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非线性循环不变式的自动生成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一个自动生成非线性循环不变式的算法。循环不变式可以表示成一个带参数的多项式的形式,根据断言的归纳特性,将循环不变式的生成问题转变成一个约束求解问题,这个约束求解问题的每个解对应于一个循环不变式,如果约束求解问题仅有零解,则说明不存在该参数多项式形式的循环不变式。该算法在Maple中得到了实现,并通过一些实例说明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于条件赋值转换和自适应模板生成技术,提出一种自适应的的循环不变式生成方法.该方法在生成过程中综合考虑函数规范、循环本身、循环后操作等信息,有针对性地发现潜在的循环不变式,并在Frama-C平台上实现一个插件looplnv.实验结果表明,与invGen和gin-pink工具相比,loopInv的应用更加有效,可较好地完成多数程序的验证过程.  相似文献   

面向对象的契约式程序设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用行为子类型及扩充行为子类型的概念,通过对一个Java实例地剖析,讨论了在面向 对象的契约式程序设计中如何撰写契约,以保持面向对象的单个继承和多重继承的特性问题,并证明 了这一方法的有效性。最后探讨了动态环境下违反契约时的责任归咎,展望了契约思想在软件开发 中的运用前景。  相似文献   

构造循环不变式是程序验证的核心问题之一。主流的循环不变式构造方法通常假设程序中的变量在无限数域上取值,然而程序执行过程中变量都是用有限长度的位向量来表示,无限数域上的循环不变式在有限数域的程序中可能不再是不变式,反之亦然。针对这一问题,本文给出一种基于QBF求解的构造有限数域上循环不变式的方法。该方法可用于构造类型丰富的不变式,包括线性(或多项式)等式(或不等式)不变式,支持加、减、乘、除、移位、位操作等,允许不变式中出现量词。本文也例证了该方法在程序终止性证明、循环上界分析、程序正确性证明等方面的应用价值。  相似文献   

生成循环不变式是实现程序验证的关键步骤,但人工撰写循环不变式不仅步骤繁琐且容易出错。为此,提出一种基于数据分类的循环不变式生成方法,可直接为C程序的循环语句自动生成循环不变式。该方法生成循环程序的后置条件,并构造其Hoare三元组,通过收集循环程序执行过程中产生的测试数据,并根据其是否满足循环不变式的三个条件进行分类,从而生成循环不变式。所提出的方法在31个基准测试程序上,与目前比较先进的循环不变式生成方法进行比较分析。实验结果表明,所提出的方法不仅能够为C程序自动生成可验证的循环不变式,而且能够为最多的基准测试程序生成有效的循环不变式。  相似文献   

利用基因表达式编程自动生成循环不变式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了利用基因表达式编程自动生成循环不变式的方法。该方法的基本思想是在每一次循环条件变化时记录下程序变量的值,产生相应的跟踪表,然后从跟踪表中获得程序变量之间的函数依赖关系,这种变量之间的依赖关系构成了循环不变式的主要部分。程序变量之间的函数依赖关系的获得是利用基因表达式编程对跟踪表中数据执行符号回归得到。利用VC++实现了基因表达式编程的函数挖掘,并通过一个实例说明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

抽象解释为程序不变式的自动化生成提供了通用的框架,但是该框架下的大多数已有数值抽象域只能表达几何上是凸的约束集.因此,对于包含(所对应的约束集是非凸的)析取语义的特殊程序结构,采用传统数值抽象域会导致分析结果不精确.针对显式和隐式含有析取语义的循环结构,提出了基于循环分解和归纳推理的不变式生成改进方法,缓解了抽象解释分析中出现的语义损失问题.实验结果表明:相比已有方法,该方法能为这种包含析取语义的循环结构生成更加精确的不变式,并且有益于一些安全性质的推理.  相似文献   

程序安全性验证是程序验证的重要部分。基于不变式生成,将程序的安全性验证转化为验证不变式集合是否蕴含表示安全性的逻辑公式。针对简化的C程序,结合验证工具Theorema,在Mathematica平台上实现一个对程序安全性进行自动验证的工具。实验结果表明,该验证工具能够自动验证只含数值变量的C程序。  相似文献   

