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针对带扰动不确定分数阶混沌系统的同步问题,基于自适应Terminal滑模控制,设计了一种分数阶非奇异Terminal滑模面,保证误差系统沿着滑模面在有限时间内稳定至平衡点,在系统外部扰动和不确定性的边界事先未知的情况,设计了自适应控制率,在线估计未知边界,使得同步误差轨迹能到达滑模面。最后,以三维分数阶Chen系统和四维分数阶Lorenz超混沌系统为例,利用所设计的自适应Terminal滑模控制器进行同步仿真,验证了所给方法是有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

邓立为  宋申民 《自动化学报》2014,40(11):2420-2427
以具有更大秘钥空间的分数阶超混沌系统为驱动系统和响应系统,利用具有实际应用意义的输出反馈滑模控制实现两个系统的同步.通过对同步误差系统方程进行结构分解,在辅助系统的基础上设计具有输出反馈特性的滑模控制律.在分数阶系统稳定性理论基础上利用MATLAB YALMIP工具箱对滑模参数进行整定,并利用分数阶Lyapunov稳定性定理证明了滑模控制律和自适应滑模控制律的稳定性.最后,数值仿真表明了本文方法的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

针对一类异结构不确定分数阶混沌系统的同步问题,基于Lyapunov稳定性理论和分数阶系统稳定性理论,提出一种神经网络结合干扰观测器的主动反馈控制方法. 设计一种非线性干扰观测器对干扰进行观测,通过滑模控制对未观测出的部分干扰进行补偿,最终实现分数阶混沌系统的同步.与现有方法相比,采用的模型更符合工程应用实际,且不需要已知不确定项上界.数值仿真验证了所提出方法的有效性和正确性.  相似文献   

郭念  叶亚丽 《福建电脑》2011,27(12):6-7,19
针对不同的分数阶混沌系统的同步问题,基于分数阶微积分理论和分数阶线性系统稳定性理论,设计了相应的控制器,实现了分数阶Chen系统和Lorenz系统之间的广义投影同步,数值仿真的结果验证了该控制方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

结合自适应控制和预测反馈控制,提出了一种新的实现分数阶混沌系统同步的自适应预测控制方法.利用分数阶Lyapunov稳定性理论,导出了分数阶混沌系统同步的一些新的充分条件.与已有的结果相比,该方法无需反馈增益的先验知识,且收敛速度快和在实验中很容易实现.最后数值实验进一步验证了所提同步方法的有效性.  相似文献   

采用分数阶T-S模糊模型对分数阶超混沌系统建模,采用并行分布补偿方法设计模糊控制器,通过适当设置状态反馈矩阵使得闭环极点位于稳定区域内,从而保证闭环系统满足渐近稳定性条件,通过设置同步状态反馈矩阵实现两个具有不同初始条件的分数阶Rossler超混沌系统的同步,数值仿真结果表明该方案的效果十分理想。  相似文献   

根据分数阶系统的相关理论研究了一类分数阶复杂网络混沌系统的投影同步问题,给出了分数阶复杂网络以及分数阶时滞复杂网络系统实现投影同步的充分性条件,仿真结果表明了方法的正确性.  相似文献   

针对一类系统不确定及受外界干扰的分数阶混沌系统,本文首先将分数阶微积分应用到滑模控制中,构造了一个具有分数阶积分项的滑模面.针对系统不确定及外界干扰项,基于分数阶Lyapunov稳定性理论与自适应控制方法,设计了一种滑模控制器以及分数阶次的参数自适应律,实现了两不确定分数阶混沌系统的同步控制,并辨识出相应误差系统中不确定项及外界干扰项的边界.在分数阶系统稳定性分析中使用的分数阶Lyapunov稳定性理论及相关函数都可以很好地运用到其它分数阶系统同步控制方法中.最后数值仿真验证了所提控制方法的可行性与有效性.  相似文献   

分数阶混沌系统的主动滑模同步   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合主动控制和滑模控制原理,提出了一个同步分数阶混沌系统的主动滑模控制方法.该方法首先用分数阶积分对所有维状态分量设计一个滑模面,分数阶混沌系统在该滑模面上稳定.然后采用极点配置的方法获得主动滑模控制器中的增益矩阵.应用Lyapunov稳定性理论、分数阶系统稳定理论对所提的控制器的存在性和稳定性分别进行了分析.对分数阶Lorenz系统进行数值仿真,仿真结果验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对一类具有不确定项的二阶连续时间混沌系统的定值跟踪控制和自混沌同步及异结构混沌同步问题,提出了一种模糊滑模变结构控制方法,设计了模糊滑模变结构控制器,并从理论上证明了控制系统的稳定性.在该控制器的作用下,可以实现两个相同或不同结构的混沌系统的控制与同步,且不受不确定性的影响,具有很强的鲁棒性.定值跟踪和同步控制的仿真结果表明,该控制器是有效的.  相似文献   

研究一个存在共存吸引子的混沌系统及相应的分数阶系统的自适应同步问题.首先,提出了一个新的具有双翼和四翼吸引子共存的混沌系统,对系统的动力学特性进行了分析,找到了系统的拓扑马蹄和拓扑熵,从而验证了系统具有混沌特性;然后,根据该系统构建了一个亦存在两个孤立的双翼吸引子以及四翼吸引子的分数阶系统.最后,采用分数阶Lyapunov稳定性理论以及自适应控制方法,对分数阶系统的自适应同步问题进行了研究.仿真结果表明,控制参数k越大,系统同步速度越快;控制参数λ越大,系统参数识别的速度越快.  相似文献   

