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The use of heat pumps for industrial and municipal applications is analyzed. It is shown that application of heat-pump units in the heating systems of industrial and municipal enterprises is already economically justified with the existing tariffs for electricity and natural gas.  相似文献   

The present paper reports the results of determining the optimum values of the resistance of building envelopes to heat transfer for both existing and newly constructed buildings for regions of Russia with different climatic conditions. An analysis for the sensitivity of obtained optimum solutions to changes in external factors has been made. The potential of energy saving in both the existing housing stock and in newly constructed buildings due to the improvement of thermal protection performance of buildings to the optimum level has been determined.  相似文献   

民用建筑空调是造成夏季电力负荷高峰的主要因素之一。分析了民用建筑空调对电力供应的影响,提出发展蓄冷空调、烧气空调、建筑热电冷联供、太阳能空调以及提高空调能效比等抑制空调负荷的技术措施,对限制室内外温差、建立蓄冷空调电价体系,制订常规空调能效等级标准和分布式能源电力上网等提出政策建议。  相似文献   

Results of technical and economical comparison of competing schemes of heat supply to low-storied housing areas for different regions of Russia are presented. Limitations on using heat pumps for these purposes are analyzed.  相似文献   

The results obtained from simulating the operation of three types of solar hot water supply installations in the territory of the Russian Federation is presented: a simplest hot-water installation with accumulation of heated water directly in a solar collector and solar water-heating installations equipped with a separate storage tank and flat-plate or tubular evacuated solar collectors.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了一种制冷压缩机曲轴冷冻机油排量测量系统。测量系统以PLC为控制核心,上位机以TD400C为本显示器为人机接口,配合使用各种检测设备和传感器,模拟压缩机工作时的环境,对制冷压缩机曲轴油孔冷冻机油的排量进行检测,并提供自动和手动方式控制测量进程。系统控制界面友好,操作方便,功能多样,可长时间自动工作,稳定可靠,在实际应用中成效显著。  相似文献   

The possibility of using old suspended boreholes at spent petroleum fields for municipal heat supply purposes is considered. It is proposed that sweet water from upper artesian water-bearing horizons be forwarded along a borehole heat exchanger down to the bottom for additional heating. Results of calculations carried out in accordance with the well-known methods are given, and the influence of adjustable parameters on heat extraction efficiency is estimated.  相似文献   

当离心泵在小流量工况运行且传输介质为气液两相流时,含气率达到某一值时,会发生喘振现象,导致泵的扬程突降。本文采用计算流体动力学分析方法对一气液两相流离心泵进行了研究,通过对外特性曲线进行分析,发现了学者们所提到的喘振现象。为了提高离心泵在气液两相小流量工况下的水力特性,引入一种空腔结构,分析其对气液两相离心泵内部流场的影响及喘振的改善作用。结果表明:在气液两相喘振工况下,空腔结构可以改善叶片正背面的压力分布,均匀气液两相在叶轮流道中的分布,有效减轻离心泵的气堵现象。因此,空腔结构不仅在结构上可以平衡叶轮、减轻泵的整体质量,还可以减轻流场中气液分离现象,避免喘振的发生,提高泵的水力性能。  相似文献   

以严寒地区一栋典型住宅为例,采用DeST—h软件对其进行了全年采暖能耗逐时模拟,在执行“节能50%”与“节能65%”的不同标准下,对采暖能耗的变化、投资和运行费用、节能减排效果等进行了分析。  相似文献   

The impact of the expected climatic changes on the performance of gas turbine units (GTU) as part of the power industry and gas pipeline network in Russia is considered. Long-term estimates of changes in the average annual air temperature throughout the country are made based on the authors’ model. The calculations using the efficiency value of gas turbine units as a function of the ambient air temperature show that climatic changes will significantly deteriorate the operational efficiency of gas-turbine equipment in practically all of Russia’s regions. Based on publicly available statistical data, we assessed the installed capacity of gas-turbine power stations (including combined-cycle power plants) and gas-turbine drive of gas pipeline network. Three development scenarios have been considered for gas turbine power in the national electric power industry, differing in the rates of new facilities’ commissioning. Integrated estimates have been made of the increase in gas consumption in Russia’s gas pipeline network and power industry resulting from climatic changes by 2030 and 2050. It is shown that the total increase in the annual gas consumption associated with a reduction in the efficiency of gas turbine units due to climate warming by 2030 could reach approximately 130000 tce (of which approximately 90000 tce in the gas pipeline network and 40000 tce in the electric power industry) and more than 170000 tce (120000 and 50000 tce, respectively) by 2050. Should more optimistic scenarios be implemented for the development of the electric power industry, this effect will increase 1.5–2.0 times by 2050. Despite high absolute values, the increase in GTU fuel expenditures due to higher ambient temperatures resulting from climate change in Russia will only amount to a fraction of a percent of the total gas consumption and will be two orders of magnitude lower than the savings in space heating.  相似文献   