循环不变式开发新策略及其应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
循环不变式体现了循环程序的本质特征,在算法程序的开发、证明和推导中具有十分重要的作用。而传统的循环不变式开发策略并没有很好地解决循环不变式开发难的问题。文章在阐述现有策略局限性的基础上,详细阐述了刻画循环不变式本质特征的新定义及基于此定义的开发循环不变式的新策略,并通过三个典型的实例,对开发新策略的具体应用作了比较深入的探索。  相似文献   

Program debugging is an important part of the domain expertise required for intelligent tutoring systems that teach programming languages. This article explores the process by which student programs can be automatically debugged in order to increase the instructional capabilities of these systems. The research presented provides a methodology and implementation for the diagnosis and correction of nontrivial recursive programs. In this approach, recursive programs are debugged by repairing induction proofs in the Boyer-Moore logic. The induction proofs constructed and debugged assert the computational équivalence of student programs to correct exemplar solutions. Exemplar solutions not only specify correct implementations but also provide correct code to replace buggy student code. Bugs in student code are repaired with heuristics that attempt to minimize the scope of repair. The automated debugging of student code is greatly complicated by the tremendous variability that arises in student solutions to nontrivial tasks. This variability can be coped with, and debugging performance improved, by explicit reasoning about computational semantics during the debugging process. This article supports these claims by discussing the design, implementation, and evaluation of Talus, an automatic debugger for LISP programs, and by examining related work in automated program debugging. Talus relies on its abilities to reason about computational semantics to perform algorithm recognition, infer code teleology, and to automatically detect and correct nonsyntactic errors in student programs written in a restricted, but nontrivial, subset of LISP. Solutions can vary significantly in algorithm, functional decomposition, role of variables, data flow, control flow, values returned by functions, LISP primitives used, and identifiers used. Solutions can consist of multiple functions, each containing multiple bugs. Empiricial evaluation demonstrates that Talus achieves high performance in debugging widely varying student solutions to challenging tasks.  相似文献   

Hanoi塔非递归算法的形式化推导和正确性验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于Hanoi塔问题的非递归算法已有大量的研究.运用薛锦云教授自创的PAR方法和循环不变式开发的新策略,形式化推导出逻辑结构清晰的Hanoi塔非递归算法及其循环不变式,并用Dijkstra最弱前置谓词法验证了该算法的正确性.充分体现了PAR方法的优越性、高效性和可靠性.  相似文献   

Analysis and verification of pointer programs are still difficult problems so far. This paper uses a shape graph logic and a shape system to solve these problems in two stages. First, shape graphs at every program point are constructed using an analysis tool. Then, they are used to support the verification of other properties (e.g., orderedness). Our prototype supports automatic verification of programs manipulating complex data structures such as splay trees, treaps, AVL trees and AA trees, etc. The proposed shape graph logic, as an extension to Hoare logic, uses shape graphs directly as assertions. It can be used in the analysis and verification of programs manipulating mutable data structures. The benefit using shape graphs as assertions is that it is convenient for acquiring the relations between pointers in the verification stage. The proposed shape system requires programmers to provide lightweight shape declarations in recursive structure type declarations. It can help rule out programs that construct shapes deviating from what programmers expect (reflected in shape declarations) in the analysis stage. As a benefit, programmers need not provide specifications (e.g., pre-/post-conditions, loop invariants) about pointers. Moreover, we present a method doing verification in the second stage using traditional Hoare logic rules directly by eliminating aliasing with the aid of shape graphs. Thus, verification conditions could be discharged by general theorem provers.  相似文献   

计算划分问题是并行编译中最为重要的问题之一.针对并行循环,在数据分布确定的情况下,提出了基于规范集的计算划分算法,具体讨论了规范集的获取方法及综合通信与负载均衡的最优方案选取算法.实验表明,在并行循环处理方面,这一算法与以前几种算法相比更加简单、有效;采用这一算法的p_HPF编译器对数据并行应用问题可以获得良好的加速比和效率.该编译器已在石油领域得到应用.  相似文献   

论文提出了多层自动机映射的思想,并应用此方法构建了复杂协议的构建性验证方法,同时给出了协议构建性验证的逻辑基础和构建步骤。此法有效地避免了复杂协议验证中状态组合爆炸问题。  相似文献   

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