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"今天,我们已经进入了‘风光时代(风能和太阳能)’,这些可再生能源将与传统的火电一样,具有价格上的竞争力。"周建雄对风能、太阳能非常看好,"当今全球没有哪个领域像可再生能源领域这样,发生如此巨大的变化,特别是风能、太阳能(光伏发电和光热发电)等可再生能源,在许多国家已成为重要能源,有的正在转变为主流能源,这是一种不可逆转的发展趋势。"周建雄从全球可再生能源发展的角度再次证明风能和太阳能可期的发展前景。  相似文献   

<正>近日,德国国际合作机构(GIZ)发布了《关于德国能源转型的十二个见解》(以下简称《报告》)。该《报告》第一个见解的大标题是"太阳能和风能决定一切"。纵观德国可再生能源,风能和太阳能是"能源转型"的两大关键支柱。德国有关部门测算,到2022年,该国风能和太阳能发电量将占可再生能源总发电量的70%,随后,其占比将持续上升至80%~90%。德国"能源转型计划"的主要设计  相似文献   

近年来,随着国家倡导低碳经济,以风电、水电、太阳能、生物质能为代表的新能源得到了快速的发展。风能、水能、太阳能、生物质能等多种可再生能源联合发电是一种有效的可再生能源利用方式。简述了风能、水能,太阳能和生物质能的发电原理,并探讨了目前国内关于多种能源联合互补发电系统的设计研究成果。  相似文献   

通常把煤炭,石油,天然气,水能和核裂变等能源称为常规能源,而把人类目前尚未被大规摸利用,还需进一步研究实验与开发利用的能源和有待开发的能源称为新能源。例如太阳能、风能、生物质能、地热能、海洋能、甲烷水合物、氢能及核聚变等。太阳能和风能有一些共同特点,现在正在较大规模开发,但它的随机性非常强。众所周知,太阳能有四季变化、昼夜和晴阴之差。风能也大体相同,季节变化也很大。  相似文献   

综合类 欧洲能源巨头呼吁终止可再生能源补贴 日前,欧洲10家公用事业公司的首席执行官呼吁结束风能和太阳能补贴,这些公司掌控着欧洲近一半的发电能力。他们认为电力市场本已产能过剩,太阳能和风能添加了过多的电力。  相似文献   

正近日,美国能源信息管理局(EIA)在电力月刊发布的数据显示,可再生能源在上半年占美国发电量的19.867%,小幅超越了核电(占19.863%)。可再生能源占比包括生物质能、地热能、水力发电和太阳能(含公用事业规模和分布式能源)。其中太阳能和风能首次出现共同强劲增长,公用事业规模和分布式太阳能合计增长27.6%,风力比2017年上半年增长11.2%,风能和太阳能发电占全国近10%的发电  相似文献   

燃煤电厂可做到清洁燃烧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
什么是清洁的能源,准确地说就是没有污染的能源.无污染的能源目前是指可再生能源,如风能、太阳能、水能和生物质能等.我国有十分丰富的可再生能源:有几十亿千瓦可以利用的太阳能;20多亿千瓦可以利用的风能;3.78亿千瓦的水能和相当可观的生物质能及地热、海浪、潮汐能.  相似文献   

巴基斯坦为了克服能源短缺.近年来鼓励可再生能源发展,并于2012年底建成了首座50MW的风电站,它的成功建设为巴基斯坦建设风能、太阳能等可再生能源树立了一个榜样。巴基斯坦有丰富的风能、太阳能、水能、生物能等可再生能源资源。  相似文献   

于贵勇 《风能》2011,(11):18
《风能》:韩国政府将风能作为未来替代化石能源的主要清洁能源技术进行重点支持,请简要介绍一下目前的市场情况以及中远期发展目标?孙忠烈:风能、太阳能和生物质能都是韩国政府支持的可再生能源,而风能又是韩国政府支持的首选。韩国将风能作为潜力巨大的替代能源和振兴韩国经济的重要领域之一,给予  相似文献   

<正>青海省将大力发展太阳能、风能等新能源产业,到今年底太阳能、风能等新能源产业工业增加值将占总工业增加值的15%以上,青海太阳能、风能资源丰富,全年平均日照达2500~3650h,全年可利用风能时间达3000h以上,随着新能源技术的迅速发展,青海将通过大规模的新能源综合开发促进能源结构和产业结构的良性调整。  相似文献   