Means of selecting an efficient facility for introducing an adjustable electric drive are considered, taking into account the features and conditions of its operation at a cogeneration stations. The use of adjust able electric drives for the makeup pumps of a heating network is analyzed, and their technical and economic indicators are determined.  相似文献   

锂离子电池是新能源汽车动力系统的核心,基于模型的电池管理系统(battery management system,BMS)是保证电池性能充分发挥的关键。然而现有BMS主要采用等效电路模型(equivalent circuit model,ECM),尚未考虑放电倍率对可用容量的影响机制,导致模型在不同放电倍率下以及低荷电状态(state of charge,SOC)区域会存在明显的端电压仿真误差,影响算法精度;尤其是BMS无法准确估计电池放电截止条件,剩余放电电量(remaining discharge capacity,RDC)估计误差大,可能导致电池电压骤降甚至整车抛锚等严重后果。针对以上问题,文中以考虑内部扩散机制的扩展等效电路模型(extended equivalent circuit model,EECM)为基础,对不同倍率的放电电压容量增量(incremental capacity,IC)曲线进行对比分析,利用能斯特方程构造不同放电倍率下的容量-开路电压曲线,提出改进的EECM。所提改进EECM在不同电流倍率和动态工况下的端电压仿真误差均小于传统ECM和EECM,可以提高RDC估计的准确性,有应用于实际BMS的潜力。  相似文献   

This paper considers variants for improving the energy efficiency of oil-producing sucker rod pumps with new alternative electric drives based on valve electric motors instead of existing ones based on serial asynchronous motors. As an option, the drive of a sucker rod pump with a linear cylindrical motor valve motor is proposed.  相似文献   

he question of using wind power installations for supplying heat to small distributed consumers in the European north of Russia is considered. The wind energy potential in the region and prerequisites for utilizing it are analyzed. Results from a feasibility study of participation of wind power installations in covering the heating load curve are presented.  相似文献   

毛守博  任滔 《家电科技》2021,6(6):60-64
结霜是制约热泵空调系统制热性能及热舒适的最重要因素,开发空调器结霜动态模型是一种优化制冷空调系统控制,提升空调系统能力和热舒适性的一种有效手段.建立了空调器结霜动态模型,首先根据换热器表面的温度计算湿空气掠过换热器后霜层的累积量,然后通过建立霜层累积量和风量的关系从而实现结霜与系统传热传质模型的耦合.实验验证表明,新建的结霜动态模型能够较好的预测结霜工况下风量的衰减和系统的制热量衰减,风量实时最大偏差小于5%,累计制热量计算误差小于5%.  相似文献   

We present the results from a comprehensive analysis of power engineering of a town, using Moscow as an example; statistical initial data; and results obtained from surveys and calculations, as well as preliminary conclusions on how efficiently energy resources are produced, transported, distributed, and used by end consumers.  相似文献   

戴建平 《供用电》2005,22(6):60-61
首先阐述了住宅楼总进线设置漏电保护器的重要作用,当住宅楼内出现电弧性接地故障时,漏电保护器可以自动切断供电,有效防止电气火灾的发生,提高安全用电水平。进而从家用电器和线路的泄漏电流入手,引进了负荷计算中同期系数的概念,给出了住宅楼泄漏电流的计算方法,对住宅楼的正常泄漏电流进行了分析计算。最后介绍了如何选择合适的漏电保护器,应该依据规范,结合实际,坚持综合性和可靠性的原则,使住宅楼的漏电保护器能有效发挥作用,确保住宅楼的电气安全。  相似文献   

为提高大规模空调负荷聚合精度、提升空调集群可调节潜力,提出了激励条件下的大规模空调负荷聚合集群优化策略。首先建立了大规模空调负荷聚合架构,然后建立单体的二阶空调等值热力参数模型,同时基于蒙特卡洛方法对不同区域的空调负荷进行二次聚合,建立用户满意度与激励水平之间的关系。在此基础上,以实际空调聚合功率与缺口负荷之间的标准差最小、空调负荷聚合商补偿费用最少为优化目标,采用粒子群算法进行求解,最后通过算例说明了本文所提策略的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of simulating the operation of self-contained photovoltaic lighting systems under climatic conditions of Moscow and the south of Russia (town of Anapa), as well as energy-related and technical and economic assessments based on these results.  相似文献   

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