A novel fuzzy terminal sliding mode control (FTSMC) scheme is proposed for position tracking of a class of second-order nonlinear uncertain system. In the proposed scheme, we integrate input-output linearization technique to cancel the nonlinearities. By using a function-augmented sliding hyperplane, it is guaranteed that the output tracking error converges to zero in finite time which can be set arbitrarily. The proposed scheme eliminates reaching phase problem, so that the closed-loop system always shows invariance property to parameter uncertainties. Fuzzy logic systems are used to approximate the unknown system functions and switch item. Robust adaptive law is proposed to reduce approximation errors between true nonlinear functions and fuzzy systems, thus chattering phenomenon can be eliminated. Stability of the proposed control scheme is proved and the scheme is applied to an inverted pendulum system. Simulation studies are provided to confirm performance and effectiveness of the proposed control approach.  相似文献   

A novel fuzzy terminal sliding mode control (FTSMC) scheme is proposed for position tracking of a class of second-order nonlinear uncertain system. In the proposed scheme, we integrate input-output linearization technique to cancel the nonlinearities. By using a function-augmented sliding hyperplane, it is guaranteed that the output tracking error converges to zero in finite time which can be set arbitrarily. The proposed scheme eliminates reaching phase problem, so that the closed-loop system always shows invariance property to parameter uncertainties. Fuzzy logic systems are used to approximate the unknown system functions and switch item. Robust adaptive law is proposed to reduce approximation errors between true nonlinear functions and fuzzy systems, thus chattering phenomenon can be eliminated. Stability of the proposed control scheme is proved and the scheme is applied to an inverted pendulum system. Simulation studies are provided to confirm performance and effectiveness of the proposed control approach.  相似文献   

In this research work, a novel fuzzy adaptive control is proposed to achieve a projective synchronization for a class of fractional-order chaotic systems with input nonlinearities (dead-zone together with sector nonlinearities). These master-slave systems under consideration are supposed to be with distinct models, different fractional-orders, unknown models, and dynamic external disturbances. The proposed control law consists of two main terms, namely: a fuzzy adaptive control term for appropriately approximating the uncertainties and a fractional-order variable-structure control term for robustly dealing with these inherent input nonlinearities. A Lyapunov approach is used to derive the updated laws and to prove the stability of the closed-loop control system. At last, a set of computer simulation results is carried out to illustrate and further validate the theoretical findings.  相似文献   

Four-dimensional chaotic systems are a very interesting topic for researchers, given their special features. This paper presents a novel fractional-order four-dimensional chaotic system with self-excited and hidden attractors, which includes only one constant term. The proposed system presents the phenomenon of multi-stability, which means that two or more different dynamics are generated from different initial conditions. It is one of few published works in the last five years belonging to the aforementioned category. Using Lyapunov exponents, the chaotic behavior of the dynamical system is characterized, and the sensitivity of the system to initial conditions is determined. Also, systematic studies of the hidden chaotic behavior in the proposed system are performed using phase portraits and bifurcation transition diagrams. Moreover, a design technique of a new fuzzy adaptive sliding mode control (FASMC) for synchronization of the fractional-order systems has been offered. This control technique combines an adaptive regulation scheme and a fuzzy logic controller with conventional sliding mode control for the synchronization of fractional-order systems. Applying Lyapunov stability theorem, the proposed control technique ensures that the master and slave chaotic systems are synchronized in the presence of dynamic uncertainties and external disturbances. The proposed control technique not only provides high performance in the presence of the dynamic uncertainties and external disturbances, but also avoids the phenomenon of chattering. Simulation results have been presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the presented control scheme.  相似文献   

采用滑模控制的方法,研究了两个不同的带有不确定性和外部扰动的混沌系统之间的同步问题。基于Lyapunov稳定性理论和有限时间滑模控制方法,设计了终端滑模控制器来实现两个混沌系统的同步。在设计控制器过程中提出了一个新的非奇异的终端滑模面,并证明它能在有限时间内收敛于零平衡点。通过数值仿真验证了所设计的控制器的有效性。  相似文献   

A novel direct adaptive interval type-2 fuzzy neural network (FNN) controller in which linguistic fuzzy control rules can be directly incorporated into the controller is developed to synchronize chaotic systems with training data corrupted by noise or rule uncertainties involving external disturbances, in this paper. By incorporating direct adaptive interval type-2 FNN control scheme and sliding mode approach, two non-identical chaotic systems can be synchronized based on Lyapunov stability criterion. Moreover, the chattering phenomena of the control efforts can be reduced and the external disturbance on the synchronization error can be attenuated. The stability of the proposed overall adaptive control scheme will be guaranteed in the sense that all the states and signals are uniformly bounded. From the simulation example, to synchronize two non-identical Chua’s chaotic circuits, it has been shown that type-2 FNN controllers have the potential to overcome the limitations of tpe-1 FNN controllers when training data is corrupted by high levels of uncertainty.  相似文献   

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