Nowadays, wind energy plays a key role as a sustainable source of energy and wind turbines are a relevant source of power for many countries world-wide. In such a context, this paper investigates the technical and economic feasibility of small wind turbines for five of the main European Union countries (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and The Netherlands). Ten commercial turbines with rated power from 2.5 kW to 200 kW are evaluated considering their installation and operative conditions. Several parameters most affecting wind turbine performances are evaluated and the estimation of the annual cash flows during the expected plant life-time are determined as a function of both the installation location (wind speed probability distribution, national incentive scheme and tax level) and the wind turbine characteristics (rated power curve, maintenance, installation and shipping costs). The obtained data are presented and discussed through a parametric analysis based on the Net Present Value capital budget approach, showing the conditions making these systems profitable or non-profitable and explaining the relative motivations. Moreover, the analysis outcomes are further investigated highlighting the dependence of the turbine profitability from the considered parameters, including a comparative analysis among the five analyzed European countries.  相似文献   

The idea of generating electricity in North Africa using concentrating solar thermal power (CSP) has been around for some time now but has recently gained momentum through the Mediterranean Solar Plan (MSP) and the formation of the Desertec Industrial Initiative. This paper argues that while the large-scale deployment of CSP in North Africa does not seem economically attractive for either European or African institutions or countries on their own at present, combining domestic use and electricity exports could be profitable for both parties. A detailed economic portfolio covering both solar and wind power plants can achieve competitive price levels, which would accelerate the diffusion of solar technology in North Africa. This portfolio could be financed partially by exporting electricity from solar thermal plants in North Africa via HVDC interconnections to European consumers. Sharing the costs in this way makes it possible to generate solar electricity for the domestic market at a reasonable cost. Some of the electricity produced from the solar power plants and wind parks in North Africa is sold on European energy markets in the form of a long-term contracted solar–wind portfolio, which would qualify for support from the financial incentive schemes of the European Member States (e.g. feed-in tariffs). This transfer of green electricity could help to meet the targets for energy from renewable energy sources (RES) in the EU Member States as the new EU Directive of 2009 opened the European electricity market to imports from third states.  相似文献   

2009年3月启动的甘肃敦煌10MW光伏并网发电特许权示范项目招标,标志着我国在大型荒漠光伏电站应用方面取得了重大进展。国家能源局组织开展的第一轮太阳能光伏发电特许权招标活动非常及时,对启动国内太阳能光伏市场产生了积极的影响,确定的电价1.09元/(kW.h)基本合理。然而,项目在实施过程中也却遇到了一系列的问题,如因供货不及时影响了项目进展,增大了建设成本;配套电网建设滞后;电力外送和消纳问题越来越突出,将成为大规模发展光伏电站的主要制约因素;税制改革挫伤了地方政府的积极性等。为保证国内光伏市场的健康发展,建议应将增值税中央收入部分按一定比例返还地方,采取补贴或者转移支付等手段维护地方政府开发太阳能项目的积极性;继续开展招标试点,摸清国内太阳能产业和市场的发展走向,完善太阳能光伏发电价格形成机制;吸取风电特许权项目的经验教训,改进招标规则,在电价的核准上谨慎行事;统筹考虑风电、太阳能等可再生能源资源开发与外送通道和消纳市场问题;慎重对待为解决太阳能等可再生能源发电电力消纳问题而引进高耗能项目。  相似文献   

Currently, worldwide efforts are being made to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement signed in 2015. Renewable energy, with solar and wind power as representative examples, focuses on hydrogen as a means of supplementing the intermittency in operation. Moreover, 17 advanced countries, including Australia and Europe, announced policies related to hydrogen, and Korea joined the ranks by announcing a roadmap to revitalize the hydrogen economy in 2019. As of 2020, the unit price of renewable energy in Korea is 0.1 $/kWh and 0.12 $/kWh for solar and wind power, respectively, which are more than five times higher than those of the world's best. The significant difference is due to the low utilization of power plants stemming from environmental factors. Consequently, securing the economic feasibility for the production of green hydrogen in Korea is difficult, and the evaluation of various policies is required to overcome these shortcomings. Currently, Korea's policy on renewable energy is focused on solar power, and despite the goal for a power generation of 57,483 GWh/year centered on offshore wind power by 2034, plans for utilization are lacking. By harnessing such energy, producing a percentage of the total green hydrogen required from the hydrogen economy roadmap can be realized, but securing economic feasibility may be difficult. Therefore, reinforcements in policies for the production of green hydrogen in Korea are required, and implementation of foreign policies for overseas cooperation in hydrogen production and import is necessary.  相似文献   

