似文献   

为规范使用太阳能科技领域的名词、术语,国际标准化组织以标准形式(使用英文/法文)编制了《太阳能词汇》(SolarEnergyVocabulary)ISO9488:1999(E/F)。《太阳能词汇》中译文由桂裕宗、石红恩、耿蕾等10人翻译,殷志强等2人审校。王炳忠先生参加了有益的讨论。本刊分四期予以刊登。  相似文献   

9太阳加热系统的类型typesofsolarheatingsystems9.1太阳加热系统solarheatingsystem太阳集热器及其它部件组成的输送热能的系统9.2只有太阳能系统solar-onlysystem没有任何辅助热源的太阳加热系统9.3太阳能加辅助能源系统solar-plus-supplementarysystem太阳能和辅助能源集成的太阳加热系统,无论太阳能的供给多少,均可提供所需的热能9.4太阳能预热系统solarpreheatsystem在进入任何其他类型的水或空气加热器之前对水或空气进行预热的太阳加热系统9.5直流式系统series-connectedsystem流体直接从供给点通过集热器加热后进入贮热装置或带辅助…  相似文献   

L. Icerman 《Energy》1979,4(6):1186-1187

8.集热器部件和相关量 Collector components and related quantities8.1 吸热体 absorber 太阳集热器内吸收辐射能并将这能量以热量形式传输给流体(传热流体)的部件8.2 吸热板absorber plate 基本上为平板形状的吸热体8.3 接收器receiver 聚光集热器中最终接收太阳辐射的部件,它由透过辐射的任何附加玻璃窗及吸热体组成  相似文献   

L. Icerman 《Energy》1978,3(6):799-800

An energy breeder can be defined as a device which creates capacity to generate useful energy without consuming energy stocks. Any solar conversion device (SCD) that delivers in its life-time more energy than needed to maintain and rebuild itself is a solar energy breeder, since some of the surplus energy can be used to build more such SCDs. A breeding SCD must necessarily produce energy of sufficiently high intrinsic quality (e.g. electricity) or high temperature to provide energy at the various temperatures needed for its fabrication and maintenance. Thus, the amount of energy produced by an SCD breeder at various temperatures must be examined, in addition to the simple energy quantity produced over a solar collector lifetime. Capacity breeding rates are calculated for both SCDs producing electricity intrinsically (e.g. photovoltaics) and for SCDs producing both electricity and a significant amount of thermal energy (e.g. total solar energy systems).  相似文献   

4 辐射测量 radiation measurement4.1 世界辐射测量基准WRR, World Radiometric Reference 国际单位制体系中总辐照度的测量基准,其误差小于±0.3%。 注:1)参见世界气象组织气象观测仪器和方法指南。1983.9.1.3条。 2)WRR已被世界气象组织采用,并于1980年7月1日起生  相似文献   

L. Icerman 《Energy》1978,3(6):800-801

From measurements made at the Optical Institute in Madrid, the energy on three specially orientated surfaces is calculated in the wavelength range 0.3 to 1.2 μ, including both the direct and the diffused radiation. Using measurements and observations made by the Astronomical Observatory in Madrid and keeping in mind the actual insolation time, the atmospheric absorption, and the inclination of the solar rays, the total energy coming directly from the sun in all wave lengths is calculated on the same surfaces. The first calculation gave a result, for the best orientated surface, of 1810 kwh per sq m per uear, and the second calculation, a result of 1230 kwh per sq m per year. Therefore, the electrical energy that a silicon cell or a thermocouple with concentrating device could supply per year is 199 kwh per sq m or 37 kwh per sq m, respectively.  相似文献   

陈哲艮 《太阳能》2001,(1):24-25
随着社会经济的发展,已有的能源和资源正在以越来越快的速度消耗,特别是包括石油、煤、天燃气等在内的矿物质能源,不仅将在未来的一、二百年内耗尽,而且每年正在以千万吨计的 CO2、 NOx和 SOx向大气排放。节约能源资源,保护环境已成为人类可持续发展的必要条件。现在,人们的注意力已逐步转向可再生能源的利用开发,它包括太阳能、风能、水能、生物质能、地热能、海洋能等等。近十年来,这些新的可再生能源的利用技术已有长足的进步,在常规能源中所占的份额正在不断上升,其中有的能源,如太阳能光发电,已成为全球发展速度最快…  相似文献   

Solar energy offers enormous potential for a tropical country like India. There are ongoing programmes to tap the potential both for stand alone and grid connected solar PV systems, and solar thermal systems. TC Malhotra, Indian Correspondent for Refocus reports.  相似文献   

Dale N. Moss 《Solar Energy》1967,11(3-4):173-179
Solar energy provides the reducing power within green leaves to convert CO2 and H2O into sugars. The CO2 is supplied by the atmosphere and enters the leaf by diffusion. Factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis must either change the CO2 diffusive resistances or the CO2 concentration gradient along the diffusion pathways. Therefore, these effects can be described in terms of diffusive control mechanisms.

Light affects CO2 diffusion by initiating photosynthesis, which removes CO2 at the chloroplast and establishes a diffusion gradient. Light also triggers stomatal opening, thereby sharply decreasing the diffusive resistance. However, intense radiation can cause desiccation of stomatal guard cells, a mechanism whereby the diffusive resistance increases.

During illumination, leaf cells have both a source (respiration) and sink (photosynthesis) for CO2. Respiration in some species appears to be greatly stimulated by light. This additional internal CO2 flux is a possible reason for a lower efficiency of energy utilization than in species whose respiration is not enhanced by light.

Physiological growth responses or movements often occur that position leaves in the light. Plants lacking this capability are often excluded in ecological succession in nature.  相似文献   

The United States Congress has given strong support to the Federal solar energy program. The President's budget request for Fiscal Year 1977 was $162.5 million for solar energy. This was increased by Congress to $290.4 million in the appropriations bill signed by the President on 12 July 1976. The Fiscal Year 1977 budget process for solar energy was unprecedented. Authorization hearings focused on internal budgets that were never submitted to Congress. The Executive budget process was examined in detail by Congress. And Congress acted upon the appropriation for solar energy before it considered the authorization. Based on practices established with the former Atomic Energy Commission, Congressional oversight committees were given access to the internal budget data of the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA). This permitted the assessment of budgets proposed by ERDA to the Office of Management and Budget vs those approved by OMB for incorporation in the President's budget to Congress. This opened to Congressional review the relative viewpoints of OMB and ERDA on funding of energy programs and resulted in the Congressional decision to fund solar R&D at levels which could be profitably utilized by the ERDA scientists. While future solar budgets may be expected to increase, it is likely they will do so at a more moderate pace than the expomential growth rate of the past three fiscal years. Other Federal incentives for utilization of solar energy technologies have not evolved. Numerous bills have been introduced in Congress for low interest loans, tax credits or deductions, and other solar incentives. Sponsors of such bills have shown no desire to induce the oversight committees to schedule hearings that could lead to consideration of solar legislation by the House and Senate. Substantive activity is not expected before the 95th Congress convenes in 1977.  相似文献   

任国灿 《太阳能》2002,(2):28-28
太阳能节能灯的工作原理是:白天以太阳光作为能源利用太阳电池给蓄电池充电,把太阳能转换为化学能储存在蓄电池中,晚间使用时以蓄电池作为电源给节能灯提供能量,把蓄电池中的化学能转变成光能,使节能灯工作。节能灯的具体工作原理图如下,下面就结合这一原理图进行分析。电路结构可分为六个部分,包括太阳电池,蓄电池,保护电路,施密特触发器,多谐振荡器,输出级。太阳电池是节能灯的核心器件。如图中E1,图中E2为蓄电池,R1、R2、T1组成对E2的输入过压保护电路。当蓄电池电压充到一定值时,R2两端的电压相应升高使T1导…  相似文献   

The solar energy collection apparatus at the University of Washington has been improved and changed since the original paper on this apparatus was presented by the author in November, 1955. Two different types of collectors are now collecting solar energy, side by side and simultaneously, namely a flat-plate and a parabolic-type collector. Both collectors are attached to a common shaft and fixed so that they will rotate together and track the sun in its travel across the sky. These two collectors can also be changed in inclination to various positions such that the collector surfaces always receive the sun's rays at right angles, for most efficient solar collection. The controls effecting this operation are thoroughly explained in this paper. The efficiency of a collector is the ratio of the energy collected by it to the energy recorded by a pyrheliometer. This efficiency indicates how much of the sun's energy that actually impinges on the earth the collector is capable of absorbing and thus transferring to some medium for future use.

A comparison of the flat-plate and the parabolic collector is made in this paper, along with thorough explanations of all the aspects of the apparatus, illustrated by actual photographs and line drawings. A comparison is also made between fixed collectors and collectors which track the sun. In addition, a comparison is made between the energy that can actually be collected and the energy represented by the total heat loss from an average Seattle home, thus indicating how well the collected solar energy could replace this heat loss, provided the energy could be satisfactorily transferred by an appropriate medium into the house. Finally, mention is made of future research contemplated on solar energy collection and utilization in the Pacific Northwest.  相似文献   

The feasibility, in an energy flow sense, of providing heating, cooling and electrical power for individual homes using some form of solar energy converter on the roof of each residence is considered. A model for home power requirements and solar insolation which reflects residence construction, local weather and geographic location is developed. This is used to demonstrate that 50–90 per cent of the homes in the U.S.A. could be self-powered from solar energy providing sufficient insulation is used and adequate energy conversion techniques are developed.  相似文献   

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