传统的粒子群优化(PSO)算法因在微网优化中不易达到全局最优而导致微网运行成本过高,该文采用小生境混沌粒子群优化(NCPSO)算法对混合微网群的运行策略进行协同优化,以实现区域微网经济性最优、环境治理成本最低、风光等可再生能源利用率高等目的。根据所提出的调度策略,建立的优化调度模型包括动态电价下的负荷模型、经济收益模型以及成本模型等,使用NCPSO算法得到多微网在一个周期内的最佳运行状态,实现微网群系统综合能源的互动调控、空间互补。通过分析微网群的功率交互动态、可控能源的发电以及储能电池的荷电状态等,验证微网群的电力负荷响应动态电价,表明了NCPSO算法优化微网群运行的优越性、有效性。  相似文献   

世界风力发电现状与前景预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
罗承先 《中外能源》2012,17(3):24-31
全球可再生能源发电装机容量中风电占有压倒性优势,今后可望成为欧洲、亚洲、北美的主要电力来源.2011年中国以62GW的累计装机容量蝉联世界第一,按照我国“十二五”规划目标,预计到2015年风电装机容量将达到1×108kW,年发电量1900×108kW·h.GWEC和Greenpeace预测,今后20年风力发电将成为世界主力电源,2030年装机容量有可能达到23×108kW,可供应世界电力需求的22%.欧美正大力开发海上风电产业.欧洲是世界海上风电发展的先驱和产业中心,欧洲企业不仅拥有自己的核心技术,而且还向世界各地输出技术,今后欧洲海上风力发电将急速增长.美国采取与英国、德国等欧洲厂家相同的战略,大力发展海上风力发电.我国海上风电产业刚刚起步,预计2015年海上风电装机500×104kW.日本学者大岛教授推算了不同电源的发电成本:包括政府财政补贴,运行年限30年的核电站发电成本为12.06日元/(kW·h);按标准设备利用率,风力发电成本11.30日元/(kW·h),与核电相比已经有竞争力.假设风况好时设备利用率达到35%,发电成本为7.95日元/(kW·h),比核电低得多.  相似文献   

Energy policies in many countries push for an increase in the generation of wind and solar power. Along these developments, the balance between supply and demand becomes more challenging as the generation of wind and solar power is volatile, and flexibility of supply and demand becomes valuable. As a consequence, companies in the electric power sector develop new business models that create flexibility through activities of timing supply and demand. Based on an extensive qualitative analysis of interviews and industry research in the energy industry, the paper at hand explores the role of timing-based business models in the power sector and sheds light on the mechanisms of flexibility creation through timing. In particular we distill four ideal-type business models of flexibility creation with timing and reveal how they can be classified along two dimensions, namely costs of multiplicity and intervention costs. We put forward that these business models offer ‘coupled services’, combining resource-centered and service-centered perspectives. This complementary character has important implications for energy policy.  相似文献   

风能领域的主要竞争者的技术竞争战略分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着石油和煤炭等化石能源的短缺和带来的气候问题,许多国家开始重视风能、太阳能等可再生能源。德国、日本、丹麦、关国、西班牙等国家在风能发电率和风机技术方面都走在世界的前列,风力发电机的主要竞争者也都来自这些国家。本文通过对国内外专利数据库和网络信息源的检索,对风能领域的主要竞争者的技术竞争战略进行了分析,可以发现各国发展风能的技术竞争战略包括国内需求、重视专利保护、并购以及合作研发等。我国对风能领域的研发和应用已很重视,同时还要加强竞争情报研究,以期从国外主要竞争者的技术竞争战略学习和借鉴有用的经验。  相似文献   

盐城新能源产业现状及发展趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭宗林  虞华  陈光亚  程鑫 《中外能源》2010,15(12):106-109
目前盐城市新能源主要有风能、太阳能、生物质能以及新能源汽车产业。其中,盐城新能源汽车产业正处于起步发展的关键阶段;风能、太阳能和生物质能的开发利用正处于加速发展的起步阶段,尤其是风电装备产业发展迅速。盐城发展新能源产业具有机遇良好、自然资源优越、产业基础雄厚等优势。但同时也存在风电装备产业发展仍相对滞后、风电场土地使用不够集约、太阳能光伏产业发展陷入低潮、新能源汽车推广普及还有难度,缺乏整体规划、研发能力薄弱等制约因素;另外还存在技术障碍、运营成本高、安全与环境问题、盈利困难等产业繁荣背后的隐忧。应努力做好规划和组织引导工作,建立研发投入机制;继续加大扶持力度,改善政策环境和市场条件;注重整机的引进和大企业拉动;加大科技投入,增强研发能力;继续推进新能源汽车产业建设,以求做大做强。  相似文献   

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